What Motivates You?

I am in serious need of some motivation. I like to call myself a runner, but I can't seem to get up and run lately. One thing I like about running is that I can count my miles. Last year, I tried a 1000 mile challenge and I ran 450. (Smh) This year I tried again and I'm at 464 with 2.5 months to go. Needless to say....well, I won't even say it.
It's hard to find time to run, I'd also like to cross train, obviously not much time for that either. Or maybe I'm just lazy and making excuses. So I need motivation and to be held accountable! Thank you in advance. :D


  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    I too like to call myself a runner. But one who just discovered she COULD run!

    Might I dare to say, you might change your challenge to 500 miles, instead of 1000?If you’re super busy and, despite loving to run, can’t find the time, maybe you should modify that goal... nothing destroys motivation quicker for me than a goal that’s almost impossible due to life circumstances.

    I know that if I had said I had to run far my first times out, I would have said ‘screw it’. I never ever imagined I could or WOULD run a 5 k and find myself finishing 2nd in my age group. My high school gym teacher would drop dead if she knew... I was that terrible a runner... but once I started running I realized I could. Now I’m not ready for 10 k or a Half, but 5. Yup. I Can. And it’s satisfying.
  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    If you’d like, please add me..... we can ‘run’ together!
  • mammacoty
    mammacoty Posts: 45 Member
    My Fitbit. I'm working really hard to make sure all my daily goals turn green. Having a good playlist for working out helps too :)
  • michele6258
    michele6258 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for all your ideas!! Lynzdee18, you could definitely run a 10k or a half!! I sign up for at least 2 halfs a year bc that helps keep me motivated. I can't go into a half without any training, so I just keep telling myself that. I had to back out of one half bc of an injury and it was such a terrible feeling. I don't want to ever have to do that just because I didn't train. I think I added you!!

    Russb, food is a great motivator! I love when I go for a long run and I can say that I can eat whatever I want afterwards!

    Mammacoty, I too, love to complete my little goals on my garmin. I actually think part of my problem is that I had an old Garmin and loved it but I wanted the newer version. I bought the newer one and I hate it. So I don't even wear it anymore and since I haven't been tracking anything, I've lost my motivation ugh! Now I'm debating on whether I should invest in an Apple Watch....decisions.

  • ejyennie
    ejyennie Posts: 16 Member
    I like to call myself a runner too. I am right now at 496 for the year(yes, that number will at least motivate me to run four miles after work today). Next year, I will try for 1000: this year I think I can swing 800: that is my motivation for running in the fall. I haven't run a marathon in eight years: i am trying to lose enough weight to train for one....seven pounds down, twenty to go before I can safely run a 20 miler,35 to goal.
  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    Michelle, you did! I’m thinking 5 k is good for me at the moment but 10 or 15 could be possible. When I winter in AZ I’m super busy with a variety of activities and when I’m home for the summer, I dislike outdoor running b/c of black bears and bugs.
  • michele6258
    michele6258 Posts: 4 Member
    Well tonight I'm starting a 4 week class. It's generally an outdoor workout, but it depends on the weather. I'm super pumped to get some cross training in before I run a half in 2 weeks! I thought joining a class would hold me accountable and force me to show up. I ran a half 3 weeks ago and fell into a slump afterwards. I'm hoping this helps!! Do any of you go to classes to stay in shape?
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Honestly my kids motivate me as they like to go to the "gym play place" so that makes me workout. :D Seriously though, I sign up for 5k/10k to keep me running (usually on the treadmill) and I try and run longer than another person at the gym (yes I'm that competitive). I may not be fast, but I'll run longer. Also I have found a great cycle class at the gym I enjoy so that keeps me motivated as I simply enjoy it. Other than that, the fact that I have a handful of dress pants in my closet I want to fit into keeps me on track.
  • potatowhoruns
    potatowhoruns Posts: 87 Member
    edited October 2017
    I consider myself a runner, but I also know that I need a goal to keep me motivated. I set myself a challenge of running at least one race every month (5k, 10k, 10m or Half) as long as it came with a t shirt. It has been 2 years and 7 months and I am still going. I also run at my local Parkrun each week.
    I run because I know how hard I worked to get from being unable to run for a bus to running 13.1 miles and how easily I will lose it if I don't keep at it.
    I make a plan each week for how far I will run and do my best to stick to it, partly by changing straight into my running stuff when I get home from work.
    The extra calories I can have also really help my motivation!!
  • MatthewRuch
    MatthewRuch Posts: 165 Member
    What motivates me? My inner self. A drive to always get better, to hold nothing back each day.
