mammacoty Member


  • I've been doing keto since March, down 40 pounds so far.....not doing my best, but always trying to be better. I'd love some new Keto friends!
  • I served up delivery pizza for 30 people at work last night, then brought home a full pizza for my family... And resisted all temptations to have some!
  • Subtract fiber from total carbs= net carbs. Unless you pay for premium, you'll have to make that calculation in your head
  • I emotional eat too. It's my biggest downfall. I'm trying really hard to substitute a healthy active movement instead, like 25 push ups against the counter. It helps me to remember that I am working hard to get fit and that a few minutes of poor eating can undue a whole day, or worse!
  • Meal prepping is very time consuming, for sure! But I have discovered that I do so much better staying the course if I have prepped and planned my meals & snacks out ahead of time. I don't do well in the heat of the moment for making the best food decisions
  • Here are the habits I'm focusing on: ~weighing and logging all food. Advance prepping and planning is key, so I am devoting more time to this. I am also cutting out bread and starchy carbs. I am paying attention to my macros, and also working to increase my fiber and protein intake. ~ actively drinking water all day long.…
  • I cut out breads, pastas, anything with wheat & stuff with added sugar about 3 weeks ago, and within a week I was feeling way better. My depressive fog lifted, I have energy to keep me going through the day, I'm sleeping better at night, and started walking every day. 2 months ago, I uninstalled Facebook from my phone, and…
  • For Halloween, I'm letting the kids each pick a small amount of candy to keep & hide on their own, and giving the rest to the candy buy back program at their school. I've given up added sugar, and have no self control, so that's best. For Thanksgiving, I'll get a big workout in that morning to allow for wiggle room, but…
  • When I first joined I went from 180 to 160, then get preggers with #3. 9 years later, I reached 203! I'm 5'4", and am showing symptoms of prediabetes, in addition to fighting depression. I cut the breads, pastas, refined sugars 3 weeks ago, and am feeling so much better. Im down 7 lbs, and have so much energy. This time…
  • I'm going to bed earlier just to stay away from the kitchen!
  • I've been in that same boat... successful with MFP before, only to stop logging or lose motivation in other ways, or letting minor injuries totally sideline me. 10 days ago, I decided to take a break from refined sugars, breads, grains and dairy. I'm upping my healthy fats, protein & veggies as well as chugging water. I…
  • I need to lose about 60 pounds, and need support too. I'm good at commenting on my friends, so add me
  • My Fitbit. I'm working really hard to make sure all my daily goals turn green. Having a good playlist for working out helps too :)
  • I need friends too. Ultimately, I'd like to lose about 60 pounds,but for now I'm working on losing the first 20. I'm great at commenting, but need some applause too.
  • Add me. I feel off the wagon awhile back, but I'm back & super motivated. Would love to give/have support & motivation
  • I'm so sorry about your dad's passing. I know how it feels to be completely derailed due to grief. I started last year rocking MFP, dropped 20 pounds in 14 weeks.....then my best friend lost her breast cancer battle, and I hit the emotional wall. It feels so hard to think about a healthy lifestyle when you experience a…
  • I'm on a medical restriction for heavy exercising, due to pelvic wall issues. I'm doing walks and yoga/stretching to get calorie burns each day, and to help strengthen my core. I have just begun incorporating wall pushups, and other arm strengthening exercises like lifting light weights. Remember, any movement is better…
  • I too have had days where I totally fail in food choices, and then find myself not choosing well for a week or two after that. I agree with everyone's advice. You can't use that as an excuse to continue to make bad's a vicious cycle no one should have to ride. I'm glad to see the lessons you learned for the…
  • i have myself down as moderately active, since I'm almost always on my feet doing something. I only log cleaning when I'm doing something big, cleaning out the basement, or mopping all the floors. Dishes, dusting, sweeping I just don't feel as if they should count as a workout
  • I too have the app, so I log breakfast as I eat, then add supper if I know what I am having. That way I know if I need to have a light lunch, and how much wiggle room I have for snacks.
  • I too am re committing to MFP. I am 33 year old mom of 3. This year's mantra for me is "balance" Balance my time, what I eat, and a general get life in order. I'm recovering from an injury and have no choice but to find ways to burn without the traditional exercise route (for now) I plan to embrace yoga. I am a good…
  • I too am re committing to MFP. This year's mantra for me is "balance" Balance my time, what I eat, and a general get life in order. I'm recovering from an injury and have no choice but to find ways to burn without the traditional exercise route (for now) I plan to embrace yoga. I am a good motivational friend, but ask it…
  • Hi. I'm a tad older than 21 (cough 33), but I too am re committing to MFP. This year's mantra for me is "balance" Balance my time, what I eat, and a general get life in order. I'm recovering from an injury and have no choice but to find ways to burn without the traditional exercise route (for now) I plan to embrace yoga. I…
  • as long as it's the natural sugar from fruits, don't sweat's the processed sugar that will get you.
  • Welcome! I started MFP at the start of the year, and did great the first 4 months, until my BF died from Breast Cancer. Since then I have been yo-yo-ing on my commitment levels, so I can tell you some of the holes I have stepped in, and hopefully what you will be able to avoid. It is most important that you LOG everything…
  • I too am an emotional eater, and have fallen off the wagon of being healthy a few times in this journey. (my downfalls are candy bars) What I have come to realize is that once you decide that exercise is a MUST, it helps all the other areas get better. I like to exercise first thing in the morning, so that I have that I'm…
  • I have a big problem with self control also. I have found that I need to avoid chocolate and sugary things because eating one thing is almost always the beginning of a food binge. Sugar and chocolate are very addictive, so I do better by not having them at all, keeping them out of the house. After 4-5 days of not…
  • I did them at the playground, using bar that was at hip height. I did all 50, only needing a 5 second break after 30 and 40. Not gonna lie, the last 8 were TOUGH!
  • I started MFP just after the first of the year, and was kicking *kitten*... lost almost 20 pounds, felt great.... Then my best friend died from cancer, and a couple months later my husband returned from a long term out of state job, which really threw off my routine. I use food for comfort, and I suspect that I may have an…
  • I too have a problem with binge eating things that aren't good for me...I'll do really well for weeks, but then that time of month comes around and I tend to get derailed. I think brushing teeth, and doing something active will help to curb those least, that's what I'm to start doing! Good luck. We can all DO…