Fit for Future Families - February 2011



  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    So last night I kept feeling weird 'twinges' on my right side (felt them on the left after my positive OPK last month) and when we were BD it felt like I was getting punched in my right ovary....totally never felt this before! A friend said that was normal. Anyhoo, that's all I've got for now.

    That definitely sounds like a ripe follicle. I get that most of the time, too... and apparently I have super follicles. :laugh:

    Maybe she meant positive test in March... because that would be about right for normal people who wait until AF shows to test. :wink:

    I won't test until the 22nd or the 23rd. I don't like BFNs.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    AFM: I think my cycle is finally back after going off the pill in December. Around the time I am scheduled to O I had the worst bloating. It felt like I was getting my period, but I heard that could happen during Oing too. We will see. If all is on schedule I should be getting AF next week. If that's the case then my cycle should be pretty normal. I recall my cycle was always pretty on when I was off the pill. It's hard when I was on the pill for so many years, makes me not really know my natural body. There may be a small chance I could be pregnant as we did a lot of BDing during the time I may have O'd but we will see next week.

    LOL, I think I'm the one who said you were Oing due to the bloat. That happens to me every month. I go up 2 pounds. It's ridiculous. I hope your cycle is back to normal. It took me a few months off the pill to really regulate. I went from a 26 day cycle to a 33 and now I've averaged out at 29 days. If you aren't already pregnant, good luck with the official TTC!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    That definitely sounds like a ripe follicle. I get that most of the time, too... and apparently I have super follicles. :laugh:

    Maybe she meant positive test in March... because that would be about right for normal people who wait until AF shows to test. :wink:

    I won't test until the 22nd or the 23rd. I don't like BFNs.

    I hope so! :) I am waiting to test until March 1st but when she said I was due in December that wouldn't be right if I get pregnant this month. So I hope she is half right for me! lol! Well that is are halfway through!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Hi Hi (Sorry for the EXTREMELY long post)

    Katie~ Thanks for the FF info. It has my average at 37 and I think that's really the longest its went, so I don't know what to do with the FF predictions. I have NO idea when/if I'm Oing. I was on the DEPO shot for 5 years, which really messes up your system. (they say you aren't supposed to stay on it for longer than 2 years. Plan Parenthood apparently didn't get that memo :grumble: ) I live one street away from my parents (not because I wanted to, but the house was great at with a great price) and I thought it was going to be much worse. We see it now as quite convenient. DH's family live 2 hours away, and sometimes I wish they were the ones around the corner. I love both of my families!

    Heather~ YAY for +OPK (lol that rimes) Happy BDing. I really hope your G-pa is doing better.

    Erica~ Good for you for taking charge over your Dr! Way to go on the super progesterone! Can you send some my way? I could use a boost I think. :laugh:

    Pam~ I do have to agree that we have done many things without a baby, but I am one to think that we could have even with one. (maybe just with a little more planning and a few challenges) Your description of the garden reminds me of the Botanical Garden we visited in Hilo, HI. It was absolutely breath taking! By the way, I LOVE hyacinths too! Have fun visiting all those babies!

    Andrea~ BOO! Me too. Well I'm spotting so far, but I'm sure she will be full force soon. Here we go with another month to reach our goals!

    Ashley~ YAY! I'm SO excited for you. I will keep you in my prayers that everything goes well and as planned!

    Karen~ Sometimes I wish I had a big family, then the holidays come around and have to buy for everyone and think what we have is just enough! (both my DH and I have 2 older sisters) I'm with you on the grumpy and pessimistic front! Good job on working out tho! I think I might be coming down with something. Good luck with the niece and nephews. That will be me this weekend. DH's sister and family just got in from England, so we are going up to his parent's to visit with every one. That puts the niece and nephew count at, 2 nieces and 3 nephews.

    Nichole~ Glad to hear your cycle is getting back to normal. If you didn't happen to make it work this month, I hope you the best with officially TTC!

    AFM~ *"Negative Nancy" alert* BLAH!! I woke up and did not want to get my butt out of bed! I have been fighting just to get through this workday. (btw, the clock is not moving) I think I am coming down with a cold of some sorts. My mom and dad have been battling something and I think they have most graciously passed it onto me. :frown: On top of getting sick I started spotting today, so I think I am out of the running this month. This also explains my mood today. I never get anything warnings of AF, just the day of in the form of an tremendously bad mood.

    I have been doing pretty well all around (food, exercise, and h2o), but last night I really didn't want to cook so Wendy's it was. I have to admit, I'm a sucker for fast food. :embarassed: I hope this mood doesn't take over and I can get my butt to Zumba!

    We have a busy weekend, going up to DH's parent's to spend time with his sister and family who just got in from England. They are planning to move to North Carolina soon because of her husband's job and they are here looking for a house and at the schools. While they are in NC they are leaving our niece and nephew with his parents starting Saturday night through next Friday. So we are going to spend some time with them and hopefully alleviate some pressure on his parents. His other sister has 3 kids and live right across the street, so you can guarantee there will be 5 kids over at grandma and grandpa's the whole week. It should be fun! I'm just crossing my fingers that I can get rid of this cold before we go up. (I know...Fat chance)

    On a good note...My sister got word from the Wayne State University Law School that they will represent her and take her case for free! So they are filing the emergency custody papers that she seeds to go and get Lilly back with police backup. She prolly has to go in Friday and sing them, and might have word from the judge as early as Tuesday. We are SO happy to see something happening. Baby steps...
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Kim, I'm sorry you're spotting, but at least it sounds like your cycles are starting to regulate. Hopefully, this time your monitor will tell you what you need to know. And I'm so happy things are finally moving to bring your niece home!

    And I forgot to add: Progesterone coming your way!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    And I forgot to add: Progesterone coming your way!

    LOL :happy: THANKS!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Yay for Wayne State Law School!!!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Karen – Wow 4 kids! It’s a lot! I used to babysit 4 kids (7,5,4,9mths) all summer when I was 15, and have no idea how I did it! Which makes wonder how on earth did I manage to get trusted to care for that many kids at that age? What’s worse is that I started babysitting 2 kids at 13! Here’s a group question, what age would your babysitter need to be?
    When you’re doing your special dance for me tomorrow I’ll be sending you patience and energy vibes :smile:

    Erica – Yeah for O’ing on your own! FC for you and hope you have a speedy 2WW with a BFP at the end of it all! BTW awesome news on the super progesterone!

    Nichole – I’ve never even heard of Chic-Fil-a, must be one of the many fast food stations only available in the states. The only ones I go to of “fast food chain” are places like Jugo Juice, Thai Express, Cultures, Muffin Plus, Chop Crazy, and of course Subway. These are all smaller corps, not that it makes them any better, but I need to be able to eat somewhere when everyone else is eating.
    Best of luck with your cycle regulating itself quickly!

    Kim – Sorry to hear you think AF showed her ugly head! I hope you start feeling better soon and get to enjoy the time with your nieces and nephews!
    Sending good vibes for your sister, I hope she gets to bring Lilly home soon!

    AFM – I took the Ovidrel shot last night, well… DH ended up giving it to me cause I just couldn’t! I’m not afraid of needles, that’s not the issue, it was the stabbing yourself with one that freaked me out. I tried, but my arm just wouldn’t make the motion, and finally my nerves got the best of me and I asked DH to do it.
    So now I wait for tomorrow morning! And then wait again for 2 weeks :tongue: I did realize something neat about tomorrow, it’s a full moon! That’d be pretty interesting if I conceived on the full moon!
    Oh and as for my weight loss, it’s not going at all! I stress myself out too much and then eat whatever and haven’t been working out, this pattern needs to stop and soon! Arghhh

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Kim I'm so glad that the ball is rolling! I'm sure Lilliana misses her mommy dearly!

    Ash I'm glad you got the shot in (even if DH did it...which I'm sure he didn't mind too much). I'm praying Friday is your day girl!
    As far as the age for a babysitter I think it would just depend on the person. I personally don't want anyone who isn't my family/close friend to watch my child without me around but I'm sure that might change and I will find a sweet/smart/reliable teenage girl to help me out when the time comes.

    So question for you long after the "twinges" do you ovulate? This is only the second month I've ever felt the the ovulation pain (guess I wasn't paying that much attention back in Sept when I conceived while taking Clomid cause I don't remember feeling ovulation). I started feeling them Monday evening and then got my :smile: on the OPK Tuesday and felt them all day Tues and then all day yesterday. Haven't felt the 'twinges' but more of a weird pressure feeling on the right side today. Since I've obviously never ovulated in the past (or did so at weird/not normal times) I don't have any clue about this whole thing. Also, planning on BD every day until tomorrow and got every day this week. Do you think stopping Friday will be enough? (God I hope so...I'm so over this! lol!).

    Last night had the most intense craving for something sweet (more specifically cookies, cupcakes, ice cream....all together!) I even found myself getting a spoon full of peanut butter and putting some sugar free chocolate syrup on it (the syrup was left over from ice cream sundaes we made back in December and it needs to be thrown wasn't good at all). It didn't do the trick...But I pushed through and didn't go get anything (I'm sure if I would have gotten in my car and headed to town I would have bought the whole place out of anything chocolate/sweet!). I HATE hormones and how this CLOMID makes you insanely ravenous! Grrrr!

    Oh and have I also mentioned that my DH has been sick this whole week?! Which makes for an even more interesting scenerio involving coughing and snot. Let me tell you...this whole week has been interesting. He stayed home from work last night (he usually goes in at 645am and doesn't get home until 11pm when he is flying doubles) and today. I wouldn't mind it but when DH is sick...he is such a big baby! But he still manages to find the "energy" to BD. When I'm truly sick...there is no way, no how that that can even happen! lol! Oh well I guess I should feel bad for him but his sickness is basically just a rotten cold (coughing, sinus congestion, and drainage) and being someone who was a Pediatric nurse who saw kids with half a brain (literally) smile and laugh through their illness, it is hard to have sympathy for a grown man who has a cold. (Does this make me sound heartless?! lol I'm really not!).

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful day. It looks like it is going to be 70* F today so I'm going to have to get my pup outside for a couple walks to enjoy this weather....while it lasts!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Heather: I can't help with the o question as I am just trying to learn the same thing. Hopefully someone else has more experience.

    You are so right. Men are the biggest babies when they are sick. My husband moans and groans like he is dieing. Plus he hacks and snorts and all sorts of other nasty stuff in the bathroom. I think one day he is going to blow his head off. He can't stand the feeling of anything foreign in his throat. I can't either but I don't make a big production about it. I know I am sick so I just deal with it. Not him, he thinks he can get it all out, haha. Sorry if TMI. But I feel your pain. I have a really hard time sympathizing with my hubby when he is sick. I've gotten better at being nicer but it can be hard. You are right though they never seem to have a problem BDing. Men! Haha... This is why we carry the baby!

    Ash: I don't think I could give myself a shot either. Good thing the hubby could do it. Good Luck. That would be funny if you conceived on a full moon.

    Erica: You were the one who said you also get bloated and gain a couple pounds during O. That was a big help, I did some reading and I definitely think that was it. Weird to actually have a symptom, hopefully it will help. Although I thought during that time you were supposed to feel more sexy and not bloated which is the complete opposite, haha

    Kim: Where in NC are they moving to? I have lived in NC for 2 years and I love it. I do miss all my family and friends up north but we have been able to visit a lot. And people love visiting us. I miss skiing the most. Can't wait for our VT ski trip next month... Hope everything works out for your sister!

    AFM: I am happy it is Thursday. I had the hardest time getting out of bed this morning. I just wanted to stay in my warm bed.

    Yesterday I found out that my favorite Zumba teacher was in a car accident and broke his collar bone. I feel so bad. He is one of the nicest people I know and teaching Zumba is his career. Who knows how long he will be out for. The replacement is just not the same. I burned 100 less calories in her class. I'm just glad the accident was not worse.

    Well I better get some work done, hehe. Everyone have a great day!:happy:

  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Well, I"m just praying that hubby and I hit the right "window" because we are both sick of BDing. (Who would have thought.) We have given it our best shot for this month, and I am done. There will be only sleeping tonight and I will enjoy every second of it.

    Last night I ate 3 frosted sugar cookies. Talk about feeling out of control. One was planned. Three was not. But, if there is one thing I can't usually resist is a frosted sugar cookie. I don't know what it is about them. There is absolutely no nutritional value in them...that's probably why. My dad says my mother can go into a store and pick something out and the one she likes best is always the most expensive thing. I'm the same way, but with things that are bad for me. Give me a bunch of food choices, and I promise you that whatever I pick will be the worst thing there. Wish I had your attitude about Fast Food Ash--I am so not the same way. Wish I was, and I am developing a taste for healthier things based on the benefits I reap, but if all things were equal, I'd probably be eating Arby's curly fries every day of my life.

    I suppose while on Clomid, three sugar cookies could be worse. I'm hoping I can tame the Clomid beast better today. I've also been having weird pregnancy dreams the last two night. Really weird. My husband is like "maybe it's a sign". I'm like "Don't even go there--it'll just make it worse if it doesn't happen this month. Lets just blame the Clomid for now." I am having a hard time walking that line between positive thinking and just feeling like I am setting myself up.

    Hope everyone else is doing well today. I got up, even went for a jog (I did C25k last summer...I'm starting it again at the beginning--after the long cold dark winter). No lying on the couch--and no frosted sugar cookies--promise.
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Wish I had your attitude about Fast Food Ash--I am so not the same way. Wish I was, and I am developing a taste for healthier things based on the benefits I reap, but if all things were equal, I'd probably be eating Arby's curly fries every day of my life.

    Me, too! In fact, I had those curly fries a couple days ago! I have been so terrible this past week! I am blaming it on PMSing, but I know I can do better than I have!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    So question for you long after the "twinges" do you ovulate? This is only the second month I've ever felt the the ovulation pain (guess I wasn't paying that much attention back in Sept when I conceived while taking Clomid cause I don't remember feeling ovulation). I started feeling them Monday evening and then got my :smile: on the OPK Tuesday and felt them all day Tues and then all day yesterday. Haven't felt the 'twinges' but more of a weird pressure feeling on the right side today. Since I've obviously never ovulated in the past (or did so at weird/not normal times) I don't have any clue about this whole thing. Also, planning on BD every day until tomorrow and got every day this week. Do you think stopping Friday will be enough? (God I hope so...I'm so over this! lol!).

    My temp usually shifts the day after I get the weird pressure. Whether I've actually Od the day of the shift or not, is subject to interpretation of charts. If you got a +opk on Tuesday, then you could have Od anywhere from Tuesday to today. I would probably skip Saturday and give it one last go on Sunday. I think that's why my doctor recommends every other day, so you don't wear out before you actually O (which we do anyway because we're old). :laugh:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I've also been having weird pregnancy dreams the last two night. Really weird. My husband is like "maybe it's a sign". I'm like "Don't even go there--it'll just make it worse if it doesn't happen this month. Lets just blame the Clomid for now." I am having a hard time walking that line between positive thinking and just feeling like I am setting myself up.

    It's probably the increased progesterone from the Clomid. I have crazy dreams in the 2ww, too. This past Sunday, I had a dream in which my mom (who has been dead for 11 years) was sobbing and asking me why I haven't made her a grandmother yet. Totally heart wrenching and just completely wrong.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I feel awful. I've had a headache since Monday. I was crying at every story on Good Morning America today... which in turn made me start gagging. If I'm not pregnant this month, I'm going to be pissed. There is no reason to feel this crappy without pregnancy hormones.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Erica--I just want to give you a hug. Hang in there....we all will survive the 2WW one way or another, one day at a time. And we'll worry about whatever shows up at the end of that when it gets here. Or, I keep telling myself that.

    I've decided that Comid just makes my ID run rampant. You guys know what I'm talking about? ID, Ego, Superego---I'm going all psychodynamic on you for a second,sorry--it's outdated (sorry Freud), but sometimes it just makes sense. The ID is all about seeking pleasure and avoiding pain, instinctive drives and impulses. Usually our SuperEgo and Ego try to keep it under control, but apparently not while I'm on Clomid. My ID appears to be choosing frosted sugar cookies and Arby's curly fries to get me through, and my Ego and Superego are just hanging on for the ride at this point, occasionally getting a word in edge-wise. I'm going to start calling the drug Clom-ID. Haha.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I'm jealous. I love Arby's curly fries. I can't eat them though. I have a really awful reaction to potatoes. But they sound so good.... Sorry, I know you were making a point there, but all I can think about is fries now. :laugh:
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Wish I had your attitude about Fast Food Ash--I am so not the same way. Wish I was, and I am developing a taste for healthier things based on the benefits I reap, but if all things were equal, I'd probably be eating Arby's curly fries every day of my life.

    Me, too! In fact, I had those curly fries a couple days ago! I have been so terrible this past week! I am blaming it on PMSing, but I know I can do better than I have!

    There’s another one to my list, I’ve never tried Arby’s!

    I will admit that there is one fast food item that I can’t go without, its very Quebec specific though and I had one last night… a poutine!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    OK, I went and got some sweet potato fries from Smash Burger. I feel better able to focus on content now. :wink:

    Ashley, poutine sounds like an acquired taste to me... I think it's the cheese + gravy that is throwing me off.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    OK, I went and got some sweet potato fries from Smash Burger. I feel better able to focus on content now. :wink:

    Ashley, poutine sounds like an acquired taste to me... I think it's the cheese + gravy that is throwing me off.
    It has to be done well, it needs to be a certain type of gravy and it needs to be curd cheese, so it doesn’t melt. Canadian cheese is also very different from American cheese, we have different pasteurization laws. If ever you find yourself in the province let me know, I’ll bring to try a really good one, you’ll swear by them afterwards :smile: