Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Saturday success -- well, two! First, I went to a gig last night and planned to drink 2 pints of beer, in my log and everything, and did so and hit my target for the day. Woot. And then second, I have got up this morning and done my 5k -- just walking (I was the "tailrunner" at parkrun so was going at the pace of the slowest).

    September logging and thread-checking. 9/13 so far; yesterday was a great day.

    Jeanette: oh wow those black bean burritos sound like a fantastic lunch! Though I'd probably use tinned beans and frozen spinach (frozen chopped spinach is an absolute staple of my diet). You'll be hearing this from lots of people but the best way to keep your baby safe from germs is to breastfeed, because then she'll get your immune system for free while she's building up her own.

    Karen: yes, we're still morris dancing. The side is really busy at the moment!

    Kate: I don't think I'll ever get to the point where I'm safe with ice cream in the house. We just get one half-litre carton, and then share it between all four of us. So that's ok really, easy to plan for.

    Susan: mostly my garden is lawn and flowers rather than food, though I have quite a lot of herbs. Actually, mostly it's weeds right now. I did half an hour yesterday, so if I just keep it up it will be looking better in no time.

    Lori: Morris dancing is English traditional folk dancing. Our side dances in the Cotswold style (just the men) and Northwest clog (mixed). So I dance in the mixed side, and play melodeon (button accordion) for both. We're dancing the week after next at the Pearly Kings and Queens harvest festival; I'll try to post a pic.

    And it's the weekend! Hope we're all planning a splendid one!

    -- Alison
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Ellen-We are both sending all our best wishes to you! We hope things get better fast!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Happy Positive Thinking Day
    On September 13, 2014, you shouldn't lose any energy into negative thoughts, because on that date is the Positive Thinking Day. It was introduced in 2003 by an American entrepreneur to celebrate the benefits of positive thinking. It's best to start with a good thought ("Today is a good day!") into Positive Thinking Day.

    Positive thinking is a concept that is known from personality or motivational seminars and advice literature. The goal of positive thinking is to ensure, that through constant positive influence a long-term constructive and optimistic attitude will be reached and consequently a higher satisfaction and quality of life will be achieved.

    Optimists have been shown to live healthier lifestyles which may influence disease. For example, optimists smoke less, are more physically active, consume more fruit, vegetables and whole-grain bread, and consume more moderate amounts of alcohol. A meta-analysis has confirmed the assumption that optimism is related to psychological well-being.

    “None of us can change our yesterdays but all of us can change our tomorrows.” ~Colin Powell

  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 128
    Have been away for two weeks with out scale, etc.
    My weigh in day is Monday so I won't know where I am but hopefully not up!
    I have been eating in front of everybody this past two weeks which is kind of a weird goal, but I am a secret eater and that is why I gain weight or rather why I fail to lose weight, so eating in front of people is a victory for me.
    A success for the past week.

    My next goal is to look at weight loss in ten lbs. sections. I think I will do better breaking it up into bits and pieces. So ten seems so much more doable for me.

    Sticking to food plan so far so good for today.

    Doing ten minutes of exercise a day to get back into some sort of schedule plus my Silver Sneakers class on Tues and Thurs.

    Enough for me right now.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tom--love the Powell quote!

    @alison--great job being the tail runner--5k is 5k regardless of how fast or slow! :drinker: Wuld love to see some new morris pics after your festival.

    @lori--sounds like you are gettin caught up at work and have some strategies in play to make things easier in the future. I feel the same way about my planks as you about your push-ups. :laugh:

    @susan--it's funny b/c I'm pretty social in all other aspects of my life, but you're right, I love my solitude when working out. In fact, I'm never happier than when I go to the gym and no one else is there. I sometimes wish I did enjoy working out with others b/c I think the "dancer" (and I use that term humorously) in me would enjoy zumba. I also used to take kick-boxing classes--I liked the activity, but not the class format or the need to stick to a schedule. :ohwell: It sounds like you are doing great with your new boot camp--so happy for you, but I don't envy those burpees! Those have to be my least favorite exercise of all time! :laugh:

    @katrena--I'm in the same boat as you--I really need to focus more on staying under calorie goal consistently. It's funny that I used to have no problem eating at 1200 net every day, and now I'm struggling to stay at 10% below TDEE. I definitely need to be more mindful of what I put in my mouth. I also think I need to remind my husband to work with healthier ingredients (ground turkey instead of ground beef for example). He was really great at that for awhile, but it seems we've both slipped.

    @tanya--yes, I try to bulk up my pasta with veggies as well.

    @marsha--Very germy indeed. My friend was mortified that she had to eat that m&m. :laugh:

    @laurie--hope you don't bruise too badly.

    Saturday Success:
    Hmm. Not so much to report this week. It wasn't the worst week, but I didn't get nearly enough exercise, and food could have been better. I guess I've done an okay job keeping up with grading, so that's something. My sole grading goal for this weekend is to get through the motif analyses. We will just pretend I didn't also collect those AP essays....:wink:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 60/60 Censorship article responses DONE
    2. x/60 F451 Motif analyses

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--rest day
    Wed--walk gunner + gym (????) NOPE
    Thurs--rest day
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE (raining)
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    September Challenge:
    Meet my TDEE -10% to -15% = 1680-1780 calories. I will keep my running tally over or short up until my trip to meet laurie and susan. Last month I came in a few hundred over. This month I'm determined to be under when I get on the plane to head to NYC on Sept. 27th!!

    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = -721
    100g of protein = 8/30 days
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Disappeared for a couple days and had a few over calorie days....chocolate and carbs....:tongue:

    But, Saturday Success: I logged everything. Every darn poor choice. How can I fix things if I'm not honest with myself and have an accurate log, right? September's Get-My-S#&T-Straight Month is half over and I'm getting there. Slowly, but surely.

    Today we're working on housework as a family, listening to Pandora, and taking the occasional five-minute dance break! Having fun and getting my house clean. Tonight we go to Mass and then after there is a pizza party at church. I'll probably be over calories again today....unless I start taking some more dance breaks....:happy:
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I am not a happy camper. My back is causing me so much discomfort that I called out of work today. To add insult to injury we lost our internet and cable and had to go most of the day without it. I did finally get my home office drawers organized. :bigsmile:

    I have suffered with foot and back pain for years. The feet due to being overweight along with jobs that really took a major tow on them. The back was never a problem until about 3 1/2 years ago I bent and picked up a sock. I've had it go completely out on me twice and for the last several months I've had this one spot (lower left side) that goes from a constant ache to major discomfort. I made an appointment with a chiropractor and applied kinesiologist for Tuesday. I work with a girl that swears by him. He better fix

    @Tanya, I am truly praying that losing a significant amount of weight and keeping up with the exercise will improve my condition. I'm just so over it!! :grumble: Of course today won't be a weight loss day. Hubby felt bad for me and went to Jason's Deli for dinner and I have done zero excising or walking. Oh well maybe tomorrow I can work it off. Sure was tasty!! :bigsmile:

    @ Kate, good luck with your move. It sounds like your friend and a fresh start will be very good for you. I completely understand about having to stay away from certain foods. There are things that just can't be in my house at this time in my life. I get annoyed on the message boards when people talk about being able to eat whatever you want as long as it's in your daily calorie limit. While that is is not true for us who binge. Heck if we had control we wouldn't be here in the first place, right???? Anyway, you can do it and you know the secret is to get right back on track. :flowerforyou:

    @ Nettie, that black bean burrito with spinach sounds delish!!! I will so have to make that. Of course I think it would be tasty with some mac-n-cheese on the side. :wink:

    @Skinny, I once made hubby some quinoa and he made me promise to never do it again! :bigsmile:

    Welcome to all the newbies!! :flowerforyou:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Saturday success: 13/14 days on plan, 38.5 miles walked so far this week (I will walk this evening), one terrible, awful, no good, very bad day. This morning I had 19 here for breakfast followed by the BSU football game. That stretched into lunch. I am exhausted from feeding people so we are doing Papa Murphy's for dinner. I have completely lost track of what I've eaten. There will be no bingeing, but no logging either. I'm pretty sure I'll be over on calories. I still have to finish up the batch of zucchini relish that I started this morning.
    Susan, glad you are enjoying the boot camp. I'm sure I could not do it.
    Hansea, your description of cleaning house with the kids brought back some fun memories of our Saturdays when my kids were little. Such happy times.
    Teresa, I've had wonderful success with a chiropractor. I hope it works for you.
    Alison, I love your posts. It is fun to get the descriptions of British activities. A very large percentage of my DNA is British.
    I've had a nap, so I'm ready to tackle that relish. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    It's only 7:30 and I'm so ready for bed! Exhausted... today I spent 6 hours on a fast flowing river while geocaching with friends. There were 3 of us in one canoe, and since we made frequent stops along the shoreline and with the current so strong, we ended up passing the spot we needed to get to, then turn around and paddle back up stream to get into position. We did this about 18 times. :noway:

    I got home after that and made some lentil soup, which is still on the stove. The house is chilly as it was only 14C out today, and I leave my bedroom window open for the cat to go in and out (spoiled much? :laugh: ) The heat from the stove is warming my small place up nicely, I think it's far too early to turn the furnace on.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Guess who ate pizza and cake tonight and was still only 20ish calories over her goal (anything less than 100 calories over I am counting as a 'win' for the day)??? That's right. THIS girl! :bigsmile:

    Also, I have a friend whose son was hospitalized on Thursday because he is struggling to breathe. He is 7 years old and they've confirmed that he has the enterovirus 68D that has been so terrible this season. He is still not able to get off the oxygen support tonight. Just can't keep that O2 level up on his own! At least with the O2 support he is doing okay. They're just giving him oxygen and watching him in the hospital, hoping he'll be able to breathe easier as his immune system eradicates the germs. Very scary stuff! He was barely sick on Thursday morning, but they kept him home from school just in mid-morning he was ashen and his fingernails and lips were turning blue. Please pray for him and my friend and their family. They're a household of 6, and hopefully no one else gets this! I hope he will turn a corner soon and be able to go home.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hansea praying for your friend's son, hope he is doing better soon.

    Susan- I will give them a try in the near future. Great job with boot camp. I also need organized workouts to attend to keep me motivated and accountable.

    Kah/ Kelley- Great news that everything is good with your trainer, I know he is a great friend for you as well as your trainer.

    Skinny/ Karen- The bruise is making it's appearance so it should look great by tomorrow. I will also be grading papers this weekend. I have 2 sets left to grade which is about 60 papers. Of course they are a short response question but will require feedback for improvement on their response.

    Success I made it back to the pool today and the swim felt good. However, I realized that I don't like swimming in the lane were the pool has the major slope downhill, it messes with my perception. I was thrilled when I was moved down a lane and was able to split with 1 other person. The swim was good and it felt great to be back in the water today after three weeks. I will also start training for the swim meets that start in October.

    Tonight, I am enjoying the Navy football game- So go Navy beat Texas State!!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--I'm not much of a college football fan, but am also tuning in to that game--GO NAVY!! Good luck with the grading. Mine are also short, so that's good at least. :smile:

    @hansea--that respiratory virus is pretty scary. I haven't heard about any cases in our school, but I think it's been primarily hitting younger kids. Hope he is okay. Oh, I also take dance breaks when I clean, but I'm all alone with my dog. :blushing: :laugh:

    @tanya--we had to turn on the heat for the first time last night as temps dropped into the low 40's F. It's back off today and temps are supposed to go back up over the next week.

    @kaye--I know I've said this before, but I love reading the posts about your full house of family members. Reminds me of my childhood at my grandma's where there were always family members coming and going. My parents moved away from both of their families so it's just us here in Chicago. It's still fun to get together, but a very different vibe when "everyone" is 8 people.

    @teresa--:laugh: My DH isn't that bad about the quinoa. He'll eat it when I incorporate it into a dish, but he never thinks to cook it himself. Sorry your back is hurting. :grumble: I used to have terrible sciatic nerve pain, but it's completely gone away since getting custom orthotics to treat my plantar fasciitis. I hope the chiro helps, but I would like to also suggest a podiatrist or orthopedist. If your feet are in pain, you will probably continue to have back pain, and it may spread to other joints such as knees and hips.

    Saturday Success:
    I now have a success in that I got to the gym and had a good workout. DId some weights and then 20 minutes on bike and 20 minutes on elliptical. I;ve also done pretty good with food today. I will come in under, just not sure how much--depends on if I want an apple w/pb or fruitare for evening snack. :smile:

    I didn't get much grading done b/c I was short on time, but tomorrow it will be my priority. I can spend all day grading b/c I ran other errands today. Not sure if I will go to the gym or run outside tomorrow, but I will do one or the other.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 5/60 F451 Motif analyses

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--rest day
    Wed--walk gunner + gym (????) NOPE
    Thurs--rest day
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE (raining)
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    September Challenge:
    Meet my TDEE -10% to -15% = 1680-1780 calories. I will keep my running tally over or short up until my trip to meet laurie and susan. Last month I came in a few hundred over. This month I'm determined to be under when I get on the plane to head to NYC on Sept. 27th!!

    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = -721
    100g of protein = 8/30 days
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    4.5 miles tonight.
    We still have the air conditioner on most of the time. The 10 day forecast is for high 80s and low 90s. At least we aren't seeing the 100s any more and it cools off earlier in the evening.
    Good night. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hope all is well with everyone! My trip has gone awry. Trip is a good word for it. I had a very bad fall right on first day and am laid up in bed until time to return home. What a way to go - its so silly I'm not going to describe the events but 3 of 4 limbs are out of commission and can't even ride in car yet. Been to ER and all bandaged and in a brace also. Its too crazy for words. Missing all the sites I had planned to see. Well things could be worse - could have broken bones - only have bad spraines -:sad:
    Will stay til end of reservation to recuperate and will plan another vacation when I'm all well. :grumble: But I have no appetite so hope the scale will reflect that when I get home. Something to look forward too. :bigsmile:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Oh, robin! I'm so sorry to hear about your fall. I'm glad you didn't break any bones, but so sad that you are missing the sights. :cry: Sending hugs and hopes that you heal up quickly and aren't in too much pain.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi Again -

    Welcome to all the newbies - keep posting and we will support you with good advice

    Oldies - I am so impressed with your honesty, your support for each other, your support to the newbies, and your continued effort to progress on your journey and coming back so frequently to post your successes or your struggles.
    Also thanks for saying you miss me - that warms my heart :heart:

    You are all wonderful people.

    Tom, my Facebook friend, thanks for supporting me there too. I got alittle bit too drama, but I needed to vent at first. Drama over. I'm chipper again.
    Life is always good. Happiness is what you make for yourself!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: 6-Week Challenge, Week 1 is complete. No Diet Coke all week. Did not eat outside of my eating plan. Averaged 120 oz water every day. Averaged 135 grams of protein every day. Participated 5 days in Boot Camp. The week has been an eye opener and I'm learning a lot. I'm excited about week 2. I loaded up with veggies today from Sam's Club and then finished up at the grocery store. I'll be getting all my meals done tomorrow. I'm a little worried about week 3 because of the convention and how I'm going to make boot camp plus figure out meals at the hotel. I'm going to take my protein powder and shaker all I need is a bottle of water and ice. I'm also thinking of taking my meals with me too. Is that tacky? I'm just worried about the hotel food and not finding proteins smothered in sauces, oils, etc. . . I'll figure it out, but any suggestions?

    @ Robin - Oh no! I'm so sorry to read about your fall. Like you said luckily things were not broken and just sprained, but it does put a damper on your trip.
    @ Kaye - Walking machine!!!
    @ Skinny/Karen - I'm glad you got a nice workout in. I know you were going to focus this weekend and get your food on track. It sounds like you did. Good for you!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @susan--I don't think it's tacky to take your own food. At the very least take some snacks in addition to your protein powder. Last time I traveled for a convention, I took some of those Special K hot cereals and used the room's coffee maker to get boiled water. I ate one to fill up before facing the tables of danish, and it really helped. Almonds, jerky, and protein bars also travel well. Not sure what you could take for meals that doesn't require refrigeration during travel. If your room has a fridge and microwave, maybe you could see if there's a nearby grocery store to stock up on some things when you get there? Finally, don't be afraid to ask that they leave off the sauces or serve them on the side. I know that's not always possible with catered events, but it doesn't hurt to ask, right?
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Good morning all!

    The weather is much improved and so is my mood. I got loads of paperwork done but alas am not quite caught up. Today hubby is going to the Packers game so I intend to get more done.
    Over ate yesterday on pizza so feeling bloated today. I am off to the gym to do my big sunday workout. Spin, BodyPump, resistance and maybe a short swim. Food will go better today.
    I bought new bras yesterday, skipped down 2 band sizes and 1 cup size so feeling pretty good about my body today.

    I BOUGHT A NEW BIKE!!!!!!!! Had to shout that one. I really like it. Did not have to spend a lot. With the helmet, saddle and small adjustments about $700.00. It is a commuter so not really for competitions but at this time I really am only working toward finishing the one triathlon. Not really in for the competition with other athletes just myself.

    Now that I am feeling better and not on any medications I feel my old addictions nudging me. So far I have been able to ignore them. I did dream about pasta the other night, and when I was walking through the downtown yesterday I so wanted a beer.

    @Robin - Ouch on many fronts.

    @Susan - You can make good choices!

    @Alison - Watched some Youtube videos of Morris dancing. I am part Mohican, Stockbridge - Munsee, it reminds me of Powwow dancing, but more ritualized. We wear jingles when we dance. I love it.

    Love to all, I am off to the gym,
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Sunday share: well, lots of newbies again, so I'll say the basic stuff. I'm Alison, I'm a very scary 49, and I live in suddenly-trendy Walthamstow, East London, with my husband and kids: daughter (17) and son (14). I don't work at the moment but am studying, and working on a little start-up with a pal. I play button accordion and dance morris dancing, which is a traditional English folk dance. I have spent most of my life fat, but am sort of fed up of that now. I lost more than 50 pounds when I started on MFP! Yay hay! But then I got busy and stressed, and put 75% of that back on again. Kids, don't do this! But I'm back on track now, and at least I didn't go all the way back to where I started before seeing the light. I have dear friends who nagged me, too. Unexpected gains of weight loss include that my husband, who was never particularly unfit but had about 30 pounds to lose, caught the bug and is now absolutely fit and lean and looks wonderful for his age. He didn't regain because he is not an idiot.

    September logging and thread-checking. 10/14 so far. Yesterday was a super day; having done my 5k in the morning (walking all the way this time) I didn't feel that hungry all day. I'm going to spend that 'underspend' on a banana sandwich one day when I'm feeling particularly ravenous.

    @Soosun: I do weight loss in 10 pound sections as well. I reckon I can definitely lose ten pounds, and that's enough to start feeling a lot better.

    @Teresa: I always get lots of housework done when our internet goes out! And my family feel that way about quinoa too.

    @Kaye: that is a lot of walking! I have a friend on MFP who walks all the time; 8-10 miles each day at the weekends, 2-4 miles each day in the week. She's lost loads of weight and looks amazing (to be fair, she looked amazing before she started losing weight too).

    @Tanya: canoe geocaching sounds like an extreme sport. I bet you BURNED ALL THE CALORIES.

    @Hansea: so scary for your friend! But now that her son is getting support in hospital I'm sure he'll be fine. It's very scary for parents though.

    @Robin: oh, what a horrible thing to happen! That's awful. Hope you're feeling better soon.

    @Susan: a nice hotel can always do you plain food without sauces. But you might find it easier to take your stuff as long as you have a fridge or whatever you need. And what others have said on having the right sort of healthy snacks with you. I'm glad boot camp is working out for you.

    @Lori: It's so exciting when you get a new bike! I do want to hear all about triathlon training. I'm the world's slowest runner, swimmer and cyclist so I'm sure I'd be completely rubbish at tri.

    My Sunday would be very restful were it not for the gentle sounds of Mario Kart drifting from the living room... hope you're having a great weekend!

    -- Alison
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Robin- What a terrible vacation! I hope everything heals up quickly and that you're able to plan an even better vacation for the future.

    Allison- I know those "gentle" Mario Kart tones very well in my home, too. Sometimes I play with the kids, but it's pretty intense. No good for a relaxing Sunday.

    Lori- Congrats on the smaller bra and the brand new bike!

    Susan- Good work with your boot camp challenge! I liked Skinny's suggestions for what to take/do about your week 3 hotel dilemma. If all else fails, maybe you can scrape some of the sauces off or take smaller portions. I'm confident that you will do fine.

    Kaye- It was about 45 degrees outside this morning when I went for my run...air conditioning seems like a thing of the past for us! Brr!

    Skinny- Good job staying under goal. Now get to that grading!

    Laurie- I'm always impressed with your swimming. I'm a doggie paddler.

    AFM- Thank you to everyone praying for my friend's son. He got to go home this morning! Phew! So scary! Also, my friend said that as they were leaving, there were several new children being admitted for the same thing. They've only confirmed that it's enterovirus, but we're assuming it will type positive for the 68D strain. He has a follow up with his pediatrician tomorrow. Hoping that he continues on the road to full recovery.

    Sunday Share: I'm 34 years old, married for almost 8 years (anniversary is coming up in October) with two kids (DD- age 7, DS- age 5). We also live with two turtles, two fish and two cats. My husband and I often joke about the ark we're starting, but he has yet to agree to any other pets. I work nearly full time and I'm training for my first half-marathon, so my summer has been a blur of work and running. The race is coming up in less than a week now! My aunt and uncle have said that they'll be coming out to cheer which is very exciting...I'm also looking forward to seeing my kids and husband at different points along the route. My primary goal will be to finish. My secondary goal is to finish in less than 3.5 hours.

    I went for my last long run before the race this morning...I tried the chocolate gu and the root beer. Both are delish. The chocolate is like frosting, but I think I liked the root beer even better. Still thinking I wouldn't buy them unless I was training for an event or participating in an event. Kind of expensive for sugar and caffeine. Though, at least I could get the experience of eating chocolate frosting straight from the bowl without eating an entire can or bowl of frosting since the gu comes in tiny packets!:blushing: :laugh: