Fit for Future Families - February 2011



  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    By the way I have to admit this to someone and I'd rather not do it with anyone that will point their finger and tell me I'm "crazy" so...I caved in and tested. How stupid! I KNOW that it would be negative...why did I do it? It is like pouring salt on a wound. Stupid. I'm only on CD22 and 6dpo...there is NO way it would have been positive. Why do we do stupid things when we know very well the outcome?! I'm so mad at myself it makes me wanna cry. Grrr...
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Heather--, let me get this straight--you are fighting the evil clom-ID, and haven't gained any weight this time, but you just couldn't resist peeing on a stick a few days early? Cut yourself some slack--I still call that a win. Most of us can't keep from peeing on sticks early, even without the added "I need instant gratification" factor from the clom-ID. The clom-ID made you do it. :-)
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    It happens to the best of us, Heather. :flowerforyou:
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Just heard from the Dr's office. No ovulation this month according to the progesterone levels. I didn't get the number from the nurse, but I guess that means it was still really low. I'm not sure if that feels like good news or bad. A little of both, I guess. I was so sure it happened this month with the positive OPK and the cramping, but it makes me feel better that at least I didn't ovulate and then start spotting 4 days later. At least, this way I didn't ovulate, so I just started spotting. Looking for a silver lining? Grasping at straws? Yes! I'll get more info on Thursday from the Dr, I guess. I appear to have very stubborn ovaries...what a lovely quality for a reproductive organ. Sheesh.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Don't worry, Karen. Clomid doesn't work for A LOT of women. Definitely ask about Femara. It works for the women that Clomid doesn't without the nasty side effects.
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Kah - It's ok to grasp at straws when we need to. We all need something positive to grasp to sometimes.

    Heather - We all test early when we know we shouldn't so don't feel too badly about it hun.

    Erica - It's not over until the AF shows. FX you get a BFP when you test.

    AFM - Only about 16 hours to go before I test again.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I bought a First Response Early Response and tested. BFN. I'm wager my car that my temps will drop tomorrow and AF will show. That's ok. Husband's turn for testing tomorrow anyway.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Heather- we've all been there knowing it can't happen but crushed when it's negative because it's too early. It's one of those stupid things we do to ourselves. As Karen said, you're also dealing with the clomid and hormones remove all logical thoughts from our brains.You're not out yet......find something fun to occupy yourself with to get you away from thinking about the whole thing....

    Karen-I would have been peeing on the HPTs as soon as I had the cramping (see note above...been there, done that too many times to count) but I would have been worse on the clomid. If I can't handle my hormones and urges without Clomid, I can't imagine myself on it. You guys that are on it are my heros....way stronger than I would be on it. And it's not grasping at straws - it's surviving and that's not a bad thing :)

    Erica - I'm still praying that this is your month :) I know you've counted yourself out, but I don't until I get a blood test......either one. Especially taht your temps are wonky. ACK - you posted while I was writing.....with that said, at least you're going to be getting some more of the picture clear with tomorrow's tests, although I'm not sure how your DH peeing on a stick is going to help (JK.....imagine if he got a BFP :noway:). It can't be worse than my situation but I hope yours is much better!!!!

    History - GL in 16 hours. I used to countdown too....
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    at least you're going to be getting some more of the picture clear with tomorrow's tests, although I'm not sure how your DH peeing on a stick is going to help (JK.....imagine if he got a BFP :noway:).

  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    at least you're going to be getting some more of the picture clear with tomorrow's tests, although I'm not sure how your DH peeing on a stick is going to help (JK.....imagine if he got a BFP :noway:).


    Not such a funny thing considering a man did pee on a PT once and got a BFP for it. Turned out he had cancer.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    History - I just looked it up. You're right. Who'd have thunk it? Testicular cancer can raise a man's levels of HCG (the hormone the tests check for) to the point that it can make a HPT go positive......that's kind of scary
  • time2move
    time2move Posts: 78 Member
    Joining! It took us 3 years to have our son (22 months now) and we're officially ttc for #2.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Welcome time2move!

    Erica did you test again this morning or pat hubby on the back as he went off to his appt? At least you know it won't be painful...maybe just for his ego! lol! My DH was lucky enough to be able to get his "sample" at home and then take it right up to the hospital since we only live 3 minutes away.

    I've decided for sure I'm not going to test until March 1st. That is the logical thing to do. But then again logic seems to have left the building about a week ago! I'm still waiting to hear back about my blood work. It is a little irritating that it takes several days to hear back. I definitely hope to hear back something by Friday at the latest. If not then I'm going to break the rule that we aren't allowed to call and ask for results! I will be THAT patient! lol!

    Hope you ladies have a great day! Oh...I'm getting a massage this afternoon to try and let go of some of this stress. Hopefully it does the trick!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Not such a funny thing considering a man did pee on a PT once and got a BFP for it. Turned out he had cancer.

    Men can also get positives on blue dye tests... so it does happen. In that case, the tests just suck.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I'm glad no one took me up on that bet. My temp didn't change from yesterday. But another BFN this morning. I'm going to blame the high amounts of progesterone this cycle. I just can't imagine that if I were in fact pregnant why I'd be getting negative tests on ultra-sensitive tests. DH decided not to go to the appointment since there is that slight possibility. And he had a rough night. I think he woke up 4 or 5 times for various reasons. Which means I woke up 4 or 5 times. I'm sleepy now!

    Welcome, time2move.

    Heather, that sounds like a good plan, but we won't look down on you if you cave and test again. :wink:
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    FC for all of you waiting on your tests and waiting to test! I hope we have a lot of BFPs this month!

    I haven't been and won't be very active on this board or MFP this week as my father got admitted to the hospital Monday, had an angiogram yesterday, which determined he needed bypass surgery this morning. They caught all of this before he had a heart attack, luckily, as he had 90% blockage in all of his arteries, so he is low risk for the surgery. Please keep him and my mom in your prayers, and she is having a hard time with this. He has been Type 2 diabetic for almost 20 years, and has not really taken care of himself, despite the pleading of our family. Hopefully this will be a wake-up call for him.

    That being said, I am being so poor with my eating, no exercise, and I keep forgetting to temp. With my stress levels where they are, I'm sure this is not going to be our month.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Sorry to hear about your dad, Andrea. It's very stressful when your parent is sick and in pain. I'm glad they caught everything before he had a heart attack. Both of my grandfathers had bypass surgeries. One lived another 15 years (he died of something entirely unrelated) and the other is still kicking 20 years later. And with the advances they've made, things are even better now. I'll be thinking about all of you!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Andrea - So glad they caught it early. I can only imagine how upsete you and your mom must be. Hopefully the treatments will be successful and he will be changed by the experience.

    Heather - March 1 is only next week.....that's not too far. The massage sounds good - I'm booked in for Friday for the same thing...

    Erica - our labs only take the samples at certain times here (so they have someone to test immediately), but DH could do the test here, hold the sample bottle between his thighs while he drives the 5 minutes. He prefers it to the kind where he went somewhere....much less embarassing for him.

    AFM: Like I said, booked in to massage later this week and getting my referral to acupuncturist from my chiropractor. I'm quite sleepy today, but hopefully that will go away soon. I'd like to get outside and take the dogs for a walk between meetings this evening. Feeling much less blah though, I'm sure the chocolate I've been stuffing in my mouth hasn't been helping much either.
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    Karen – the first time I was on Clomid it didn’t work for me the first time I was on it. They had to bump me up to 100mg instead of 50mg. But if you can get them to change you to the Femara, I would try that. It isn’t supposed to be as harmful as the Clomid.

    Heather – it is okay to pee on a stick…if that helps you get through the day, then who is it hurting. Especially since you knew it was way too early and there was no way it would be positive.

    History – have you tested yet? FC for you!!!

    Welcome time2move!

    Erica – Your temps have not dropped and AF is still not here, so you still have a chance. FC for you all day. What is the longest that your cycle has been? If this is it, I would call the doctor. Maybe they will go ahead and do a blood test.

    Andrea – this is exactly what happened to my mom in August. She was just going in for a normal check –up and they rushed her straight to the hospital and did a double bypass. She had a 99% blockage in one of her arteries. I am amazed she didn’t have a heart attack. He will get through this. I will be praying for him.

    AFM – I woke this morning and my temp had dropped quite a bit so I had decided not to test. But when I did decide to get up and pee and did test, I think it is kind of like an addiction. Well I tested and it was BFP!!!!!! I can’t believe it. Actually I won’t until the doctor confirms it. It wasn't as dark so I am not 100% sure yet. I go this afternoon for a blood test and then again on Friday and then a week later. What scares me the most is that they told me my lining was thin when I went for my last u/s. I have read where this can lead to a miscarriage. I don’t know if I can handle that. I had just about talked DH into some counseling b/c I was convinced it didn’t happen this month. Heather, you are a lot stronger than I am.

    I will send my leftover baby dust to you all. I will let you know what the doctor says as soon as I do. I haven’t even told DH. Tomorrow is his birthday so I plan on giving him the onsie tonight. He will think that it is an early b’day present.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    YAY KT4AU!!! It's about time we have a BFP around here! I'll tell you exactly what we tell everyone with a BFP light line--IT'S STILL A LINE! YAYYYY!!!!