I feel absolutely disgusting.

I just did body measurements and my results were VERY unpleaseasing. Sigh.



Seriously so depressing to see numbers like that. I'm trying, but...ugh.


  • Well, apparently I don't know how to add pictures...so..
  • Make the IMG's lowercase.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I guess I can't help with your pictures either!
    I suggest you check out the success stories threads. Everyone has to start somewhere. Do your best to be positive. If you really try this could be the last time you weigh however much you weight and you'll look different in one months time. Just get started!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I just did body measurements and my results were VERY unpleaseasing. Sigh.



    Seriously so depressing to see numbers like that. I'm trying, but...ugh.
  • Thank you!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    You just had to change IMG to lower case.

    I think you look very pretty and if you are wearing Hunters I may fall in love with you ;)
  • I am! I loooooooove my hunters.

    Lol, thank you
  • BrittanyNBuchanan
    BrittanyNBuchanan Posts: 68 Member
    I think you look good... :smile:
  • beautifulbeast11
    beautifulbeast11 Posts: 202 Member
    I think you look great!

    But I understand... sometimes it's hard to not let the numbers effect or mood or make us think that all of our efforts aren't doing anything.. but they are :)
  • KateRepine
    KateRepine Posts: 60 Member
    To make you feel less disgusting, you are 3 lbs. away from my goal! We are the same height, but I am 183 right now. You look gorgeous!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Why are the numbers making you feel this way? How long have you been working at this, and what were you expecting? You must be pretty near your goal.
  • Why are the numbers making you feel this way? How long have you been working at this, and what were you expecting? You must be pretty near your goal.

    I know I'm not crazy overweight or anything. But, it makes me feel this way because for most of my life I lived comfortably in the 125-130 range. So jumping 20-25lbs was something I really was unhappy with. I don't fit in my clothes anymore and I'm not comfortable in my own skin. I'm not pretending I have bigger problems than anyone else, but I'm just unhappy with myself.

    The numbers in particular make me feel even more disgusting because it puts it in perspective more. My hips/waist ratio puts me at risk for coronary diseases and diabetes (according to some studies)

    I've only been working a month, really. I haven't been expecting much, but it's still depressing to see.

    My goal is getting back to 130.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    To make you feel less disgusting, you are 3 lbs. away from my goal! We are the same height, but I am 183 right now. You look gorgeous!

    The three of us are the same height, I'm at 185, and I'd LOVE to get to 150.
    I think the OP looks great, too.
  • miss_rye_
    miss_rye_ Posts: 94 Member
    Every one has a starting point. I am not looking forward to my measurements, but I know in a month I will see PROGRESS and those first set of numbers will just be that, numbers.
  • celticmedic
    celticmedic Posts: 66 Member
    You look great! Just remember every voyage has a beginning
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    You've made a great start, we'll do e on what you've achieved in a month. come back here in another month and see what progress you've made!
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Unsure if OP is fishing or genuine. Your hardly obese girl. One look in the mirror could tell you that....?
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i don't understand what you are upset about?? are you upset about being awesome?
  • emrldisle94
    emrldisle94 Posts: 2 Member
    I know exactly what you mean... I was comfortable at 134 and now I am 148 as well. It is all stress related - my cortisol must be through the roof. Deployments, moving to a foreign country (1/2 way around the world)- you name it and it has happened to me. I am done with excuses and just want to get toned back up and comfortable in my clothes again.
    I love spin and Insanity and that is how I plan to do it.
    You look great by the way- don't be so hard on yourself (says the girl who picks herself apart!).
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    What is your body fat %? I think that is what is bothering you, your body composition. I was looking at your numbers and I'm 5'5"1/2 and my waist is 27 inches and hips 39 inches at 144 pounds... so I think it's your body composition.

    Your pictures look good to me though!! Don't be hard on yourself... and lift heavy things!
  • nhlgeezer
    nhlgeezer Posts: 14 Member
    You look great just so you know. Keep up the good work it'll pay off!
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    I plugged your numbers in a body fat calculator and it says your body fat % is 33%. That's as high as mine was at my heaviest. It's not your "weight" that's necessarily the problem. It's that you have a low amount of muscle for the weight you are carrying.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I'm not pretending I have bigger problems than anyone else, but I'm just unhappy with myself.

    I apologize. I did not mean to make you feel like your feelings about your weight are insignificant because I weigh more than you. I should have added that because you haven't gotten as gigantic as me you don't have as far to go and maybe it's not as bad as you think. You have the chance to get your weight and health under control before you become obese. Your goals are no less important than mine.
  • You're always going to have wide hips, just fyi, it's your body type. For comparison, I'm 5'10, 45" hips.

    Dont stress over things you can't change...unless you've got money to have them cut you open and shave your hip bones, ew.

    Just keep at it, everything takes time, I know everyone always says that though.
  • Haha, I know! The hips is the one thing I'm not really worried about. They have ALWAYS been that way. Even when I was 20lbs lighter. People make fun of me and say I have birthing hips lol.
  • There is NO need to apologize. I completely understood what you meant. I was just trying to give my explanation for why I'm bothered by it. I'm naturally wordy and always feel the needs to clarify myself, lol. Even when clarifications aren't needed...
  • Unsure if OP is fishing or genuine. Your hardly obese girl. One look in the mirror could tell you that....?

    Sigh. I know I'm not obese. I wasn't trying to say I was overly fat or anything -.-
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    There is NO need to apologize. I completely understood what you meant. I was just trying to give my explanation for why I'm bothered by it. I'm naturally wordy and always feel the needs to clarify myself, lol. Even when clarifications aren't needed...

    I understand. :wink:
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    No sighing required me thinks....you could of taken my comment as a compliment....see the positive not the negative, oh and i second the lift heavy things comment. Wide hips....I have always been pear shaped, and I have found they do get smaller the longer you work at it, weight lifting has deffo helped reduce mine by at least 4-5 inches. Give it a try!! x
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I'd kill to be at 148 and I think you look great! X