Fit for Future Families - February 2011



  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    It's hard to tell, Kim. Did you ever get a "high" or "peak" on your monitor? Or any sort of LH surge on the strips? I would probably wait at least three more days and see what happens. CD 30 sounds reasonable... though if you Od in the past week, it will be too early to show up on an HPT.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Erica – I hate how Dr.’s get annoyed at how we take our health into our own hands by doing the research ourselves! The truth is that it’s probably a blow to their ego when we point out something they could have missed and their way of dealing with it is by telling us we’re looking too much into things. Keep doing what you are doing, you are a fountain of knowledge for us all and listen to your instinct.
    What makes someone at risk or not for blocked tubes? I’m also not sure how an HSG test is more invasive than pumping hormones into a person for 3months?
    I am glad that your fix can possibly be as simple as BD’ing an extra time per cycle.

    Kim – Nice to know your name too. My fingers are crossed that you won’t need to take those supplements. I totally get how the wait is the hardest part in all this, our patience is obviously being tested to make sure we’ll be well prepared for little ones!
    As for testing, the logical part of me would say to wait another week, but the emotional part of me wonders how you haven’t already :laugh:

  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    It's hard to tell, Kim. Did you ever get a "high" or "peak" on your monitor? Or any sort of LH surge on the strips? I would probably wait at least three more days and see what happens. CD 30 sounds reasonable... though if you Od in the past week, it will be too early to show up on an HPT.

    Thanks! I got quite a few "high" days but no "peak." (it was prolly just the monitor "learning" my levels) I started looking at the strips a little late in my cycle, but didn't see anything for the past week or so. CD 30 sounds good....
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member

    Kim – Nice to know your name too. My fingers are crossed that you won’t need to take those supplements. I totally get how the wait is the hardest part in all this, our patience is obviously being tested to make sure we’ll be well prepared for little ones!
    As for testing, the logical part of me would say to wait another week, but the emotional part of me wonders how you haven’t already :laugh:


    Thanks Ashley! I will try my hardest to hold off! LOL
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Ashley, the main cause of blocked tubes is a history of chlamydia. I think what he meant was that of the number of women who have an HSG done, relatively few are actually diagnosed with a blockage or anatomical defect. It may "clean out" small debris in the tubes, but that's not the actual purpose of the test. Also, I'll end up paying for most of that out of pocket. It's far less expensive to try hormones for a few months and then go from there. I'm fine with that. He's not a reproductive specialist. If I were to see an RE, I would have a different course of action, but we haven't gone to that step yet. We'll see what the SA results are before making any decisions.
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome Laura & DawnRenee & whitelion82 & lainakerr

    If I missed someone I am so sorry! Also, sorry for the long post!

    Kim - FF shows my cycles as an avg of 36 days but I know when I take Clomid they are no longer than 29 days. But on the longer cycles, I know I o’d later. Do you know when you o’d?

    Erica – Well it sounds like you might have an easy fix if it is just stopping the BDing too early. Hopefully DH’s SA will be fine. Also, thanks for the FF info.

    Ashley – I O’d on CD 17 but that was because my follicles were medicated with the Clomid. Love the flowers. The Ovidrel isn’t that bad. I can’t really tell that it does anything other than letting me know exactly when I ovulate.

    Heather – Like I told Ashley I o’d on CD 17 but that was because I did the Ovidrel shot. Otherwise I figure it would have been probably CD 19, so hopefully you will see your  in a couple of days! BTW, if you are burning 1300 calories a day, I would hire you to be my trainer.

    Andrea - I know what you mean by getting yourself too worked up. I always do and this time I decided not to but the DH is. He told me a couple of months ago this was the month and he is sure that it happened. But like everyone else said, it ain’t over until AF shows. I really miss skiing. The last time I went skiing, I tore up my knee and had to have surgery, so the DH said no more 

    Karen – I would think that you are probably about to ovulate. I have learned that Clomid exaggerates everything from hunger, to moodiness, to ovulation cramps. I would love that recipe for the cake!

    Nkster – We have been together for 12 ½ years and married for 5 ½ years.

    Pam – I can’t believe the clinic mixed up your appointment. I love the way you look at it. I try to tell myself that each month I get a BFN. Great job on breaking your cycle of down then up!

    HMKan – congrats on officially trying. Hopefully some of us haven’t scared you too bad ;)

    Alisa – sorry you were sick…glad you area back

    AnneElise – so excited for you! Glad your morning sickness is over

    Historysmissinglady – I know what you mean by the false pregnancy tricks. I think mine start the day after ovulation

    AFM: We did all the BDing we could. If it doesn’t happen this time, I don’t think it is going to happen the old fashioned way. DH is determined that it is going to happen this time. I guess we will see next week.

    On the weight loss side, I would say that I did pretty good last week. I normally do my weigh in on Fridays because I am not as strict on myself. We went to the State Fair on Sunday and I thought that weighing on Monday was going to be horrible but I did it to see how bad the fair is. I was only up .2 lbs. I guess all that walking around burned off. Last night we went to Outback, it is one of my favs and we never go, so we treated ourselves last night. I was doing great. I knew what I was going to order and how many calories were in them but then DH order a Bloomin’ onion. I didn’t eat much of it and I only ate half of my meal but I was still up. I wish I could keep myself from weighing everyday but I am obsessed, I actually weigh at least 3 times a day.
    Well yesterday was my first day at home and it was great. I got up and went to the gym and then the grocery store. I came home and had chocolate covered strawberries with homemade whip cream. So yummy! DH has decided that he is going to start watching his calorie consumption. He was so funny yesterday, he sent me a list of stuff that he ate for breakfast and lunch and wanted to know how many calories. Funny thing was he had no clue about serving sizes!

    There is a lot going on at our house, which makes me a little nervous while we are TTC. DH wants to sell the house and move back closer to our hometown. I agree that it would be nice to be closer once a baby is here but DH’s family is a little clingy. They are at his brother’s house every weekend since they had their baby. I just don’t think I can handle that. It is also going to be hard to leave sunny Florida. I mean I live 30 mins from the beach and an hour from Disney World. So if any of you are sick of snow and would like to buy a house, let me know  I could go on and on but I will save some for later!

    BTW, my name is Katie!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Katie, I'm booking my trip to see you right now... :laugh:

    I'm not sure if he's completely right about us stopping too soon, but at the very least, we can give it a shot and see what happens. At this point, 3 months isn't that long.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Alisa I forgot to say earlier this morning (in my novel like post) how glad I was to see you are doing okay (minus the sickness). Sorry you weren't feeling well but I'm glad to see you back! :)

    Katie I'm on my way as well! lol! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! I don't blame you about the inlaws. My mother in law recently moved 4 hours away (she used to live 4 mins away). She is wonderful in small doses but I'm glad that I won't have her breathing down my neck after a baby comes into the picture.

    Kim sorry to hear that the whole ordeal is still going on. Hopefully soon she will be back with her mommy. I'm sure she misses her. It is so sad when the kids get mixed up in their parents drama....He sounds like a real winner too. I don't care who you are, who takes their kid away from their mother unless she is physically/sexually/emotionally abusive. Ugh...

    Erica glad you got some answers today and are on your way if this month doesn't end with a BFP. I agree that it is okay to suggest things to your doctor. We know our bodies better than anyone else, even doctors. So what if his ego gets a little bruised. This is your health and your life. As a Registered Nurse I've seen good Doctors and I've seen bad ones and trust me, the good ones never mind getting more information or suggestions! If I hadn't have told my doctor that I believed I had PCOS I don't think I'd be any closer to having a baby then I was 8 years ago! So don't ever worry about telling your doctors what you think or what you need, they are there for you, not the other way around!

    I got my :smile: today! So looks like we will be babydancing for the next 4 days....just to make sure. Also, got a text from my aunt today saying that my Grandfather isn't doing very well and she is flying out to Vegas (where my grandparents go every winter from Ohio) to be with him and my Grandmother. They are looking at possibly putting in a pacemaker. I don't know anymore than that really because I haven't gotten a call to give me details yet. I know he is getting older, but I truly hope that he recovers fully from this. I'm not sure what I'd do if I had to say goodbye to him now....
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Hooray for +opks.

    Oh no worries. I don't care if he thinks I'm a total nut job, I ask him to do the stuff I think needs to be done. I made him give me the actual numbers from my bloodwork, too. :smile: Most of my doctors think I'm a hypochondriac, but that doesn't keep me from making diagnostic suggestions. :laugh:
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    You girls come on down. We can have a MFP beach trip. I love entertaining so if you are serious, come on down!

    Heather - Yippie for + OPK!!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    First off, I'm kinda surprised by how many people's first names I didn't know.....I think of you guys as friends so it's kind of shocking that I didn't even know your name before I knew about your cycles...LOL

    My Valentines is now officially over :) I got flowers too, but not the kind I could bring home. We just got home from the Royal Botanical Gardens (it was about an hour each way). It actually was really sweet. My DH knows I'm a garden nut and so he planned to take me there the next time after our fertility appointment - just so happened that it was the day after Valentines Day so we decided this was our gift to one another. Wasn't a whole lot in bloom, except for the spring bulbs (OMG, I love the smell of hyacinths)and the Mediterrean gardens. Which had many of the same plants as I got to see when we visited my family last year in South Africa. The gardens reminded me of my grandparents front yard...what a great day! We also picked up A&W on the road and I learned an important lesson. I seriously dislike fast food. It was eye awakening! I'm actually really proud of that. I never believed people when they said they didn't like the taste. The only thing I enjoyed was the root beer.

    Andrea - We've all been there. This is such a critical thing and it's such a horrible feeling when we overanalyze all the little twinges (I sometimes thing I'm too in tune with what I'm physically feeling) and then have the let down with the test over and over (especially when you keep telling yourself that tests are wrong all the time). You missed something really important though that you learned from this cycle. Your cycles are usually 27 days and your LP is 14 (it rarely changes). That means that you should focus your BD on the 5 days around day 13 AND you shouldn't test until you're 15DPO. That'll set you up for success next time!

    Heather - I know that feeling about dreading AF. To be honest with you, I don't know if I'll believe a positive HPT until I hear a heartbeat. To my note to Andrea above, it's so difficult not to hype up and then you get to a point where it's the opposite and it's difficult not to expect the worst (that's where I'm usually at monthly). Try and stay positive though - I really do think that it helps! BDing gets those positive endorphins racing though so get right on that :) We had a similar call in late Dec about DH's grandmother. Her heartrate was apparently 22 when she was admitted!!!! She had the pacemaker put in and when I spoke to her on the weekend she said she hasn't felt this great in years!!! I hope the same is true of you and your Grandfather.

    Erica - I'm the same way. I actually had to change GPs because he refused to listen to me (to the point that I left his office, went the hospital with an asthma attack and was promptly admitted for a week). The face of medicine is changing and I think a lot of them have trouble with it - we're now partners in my medical treatments and if you don't want that, you're not the doctor for me. Oh and if BDing more is the answer to your problems, it's not all bad :P

    Kim - LOL I know the now now now feeling....I look back at my life though and know that 90% of the things that have happened to me since getting married wouldn't have been possible if I'd had children. I'm not saying that it's your situation and don't get me wrong, I would gladly have taken the opportunity over that 90%, but I have made the best of a rotten situation and will be a better mother for it! I cannot believe that it's taking so long to put through the paperwork for custody for your sister.....I hope that your niece is being cared for well while she is away and that she is returned safely to you guys soon.

    Katie - My DH and I had a big conversation this week. He started on MFP the same time as I did. He is down 20lbs in 1 year. I asked him why that is (he's quite a bit taller than I am, but we started at the same weight so his BMI is around a 32 while mine was a 42). We figured out it's because he's eating the same as I am.....he doesn't want me feeling bad because he gets more food than me. OMG!!!!!! Nice sentiment, but wrong place. Just make sure he's getting his minimums in. My inlaws moved 18hour drive away (they're in New Brunswick, just north of Maine) instead of 5 minute walk and our relationship has never been better....LOL We see them 2x a year (once when we visit and once when they do) and that's plenty! My folks live about an hour and see them about once a month - with both sets it equals about the same amount of time overall, but I couldnt' deal with my parents for a week straight and I couldn't deal with my inlaws once a it all works out :)
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement, girls. She (AF) came quite uninvited today, how rude! New cycle, more chances to get healthy and life together before a big change :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Good job Andrea :) Negative talk is self sabotaging. Keep positive and you'll eventually be positive (that's my motto, hasn't worked yet, but I'm staying positive....LOL)

    Today is baby day for me...YAY I have to get ready and head into town. I'm visiting one of my best friends. Her little guy is just 7 weeks old and so we're going to visit for an hour and cuddle (sucking in the youth as Frank used to say on Everyone Loves Raymond). Then we trek an hour east of the city and visit my friend and her two boys (6months and 3 years). Spend about an hour playing with the boys - and talking with my friend of course. Then we're swinging by DH's cousin's place to see them and their almost 2 year old. *sob* She's growing too quickly. She was my B-day present last year. Every year my DH asks what I want for my B-day and I say nothing but a baby so last year, he arranged to have me babysit her for a weekend. Everyone thought he was nuts and that I'd be really upset, but I was so thrilled......didn't sleep much that weekend, but was thrilled!!!

    It's raining here today so any thoughts of taking the dogs on a nice long walk are very overrated - it's just above freezing and raining.....doesn't sound too pleasant out there....

    Oh and a friend just told me about this place near my work.... Looks like they have a lot of specialty items that I can't get in most grocery stores. Going to check them out, but get the feeling I could spend a lot of money there. She showed me the cheesecakes and they look normal with all the flavours, but I guess it depends on the texture, but it's low carb and low sugar......
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Andrea I'm sorry....but that is exactly what I chose to focus on every month AF shows up! Another month to get healthier!

    Pam that is wonderful that you have so many friends/family with babies so you can get your fill! Some babies make me sad, others make me overjoyed. Not sure what it is about each situation. But all in all I do love a good snuggle with a baby! :) Sounds like you had a great time at the Botanical Garden. And the fast food is a great thing you don't like it, means you are beginning to feed your body what it truly needs and it knows the difference between junk and nutritious 'kind to your body' foods! Every time (which has been like 5 times in the past 3 years) that I've eaten fast food I always regret it because it never tastes as good as I had remembered and it absolutely KILLS my GI system!

    Well last night I was so tired and usually I just push through it and go workout. I couldn't help but think about how last week when I did Spinning my crotch (sorry TMI) was sore for 4 days! With my positive OPK and all the BD I am doing...a sore crotch is not anything I'd like to add to the mix! I know it is an excuse, but I decided to do 2 spinning classes Thurs to make up for last night. Spinning normally doesn't bother me that much, but I think at this new Rec Center the seats on these bikes are a bit harder than ones I've used in the past. My husband stated last night that I wasn't as "crazy" this time taking Clomid as I was last time. I felt the same thing and was worried that it wasn't working. So hopefully after the 21st I'll know if I did in fact ovulate or not.

    I'm starting the Prometrium on Friday and entering the 2WW as of yesterday. No news about my Grampa yet. It is frustrating to be in the loop but not know what is going on! Especially as a medical professional myself.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Erica – FC for you that everything is fine with the SA when he gets it and that the only alteration is BI’ing, that can make for a fun month 

    Katie – I love that your husband didn’t think to include the serving size, too funny! I feel your fear about the in-laws, every woman in DH’s family is an early childhood educator. If that wasn’t bad enough, they’re very nosy and criticize how everyone raises their kids, and always think they know better because they all studied it and do it as a profession. It’ll be yet another challenge :laugh:

    Heather – Hope you have a speedy 2WW, and my thoughts are with your grandfather, I hope he gets well soon!

    Pam- I discovered a dislike for fast food a long time ago I haven’t been to the usual (McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, A&W, etc…) in over 10years, and there are certain ones that I’ve never been to at all (Wendy’s, Taco Bell, and more). People think I’m crazy but I don’t feel like I’m missing out one bit. I also like that my money isn’t going to these large industries that seem to have no ethical sense to them, honestly why should I pay for food that needs anti-vomit in it just so that the chemicals in the product don’t make you vomit!
    Awesome epiphany! You’ll be all the more healthy for it!
    Oh and happy baby day! Sounds fun!

    AFM- So I finally got the news I wanted to hear from my U/S this morning! The left side which is where they thought the dominant follicle was coming from has barely increased, but the smaller one on my right grew like crazy from 11.5mm to 18mm since Monday! I am taking the Ovidrel at home tonight at 21h (still creeped out at the thought of giving myself a shot, but I’ve gotta do it) and then my IUI is scheduled for 9 Friday morning. I’m so relieved and yet not looking forward to the craziness I’ll put myself through during the 2WW, but am so happy to not have to go into a baby shower this Sunday while still waiting for the IUI. Must stay positive :smile:

    Baby dust to everyone!

  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Yay Ash!!

    Andrea- Durn it!

    Well, it's a good thing I get along with my parents and my in-laws because the both live less than an hour away. It's great that we get to see them so often, and my son has a different sort of relationship with them than I did with either of my sets of grandparents because of that. Neither of them are the types to drop by or hang around, but sometimes it gets to be difficult scheduling things because of all the "family get-togethers" and holidays can be tricky. My husband's mom is one of 7 siblings, and all but one is local...and they are very close-knit. I married into this huge family that is always doing something, and the hardest part is really figuring out when to say no and how to say no. But, it's a great support system too. It has it's good things and it's challenging things...just like most parts of life, I guess.

    As for me, I'm just grumpy and pessimistic today. I didn't want to get out of bed, I didn't want to exercise (but I did) and I don't want to do anything productive (I did put stuff into the crockpot for potato soup, so that's something.) I have a feeling my son will be watching more TV than he should today, but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do to make it through the day--I just want to lay on the couch. I'm working tomorrow and then on Friday I am watching my son, and my two nephews (ages 5 and 2) and my niece (4 months.) This is part of that "being a part of a huge family that is all local" thing. I'm not really looking foward to it, but they needed a sitter that day and I'm available. I know my son will have a blast. I hope I survive. In any case, I gotta get a better attitude before then, otherwise I'm sunk before they even walk in the door!

    Hey, if you are looking for a really good recipe to sink your diet, here's the one I was telling you about. Flourless Chocolate Cake. Great for parties if you have people coming who have Celiac's disease or wheat allergies. Again, mine didn't look very good, but it tasted great!

    7 oz really good (45-50%cocoa) semisweet chocolate

    3/4 c butter

    1 cup sugar, divided

    4 eggs, separated

    1) Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Melt chocolate and butter in a double-boiler. Stir together half the sugar and four yolks; add to melted chocolate concoction.

    2)Using an electric mixer, beat the egg whites; slowly add remaining 1/2 c sugar until stiff peaks form. Fold mixture into chocolate. Pour into a greased 9 inch cake pan.

    3)Bake 40 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out with just a few crumbs on it (took me longer than 40 minutes). Cool 30 minutes before removing from pan. Dust with powdered sugar.

    4) Eat it--share if you must. ;-)

    Servings: 12, Per Serving: 270 calories, 18 g fat, 100 mg cholesterol, 105 mg sodium, 26 g carbs, 3 g protein.

    Sorry if that wasn't helpful on a weight-loss forum.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Ash--I'll do a special little dance and send positive vibes your way at 9 am on Friday--as I'm chasing around 4 kids!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Bummer, Andrea! Great attitude, though.

    Yay, Ashley!!! That's exciting. I hope this works for you!

    Heather, I think a night off from spinning won't hurt you too much. You exercise so often that two days of rest in one week is OK.

    Pam, enjoy your baby day! I enjoy seeing my niece, but that's about the only baby I can be around without getting very sad. I don't get to see her very often, either, so it's always a treat.

    Karen, sorry you're having a down day. I'm sure it's the hormones. Thanks for the recipe!

    AFM: They called right back yesterday afternoon with my progesterone results. 18.06! That's crazy high for an unmedicated cycle. So I'm very obviously Oing on my own. And I'm glad to know I'm not just making up all the symptoms I feel in the 2ww because obviously that's a lot of progesterone coursing through my system. I'm really hopeful that this is finally our month. My temps are looking great so far, too. And the psychics told me so! *stamps foot* :laugh:
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Ash that is such great news! YEAH! I will be sending lots of prayers your way! How exciting is it to think that by this weekend you could be carrying a baby?! :) I'm sure the shot won't be as bad as you think. And don't you just wish you could fast forward through the 2WW? I know I do!

    Erica that is GREAT news! And I did get in an hour of strength training yesterday so it wasn't a total off day. I just usually do at least an hour of cardio as well. I know...I'm a freak. I hope the psychics were right (for you) and wrong for me! lol! She said I'd conceive in March and due in Dec but with my DH leaving...doesn't look that it would be possible. When will you test?

    Karen I totally understand the lack of energy/motivation. I'm not as bad emotionally this time as last time, but I'm still feeling zapped of energy and basically just a big ball of 'blah'! And I LOVE flourless chocolate cake. May have to try this one out!

    So last night I kept feeling weird 'twinges' on my right side (felt them on the left after my positive OPK last month) and when we were BD it felt like I was getting punched in my right ovary....totally never felt this before! A friend said that was normal. Anyhoo, that's all I've got for now.
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Man I can not keep up with you all:0)

    Erica: I really hope this is your month. That will be awesome if you are Oing on your own. Sending buckets of baby dust to you!

    Heather: Some days you just need off and your body tells you that. Plus you gotta keep that area ready for baby making, hehe. I hate when different gyms have different bikes with different seats. I hope your grandpa is doing well. I'll send some prayers his way for you.

    Karen: Sorry you feel grumpy and pessimistic today. Great job on working out even though you were not feeling it. I had a similar night last night. My husband asked me if I wanted to heat up dinner or clean the kitchen and I snapped that I didn't want to do either, haha. He was like wow ok. I apologized and told him I was just feeling grumpy and that on the way home from work I had higher than normal road rage. I feel better today. Hopefully you will too!

    abeare: That is awesome that you don't like fast food. I try to stay away from it as well. I never go to McDonald's except for the occasional road trip. Chic-Fil-a is really the only fast food chain I don't mind going to. Of course at home cooking is King and we do that 90% of the time.

    Andrea: It's hard not to work yourself up when you want something so bad. Keep positive. I know it's hard.

    For anyone that I missed I'm sorry. It's hard to keep up if you miss a couple days.

    AFM: I think my cycle is finally back after going off the pill in December. Around the time I am scheduled to O I had the worst bloating. It felt like I was getting my period, but I heard that could happen during Oing too. We will see. If all is on schedule I should be getting AF next week. If that's the case then my cycle should be pretty normal. I recall my cycle was always pretty on when I was off the pill. It's hard when I was on the pill for so many years, makes me not really know my natural body. There may be a small chance I could be pregnant as we did a lot of BDing during the time I may have O'd but we will see next week.

    Next cycle will be our official we are trying cycle.

    Good Luck to all! Lots of baby dust to all in need.

    PS: It's beginning to feel more and more like spring every day:happy:

    My name is Nichole by the way:flowerforyou: