

  • I can't even do a knee pushup. Also, those are awkward as all heck and hurt my knees something fierce. I don't understand how it's easier. I just started with planks. Again, planks from the knee hurt like heck and I have no idea how they are easier. So I will just struggle through normal planks until I can do actual…
  • Don't feel bad if you have to stay at that level a while. I've been doing it for 2 weeks and I'll probably stay at week 1 for 2 more weeks myself..... I'm more of a biker than a runner. Do you have lots of runners near you? It's freezing out so I go with winter coat in jeans and running shoes, hood up, mittens on. By the…
  • Bleeeehhhh.... no thanks on this.
  • I wish I had the power to magically undo declawing but with no one noticing the difference.
  • 95% is not an accurate number and spreading this false statistic is dangerous for people. Small seeds planted grow trees of doubt or something. Anyways, HUGE LIE. Don't believe it or perpetuate it, it only hurts yourself and others.
  • You're forgetting 3. Slow weight loss without increasing exercise much You don't HAVE to live at the gym for hours every week. It'll take time and sometimes fat is more predispositioned to gather on certain areas in different people, but skin will tighten up eventually.
  • Severely, SEVERELY disagree. Everyone has their own methods, I'm a person who reminds myself every single day that every new day is a way to try again at something. I understand you may view the word differently but please realize that people interpret the same concepts in different manners, and reading what you wrote…
  • I'm pretty much alone all of the time and only have a few family members, but they're supportive generally. Eeexcept for my grandma. 'You're so skinny already, you're wasting away!' (I am still like 50-70lbs overweight) Worst is she sends food home with me.... like chocolate and fatty figis sausages and stuff. Blaaaaah.…
  • This is my general list, as if I had no food at all. Otherwise I replace it as needed. Meat- Pork Sausage (A little can flavour a lot of veg for salads or go a long way in a breakfast scramble) Ham (5 oz can flavour a whole pot of soup) Eggs, and then I cycle through periods of other meats... got a good deal on cubed steak…
  • What gets me out the door is saying 'It's cold now, but I'll be warm in 5 minutes.' As for music, anything... its on but I don't listen to it, so I'm no help. I have been listening to Twenty One Pilots a lot though. New band, saw them recently, good stuff.
  • If you're hungry, yeah, if not, don't. Just make sure you're getting enough protein. I ended up walking 3mi from Aldi's to Walmart instead of waiting for the bus, and walked to other stores for about 2hrs of exercise. I got to walmart and god was i hungry... got a cliff bar and ate it. Got home and was tired and…
  • Thank you everyone! My phone died while travelling so I haven't been able to reply, but I think I'm going to check out these better quality brands that have been suggested online. I even went to the GNC and was able to see they had the golden standard for $30.... on sale.. compared to $26 online. So I'll do some shopping.…
  • Thank you, they don't have that brand here though... there is a cvs or... some sort of vitamin store nearby but I'm rather afraid of the prices, honestly, which is why I stopped at walmart first.
  • I had an incident on the city bus yesterday where I was sitting in the front seat and figured there'd be a lot of people on, so I scooted way over against the window so my butt was over the edge of my seat neat the window, but I wasn't even using all of the other side of my own seat. This girl sits down because she was…
  • Not sure if anyone's said it already but instead of having to add so much water and having to squeeze it (and nutrients) out, just use 2-3 sprays of a a spray bottle to give the leaves a coating of water, then cook.
  • Sometimes those short sentences on statuses feel insincere when i post them.. that bothers me but I feel obligated to post back. I prefer talking on the forums and maybe helping people that way.
  • You can easily salt flush by just drinking more water the next day AND eat like a normal person. Come on... not eating will just make you f****** miserable and increase your chances of binging again. Stop these bad habits of punishing yourself improperly.
  • Bananas Wildflower Honey Tanimura and Antle - Artisan Lettuce Mushrooms- Button - Cultivated White Greek Gods - Greek Yogurt - Nonfat Plain I was on a yogurt kick pretty hard a few months ago. Oatmeal is creeping up now though.
  • I want to be under 200lbs by my birthday in june. Being at current goal of 180 by june would be better. Four months to lose 45lbs? I fell away from mfp for a few months starting in october, gained about 5lbs back... shoulda been under 200 by the end of the year. Mostly I want to go swimming without having to feel…
  • I think it's terrible when SOME people who tout fat acceptance become angry and indignant because someone won't go out with them because of their weight. They say things like 'Fat acceptance is the new thing! You should like me anyways!' as if some words are going to change someone's preferences. They're not all like that,…
  • I do, generally, and I notice the same thing. People will eat what they want, even if it looks like it's too little to me. I am a full plate sort of person.
  • I always make big pot meals to keep for a week so these would probably feed your family for a day or two > 1 cup bulgar/brown rice/etc > 1 tin of canned tomatoes > 3 cups of peppers (I use anaheim) > 8 oz stew meat/chicken/pork cubed > 1 med onion > 2 cups shredded cabbage > 1 cup mushrooms > tbsp garlic > taco seasoning…
  • You're always going to have wide hips, just fyi, it's your body type. For comparison, I'm 5'10, 45" hips. Dont stress over things you can't change...unless you've got money to have them cut you open and shave your hip bones, ew. Just keep at it, everything takes time, I know everyone always says that though.
  • Ah.... well.... I think one of the reasons I gained so much weight as a kid and teen was because I was unhappy with my body, and the fat covered it. There's stress/depression as well... but it wasn't until age 22 or so that I felt free of expectations and realized I wasn't who I was pretending to be, and I was tired of…
  • The discipline you'll need for the military will help you lose weight. Honestly if you can't dig your feet in and lose this weight, you would never make it in the military anyways as anything more than a nuisance. You need to lose 150lbs. You could lose 10lbs a month with a little bit of effort like moderate exercise and…
  • Mostly what I won't miss is people applying 'fat girl' stereotypes onto me. Like when I just talk to a guy, I'm afraid he'll think I'm flirting with him and avoid me out of disgust. Sometimes they do, people in general look at me with disinterest, look down on me because I'm fat. As if I even know how to flirt, hah. Course…
  • Proper answer is to portion out a bit of both and eat them.
  • Buy skim and whole milk, let him add whatever he wants to his own plate, etc. If he wants to cover his own veggies and chicken with a cup of cheese, let him. Just control your own portions.
  • I don't get flu shots. I am unjustifiably paranoid about them and what they could contain, nevermind all the crap in our food/water/etc.
  • I've the opposite where I just want to eat when depressed. I think the same thing for me will work for you, though. I keep about 4lbs of carrots in my fridge and when I get sad or bored and want to eat, I munch on a few of those since they're fresh and sweet tasting. For you I would say just make yourself nibble on…