For Big Women on the Edge When the Subway is Too Crowded



  • There is ALWAYS and I mean FREAKING ALWAYS some tiny, underfed chick with a HUGE purse that will start some ish with me. Seriously.

    Wait a sec? Sorry but I am one of those 'underfed chicks' you just discriminated against.... thing is...I used to be one of those 'fat chicks that should know better' like you 12 months ago. I can see now why I walk everywhere.......perhaps you should start that as well rather than having a go at someone for being an 'underfed chick'

    PS.... I'm hardly underfed, in fact I eat MORE now than when I was a fatty..... I just work had to stay here. But I'm far from rude, unless you complain. Have a go at me for being skinny or underfed & I'll have a go back. But I'll never start anything.

    It's possible this girl was just underfed and rude... It's also possible you take things too seriously.. Maybe you should eat something. You seem cranky. This post wasn't about you.
  • I love this post!! I've taken the NYC subways often, and I know all about "casing out" a seat to see if my big a** will fit in it before trying to sit, for fear of displacing an entitled and disgruntled skinny b****. Good for you for standing up for yourself!
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    <slow clap>

    <clap turns into thundering applause>
  • danaelizas
    danaelizas Posts: 22 Member
    Bravo bravo bravo! I'm sorry but her rudeness was totally uncalled for and I'm glad you stood your ground. One of my biggest pet peeves is folks who put their their bag on an empty seat on a crowded-jam packed train. Did she pay a second fare for her bag too!?!? Skinny bint needs to eat a couple of hamburgers, have a coke and a smile and stfu!
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    i'm sure a person like that could have found something to complain about even if you weren't overweight. good job standing your ground.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Did you have to describe her as an 'tiny underfed' woman??? The hypocrisy of this post is astounding.
  • BranMuffin947
    BranMuffin947 Posts: 104 Member
  • :smile: You did a great thing! people are so rude on these trains for no reason, she felt so entitled take a cab!!! Go Girl!
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I read the title wrong and expected this to be about the restaurant Subway.... :blushing:

    Buuut I'm glad I stuck around and read it. Go you! I woulda taken her luggage of a purse and thrown it out the door at the next stop and sat right down.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    ugh..that just pissed me off FOR you..i would sit on her $h!+..make her see she needs to move her greedy @$$:laugh: :wink:
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member

    And for those so offended about her description of this asinine person, maybe step back and realize it's not about you. Maybe actually read the story and see where the OP was called fat simply for being somewhere this person did not wish her to be. Maybe that is where the perception of "tiny, underfed" person came from. From THIS PARTICULAR PERSON that OP was dealing with who was so rude. Not you. Maybe it's not great that she decided to describe this person that way, but I understand why she did it, and it was certainly not directed at thin people in general. For crying out loud. It's not always about you. In fact, it's mostly never about you. Just saying.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I read the title wrong and expected this to be about the restaurant Subway.... :blushing:

    Buuut I'm glad I stuck around and read it. Go you! I woulda taken her luggage of a purse and thrown it out the door at the next stop and sat right down.
    I was thinking something like that. I would've chucked that purse across the train at someone and then blamed it on her. And then sat down when she went to get it.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    I would have asked her to move her purse. She could have set it on her lap since she wasn't showing yet. I don't understand people who feel entitled to two seats when the train is crowded, especially if people are standing.

    I get really annoyed at the people (of any size) who leave their backpacks on and/or stand right in front of the doors at every stop. If your stop is farther down the line, move to the middle and then shimmy your way forward as your stop approaches.

    But then I remember people are selfish and stupid. :(

    Maybe karma will bite her and people will refuse to give up their seat when she's eight months pregnant. She could use a taste of her own medicine.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    there are just too many damn people in manhattan. the crowds bring out the worst in people. i think we need to close off the place to any newcomers. those who are already here can stay.
  • SillyFitMe
    SillyFitMe Posts: 130 Member
    Well written and entertaining!! Don't be so hard on yourself either. With someone as miserable as that, you could have been 100 lbs and still irritated her with your presence. The nerve of some people....
  • DeeDel32
    DeeDel32 Posts: 542 Member
    Love this. There's a ridiculous sense of entitlement out there and people seem to have forgotten common courtesy as well.

    Some are just plain outright rude.

    Love your attitude and wish you the best!!
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    Did you have to describe her as an 'tiny underfed' woman??? The hypocrisy of this post is astounding.

    and the PC police are well and active today on the MFP forums. :bigsmile:
  • I had an incident on the city bus yesterday where I was sitting in the front seat and figured there'd be a lot of people on, so I scooted way over against the window so my butt was over the edge of my seat neat the window, but I wasn't even using all of the other side of my own seat.

    This girl sits down because she was last on, perched on the edge of her seat like I'm twice as wide as I actually am, and when a bunch of people got off she got up and moved two seats behind me.

    Yeah, like that's not happened before. Worse was she got off the bus 20 seconds later on the same street. Even worse is she didnt just want to go sit with a friend, she sat down and started talking how it's much better when she gets to sit with skinny people because she has more room.

    Seriously? Were her parents just terrible at raising her, or did she decide to just disregard their parenting and chose to be a terrible person anyways? I never say anything, like always, because I know better than to say things like that about people out loud even if I really really want to.

    I've seen a number of overweight people on that bus too who will sit up front, take up two seats, and never move for an elderly person when they get on. Some people are just jerks, weight doesn't change that.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I've seen fat people get on a train and squeeze into a space waaaaay too small for them and not do a thing to try to contain their girth and squish other people right out of their seats... I've seen thin people take up three seats with huge bags and pointy elbows flailing everywhere. I once had a lady sit down next to me (yes, I was already seated.) with a huge cup of coffee and she was holding it with her elbow extended all the way in front of me.. Why she couldn't keep her elbow in front or her own self.. or at her side, I don't know.. But she had the nerve to speak ill words to me when I bumped her elbow and she spilled her coffee ALL OVER ME! Some people just have no consideration for other people. I can't stand inconsiderate people regardless of their size.
  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    I used to live in NYC when I was younger and I remember being on a crowded bus on the way to an MD appt, VERY pregnant, standing and hanging onto an overhead strap with all my might. As I teetered and veered with the moving bus, my pregnant belly would come perilously close to sitting passengers. No one got up and offered me a seat. Most of them avoided any eye contact at all and pretended to be busy or not notice me. One lady said "excuse ME!" as I "invaded" her personal space on one of my sways. Well, that did it. Some guy finally got up and gave me his seat and they all gave her the look of death.

    Sometimes it takes witnessing rude behavior for other people to do something, or even recognize it in themselves. I hope that by standing up for yourself, you not only helped yourself, but also helped some other people to change a bit for the greater good.
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    I'm glad you stood up for yourself and she was clearly being a *****.

    However, do realise that people may act negatively towards you for all sorts of reasons. For me, I am highly claustrophobic and the underground/metro/tube/subway is my worst nightmare. Sometimes if someone is pressing against me I freak out. If that person happens to be fat they probably think its personal.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    And you know, even if I lose all 140lbs of the weight I need to lose to be the perfect BMI I will NEVER back down or hide or try to be invisible. I will always stand my ground. Especially on the freaking subway.

  • Now that I'm in the suburbs, I don't miss the "subway rage" that comes with living in NYC! It's also annoying when men (whether tall, short, fat, thin) feel the need to sit with their legs as faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar apart as possible to take up as much room as they can. The subway seats are small. Even when I was much thinner than I am now, my shoulders are simply too broad to fit in a single space.

    I agree that your post is very well-written!
  • Aarjono
    Aarjono Posts: 228 Member
    Well, I was just thinking yesterday that one of the drawbacks of losing my weight is going to be that I'm eventually going to be small enough to have to share my seat on the bus. And it is starting already. :grumble: Someone sat beside me yesterday *and* today without falling into the aisle. :wink:
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    I read the title wrong and expected this to be about the restaurant Subway.... :blushing:

    Ha! I thought the exact same thing!! Good for you OP for standing up for yourself. I applaud your patience, for I would have most certainly slapped a b!tch. I also wouldn't worry about random *kitten* people taking this post personally. "I'll bet you think this song is about you, don't you? Don't you?..."
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    Now we know why people get pushed off the platform.

  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    I used to live in NYC when I was younger and I remember being on a crowded bus on the way to an MD appt, VERY pregnant, standing and hanging onto an overhead strap with all my might. As I teetered and veered with the moving bus, my pregnant belly would come perilously close to sitting passengers. No one got up and offered me a seat. Most of them avoided any eye contact at all and pretended to be busy or not notice me. One lady said "excuse ME!" as I "invaded" her personal space on one of my sways. Well, that did it. Some guy finally got up and gave me his seat and they all gave her the look of death.

    Oh no joke. I rode the bus to class the last 3 years of college and one day there was a very pregnant lady who got on and started holding desperately onto the overhead rail. There must've been at least 10 guys sitting in a seat around her. After 30 seconds of NONE of them offering her a seat, I got up and helped her to my seat. She was very grateful and I proceeded to stink-eye the inconsiderate boys who have clearly yet to become men. *Sigh*
  • smaihlee
    smaihlee Posts: 171 Member
    If her pedigree was so great, you'd think she'd have a car and driver?!
  • momasox
    momasox Posts: 158 Member
    I would just love to do this to some of the people I ride the bus with. They all sit there with their bags on the seat next to them acting like they are asleep or like no one can see them. It makes me so angry.
  • What a self important b*tch.

    I live in Atlanta and the subway isn't near as bad as NYC but during rush hour it can be packed.

    Some people who think they deserve an invisible shield around them while the rest of us is just trying to get home packed like sardines in a tin can.

    I hate those kind of people; fat, skinny, or fit.