Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • dreamagberry
    dreamagberry Posts: 10 Member
    I've done well today hope to walk tomorrow and get my schedule back in line. I appreciate all of the prayers . So I'm under calories today , and feeling better . I'm going to very soon start responding to you individually . Thank you guys for being faithful to this group I feel like family????
  • Kayzia_M
    Kayzia_M Posts: 97 Member
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Hi everyone... I'm back. I need to get back on track (again) with my eating, but will not be logging. I'm at the point where it is becoming a tedious task. Trying to make my macros (especially the protein) was making me obsess too much as well. Weighing food and logging have been tremendous tools to keep me within my calorie goal and lose weight, but I don't want to be as strict about it. I know how many calories are in the foods I eat all the time and what my servings should look like. For what I don't, I will look it up and measure it to make sure (today I cut an ounce of cheese and weighed it just to make sure... it was .9 oz so I can eyeball things pretty good now) but I want to eat freely, and start to learn to eat when I'm hungry. Too many times I've had 250 calories left and eaten them even though I wasn't hungry because MFP says I still have that amount left to eat. Other times I was left starving at night because MFP says I don't have any calories left. It worked great for me to lose the first 45 lbs, but I'm going to try to lose the next 45 lbs a bit differently.

    As for exercise, I haven't really done any planned workouts since July. I've been active just doing things I enjoy like hiking, kayaking (I bought a kayak!), bike riding etc. Fitbit shows my calorie burns still average around 2800 per day so I can still use my 2200 calorie a day guide for 1-1.5lb per week weight loss. I start back at physio tomorrow, 2 days per week and am looking forward to it. My chronic aches and pains have started to creep back in so I need to get that under control again. I'd also like to continue to build my strength and maybe start running again, but my feet still hurt... it's been a month now. :sad:

    I'm also up on the scale (no surprise with the way I let myself pig out on carbs and sweets last month) but the last few days I've been improving so that will be back on track pretty soon.

    Sorry I haven't caught up on the thread for so long but I did see one post that popped out at me...

    Nettie... Congrats!! A girl!! Woohoo!!! That's wonderful to hear. I love little girls. :heart:
  • KathiJoR
    KathiJoR Posts: 2 Member
    Hello!! I'm Kathi Jo, I've been looking for some motivational/supporters etc...and I came across the title of your thread "Need to lose 100LBS" and yep, I do! so I figured I would say hello... Hello! lol

    I'm 28 years old, I have been married for 9 years next month. I have 4 kiddos 2, 4, 6, and 8. I was 165lbs before I got pregnant with my first child. During her pregnancy I gained a LOT of weight. Just when I would start losing it, I would get pregnant again! lol Finally in 2012, I gave birth for the 4th time and got my tubes tied. I began losing weight after I had my last child in 2012. I was a whopping 326lbs the day I had him!!! and determined to get rid of it. I dropped down to 270lbs in the first 6 months after giving birth and I have been fluctuating up and down ever since. I highly underestimated how much breastfeeding was helping my weight loss!

    I have been walking/jogging for the past two weeks (more walking than jogging), but I actually decided to get serious on September 6th. I have walked/jogged EVERYDAY since then (4 days in a row, yep that's a record for me) and I'm adding more jogging and shaving minutes off my time (about 1.25 miles). I do weigh myself everyday, however I am not ruled by just the number. On September 6th, I weighed in at 276.0lbs and today I weighed in at 272.4lbs. Progress!! But more importantly, I'm feeling stronger and I've been under my calorie goals everyday. Clothes are starting to get loose again...

    My goals: Weight- lose 100 lbs (but would like to lose more)

    Maintain a healthy eating lifestyle with minimal processed foods/sugars
    Teach my children to enjoy a healthy lifestyle/body image
    Run an entire 5k (I completed a 5k in April but I didn't run the whole time)
    wrap a towel around me and it cover me!!
    Wear calf length boots (mine are too big *cries*)
    Shop in any store I want to!!

    I'm sure I will add more goals as I think of them lol

    Thanks for letting me join your thread! I hope to gain some wisdom from some you that have already lost a lot of weight! :)
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Monday Check In & Tuesday Goals: Today was my official weigh-in instead of Monday because I gained nearly 3 lbs. last week while eating under 1400 cal/day and working out every day but Sunday...BUT...this a.m. I woke up and had lost the 3 lbs. and then some. So, ta da--I lost 1.4 lbs. last week. Not a biggy but I'll take it! I thought weight loss was simple math, burn more than I take in, but guess I'm wrong. (I don't even eat the cals I burn in exercise:frown: )

    Goals are pretty much the same as ever--Eat under 1400 cals/day and exercise 6/7 days each week. Get to bed before midnight to avoid late night noshing. I'm adding more fruits and veggies to replace some of my processed snacks to see if that helps.

    NSV: Not bingeing while dealing with the strange weight gain. Believe me, under "Marsha" normal, that's how I used to deal with frustration.

    Netti: I WAS over on sodium 2 or 3 days, but thought it would right itself the next day with plenty of water. Another reason to cut back on those processed snacks, I guess.

    Robin/Ellen: Enjoyed the photos--what cute puppers! If I can figure out how to do it, someday I'll upload my grandpup's photo. He's here so often, as is his fur, that he's almost ours. Not as cuddly cute as your sister's pup, but sweet in a big-pawed, slobbery lab way.

    9/9 days under 1400, 8/9 days exercise, 2/9 days more fresh fruit & veggies

    Thanks for letting me vent about my weight loss pause.

  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Hey everyone!! Thanks for the kind words on my weight loss. Made me feel great! :smile:

    Today was a great day! Not only didn't I have to work but hubby and I did one of my favorite activities. Yup, we went shopping!! I might have mentioned that we have been remodeling and decorating our cute little house for the last two years. It is mostly done except for the odds and ends. Today was new kitchen stuff. Last week we got a great deal at Pier One for all new white dishes. And today we went to Bed Bath & Beyond and bought new stainless steel cookware, stainless flatware & steak knives, drinking glasses, serving bowls and platters, and new placemats and napkins. The groovy part was that we had a 20% off the entire order coupon so the savings was sweet. I LOVE it all so much!! :heart: :heart: :heart: We have been making do for years with the stuff we bought on the cheap when we first moved in together 9 years ago. So, it was time. I spent the rest of the day cleaning and reorganizing the kitchen. Everything is so shiny I'm a little afraid to use it. :bigsmile:

    Goals for this week is to lose 2 lbs. My eating yesterday and today was awesome and I got a good workout in. I have already lost most of the Mexican restaurant weight. :drinker:

    @GrammyWhammy, good job on the weightloss!! I know the scale can be really frustrating when it doesn't show the results we think it should. I bet with all your excercising your body is taking on a new shape. My hubby says that my shape has already started to change. Got love that!!! :smokin:

    @KathiJoR, welcome to the best group on MFP!!! :flowerforyou: Wow with four little kids you are one busy mama!! Good for you for taking charge of your life. Your goals look great and I'm sure if you stay focused you will be reaching goals in no time. Keep it up and keep posting on this group. It has been great for me and I know it will be for you too. :smile:

    @Tanya, good to see you back! :flowerforyou: I wish you the best with your not logging what you eat. I know that I hate calorie counting but when I stopped earlier this year I got myself in all kinds of trouble. It will take being very mindful but you seem determined to make it work. I hear you about the stress of eating the calories MFP says. I'm always thrilled when I've exercised enough and my overage is way up there. But I'm bummed when I haven't exercised enough and MFP says I can't eat very much. I just try to keep it between 1400 and 1600 and hope for the best. :ohwell:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi Guys--I'm back!! :happy:

    My laptop had to be re-imaged due to "a million-zillion virus alerts" as my tech specialist put it. :laugh: I didn't get it back until the end of the day, so had a lot of catching up to do after work--in addition to normal grading. Sorry I didn't get on last night, but just ran out of steam.

    @marsha (GW)--congrats on losing that 3 lbs and then some!! Also, great NSV of not binging out of frustration with the weight gain last week. :drinker:

    @kathijo, dream, and other newlings--Welcome!! :flowerforyou:

    @tanya--hope the physio works to remedy those aches and pains, and good luck with your new eating plan. I also tend to eat whenever I see green numbers on my page--even if I'm not hungry. Have been working hard to not do that, and had success the past couple of days. Today is the opposite--one of those "I'm over calories and hope I don't get hungy again before bedtime" kind of days. :ohwell:

    @ushkii--you should know by now that this thread is never-ending; it will never "fill up." :laugh:

    @nettie--I'm glad you get my sense of humor. :wink: sorry you can't meet us on race day, but of course the 100th b-day celebration should take priority. We will be in town saturday thru tuesday, so let us know if you want to try to meet up another day. We really haven't worked out a schedule, though I believe we are meeting gorillaNJ for lunch on monday.

    @kelley--sorry you are stressed. :flowerforyou:

    @alison (bohemian)--the reunion sounds like it was a blast--glad you enjoyed it! Also, loved your description of yourself punting. :laugh:

    @susan--I'm glad you enjoyed the boot camp class. I have a colleague who goes and loves it. I don't love working out with others or on a set schedule. It's the rebel in me--tell me I have to do something, and I automatically don't want to do it. You'd think I would've outgrown that mentality by now, but I don't think it will ever go away. :tongue:

    @kaye--it's frustrating when your hairdresser doesn't listen. Mine does a great job with color--she's the best at that-but it's taken years for her to get my cut right. On the other hand, I had to go to a different stylist last march due to a schedule conflict and the new person overprocessed my highlights and I actually lost a big chunk of hair right on the crown of my head. :noway: It really made me appreciate my regular hairdresser that much more.

    @hansea--great job on the 5k and I love the new pic! I agree with whoever (kelley?) said there's probably not much difference between SD snacks and Gu. :laugh: I run best after some really naughty sugar--one of my best runs ever was after a breakfast of leftover triple chocolate cake. :devil: Oh, and the boob-themed food was funny. People were very creative. One person brought deviled eggs with a pimento on each. Another just brought two melons with grapes attached where the nipple would be. My friend's sister and aunt made the cake which was a pair of boobs in a bikini top which was just incredible. By far the best was "mammo-grahams":laugh: :laugh: :laugh: --here is the link so you can see what they looked like:

    @katrena--I agree that your grandson probably really appreciates the offer to stay in one of the rental properties. No guilt necessary. :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--great 5k time--and with hills no less! :drinker: I can sympathize with your schedule this week as I also have a bunch of meetings. Today was a board meeting that went until almost 6. Tomorrow I have a faculty meeting which only goes until 4, so my original plan was to workout afterwards. However, a friend who's been out of town caring for her elderly father is back and wants to get together to catch up. I normally would say no, but I know she needs to share what's been going on with her dad. I still may get in a workout, but it depends on how late I stay out with her. Thursday is open house, so I will be at school until after 9 pm. Ugh--I hate these kinds of weeks--fortunately, they don't happen that often. :ohwell:

    @teresa--you are right--I just had to have the laptop re-imaged in mid-August, but it is what it is. :grumble: Fortunately, I was able to save all of my files, so no loss of data. Congrats on 15 lbs lost. :drinker:

    @robin--loved the pic of you and daisy! Also, enjoyed seeing another gunner!! :love:

    I'm not going to backtrack days, so will just start anew with...

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. get back in the black for the month. I've done a good job and mde up for over 500 calories over the past 2 days. However, today was tough, and I know thursday will also be tricky with open house.
    2. keep up with grading. I had hoped to be done with the short stories, but the computer issues wasted a lot of my time. I should finish those tonight/tomorrow and at least get started on the motif analyses before collecting the next set of AP essays on Thursday.
    3. get more sleep.This one is the toughest for me. :blushing:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 40/60 F451 short stories
    2. x/60 F451 Motif analyses

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--rest day
    Wed--walk gunner + gym (????)
    Thurs--rest day
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    September Challenge:
    Meet my TDEE -10% to -15% = 1680-1780 calories. I will keep my running tally over or short up until my trip to meet laurie and susan. Last month I came in a few hundred over. This month I'm determined to be under when I get on the plane to head to NYC on Sept. 27th!!

    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = -234
    100g of protein = 6/30 days
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Hello to all.

    Teresa - I do love to do domestics! It is such a satisfying feeling to have everything all tidied up.

    Grammy - I wish weight loss was simple math. No, weight loss is not simple math. 3 months ago I was eating about 2000 calls/day and loosing 1 to 1 1/2 pounds per week. Now I am eating about 1500 to 1800 calls per day and loosing 1 to 1 1/2 pounds per week. Mmmmm. What is next?

    KathyJoR - Welcome, this is one of the gems on MFP. I do admit I "stop In" here every day.

    AFM - Going crazy with work.
    Going crazy with not eating,
    Go crazy without sleep.

    Working 12 to 15 hours daily. But still managing to get in most of my workouts. So that is new. If I carry on with this I should catch up sometime.

    Sleep is still difficult. I did have two really good nights in a row over the weekend but only 4 hours last night. I do see the doctor tomorrow. We will be discussing my sleep issues, my withdrawal from antidepressants and my varicose veins.

    The withdrawal from the antidepressants is the biggest issue at this time. I feel I am really doing well. I did do some depression screening checks online and really am OK. My hubby is having a cow since he discovered I was no longer taking my meds. However he had a long history of mental illness with his mother. I hate the deception but I cannot talk to him about this. He truly gets irrational whenever anything to do with mental illness comes up.

    So I guess I am getting my Sunday share as well as the Monday check in.

    Tuesday goals:
    Wednesday - Total Body Fitness class and swim
    Thursday - Weigh in and Trainer
    Friday - walk/run
    Saturday - rest/recovery

    September challenge - 6 good days, 2 not so good, 1 great day
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I did get some exercise in today by going for a short walk before my meeting tonight so it was a quick mile. Tomorrow, I might do the same thing depending on the weather. My goal is to be active everyday, even if it means going for a short walk after work. It feels good just to be outside instead of stuck in a classroom all day.

    Kjeffries- Happy birthday, best wishes for the years ahead.

    Grammy- Congrats on your loss, that is awesome.

    Kah- Sorry you have been fighting with your trainer but I am sure you have a strong relationship and you will be able to work it out.

    Susan- Great job with the boot camp. Keep it up and you will see progress before you know it.

    Skinny/Karen- I will be so glad when all the extra meetings end but the number of school meetings just keep going up. Good luck with your open house this week. Sorry that is goes so late at night.

    Nettie- Like Karen said, that is a great milestone birthday celebration. Maybe we can meet up on a different day.

    Once again it is late and I am tired so time for bed...Have a great hump day tomorrow.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    I only got 4 hours of sleep last night. (Late night Netflixing.) I got up before the sun for my run and now I'm super tired, so just a quick review of my first GU experience...
    Yes, they are basically sugar, but many of them also have caffeine. Since I was lacking in zzz's, I chose the one that I had bought that had "2X caffeine"....whee! The taste was fine, and I did feel energized for my run, and I believe I had more energy at the end then I would have without the GU....but, I may have had the same effect if I ate my fruit snacks and drank a cup of coffee?? Who knows. For sure eating the GU was much faster than chewing up fruit snacks and brewing coffee to sip.
    My final answer...GU is good for early morning training runs and races since it is so quick to eat, but I don't think I would need it for just every day running for fitness.

    My long day is coming to a close...yawn! Good night!
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Skinny- Loved the mammo-grahams! And cute idea for the deviled eggs!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good evening. Congratulations to all you losers. Over all it was a good day. Still no movement on the scales. I will persevere.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Options's been a rough last couple of weeks weight wise. Tomorrow morning, I'll weigh myself and hope for a loss. Having a hard time keeping up a steady loss. No excuses, just over eating. Kicking myself for gaining and losing weight repeatedly. Trying to do better.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    I leave on Thursday! Two days!! Eeeeep! We are kind of ready, but really we're not :laugh: Getting there.

    Best laid plans often go awry. Don't recall who said that, but it certainly applies to my dinner last night.

    That's actually from the book, Of Mice and Men. The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray. Great book.
    So, funny story—my youngest nephew started kindergarten this year, my sister emailed to say he really likes it although think the day is too long (kindergarten is all day) because he misses his toys! She said as soon as he gets home he goes straight to his room to make up for lost time. :laugh:

    He has an important schedule to keep lol
    @ Toots – I think all of us are counting down your days too. These two boys are so lucky at the future you’re giving them. I cannot wait to hear about the journey.

    Hardly any days left! I think you've got it backwards, though. We are so lucky to have them in our future :love:
    @toots - My prayers go with you. I hope you find at least a little time to do something fun on the trip.

    Thanks!! We appreciate any and all prayers. I'm not sure it's so much a matter of time in our case. One of our boys is super sick and has a rare genetic blood disease. We don't know what condition he's in at the moment. If he's doing okay, there's lot of things nearby we can go and see. If he's not, we'll be spending a lot of time at the hotel!
    Toots: So exciting/scary! Lucky grandma for getting 2 weeks tending your kiddos! Keeping my fingers crossed that all goes smoothly. Don't forget the hand sanitizer.

    Definitely exciting/scary. Excary? Scariting? My mom will probably go nuts before I get back lol. She isn't very patient! I won't forget the hand sanitizer! We read this little course at the CDC website on traveling safely in China. It's sure designed to put the fear of God in you! This is what I said about it on my FB page tonight. "We've been doing our training through the CDC for safe China traveling. I will give you the salient points. If, for whatever reason, you feel compelled to touch dead animals...don't. If you wake up with a bat, see a doctor. Every drop of water in China wants to stone cold murder you. Don't eat anything. Ever. Not anything. It doesn't matter how hungry you are. It will kill you in the face. Don't go to anything called a 'wet market' if the name alone wasn't enough to warn you. In fact, just don't drink anything, eat anything, touch anything, use the bathroom in public, go anywhere, look at anything, or breathe in public. You can thank me for this PSA later."
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @nettie - Stand your ground early and often once the baby is born. Well meaning people will tell you you're doing it all wrong, but don't listen! You will know best when it comes to your child. And I agree with limiting access to a newborn. My first daughter ended up in the hospital at 6 weeks of age dehydrated from a stomach flu a family member shared with DH and me. When my second was born (in February in the middle of a flu outbreak), NO ONE was allowed to get close to her. In fact, DD1 and DH had the flu the week before and I wore a mask in the hospital for the days I was there because the pediatrician was concerned I had been exposed and would infect DD2. Good times......not!

    @susan - Good for you for making a commitment to Boot Camp! My friend that I walk with every morning goes at 5:30 am BEFORE we walk our 3 mile route. And she runs marathons. And works full time and volunteers and sews her own clothes. She's pretty much Super Woman. I'm the lame side kick, but I'm a lot less lame that I used to be!

    @teresa - New shiny kitchen stuff sounds wonderful. I'm trying to decide if I want to buy new stainless flatwear. After almost 33 years of use, it's starting to look not so good. But, boy is that stuff expensive if you want a heavy and durable set.

    @laurie, karen and susan - You all will have so much fun getting together in NYC. Keep us posted on the next event. I definitely want to participate and would love to meet you (and everyone else on here) in person. You're all such inspirations to me.

    AFM - Work continues to be tough, but I finished my first install of the new product and it went very well. And now I have good working documents for the others. I'm feeling less stress on that front.

    Had a good walk this morning in the cooler temps and got hit in the head with my first acorn of the season. Fall is slowly taking over and Summer is falling away.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!

    September Challenge - Days at or under daily calorie goal 6/30

    Good Days: 6
    Bad Days: 3
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Kelley -- I hope the iPhone 6 does what you need! I'd have definitely hoped for a watch for Christmas if they'd actually been selling them (I can rant endlessly about how none of the available wearables both (a) do everything I want and (b) integrate properly with my phone and computer). My Wednesday Wish is that the API for the watch integrates properly with MFP, Runkeeper and all the other fitness apps I use.

    @Jeanette -- eBay is your friend for those cute baby outfits because honestly they only wear them for a few weeks. And if your baby is large then she may never wear the smallest sizes, or you'll have lovely things that aren't in season.

    @KathiJo -- welcome! It sounds like you're doing great already.

    @Toots -- really excited for you!

    September logging and thread checking -- 6/10 so far. Had another rubbish logging day yesterday, though I don't think I ate way over or anything. I have volunteered to be the tail runner at Saturday's park run, so that's a 5k in the mix whether I like it or not. I might be super slow though.

    It's the middle of the week! Hope it's a good one!

    -- Alison
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    I’m back! Good morning everyone.

    I was in San Jose for a wedding, but today I’m back at work. I did not do too bad eating/drinking, and some of the people I was with are pretty big drinkers. I am still working on my food logs for some of those days but I think I got most of it done. I remember a lot of it because everything costs so much in San Jose.:grumble:
    I have a few pages to read to get caught up. I hope everyone is doing well.:drinker:

    National Swap Ideas Day, which is annually celebrated on September 10, encourages us to share a creative or helpful idea (or ideas) with someone and trade them for their idea (or ideas) in return.
    The ideas that you receive from others may be good and helpful to you in your life that you may want to continue to pass them on and swap them with someone else. This can continue throughout the entire day and by day’s end, you will have plenty of new information and helpful ideas to move forward with.
    Swapping ideas today does not have to be done on a one-on-one basis. It would be fun for a group of people to get together and share ideas. People could share their ideas, thoughts and concepts and also learn from each other, while gathered in a social grouping.
    Have a GREAT National Swap Ideas Day!

    “Attitude: It is our best friend or our worst enemy.” ~John C. Maxwell

  • aprilshowers0417
    aprilshowers0417 Posts: 14 Member
    good morning! two more days after today and i have a wkend off! I know today is not going to be a good one because I am exhausted beyond belief. I am however going to do my best to make reasonable choices, and after running a few errands I have plans to go to bed super early. I am wondering if anyone here has tried using the protein shakes as substitues for meals and did it make a difference?
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tanya~Great to see you! Good luck with your new eating plan, I’m not sure I could ever quit logging completely—I’ve been doing it so long its second nature. I hope you like your new trainer at physio.

    @Teresa~I :love: Bed, Bath & Beyond—sure can be a dangerous store though. It always fun to cook with new stuff for the first time. :wink:

    @Toots~Too bad you can’t pack a suitcase full of protein bars and bottled water to take to China! :wink: Safe travels to you and hubby.

    AFM~Session with my trainer last night, everything was back to normal—it was as if we never argued on Sunday, so that felt good. I still feel like a weakling on bench, need to figure that out—it’s a frustrating exercise for women especially. After that I had to rush off and meet up with neighbors for a meeting, ended up with a slice of pepperoni pizza for dinner at a local pizza place—no one had beer, so it was easy to turn down. :tongue: I was hoping to get by the gym today, but time won’t allow for it—hope to get in another short workout in on my elliptical at home though. Plans for Thursday have changed as well; suddenly I have a jam-packed social schedule. LOL

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Elliptical at home DONE!
    Tuesday~Trainer DONE!
    Wednesday~Rest Day or Elliptical at Home
    Thursday~Country Line Dancing with friends (okay, never done this and I live in Texas! :laugh:)
    Saturday~Rest Day (shopping with mom)


    @Alison~Are you talking about the new Apple Watch? That thing is cool and I want one! :laugh: Won’t be out until early 2015 though. I think it’s going to integrate really well with a lot of fitness apps—since it’s delayed until 2015 it will give programmers plenty of time to tweak their apps. I’m hopeful it will sync activity directly to MFP. I love the new health app the phones have —the watch is pricey (starts at $350) but I’m saving my pennies. :wink: It will be a Fitbit and HRM rolled up in a nice little package—you have to have an iPhone 5 or higher though to use one. Right now I’m counting down until I can pre-order the smaller iPhone 6 on Friday (the 6 Plus is just too big for me). I’ve been due for an upgrade for 3-years but was holding out for a larger phone, my dream finally came true. I’m such an Apple junkie! :blushing: :laugh:

    Tom~Welcome back!
  • KathiJoR
    KathiJoR Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the welcome, everyone! :) Still under my calorie goals (woot, woot!) but bombed on my carbs today... darn you pasta. I wish I did not love the Italian food as much as I do! lol

    Went for my Walk/Jog again today. Added another jog interval AND went farther! My youngest daughter (6 years old) decided to go with me. She did so good! She didn't even complain once and let me tell ya, it was a hot one!

    Have an awesome rest of the day!