Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Wednesday Wishes - I wish I had a clone. Between working out/training and my business I am putting in about 75 hours a week. Very little me time in there. Keeping up on this thread is my one constant indulgence.

    @toots - My prayers go with you. I hope you find at least a little time to do something fun on the trip.

    @Morgori - Thanks for the mental distraction. I really miss bowling. A new alley open near us and has free bowling all month.

    Love to all
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Okay. Finally caught up with the posts, but no time to respond right now, so bumping or later. :smile:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 68/68 AP universal screeners DONE
    2. x/61 F451 short stories

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Wednesday wishes! I'm still wishing for fairies to come and tidy and organise and sort out everything in my house! Woo hop!

    September goals -- log & check the thread every day -- 3/3 so far!

    @icetopaz -- welcome! I'm fairly shameless so I don't care what other people think when they see me exercise, but I know that can be hard. Walking's good because nobody can tell you're exercising, and there are lots of things like videos that you can do right in your home.

    @menusurya -- welcome! MFP's a really good place to log exactly what you're eating, but it helps to have a scale so you can measure everything as well.

    @Katie -- welcome! Remember that staying-the-same isn't actually falling off the wagon. I know this cos I actually fell right off and have a nice new lard layer to remind me. But I'm back on the path of righteousness now. We say 'bump' when it's a new thread and people want to be able to find it again.

    Eating Proper Dinners week -- I roast a chicken yesterday, so that was yummy. And today we had pasta with a sauce of mushrooms, chard and mascarpone. Loving those green veg.

    Hope you're having a fantastic week, everyone!

    -- Alison
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Hey everyone!!

    I seem to have an issue with cooking dinners when at home with hubby and eating wayyyyyy to many calories. Last night went down as one of those really, bad, ugly days! :embarassed: I only cook two nights a week, which are my days off from work. I close the other nights so eating is easy because it's things like Greek yogurt and Quest bars. When I'm home I love to cook and since my FitBit isn't giving me enough miles (due to being lazy because it's my day off) my calories are always more than MFP tells me they should be. Ugghhhh!! I also need to learn better portion control. It's hard being such a good cook!! :sad: :bigsmile:

    So Wednesday wish is that I learn to cook lighter and healthier dishes that will still satisfy my need for yummy food! I also wish Pinterest didn't show so many incredible looking casserole dishes. Dang the temptation of Pinterest!!! :devil:

    Welcome Katie and menusurya and icetopaz!! :flowerforyou: This is a great group!
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Wednesday Wishes: That Alison's cleaning fairies would organize the clutter in my garage. I can't seem to buckle down and do it. Too many spiders!

    September Challenge: Exercise: 3/3, Calorie Goal 3/3 (after dinner tonight)

    I forget who asked, but BUMP means: Bring Up My Post. Kind of a bookmark to quickly get back to this thread when you don't have time to comment.

    BC/Alison: I'm not going lower than 1400 because I am simply a hungry person. :bigsmile: Since I can't do any more exercise at a higher intensity (pesky knees), the only other thing I could think to do was give up 100 calories. In the future I'll make different goals like decreasing carbs, increasing protein, decreasing sodium, et cetera. I'm open to suggestions however.

    Welcome to ice, menu and Katie. You're in the right place.

    Nettie: A GIRL!!!! :love: I don't even mind being wrong. I see lots of pink and posies in your/her future.

    Toots: So exciting/scary! Lucky grandma for getting 2 weeks tending your kiddos! Keeping my fingers crossed that all goes smoothly. Don't forget the hand sanitizer.

    Teresa: I feel your pain as chief cook and bottlewasher here! Take some of those yummy Pinterest recipes and see if you can lighten them up and still taste good. In fact, I challenge anyone on this thread to share some yummy, light recipes with the rest of us. Please.

    Robin: Have a relaxing, great trip. We'll miss you.

    20 more days until AUTUMN! Yay!

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Busy day and I've got to run to my neighborhood HOA meeting.

    @Teresa~Pinterest is crack! :laugh: I have found recipes on there though and have transformed them into a healthier version--very simple to do, give it a try. :wink:

    AFM~Steroid injection in my knee yesterday left me incapacitated, so had to cancel on my trainer yesterday and no cardio today. The pain is gone now, but still have some swelling--supposedly both are normal. I've had cortisone injections in my Achilles, shoulder, and elbow before but never had a reaction like this. :huh: Hope I can make tomorrow's session and get some cardio in on Friday. My Wednesday wish is for a meeting I'm setting up with my boss and admin go well on Friday, isn't something I want to do but must pull up my big girl panties and do it! :indifferent:
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    I'm back in the thead in the hopes I can concentrate and stick to my goals, which for September are

    1) Exercise at least 3 times per week, once weekly with a personal trainer who will push me
    2) Hike some at a waterfall
    3) Eat 3 meals a day, regardless. Hopefully they will be gluten free and within my calorie plan
    4) Take my meds and supplements regardless

    I am back to square 1 in terms of self care but have maintained most of my weight loss. I am very grateful for this group, which has motivated me in the past and I am ready to give back by supporting others on this same path.

    I worked out with my trainer today. Rained out of water aerobics due to thunder & t-lightening, but scheduled for Yoga tomorrow

  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    @Robinsegg- Sadly, I cannot have diet sodas. I'm allergic to both aspartame and sorbitol, the most common sweetners soda makers seem to use. :(

    @Bohemiancoast- What did you wind up doing regarding your sugar limit? I'm just using what MFP has suggested for me. So far, I've found myself getting low blood sugar symptoms more frequently when I'm trying to stay in my limit.

    @Jeanette- YAY! Congrats on your incoming daughter! I adored working with babies when I was a nurse. :)

    @cblue315- Have my fingers crossed for you that you will get more you-time soon.

    Wednesday Wish: So far, most things are calming down here. However, I wish I were having better luck on the job hunt. ;/
  • beckah35
    beckah35 Posts: 26 Member
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi Y'all - What a beautiful day today was warm but not hot or humid - open window weather - LOVING It! :bigsmile:
    Drs. visit - no help with pain there. He was happy I had cut down on medications and did not want to disrupt that progress in any manner. So I am going on vacation with no change in meds - sigh - well that's the way it is. We've always been honest with each other. He says I replaced my pills with the ice cream and need to stop that - darn, it helped with my mouth pain SO well. The scale showed I had gained almost 10 lbs this month. Gosh this is going to be interesting. I already was prepared to be without ice cream ( soft vanilla is all I could tolerate anyway) so this isn't coming as a shock. I can do this. I was mostly worried I would turn into an irritable crabby person and ruin the fun for my friend - if that happens, it will just become something to deal with at the moment. I keep learning as I go along.Guess the doctor is right. Go figure. He is paid well for his knowledge! :grumble:

    I saw my sister's new puppy today and it is darling and absolutely tiny as a baby kitten. I will post a picture as soon as I get this magic process figured out! :laugh:
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Thanks, Allison. I needed to be reminded that no gain is not necessarily a pain. :wink:

    Thanks, Kah. I was definitely glad to see the inches lost. I do think they're a better indicator of change...also, physical accomplishments, like your PB's on your lifts are a great indicator! I also think about one year ago when I tried to actually run a 5K instead of walking and how awful that, I can do 3 miles fairly easily (albeit slowly) and I'm looking forward to walk/jog/listening-to-my-kids-whining as we do a charity 5K together on Saturday! :bigsmile:

    Get-My-S&!t-Straight Month is coming out even on L2T's scale of good vs not so good vs horrible days...
    1 Good!
    1 Not So Good
    1 Horrible!

    My Wednesday Wish is that the weather cooperates tomorrow so I get outside for a training run. Starting to feel a bit panicked about the half-marathon being 17 days away! I want to get the kids off to school, run and be showered and back in time to help serve hot lunch at the school. Then the afternoon is mine! do laundry! :laugh:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--sorry you are still in pain and the doc cut off your self-medicating ice cream. :frown: I hope the fun you have on vacation distracts you from the discomfort. Can't wait to see pictures of the puppy, and I LOVE the name. I don't know if you recall, but Daisy is what I wanted my sister to name my niece. She ended up choosing Violet--I chose the wrong flower. :laugh:

    @nettie--Yay, a girl!! I was going to "play grandma" and advise you to name her Daisy. Fortunately for you, robin's sister named the puppy that, so I guess you get to choose the name yourself. :laugh:

    @mzfrizz--could you try switching to iced tea instead of soda? I replaced my diet coke addiction with green iced tea--that way I still got my caffeine fix without all of the chemicals. I like unsweetened tea, but if even if you add sugar to sweeten it, at least you could control the amount of sugar (or perhaps you could use stevia if you're not allergic to it). If it's the carbonation that you like, could you drink plain soda/seltzer flavored with a little bit of fruit juice?

    @katrena--great to see you back! :flowerforyou:

    @kelley--ugh, hope your knee swelling goes down so you can make your workout tomorrow.

    @marsha--wow, what great results your first month back!! :drinker:

    @teresa--I made sausage and peppers with Italian chicken sausage once, and it was delicious for a fraction of the calories!

    I know I've missed a lot of you--promise to get you on the next round of personals. Also, welcome to all of the newlings! :flowerforyou:

    Wed. Wish:
    I second lori's wish for a clone. I would just sit her in my office all day, and she would be my grading machine! :laugh: I got through all of the screeners and got them back to my students today, but of course there's always more to grade. My goal was to get the short stories back by Friday, but that's looking doubtful seeing as I haven't even started them yet. Instead, I think I will focus on getting the journals done before the end of the week, since they are much more cumbersome to try to bring home over the weekend. Fortunately, tomorrow my AP students are writing in-class essays, so that will give me 3 periods to grade.

    I also second alison's wish for the cleaning fairy to pay me a visit. :laugh:

    I got to the gym today and had a really good workout--lifted and then did 30 minutes on the stationary bike = almost 8 miles! :happy: My food choices weren't great--I started the day with one of those Panera cinnamon crunch bagels. Who knew they were 420 calories!! :noway: I managed to turn it around and come in under goal, but it was a tough one. Tomorrow will be better!

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/68 AP journals
    2. x/61 F451 short stories

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner

    September Challenge:
    Meet my TDEE -10% to -15% = 1680-1780 calories. I will keep my running tally over or short up until my trip to meet laurie and susan. Last month I came in a few hundred over. This month I'm determined to be under when I get on the plane to head to NYC on Sept. 27th!!

    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = 38
    100g of protein = 3/31 days
  • carolynrobbins5
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Well, today was a bad day. My journal looks pretty ugly, but I did record it all. We finally have our car back! The auto body shop met us in Boise with the car about 3 this afternoon. Thus the bad diary because we ate out. I do much better when I'm doing the cooking. I did get my long walk, though so that is good. I'm still not where I should be with my water, but I am doing better.
    Wednesday wish: I wish that I could figure out why I have quit losing. Each day when I close out the diary, it says that I should be losing, but I'm not.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Mozzie610
    Mozzie610 Posts: 16 Member

    Total newbie here with about 150lbs to lose. I don't like saying that, though lol My next weigh in will be on 9/15 and my goal is 4lbs. If I get that, I will be really happy! I've only been tracking for 6 days, but I have already noticed such a change in how I feel. I have so much energy now! Plus, I seem to be so much sharper with my thinking. It's nice to see some change.

    SInce I'm starting new in this thread, I will just go by what the original post said. It's Wednesday, so I will give you a wish. I wish the fall weather would get here already! I'm so so ready for fall. It's my favorite season. Hoodies, pumpkins and oh those leaves... love it so much!

  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Happy Labor Day everyone, hope you all had a great weekend. It looks like you are all doing great, I am just two pounds from goal weight, and am here to tell you that every ounce was a challenge. But it's all worth it. I feel decades younger, much lighter on my feet and proud to say that I can catch the grandkids now.

    Just keep going, and you all will get there. Never stop, never give up.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    My favorite soup recipe:

    Chicken Soup Lori Style
    2 - 3 pounds chicken thighs with skin and bone.
    Put these in a roaster (Can use a slow cooker but takes longer) and bake on medium heat for 1 hour. Add at least 1 quart water and cook for another 1/2 hour. When they are rally tender remove skin and bone. Set meat aside. To the liquid in the pan add:
    1 large chopped onion
    1 pound carrots
    1/2 pound celery
    4 cups chopped zucchinni
    8 oz mushrooms any kind
    1 or two peppers any kind your preference for heat
    1 box broth
    2 to 3 Tablespoons Tandoori seasoning or chili powder or whatever seasoning you like. I really like the tandoori (an Indian seasoning kind of a cross between seasoning salt and chili powder but very low sodium and not spicy)
    Black pepper to taste
    1 cup rice

    Cook all of this together until it smells really good and all the veg is pretty soft. Add more broth or water if necessary. Add the chicken back in about 1/2 hour before you eat. Freezes really well. If you put in small containers in the fridge it will not spoil for about a week.

    About 200 calls give or take for 1/10th of the recipe.
    Feel free to change out the veggies to anything you like. This time of year I often put a cob of corn in the pan when cooking the thighs and cut off the kernels when I take out the meat.

    Love to all
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @mozzie - Welcome and congrats on starting your journey. And, I'm with you.....Come on Fall! I've already decided to pack up my shorts and sleeveless stuff this weekend. It's still hot enough to wear it, but I'm tired of it all and ready to wear some of the new Fall clothes I've bought recently.

    @robin - Can't wait to see puppy pictures. There should be a job where you can get paid to play with puppies all day.

    @kaye - When you figure it out, please share the secret with me. When good days = No loss, it sure gets frustrating.

    AFM - Oldest DD coming through town tonight on her way to a weekend getaway. We're going to take her to what I consider one of, if not the, best restaurant in Charlotte for her birthday dinner. I've already looked at the menu and chosen Trout Picatta (Sauteed North Carolina Mountain Trout with Capers, Artichoke Hearts and Prosciutto in Lemon Beurre Blanc with Asparagus). Add a glass of Malbec and it will be a fabulous dinner. I spent about 10 minutes last night logging my best guesses at the calorie count and by eating light the rest of the day and taking a morning walk, I will not have to count today as a bad one.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    September Challenge - Days at or under daily calorie goal 3/30

    Good Days: 3
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @L2T~Sounds like you made a fab choice for dinner tonight, enjoy the birthday celebration with your daughter!

    @Robin~Can’t way to see pics of the new puppy, she sounds adorable!

    @Karen~It always amazes me how many calories (and carbs) are in a bagel! :sad:

    AFM~Well, September isn’t off to the greatest start—I just haven’t had much of an appetite last couple of days so dinner has been abysmal. As a result my calories have been below my goals. As my Thursday truth I really don’t eat a lot of sweets but haven’t been able to say no this week for some reason. We had this fabulous Bundt cake for a meeting yesterday—I think if it weren’t red velvet cake I could have turned it down, but didn’t. Oy! It did work out since I still came in under calories but I’m sure my sugar intake (which is always below the max) was off the charts! :blushing: So, that has got to stop. Zoe sure was clingy yesterday, I think she slept on me all night (and she is not a light cat!) Knee still swollen/inflamed today but still going to try and get my workout in this afternoon—need to offset my sugar intake somehow.:indifferent:

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Rest Day DONE!
    Tuesday~Trainer NOT DONE (had to cancel—knee)
    Wednesday~None scheduled (HOA meeting & knee still out) DONE
    Saturday~Cardio (probably in the form of housework)
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Top of the morning to you.

    I went to give blood in August and was turned down. My pulse was 46 and they said it had to be over 50. She asked me if I did a lot of cardio and I had to :laugh: . She said runner’s often have low pulses while resting. I do not think I could run more than a few steps. I went to the Doctors yesterday and my high blood pressure meds have been cut in half.:drinker: I have to go get blood work done and I am anxious to see my A1C.

    Today is National Wildlife Day. Take a trip down to your local zoo and celebrate!
    Wild animals are fascinating and amazing creatures that we can appreciate and learn from. National Wildlife Day is about two important things: raising awareness for endangered animals and appreciating U.S. zoos, sanctuaries, farms, etc. for helping to preserve our wildlife.
    As you go on with your day today, take note of the different animals that you see. Even if they are domesticated, take a minute to think about where they came from and what they would be like in the wild. Understand that each species on our planet serves a purpose and should be cared for and protected just as we would our own pets!
    **** Visit these sites to learn more about our nation’s wildlife and the endangered species on it****

    “Everyone faces defeat. It may be a stepping-stone or a stumbling block, depending on the mental attitude with which it is faced.” ~Napoleon Hill
