What are you not going to miss about being fat?



  • angelacarmela0830
    angelacarmela0830 Posts: 21 Member
    Squeezing into clothes.
    Back pain.
    My "baby" pouch.
  • I won't miss avoiding mirrors, and not wanting to see myself in them. I won't miss being sad when I look at pictures before I had babies...
  • angelacarmela0830
    angelacarmela0830 Posts: 21 Member
    Losing my breath too quickly!
  • - muffin top over my jeans
    - always having to go back for a bigger size
    - always having to cross my arms when I sit down to try to hide my gut
    - thighs chafing
    - not being able to do up my coat
    - trying on many different outfits and not being happy with how any of them look
    - not being able to wear a bikini
    - feeling disappointed in myself
  • angelacarmela0830
    angelacarmela0830 Posts: 21 Member
    not going to miss been able to see my belly above the bubbles in the bath :)

    Ain't that the truth!
  • I won't miss getting discouraged when nothing looks good, won't miss wearing a body shaper, and most of all I will be here for many more years to spend with my kids!!!
  • JoanneC_Walks
    JoanneC_Walks Posts: 71 Member
    Great thread! I'm geting a lot of motivation from it.

    I'm not going to miss struggling to zip up my jeans or my "muffin top."
  • kcholley1
    kcholley1 Posts: 1 Member
    I will not miss shopping fo clothing on the "womans" side!
    I will not miss being out of breath from a short walk
  • irenematilda
    irenematilda Posts: 45 Member
    Loads of the stuff mentioned so far, particularly the clothes and camera-related ones..

    In addition, I won't miss getting that sinking feeling when opening a gift, only to find that it's a new top or t-shirt which I know the giver will instantly expect me to try on. I'll either feel bad because it clings to me to the point where I look like a bunch of very big cats having a fight in a very small sack, or I'll feel bad because it just about fits and so it's obvious that the giver has had little trouble in guessing what size I am, something that I guard like a state secret.

    I also won't miss struggling to find a less sensitive topic in order to clumsily start a conversation which will fill those awkward silences that always seem to hang in the air whenever a diet commercial suddenly comes on the telly.
  • ttiiggzz
    ttiiggzz Posts: 154 Member
    Chafing thighs!
  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    I won't miss havng a wardrobe full of clothes that I can't fit into x
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    I won't miss being mooed and oinked at in public.
    Who in the world would do that? Some people....
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    Not going to miss shopping in the plus sized stores!
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    I definitely do not miss my thighs rubbing together when I walk....yuck. Or dreading clothes shopping and leaving the store empty handed because nothing fits right.
  • spiritedsaviour
    spiritedsaviour Posts: 50 Member
    I'm not going to miss
    - being told "you have such a pretty face...if only I'd lose a few pounds I'd be so much prettier".
    -walking down the beach and trying to keep my sarong between my legs to avoid the painful chafe.
    -feeling like EVERYONE is looking at me when I walk into a room and me feeling like it's because I'm the fattest person there.
    -trying on clothes in a size I think is going to fit and being pissed off when it's too small.
    -feeling like I have to justify to everyone every single thing that goes in my mouth.
    -taking a picture of myself from above my head so that I look skinnier.
    -feeling like a failure every.single.day.

    Almost all of these but especially this ^^^
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    I won't miss being mooed and oinked at in public.
    Who in the world would do that? Some people....

    Right? That is so rude
  • Being the only friend that wears a tanktop over her bathing suit.
    Having everyone ahead of me during a hike.
    Changing my clothes 40 times before going out because everything outlines my fat
    Being the bearer of fat jokes at work
    Not wanting to sit on my boyfriend in fear of crushing him.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Not recognizing myself in the mirror was the worst.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    It is more what I miss about being younger than fat, but I miss just being able eat what I want, when I want. seriuosly. Up until just a few years back, I could EAT like a big dog and never really gained. That said, I could also exercise and play sports as hard as I wanted with worrying injuries, lack of endurance, or how sore I would feel the next day. Lol.
  • roozielynne
    roozielynne Posts: 52 Member
    *Clothes shopping at bigger stores.
    *Having to listen to my tiny sized friends complain about how fat they are and sit there wondering if they think they are fat what do they really think about me and my size!
    *Constantly worrying if i am to big to be included. (such as bike riding in the state park, i havent been on my bike in years! because i dont feel comfortable on it, riding an airplane, never had to ask for a seat belt extender but fear every time i fly this might be the year because i know i have gained weight again, not being able to go horseback riding or worry about fitting in the amusement park rides)
    *Worrying my kids and husband are embarressed by me because i cant keep up or look a hot mess when i attempt to!
    *Feeling sick and tired constantly
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I will literally miss NOTHING about being fat.
  • I'm not going to miss being afraid to ride a bike because I'm scared to bend the seatpost or break the pedals. I'm not going to miss having to have my seat pushed all the way back when I drive. I'm not going to miss thinking my sons friends are making fun of me when I'm not looking. I'm not going to miss thinking everyone feels sorry for my husband because he has a super fat wife. I'm not going to miss people staring at me in restaurants. I won't miss not being able to ride rides at the fair with my family. I'm not going to miss having to shop in Plus Size stores for twice as much money. I'm not going to miss having to find extra wide shoes to wear because my feet are so fat. I have a LONG way to go, but I"ll get there. I'm just over 21 pounds down, and have just under 175 to go to get to my real goal, but I'm making changes every day, and taking it slow. One day at a time. We can all do this if we think about what we are dealing with on a daily basis...typing this makes me want it more!
  • dwallski
    dwallski Posts: 3 Member
    I am not going to miss having a hard time breathing while walking....also I am not going to miss trying to shop for clothes and everything is too tight
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    that's my name to as well. She says the same thing to me. also
    I am not going to miss my step grandmother emotionally abusing me about my weight and barking every time I eat.

    My grandmother used to say things like this: "Ya know, Katie, if you just lost the weight, all the boys would be after you". The irony is that when my grandmother died she weighed about 350 lbs.
  • Mostly what I won't miss is people applying 'fat girl' stereotypes onto me. Like when I just talk to a guy, I'm afraid he'll think I'm flirting with him and avoid me out of disgust. Sometimes they do, people in general look at me with disinterest, look down on me because I'm fat.

    As if I even know how to flirt, hah.

    Course by the time I'm skinny I'll have to deal with people looking down on me for other things but somehow I can deal with that, because I'm proud of being myself, but I'm not proud of being fat.
  • labellecanuck
    labellecanuck Posts: 105 Member
    -having my stomach always popping out
    -having little energy and being slow
    -thunder thighs!
    -not wearing a bikini
    -feeling too heavy for my bf to lift
    -the guilt of always thinking I should work out but not
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I won't miss my belly touching my boobs when sitting down and leaning forward. :-/
  • Feeling like the fattest person in the room
    Feeling like 'the ugly one' simply because of my weight
    Not sleeping well because of body pains and aches
    Looking in the mirror and thinking 'fat' before anything else
    Being/feeling ignored
    Feeling inferior
    Being generally uncomfortable in my skin
    Having my social anxiety magnified because all that I'm feeling feels true instead of simple anxiety
    Having extra female probles because of too much estrogen
    Dreading the scale and the dressing room
    Never buying a bathing suit or lingerie