Fat media and thin shaming.

Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member

I found this article interesting, and reminded me of something I see outside of MFP all the time. The idea that making fun of skinny/healthy people by women/men who are obese and overweight is okay because it was done to them.


  • TiffCK
    TiffCK Posts: 37
    I see this all the time. Almost all overweight people are self-consious and jealous of the "skinny" people. So they tell them they need to eat a cheeseburger, or that they have lack of curves and my favorite, "Who wants to be with a little boy?" (Insinuating skinny girls look like young boys.) It's so mean, especially because how much work goes into becoming skinny. Of course, it is not right to ridicule anyone, for any reason. But an overweight person shouldn't pick on all skinny people just because a couple picked on them.
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    people always ***** about how thin i am and i'm not allowed to get mad. god forbid if i did the same to overweight people!!
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    Id rate that attitude as childish. I've never made fun of, belittled, or otherwise put down skinny people. It can't be easy to be "them" in a world filled with quick and easy high calorie foods always used to be my mindset. I envied their self control. I actually used to feel bad for them for never actually EATING. I was dumb =P

    Maybe even a little jealous, but in a good way. I want to be skinny when I grow up :laugh: It would be odd to be on the OTHER side of the weight spectrum and being berated for being thin instead of for being fat.

    Mean people are going to find reasons to be mean; it is a personality defect fostered by the social environment we now find ourselves in. If those same people were thin they'd be targeting overweight people.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    Exactly. And I can say this with brutal honesty that I did this for years. I emulated others in media who were overweight that shamed thin athletic women because they were jealous. It took MFP for me to realize that there is no pride in being obese, men do not like unhealthy women, and being thin is acceptable because you are taking care of your body. Having been at both ends of the spectrum, I have seen curvier women with a BMI of 18 rather than obese women who call their excess fat stores "curves". It is complete brainwashing of society and what is acceptable. Then people wonder why America is so damn fat. We make it okay to be that way from an early age. I didn't even know what protein was until a year ago and why I needed it.

    On the other hand, of course I was made fun of because of my size. Did it make me okay to call all the other girls skinny *kitten* just because of their size? No, of course not.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Retaliation is not social progress.

    One day we'll learn that.
  • dalemckeown
    dalemckeown Posts: 46 Member
    Meh, they are just jealous. Anyone with this attitude is not worth your time or 'friendship'. Just ignore it and move on.
  • nwon87
    nwon87 Posts: 29
    It's rude no matter who it comes from. It's bullying regardless. Some skinny people can't put weight on either. I have a friend (female) who is 5 foot 7 inches and she weighs anywhere from 95 to 105 lbs. She eats an insane amount of food and can't manage to get over 105. Her little sister is the same way, just slightly shorter. My friend has even gone on the depo shot (birth control) because one of the side effects is weight gain. When I was on it, I gained approximately 40 lbs. She gained nothing. I wish people would realize that everyone is made differently. Some work their butts off to be fit/healthy/skinny, while others are naturally just that way. Same with overweight and obese people. Some are always going to be overweight even if they are active and healthy. I will say I'm guilty of the "she needs to eat a cheeseburger" but I had never said it to anyone's face. I will say, it did stem from jealousy. I was at my heaviest of 250, and I hated myself. Now I love my body, and what it is capable of. I'm working on me, and I don't pay attention to the skinny people the way I used to (longing to be skinny. thinking its so unfair that I'm fat, etc.) If others would do something about it, maybe they would change their thoughts as well. I know that it did for me.
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    Body shaming is body shaming no matter who is doing it. I see it on FB all the time. I hate seeing it and I will call people out on it when I do see it. It's not right.
  • I think it's terrible when SOME people who tout fat acceptance become angry and indignant because someone won't go out with them because of their weight. They say things like 'Fat acceptance is the new thing! You should like me anyways!' as if some words are going to change someone's preferences.

    They're not all like that, of course, its along the same side as really radical feminists- it doesnt mean all feminists are bad, just that a percentage of them are off the wall crazy.

    Both of these groups make it difficult to be fat and female since many people seem to judge groups by their stereotypes....

    Fat acceptance is only acceptable if its for yourself.... and you have to accept people wont agree. And man.. I've gotten plenty of those derisive over the shoulder looks from skinny girls as well. Just spend like... five seconds in any modern young people clothing store.... what snots.

    I figure in general to just avoid those extremists and avoid those who believe that what the extremists say and do represents all similar people.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    It is crazy to me how okay some people think it is. I was at a party with some of my coworkers (all of whom are larger women) and a girl walked in. She was probably a size two. The entire night, these women made fun of her every move and called her a skinny little beep beep beep. It was awful. One of them even went up to her and asked if she knew what brownies tasted like. It was stupid and pathetic, and I could not believe how mean they were.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Retaliation is not social progress.

    One day we'll learn that.

    Brilliant. /end thread
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I was just telling someone the other day.... I have been told to "eat a cheeseburger" more times in the last few months than I was ever told to "stop eating cheeseburgers" for the 25 years I spent as an overweight person. Why is that okay? I'm not even a "skinny" person, I'm a healthy weight/size.

    I get like table flipping angry over "real women have curves" BS. Total and complete dog crap right there. Real women have vaginas. That's it.

    And why is it always cheeseburgers? I eat plenty of those already, but thanks.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I say this as a life-long liberal. Some of the biggest bigots I have every met were the ones who were the proudest of how progressive and tolerant they are.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member

    I get like table flipping angry over "real women have curves" BS. Total and complete dog crap right there. Real women have vaginas. That's it.

    Arguable. There are plenty of people with penises who dress, live, and identify as women. Just my $0.02.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member

    I get like table flipping angry over "real women have curves" BS. Total and complete dog crap right there. Real women have vaginas. That's it.

    Arguable. There are plenty of people with penises who dress, live, and identify as women. Just my $0.02.

    And plenty of them look better in a dress than I ever will. True. :)
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member

    I get like table flipping angry over "real women have curves" BS. Total and complete dog crap right there. Real women have vaginas. That's it.

    Arguable. There are plenty of people with penises who dress, live, and identify as women. Just my $0.02.

    And plenty of them look better in a dress than I ever will. True. :)

    Ha, I know what you mean. My theory is that, if you have to prove to people you are a woman, you put more effort into it. :laugh:
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    People actually tell someone to "eat a cheeseburger" I would respond that I eat plenty of cheeseburgers, I just don't sit around all day wasting my life away and actually burn them off.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    It is crazy to me how okay some people think it is. I was at a party with some of my coworkers (all of whom are larger women) and a girl walked in. She was probably a size two. The entire night, these women made fun of her every move and called her a skinny little beep beep beep. It was awful. One of them even went up to her and asked if she knew what brownies tasted like. It was stupid and pathetic, and I could not believe how mean they were.

    I bet they all went home and wished they were like her.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    People actually tell someone to "eat a cheeseburger" I would respond that I eat plenty of cheeseburgers, I just don't sit around all day wasting my life away and actually burn them off.

    Excellent reply!!