Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • hortensehildegarde
    Hello! I don't think I have posted in this thread before, and if I did I forgot about it :) I need to lose right about 100 lbs. My ticker shows a mini-goal so as I don't get so discouraged with the enormity of it all :) Please to "meet" you all!

    My weekend went well and I am almost back down to what I had lost earlier in the year before I stopped logging for a few months so that was a good thing! Just 2 more lbs to I get to the 229 low I saw back in February :) Right now I am just trying to get in the mindset so reading on the message boards helps a lot.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys-
    In mega-grading mode, so here are my super quick personals:

    @hansea--great job!!

    @laurie--awesome about your trainer!

    @nettie--hooray, can't wait to meet you!

    @holly--good for you--proud of you for standing strong!

    @robin & tanya--focus on getting all healed up.

    @tom--yay for hobbits!

    @kelley--we will miss you too, but you know you are glad your cruise didn't get canceled.

    @gorilla--can't wait to meet you too!

    Monday Check-in:
    I finished 2 of 3 classes worth of essays. I had to increase the amount for today b/c I realized my students will be turning in reading journals tomorrow. I will need to grade all 67 and return them by friday b/c they need them to study for their test next monday. New plan isn't pretty:

    Tuesday = 25 journals + 6 essays
    Wed = 25 journals + 14 essays (no gym)
    Thurs = 17 journals + 6 essays

    Grading Goals:
    1. 41/67 AP essays
    2. x/67 AP journals

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--travel to NY
    Sun--T2T 5k!!!

    September Challenge:
    Meet my TDEE -10% to -15% = 1680-1780 calories. I will keep my running tally over or short up until my trip to meet laurie and susan. Last month I came in a few hundred over. This month I'm determined to be under when I get on the plane to head to NYC on Sept. 27th!!

    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = -279
    100g of protein = 11/30 days
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    It's FALL at last! :heart:

    Monday Check-in: -1.6 lbs. since last Monday, -26.2 lbs. in the last 8 weeks.
    September goals: 21/22 days under 1400 k, cardio 19/22 days, increased veggies and fruits

    Stabbing pain in ear and can't see Dr. until tomorrow, so I'll just say thanks for your support and WELCOME all newbies!


  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Tuesday Goals: (a) keep on for another week, (b) maintain all my good habits this week (logging, checking the thread, doing my German practice, clearing up the garden, hitting my study goals, etc).

    @Holly -- well I for one will be first in line to say "Do not believe your ex when he tells you that he's changed". But do give him weight loss info if that will help him. Good luck finding that perfect car!
    @Nettie -- 100th birthday celebrations are always so exciting! And it sounds like your grandmother-i-l was really chirpy and able to appreciate it, too. And good for you sticking up to your M-I-L. But seriously, who touches someone after they've been asked to? That's horrid.
    @Soosun -- if you're doing lots of working out then you will indeed gain weight while your clothes fit better. That's a *good* thing. Though maybe it's not just that if you had a big party weekend.
    @Tom -- I think hobbits make *very poor food choices*. Though they're probably the right ones for hobbits.
    @Kaye -- you are doing *so* well.

    September logging and counting ... oops I kind of lost track. I think it's about 16/23 at this point now. Yesterday was a pretty good day, though I had expected to dance last night and didn't so went a tiny bit over on my calories.

    Hope you're all having a brilliant Tuesday!

    -- Alison
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    Susan Happy National Woman Road Warrior Day

    Sep 22nd, 2014
    Web site:

    A day of recognition for the nation’s traveling businesswomen. Like their male counterparts, Woman Road Warriors open and close deals, make sales, give presentations, attend or lead seminars and maintain that all-important in-person presence in the often impersonal corporate world. But simultaneously, many are often charged with keeping their families on track at home—especially their babies, toddlers and multitasking school-age children—and nurture them, even from a long distance.

    “There is nothing noble in being superior to someone else. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.” ~Hindu proverb

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Tuesday.... My goal today is to drink more water. I have been drinking a lot of diet coke.

    @Jnettie-Sorry to hear about your diagnosis and please be careful.... I also hated people touching my stomach when pregnant.

    @Grammy Whammy- Good luck at doctor- hope it is something small like a sinus issue causing it.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Wow, this is moving along again and I am popping in to say hi, Hi.

    I went on a trip to Prescott AZ and gained 5 lbs, so now i am thinking about logging again.

    looked over some post and you guys seem to be doing well and moving along, thanks I know I can always come here and get a warm fuzzy.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Happy fall! It was in the 60's this a.m., a big deal in Texas!

    Thanks, MN, I am feeling a little better. The Dr. said it was Eustachian tube spasms (???-didn't know they could do that!) and put me on a nasal spray to be followed by steroids if that doesn't work. What it feels like is a hot poker being jammed in my ear! Yikes!

    Nettie: Sorry you have a toxic MIL. It's great that you firmly established those boundaries, because grandparents need reminding. We're all so gaga when it comes to babies. :love: Hope you are feeling better, too.

    Today's goal: Find a birthday present for the man who doesn't need anything. Hubby, who's an armchair athlete due to disabilities, will be 72 tomorrow and I am tired of giving him, ahem, underwear, socks and shirts. Kids have exhausted all the usual manly things too. I'd like to give him a vacation to somewhere far away for a few weeks, but that would be more for me than him.:laugh:

    Stay strong, everyone! We can make good, healthy choices. Any ideas for an October challenge? No Halloween candy within 200 feet of house? Eat a pumpkin a day? Just being silly here.

    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    There's no defeat in life
    Save from within,
    Unless you're beaten there
    You're bound to win

    Back on track with food. Need to save room for a fruit in the evening so I will not cheat. Worked in my garden today. Getting more organized around the house. Visited a friend in SC yesterday, Pleasant drive with the sunroof open.




    WHAT PART OF TEXAS ARE YOU IN. I used to live in Houston.

    We are having beautiful autumn days and I am working outside as much as possible.

    blackgirl fat _ Welcome to the group. Try recording everything you eat. It helps me a lot

    Bohemian - I'm sure it's just water weight. You will get on the scale soon and see a large drop. That will make up for the disappointment

    MnWalking Queen - Love your new profile pic. Nice of you to be kind to your Ex. I am getting there and slowly seeing that his leaving was a big gift to me. He, on the other hand, sees he made a mistake but I will not go back, but I am praying for a kind heart with sympathy. We all make mistakes. Hope you find something great to drive.

    Nettie, So sorry to hear about your diagnosis and pain. I have never heard of that but is points to the wisdom of the old ways. When my kids were born, we stayed in the hospital a full week, then went home and had our mother in laws (maybe not a good idea with yours) stay for two weeks to help out. We mostly rested. Sounds like this would have benefited you.

    I think you handled the situation with your mother in law perfectly. She seems like a piece of work.

    SooSun - Good for you using the tape measure. I need to do that. Folks are saying I look like I lost, but I seem stuck. Congrats on keeping up with the Squat challenge

    Morgori - Where is the world do you find out about all the different celebratory days? They keep me laughing.

    RobinsEgg - Sorry you are not feeling well. Hang in there girl!!~ We are all rooting for you

    Kah - You deserve a treat. You have done so great at your weight loss

    GorillaNJ - Good luck on the run

    Tanya - Sorry you are in pain and hope the car gets fixed soon

    Teresa- I am reading a book "The mindful Path to Self Compassion by Germer and it ties in to what you said about not beating yourself up. You may be like me, kind to everyone but yourself.
    You should be proud of your accomplishment. You Rock!!!

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Ok - gonna bang out a few personals - gonna go back to pg. 14 and start from there and skip a lot - so sorry if I miss you this time!

    Susan - have a great time in NYC -

    JenninTX- welcome - hope you enjoy it here your BDAY trip sounds fun - love musicals!

    BlackgirlF- so happy you've joined us - we'll help you every step of the way - nice plan re the ridding house of nuts (sending them to relatives? :laugh: )

    Charmy98 - Aussie and Canadian- what a world traveler you are - and welcome here too! Great loss!

    Hansea - congrats on you and your kids performances!

    CBlue - lori - thanks for your Sunday share - like getting to know all of you better thru this feature! :flowerforyou:

    soosun - glad to see your sticking with it! silver sneakers class sounds cool - you'll find your waist getting smaller just doing the squat challenge and cardio! :drinker:

    Morgori -Tom - Lovely tribute to your wife. Beautiful Orchid!

    AprilShowers - glad your still checking in!

    Frazierk7 - oh my gosh - how many kids? WOW - well, don't worry about how much you weigh now. Lets just get started. You sound like your prob getting plenty of exercise. Maybe start with your food diary and just start entering every bite, lick and taste you eat. You will be surprised after a week of that by how many calories you consume. After that info, you will see where you need to cut back......

    sashajasmin - welcome to you! we are here for you! here meaning in this thread - stop by often

    Teresa - yes - be positive - wow a loss for seven straight weeks - that is super great ! :drinker: My congrats!

    sagarka1 - welcome also - hope you stick around!

    Skinnyjeans - Karen - boy can I relate to your need for sleep. I NEVER take naps - but laid down today for 1 hour - felt like sending out a bulletin it was such a rarity :noway: :laugh: glad you enjoyed taking niece to lunch

    GramKaye - so sorry your stuck on a plateau - how frustrating when your doing everything right! :cry:

    Boho Coast/Alison - great advise to the new comers!

    Walking queen - so sorry about your car dying. I have a "Vision Board" and I cut out pictures of things I want (within my reach) and look at it daily. Sometime in the future I reach those goals and I can take that pix down. I helps me along the way. Maybe that will help you think positively about getting a good used car - just thinkin outloud! :glasses:

    Nettie - feel so bad for you and your RLP problem - hope the kids are easier on you this week! Also re your MIL you handled it wonderfully! I am SO IMPRESSED with you standing up your your personal rights - I wish I had half the backbone you have! :flowerforyou:

    KateIrving - I'm a big Hobbit fan myself - the books whisked me away far far away!

    Kah - I really LOVE shopping for clothes, and when can't afford love the ads! Boots are fun too! No heels for me tho, can't walk in them at all - sigh - love the look! Will shop with others for their clothes and be their "runner" and fetch them what they need - thats fun too!

    Gorilla - elequent post - I'm such a patriot through and through - I almost wept! :heart:

    Tanya - sounds like a good fair ins. agent - hope she works for you rightly!

    Laurie - I can feel the excitement build for the race - glad your fitting your exercise in with your hectic pace

    hortenshilde - welcome - glad your enjoying our thread!

    GWhammy - OMG - a hot poker in your EAR? Sounds terrible painful!!:sad: hope the pain stops soon :cry:

    Ushkii - here's a warm fuzzy just for you "HUGS" always miss you when your away so glad you always return! :heart:

    KJeffries - great quote - thanks! good exercise plan. Gratitude journal - something I should get back too.

    AFM - Wee bit better just a slow recovery cuz I'm O-L-D and fragile, LOL. doing small loads of laundry again today. target tomorrow is another shower and a visit from a friend maybe. I get worn out so easy its silly :laugh:
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Well, I got some good news from the insurance company... they called to say the body shop would take my car next Monday, but I explained my situation and they said if I could get the body shop to take the car early then I could get my rental earlier. So I explained my situation to the body shop and they said I could bring it in today. Problem solved! I got my rental today so I can start full days back at work tomorrow (with some neck pain but it is manageable). Not sure what is going to happen with the 3 partial days missed, I was more focused on getting my car into the shop and me into a rental. I will have to deal with that later. And to top it all off, my rental was just being brought out of the car wash when the employee hit another car driving by in the parking lot! :noway: So the Kia Sorento I was sooo looking forward to driving became a Mitsubishi Outlander, but a brand spanking new 2015. That is the ONLY thing I like about having to get my car repaired through insurance... a free brand new car to drive. :laugh:

    Tomorrow I see the physiotherapist, and hope to be cleared to return to active PT sessions, or at least something modified. I am itching to get back to working out. I also want all this insurance stuff to go away quickly, but still have to talk to the injury claim adjustor tomorrow as well.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    bump papers to grade tonight.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Happy Tuesday - Still feeling successful.

    WO with the trainer was grueling. We have switched it to HIIT. High Intensity Interval Training. Mostly 60 or 90 seconds of a single exercise, i.e. 90 seconds of push-ups followed by 30 second rest, 90 seconds of dead rows followed by 30 second rest. A two minute rest between sets. I managed three sets of exercises in 45 minutes. The goal is to work up to more reps during each interval.
    I know how good this is in the long run but I am heading for bed about 2 hours early tonight. Weigh in and measurements on Thursday. I think it will be good.

    KJeffries - Thanks for the very inspirational quote. So where my head is right now. I can do this.

    Robin - Hope you are healing quickly and soon back up to speed.

    To all the teachers out there. I hold you all in high esteem. The grading sounds agonizing. More paperwork than I could ever face.

    Love to all, :heart:
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Tuesday Goals: Get fully rested up and pay close attention to my calories as I won't be exercising much this week. Look for a new long term fitness goal.

    GrammyWhammy- Eat a pumpkin a day? LOL :laugh: :laugh:

    Tanya- I can't believe your first rental was in an accident! You are not having a very lucky car week!

    Skinny and Laurie- Happy Grading!

    AFM- Instead of going for a recovery run today, I chose to eat recovery hot dogs for dinner. :laugh:
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 128
    Thank you for all the positive input with my beginning squat challenge. Today was a productive day.

    Today I took pictures of myself in my work out shorts and bra. Not pretty, but honest and shows what needs to be done.
    Took measurements also.
    Added goal of stomach flattening exercises each morning and squats either done am or pm.
    Set a goal to have my waist measure less than it was today by 7 days from now. Doable for the waist even if it is only tiny increments, I want to tape to measure smaller. You think?
    Also attended my silver sneakers class at the gym and I had so much fun. Used 5 lbs weights today and not too bad. Want to bump up to 8 lbs weights in October.
    I am staying with my lovely daughter this past summer, fall, and winter as my husband travels 28 days at at ime and then is home for three days; I have a bedroom/sitting room I am furnishing on the cheap. One of my other daughters sent me a small tv that they no longer use so I decided to find a place for that to enjoy from my little loveseat or the bed. It was fun trying to figure out what to put where and to make a short list of things I need to get to make it all happen. Plus moving furniture gets the heart pumping! A good exercise in staying out of the kitchen between 4 and 6 PM until dinner is ready. Good to keep your mind on something besides food all of the time. Is it only me?
    I am again impressed with all the weight that slowly fall off of all of your stalwart life changers. You are my inspiration; I really think I am doing it this time. Ta-ta!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Just a quick update. . . The convention is finally here. Tomorrow is the golf tournament, afternoon practice on stage for our presentations, welcome reception at 7:30 and dinner with some vendors at 8:30. Thursday will be the convention, vendor show and I'm supposed to go to another dinner, but I think I'm going to bail. Cyrus has a game and that takes priority in my book. Friday will be meetings all day with a banquet that night and then I have a 7:00 a.m. flight to NYC!!! This is what I'm really looking forward too is seeing Skinny/Karen & Laurie. Cannot wait for our trip.

    I'm sorry I've been MIA this week, but totally exhausted. I'm super proud of my dedication though and getting refocused. This week I started the 3rd week of my challenge. Yesterday I was down 17 lbs. Eating is strict. Boot camp is tough. Perhaps that's what I needed was some serious tough love. Who knows? For some reason, I'm thriving on it. The past two mornings I was up at 4:10 to hit the 5 a.m. boot camp. I'm planning Thursday and Friday to hit 4 days this week. Super proud of what I've done so far and looking forward to how much stronger I'm going to get.

    I'll check in when I can, but I'll be pretty quiet until next Wednesday when I return. I miss your post, but will catch up when I get back.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Grading so just a quick "hi" to all and update of goals.

    I've decided that I don't care if I finish all of the journals by friday. The kids can have them back to study over the weekend and I'll recollect them when I return next Wed. I'll be happy with whatever I get done.

    Tuesday = 25 journals NOT DONE + 6 essays DONE
    Wed = 25 journals + 14 essays (no gym)
    Thurs = 17 journals + 6 essays

    Grading Goals:
    1. 47/67 AP essays
    2. 15/67 AP journals

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--travel to NY
    Sun--T2T 5k!!!

    September Challenge:
    Meet my TDEE -10% to -15% = 1680-1780 calories. I will keep my running tally over or short up until my trip to meet laurie and susan. Last month I came in a few hundred over. This month I'm determined to be under when I get on the plane to head to NYC on Sept. 27th!!

    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = -199
    100g of protein = 12/30 days
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Wednesday Wishes -- well, I always wished I could go and see Kate Bush sing live and -- hurrah! -- we're going tonight!

    Marsha: that does not sound good! Hope you're feeling better soon.
    Katrena: I lived in Houston (actually Clear Lake) as a teenager for a couple of years.
    Tanya: Hope your car is back on the road soon, but how exciting to have a 2015 car to drive. Shame you have to give it back really...
    Lori: I find interval training oh-so-exhausting. I guess that means it's doing me good!
    Hansea: Recovery hot dogs sound awesome.
    Soosun: I'm not sure that tape measures are that precise. I always think that once a month is a good goal to aim for measuring with the tape measure. The best way to know that your waist is getting smaller is to keep trying on those jeans that don't quite fit!
    Susan: Hope the convention goes fantastically well!

    September logging and counting - 17/24. Yesterday was a pretty good day except for the point where I lost focus and ate a MASSIVE LUMP OF CHEESE. But still under my calories thanks to my son insisting that I walked him up to the first meeting of his new youth club.

    I'd go with bringing out all our favourite pumpkin and squash recipes for October, definitely.

    Hope Wednesday brings you all your wishes!

    -- Alison
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    So far behind on this thread, but no time to catch up!

    September Challenge - Days at or under daily calorie goal 17/30

    Good Days: 17
    Bad Days: 6
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Marsha~Your ear diagnosis does not sound like fun at all, I hope it clears up quickly. I suspect Ragweed is the culprit; it’s an all-time high around here!

    @Tanya~Definitely not a good car week for you, hope your car is fixed quickly though. Glad you are able to return to work, don’t overdo.

    @Hansea~Recovery hot dogs? I think I’d rather have a recovery steak! :laugh:

    @Susan~Hope the convention goes well, at least you have NYC to look forward to at the end of the week! :wink:

    @Karen~Yes, very glad cruise didn’t get canceled! :bigsmile: I hope you make a dent in that grading, looks like so much – testing already? Time flies.

    AFM~Not much to report, it’s a busy week since I’m off tomorrow. Then Friday I’ll be out of pocket all day as we prepare for our annual employee celebration—goodies to put together for over 200 employees (hard to believe there were less than 100 when I came to work here). Session with my trainer tonight—meeting parents for dinner tomorrow, so no time for cardio at gym this week. :frown: On the bright side, 24 days until vacation! :bigsmile: