kt4au Member


  • I was doing a round of Whole30 back in May and I started to feel great. All of a sudden I noticed I felt bloated all the time. Come to find out, it was all the nuts that I was eating. I know you said you were eating a lot of protein bars, so maybe that's the case. If not, what about trying a cleanse for a couple of days to…
  • I hope everyone had a great 4th! I wasn't too upset with the scale this morning since it was following a 3 day holiday weekend. My FIL feels the need to fix a 3 course meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Today I had my first OB appt. I knew it was pretty early but the lady making the wanted to go by my the beginning of…
  • Bumping to keep up! Hope you all had a great 4th even though some of you don't celebrate! Katie
  • At what point did you all add the extra calories?
  • Thanks Heather! We moved from FL to GA about 2 months ago so things have been crazy. I was using the gym at our apartment but it was really bad and I was getting really bored so yesterday I finally went and joined the Gold's gym on Monday. They have a lot better equipment. They are also starting yoga classes at the pool at…
  • Hey all!! I am happy to announce that I will be joining you. I know a few of you from the TTC board. Dh and I just found out last week that we will be expecting a little one around 3/02/12. That is yet to be determined for sure. I have my first appt 7/5. They are going to do an U/S and bloodwork. We are really excited and…
  • Thanks for all the well wishes!! Hopefully this is a sticky one! Katie
  • Pam - You may not be where you want to be but you are still in the negative for the year and that is a positive :) Stephanie – I have only been in GA for about 2 ½ months but I am just about 2 hours from you. I am a little jealous of the spa and sushi treatment Ashley – if you only gain 1lb on vacation, which is a positive…
  • Oh yea! I screamed like a little girl too!
  • Hope I didn't miss anyone! Pam – Sorry to hear about your flooded garden. Here we either go weeks with no rain for weeks with rain every day, so I feel your pain. Enjoy your vacation with the fam! Amanda – I know what you mean with the grandbaby talk...luckily my BIL had another one, so that hushed them for a while.…
  • Hey All! Sorry I have been MIA! I decided to take a little break. We got moved and finally got settled in but I still have boxes everywhere but atleast they are in the garage! ;) I tried to read through most of the post but there are a lot of newbies and the rest of you guys have a lot going on. I will be keeping up from…
  • Hey ladies! Just making a quick post to keep up with you. I will be MIA for another week. We are packing all this week and then the big move is on Saturday. It is really bittersweet. We are having one last beach day tomorrow and then it is pack, pack, pack. At least that should burn some calories. Good luck to all of you…
  • Hey ladies! Sorry I have been MIA. It has been a crazy 2 weeks. I am going to try to update and catch up tomorrow but I don't know if that is possible. You girls have been busy. Just a brief update...IUI didn't work this time but not surprising because I found out we are moving in less than 2 weeks. Talk about stress. We…
  • I am on my phone so I can't do a lot of replying right now but what a crazy weekend. I was supposed to be doing my IUI tomorrow but my little egg decided to come early so we are headed there now. I will update later on the whole story but any prayers and baby dust you ladies have would be appreciated.
  • Pam – I think that I would try DH first and then the donor but I think the counseling will help with the decision. Sorry about Aquafit…you gotta hate when a plan fails Dani - I love the thought of the Orgasmic birth but when I told DH about that he had that look on his face like he was going to take me to the place where…
  • Welcome Lauren, Danielle & Jessica Welcome Back Jalara! Lauren - good luck with you Clomid adventure...that stuff made me crazy. I did 8 rounds of it and I started with Femera this cycle Danielle - sorry to hear about your m/c and that really sucks about your cancelled appt. The long wait is how I ended up with my current…
  • Erica - good choice...I love St. Augustine. There is a lot of stuff to do there. You especially have to climb the lighthouse. There is a restaurant down by the lighthouse, I wish I could remember the name but they had really amazing pimento and cheese and I don't even like pimento and cheese. Pam - This is why I do…
  • That is a nice resort. Clearwater is nice, infact that is where we go when we want to just go to the beach for a day. One problem is that it is really busy and has a lot of young people. Good luck with your decisions. Let me know if I can weigh in any more on any other places.
  • Erica - I have been to many beaches in Florida. I lived in Alabama until I was 23 and I have lived in Tampa ever since so Florida beaches are my specialties. If you want a relaxing vacation, I would suggest 2 places to look into. My absolute favorite in Destin, FL or Seaside, FL. They are up in the Panhandle and Seaside is…
  • Heather - the Clearblue Easy Digital is 25mIU and the Clearblue Digital is 50mIU. Hope this helps.
  • Welcome Lukimakamai & Stephanie & Amanda! This is a great board, with great ladies with a bunch of knowledge!!! Heather - CONGRATS!!! I am so excited for you and sending you lots of sticky vibes. I think that I would be right there with you with the cramps...except I think I am going to be nervous the entire 9…
  • Well I am out too. AF showed up a little while ago. I can handle the whole negative thing but getting 2 BFP and then AF showing is just mean. I don't know what is going on with my body but it is making me mad. :mad: The worst part is that I have already given DH the onsie. I guess I should have waited until today. I have…
  • Erica - Sorry to hear AF showed up...curse her for going longer than normal Well I think I may have spoke too soon. My temp dropped below coverline today and so I decided to test again and it was BFN, twice :( It is so weird b/c I took 2 test yesterday and BFP. Who knows. I guess I will have to wait until the doctor calls…
  • Thanks everyone for all the well wishes! The doctors office didn't give very much info today, they want to wait until my blood work comes back tomorrow. The good thing about going to the RE is that I will get an u/s at 6 weeks. DH had the funniest look on his face when he opened the onsie. He looked so confused so I…
  • Karen – the first time I was on Clomid it didn’t work for me the first time I was on it. They had to bump me up to 100mg instead of 50mg. But if you can get them to change you to the Femara, I would try that. It isn’t supposed to be as harmful as the Clomid. Heather – it is okay to pee on a stick…if that helps you get…
  • Welcome Joeylu and Shann272003 Erica – I know how you feel. My temp is actually increasing instead of decreasing. I was bad too and tested yesterday. BFN but I wasn’t surprised with all the cramps that I have been having. I will test again tomorrow if AF doesn’t show by then. It is really weird because the only symptom…
  • You ladies should check out this group! We have a great group and they are very knowledgeable. Hope to see you over there! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/165510-fit-for-future-families-february-2011
  • Erica – I am hoping to hold out until Tuesday. It is really hard this time. Have fun at the poker tournament. I love poker! DH doesn’t let me play with his friends any more b/c I always win. If you just eat a little of each thing, you can have your variety and not too bad with the calories. I have to stop looking at my…
  • Pam – I know how nerve racking it can be to have a parent going through surgery. My mom had emergency double bypass in August and I was 8 hours away. History – Hopefully you, Nichole, Erica and I will get what we want next week! You have a lot of good signs going on. Quiet jealous about the free maternity care, nothing is…
  • Heather – the weather here was beautiful today, we actually went to the fair again tonight…1)because it was free entry after 4pm and 2) there was some more fried food that DH had not tried  We are actually supposed to hit 80 degrees tomorrow. I tried to talk DH into playing hooky but he is too responsible! I have been…