Malteaster Member


  • I agree that it doesn't teach portion control, and although it does advocate cooking from scratch it is possible to eat a lot of junk. At my welcome talk I was told that I need never go hungry and could fill up with free food, but in theory I could eat mugshots all day. I only lost 7lb in eight months I prefer the control…
  • I did Slimming World for six months earlier this year. It has good points such as encouraging cooking from scratch and eating plenty of fruit and veg, but it doesn't really teach portion control. It also has inconsistencies like limiting bread but allowing unlimited pasta. I think it works well when someone has a lot to…
  • If find I can manage a free weeks without counting, but slowly I start to introduce an extra treat here and there, plus portion sizes slowly creep up. If you don't want to count forever, how about counting one week in four to remind yourself of what you are eating.
  • I try and separate exercise and weight loss. I don't eat back exercise calories. As was mentioned above diet is for weight loss and exercise is for health. I found when I followed WW years ago that when I linked diet and exercise, if I was struggling with the diet I didn't exercise. I am very dubious about people who claim…
  • Surely society has a collective responsibility to ensure that everyone's children are healthy.
  • I thought apples provided fibre and vitamin C. This is a great thread. My tips are to focus on the healthy low calorie foods you like rather than force yourself to eat what you are not really keen on. I second getting exercise out of the way first thing in the morning. Also don't cut out a food or food category but perhaps…
  • I have sent you a friend request. Previously I could lose weight, 5 years ago during a stressful six months I gained over 20lb and I can't seem to lose it. I struggle to get down to 150lb and can't go any further. I could probably live with the weight except that it is all on my belly. I've also heard that cutting carbs…
  • I like Jessica Smith's workouts on Youtube. What I love about Youtube is that you can see if an instructor suits you, rather than buy a DVD and decide that the instructors style irritates the hell out of you.
  • I am in a similar situation. I got fed up counting points/calories and seeing the value of food in terms of its calorie count. Faced with this I would choose the lower calorie version irrespective of whether it was what I wanted or its nutritional value. I have also been guilty of choosing biscuits over fruit because the…
  • I'll give it a go. I lose weight very slowly.
  • I've been reading around the subject and have read similar advice. I think there was a study done where one group were put on a diet for a period of time (a month?), and then allowed to eat 'normally' for a couple of weeks. This pattern continued for the period of the study. At the end of the study this group had…
  • All diets seem now to be called 'lifestyle changes' now, though that may be because you have to change your life completely to accommodate them. I have done Slimming World but struggle after the first few pounds. It doesn't really teach portion control, and some of the free foods are not particularly healthy. I liked WW…
  • Hi, I am in a similar situation as you (but probably less active). I have struggled to lose weight for the last few years. I have tried everything. I know all the theory but I can't make it work for me. I love your KISS solution. I have decided to go back to basics and cut out snacks, and eat more whole foods and less…
  • I'd like to join in, although I ideally want to lose about 20lb I am more interested in eating well and starting an exercise programme I can stick to. My health is my first priority though I would love to look more 'toned' and lose my belly.
  • I'm 55 and although I have always seemed to want to lose half a stone I settled around 9st 10lb after having children. About 5 years ago my mum became seriously ill and died, during a period of 9 months I gained two stone through comfort eating, grabbing food when I could and eating high calorie food to encourage my mum to…
  • I have tried intuitive eating a couple of times but just can't get past the initial eat whatever you want stage as left to it's own devices my body would be telling me to eat constantly. Two good books I have read are by Josie Spinardi who also encourages you to take account of how you feel after eating certain foods, and…
  • I caught up with this yesterday and thought it was interesting, especially the fat/sugar combined thing. Out of interest we looked at some biscuits my husband finds irresistible and they combine fat and sugar in equal proportions (and so does a classic cake recipe) It confirms my gut reaction that the answer in my case is…
  • I'm starting again, I gave up on MFP in the middle of the year because I was getting too obsessed with it. I have about a stone and a half to lose, 2 stone would be great but I'm not sure I could maintain it.
  • Firstly, I am not religious but I cannot see that just because a diet is based on the bible it makes it any more healthy . I also don't see why having sex before marriage makes you any less likely to be a good person. Being compassionate and caring is not limited to Christians (or other faiths).
  • I keep my diary closed except to friends. Sometimes the calories are a guesstimate, sometimes I can't be bothered to fill it in. I know when my eating habits are bad, and that frustrates me enough without anyone else pointing it out Having said that, I would think that unless you ask a question on one of the main boards no…
  • Another Pilates instructor to try on YouTube is Erin Huggins. She has a very good beginners routine.
  • I was told at a weightwatchers meeting year's ago that it takes ages to lose the first dress size because there is a tendency to deny how big we are, and squeeze ourselves into smaller sizes. I know I cling onto my size 12s when I really should get a larger size.The squeezed sausage look is not a good one.
  • I've done both in the past and have had more success with Weight Watchers, in fact I gained weight at SW (too much pasta). I have struggled with the WW pro points system and decided to just use MFP. I do find it is an incentive to be weighed by someone else but found both groups were very dismissive of the normal…
  • I think the problem is the disparity between the serving size shown on the packet front and the recommended serving size. Cereals show bowls brimming over with cereal but the 30g recommended portion just covers the bottom of the bowl. Before I started weighing portions I just assumed the picture on the front represented…
  • Start by logging everything you eat, even if it is junk or high calorie. This is often enough to make me think twice about eating it. Also stock up on your favourite fruit and veg, and healthy foods so that getting back on track is not a chore. You have done well so far so don't jeopardise it, you will feel lighter once…
  • I think the OP is saying she wants to go down by 5% which would be 24% not go down to 5%.
  • I didn't say I was following 5 2 strictly but adopting some of the principles in that I fast from 7pm one night and not eating again until midday the following day. Edited for fat fingers on my tablet.
  • Hi, I'm doing my version of it but am trying to average out my non fast days at 1400 which is 200 calories below maintenance calories for me. I also haven't been going as low on fast days but basically missing breakfast and cutting down on those days and have hit about 800-1000 calories. The reason I am not going any lower…
  • I'm from near Ilkeston, and duck is quite common. When I was in Sheffield it always amazed me that bus drivers called everyone, male and female love. I used to love the reactions of fellow (male) students from other parts of the country.