Fit For Future Families - March 2011



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Katie - fingers crossed on this new job. It sounds like it would make your lives much more comfortable :)

    Jalara - what an unfortunate night :( I'm sorry that you had that kind of experience....I had quite a few of those early on and they sucked in such a big way. Sometimes well-meaning people can be the ones that do the most harm and she must be feeling terrible.

    DH and I talked last night. We're going to be going with his and then doing the don't tell us route. All of the embryos will be done at once and I'm not sure yet how I feel about not using all of them - not at once, obviously, but over time. The biggest deciding factor for me is I don't want my DH to be in a position where everyone says the baby looks "just like him". Sometimes people do that even if the baby doesn't and I think that might kill him. I still think we're in a position that it would be a secret - I don't think it would be fair to him or the baby, but maybe counselling will change that. My thought right now is that I can't untell anyone, but will still have an opportunity to tell them in a week, so for now, it's going to be a secret.

    OMG (Just woke up to the news about the earthquake). Hope those in NZ - History, and others - won't get hit too hard. Also praying that everyone on the west coast stays safe (although I hear the tsunami advisory in BC is for 50cm waves during low tide, but still.......
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Ugh Jalara--some people, even well intentioned say such bone-headed things, don't they. Think before you speak people--you just don't know when an innocent comment will send someone into a downward spiral. (I know I'm preaching to the choir here, forgive me.) And if you are anything like me, the Clomid is probably only helping the emotionality.

    Celiac's- that's how this all started--I don't have it, but I know several people who do, so I wanted to do it as an awareness exercise for myself, and as a way to try to limit my intake of cookies, cakes, etc. I'm reading labels, but since it's not a GI issue for me, I'm not going to worry if something slips by me, and I have what I call the "hospitality" clause in my agreement with myself--it basically just means that if I'm eating over at someone's house, and they are serving Lasagne or something, and I don't have other options, I'm eating the Lasagne rather than make a big deal out of not eating it--again, since it's not a GI issue for me. Right now, I'm just working through the initial "withdrawal", I think. I haven't given up sugar too, so I'm pretty sure I'm just dealing with a psychological "I want what I can't have" thing. And, on top of that, the Clomid makes me so emotional, and I should start spotting in the next day or so if the pattern remains constant, so I'm just ripe for emotional eating as it is. Last night though, I made baked chicken tenders, and instead of bread crumbs for the coating, I used rice chex that I had in the pantry. I was proud of myself for thinking of that. Haha. It also gives me an excuse to make the flourless chocolate cake recipe that I made a few weeks ago. Yummmmm.

    Pam--hugs as you make this decision. Welcome to the emotional eating club--I think there are several of us living on that island right now. I'm trying to swim off. I was thinking more about the donor issue last night. I would probably be in the "I don't want to know which one you used" category, I think. Then it's not a "secret" that I would have to keep--I honestly wouldn't know. I'm all about putting the weight of keeping that secret on the doctor. That's just me though--I hate keeping secrets.

    KT-I've asked about Femara--doc wasn't comfortable doing it--said it was an off-label use of the medication. Boo on her. I'll ask when we go to the RE--maybe they will be more enlightened, and willing to try it before we move to more "extreme" measures.

    Happy Friday to everyone. Pray for Japan right now--have you heard about the Tsunami that hit in the last hour--devastating--and no warning.
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Kim....THANKS! I was wondering what AFM was. :smile:

    Katie...I would love to buy your house. We're not ready yet though. I have to wait for my sons to finish school. I wouldn't want to move them at this point.

    (disclaimer...since you both have K's in your name...I'm guessing from the rest of the posts which one is Kim and which one is Katie)

    Pam....So many decisions. I have to go through all the bloodwork again too but only because we want to do the refund program so they require it. :ohwell: How is your program only 10k? How many cycles do you get? Do you get refunded? Ours is 20K plus we have to pay for anestesia and meds on top of that. We get 6 cycles out of that and guaranteed to take a baby home from hospital or we get 70% back. Chances are we will get pregnant really easy since we have no issues but because it's so much money we just decided to go all in. If we don't get pregnant or god forbid something happens during the pregnancy we would be devastated and we wouldn't have the money to do it again. Tough decision on the donor sperm and I know mainly it's a mental game. All in all you have the right attitude with the adoption mantra and this is really the same thing. It will be your husbands kid no matter what the DNA says. I agree about not telling. I don't think you should. It gives people something else to know thats none of their business. For dad (step dad technically) married my mom with 3 kids. I was 2 at the time my sister 4 and my bro 6. He's the only dad we've ever known...adopted us and everything. So my sister has blue eyes and over the weekend we were at her daughters bday party and a new friend of hers was there who we had not met and as soon as she saw my dad she told my sister...OMG that's where you get your eyes from. You look like your dad. We all giggled and agreed and carried on. Now we could have stopped her and told her the truth...but for what? Who cares? He is my dad. Our dad. You'll have moments like this and you will just laugh inside and it will make you happy. Good luck and keep us posted. Mid May sounds like you will have your first round at the same time I will!! :happy:
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Jalara...I can't tell you how many moments I've had like that. I have so many friends that have gotten pregnant in the last 2 years. Most by surprise. Now it's a little different with me because theres no way I will get a surprise but my hubby and I had to wait to save the money to do IVF and in the meantime the population increased around us. I swear on the last one I felt like if one more person got prego before me my head would explode!! :flowerforyou:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Oh Jalara, that's really rough. I'm sorry. It definitely seems that it's the most well-meaning individuals who say the completely wrong thing. I hope you're feeling better today.

    We had an exchange student from Japan live with us during one summer when I was young. Fortunately, she and her family are all safe. It's such a sad, sad situation for Japan.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Oh Jalara, that's really rough. I'm sorry. It definitely seems that it's the most well-meaning individuals who say the completely wrong thing. I hope you're feeling better today.

    We had an exchange student from Japan live with us during one summer when I was young. Fortunately, she and her family are all safe. It's such a sad, sad situation for Japan.

    My family had a Japanese student as well! We called him our rent-a-jap, with his consent. :laugh: He was with us for a year in 2000. I haven't heard from him yet? :cry:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I hope he's OK, Kim. I hope you hear from him soon!
  • Riliye
    Riliye Posts: 44 Member
    Hi guys, I'm a newbie. =)

    I was just diagnosed with PCOS -- I guess that explains our difficulty TTC! It feels better just to know, but like I said in a different topic, I'm kind of flailing around trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do now. Any fellow PCOS-ers (or heck, anyone really) know what foods I should be avoiding/shoving my face full of?

    Also, thanks to ericaroo for showing me the thread! I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys...and I'll be here a while, since the doc recommended three months of birth control to get things regulated before we start TTC again.
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Kim...I'm sure it's chaos over there so communication can't be the best. I hope you hear from him soon. Stay positive.

    Riliye...welcome. I wish I could help but I don't even know what that means. :flowerforyou:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Riliye, glad you came on over. FitterPam is one of the best sources of information, but she may not be on for a few hours. I think some of the basic diet advice is to limit carbs. If they put you on metformin, you'll probably have to limit your carbs anyway or it will make you feel ill.

    Jessica, it's Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It's a metabolic disorder that affects your metabolism and hormones and causes you to produce tons of follicles that often turn into cysts instead of eggs. I know a lot of women with it, though I don't have it.
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    and your diet helps with it since it's metabolic?

    What a frustrating thing to have! :frown:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I've been so glued to the Japan stuff that I haven't had the chance to get on here yet :( Such a sad thing. I have coworkers there, and havne't heard anything from them yet (but I wouldn't expect to.....they have enough on their plates, so I am stuck thinking about them and worrying)

    Thanks guys. We were completely on board with adoption but then neither of us would have a genetic link to the child.....I can see major issues from his parents (it took them 2 years to come to terms witht he idea of our adopting and there are competition thoughts between them and my family). DH has cousins where his uncle adopted his wife's 3 kids and everyone refers to it until today - I don't want that for DH or my child - it's almost an all or nothing idea. He's really not happy with the idea, but feels it would be selfish of him to say no because then we might not have children at all......I understand that. I think what we're going to do is the first cycle we can ask that it be embryos from him, if possible and after that, don't tell me......

    We're not eligible for the guarantees because we've both had fertility issues (mostly because of the low counts) and they can't validate the quality of his "inventory" and that's a single cycle (not looking so cheap now huh? :laugh: ) Subsquent cycles would be about $1500 providing we had remaining embryos.

    Kind of looking forward to counselling session, but I think I know where we're going not sure how helpful it's going to be. I'm one that talks things to death (can you tell?!?!). As for keeping it a secret, we're thinking at this point, we're nto going to tell anyone, but that may change. I'm thinking about telling my friend that just had the baby in Dec. She's really discrete and is really good at comforting, etc.
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    O man...I hope your coworkers are ok. I can't watch TV at work so I'm choosing to be ignorant about the whole situation .Until I get home anyway. Bad? Maybe but I'd be glued to it.

    Ok for a single cycle. That makes much more sense. 1500 isn't so bad for each other cycle if you have embryos.

    I think the counseling would be good for you even if you do make your decision beforehand. It's always good to have an unbiased party to probe questions about things you might not have thought about.

    If you trust your friend and are comfortable with it. Do it. You can never have too big of a support group!!
  • ucaminax
    ucaminax Posts: 157 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm new to this thread (though not new to myfitnesspal). I had a MC and D&C about a month ago. I was almost 12 weeks along. Well, I was kinda secretly just hoping to get pregnant right away, but I don't think that's happening. I think I feel AF around the corner, and all pregnancy tests have been negative. I think the idea that maybe I could conceive right away kept me going these last few weeks, but now that I think I'm not-the whole MC has hit me a little harder tonight. So I decided that at least maybe I can lose a few pounds and put myself in a healthier place before I (God willing) hopefully conceive again. I had lost about ten lbs before I got pregnant, though I know I've gained a few back. I'm not sure how much I weigh now but I think I'll do my weigh-ins on Mondays. So it looks like everyone posts their weekly goals on Mondays?
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Welcome Kate! So sorry to hear about the MC - at 12 weeks is rough because you're almost "in the clear". The group of women in this particular forum are exceedingly supportive, hope you find with us what you're looking for :) I also weigh in on Mondays for this board...and post my goals!!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Welcome Kate--I post mine on Fridays, but that's just because trying to keep myself accountable over the weekend with a weigh-in on Monday just sabatoged me. So, this way, if I have a little fun on the weekend, I have the workdays to get back to a place I want to be. So sorry about the MC--I hope you find the support you are looking for here.

    AFM--spotting has started, right on cue. Thanks for holding out hope, those of you who did. Superegg was just not to be, I guess. I'm going to a wedding this afternoon--should be fun--we'll see what the food diary looks like by bedtime. There won't be any alcohol, so I guess that's a bonus, and since I'm not eating white flour, I guess the cake is out too (Ooo, I can still eat the icing.)

    Happy Saturday everyone.

  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Sorry Riliye - I just caught your post.I've been diagnosed with PCOS for almost 10 years now and am just starting to get myself under control by diet - the first time I tried Met it didnèt work for me. Basically, the best advice I can give is to try and eat as close to a diabetic diet as you can. I've added to that by removing as many chemicals as I can and learning a bit about how the body metabolises food.

    I donèt know how much you know about the condition, but that basic understanding can definitely start pointing you in the right direction. About 50% of all women of childbearing age have some form of PCOS - women with the condition suffer from irregular periods, erratic ovulation, sub-fertility, excess hair, acne, hard to lose weight gain, etc. PCOS occurs when there is an imbalance of the hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle. High levels of insulin is also produced. The bodyès insulin receptors on the surface of the cells seem to switch off and stop listening to the signals saying that the body has enough insulin (insulin resistance), so you have an overproduction, which further disrupts the fertility hormones. By enhancing the bodyès ability to interpret the insulin signals and all the other hormones tend to re-balance. Just as a side note, insulin resistance is also known as pre-diabetes....there is a good chance that if you change your habits now, youèll never develop diabetes.

    So really, dealing with PCOS is about being insulin-aware. Sticking to a low-GI diet, avoiding high sugar foods, keeping caffeine levels to a minimium all really help with the condition. Exercise is critial to helping to balance out insulin levels, so women with PCOS shoudl be exercising a minimum of 30 minéday. This is one that I really struggle with......By keeping your insulin levels in check, youèll find that your body naturally burns fat - itès the insulin level issue that means that most women with PCOS gain weight and have trouble shifting it.

    (sorry about the funny characters - my keyboard is set to French Canadian and I cannot reset it back to English...LOL)
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi All, Happy Weekend!

    Welcome to all the newbies. Everyone here is super supportive and have a lot of knowledge.

    Karen: Haha, the frosting is one of the best parts anyway... Sorry about super egg:(

    Jessica: Your profile picture is beautiful. It screams "We are so in LOVE!" I love it!!!

    So today I am one week from my predicted AF start. I really don't feel this will be the month but there is always a small part of me that really hopes it is. I hate the waiting game!!!!!!!!!!!

    We need someone in this board to get a BFP! I feel like we are all in a lottery, haha

    Baby Dust to all!

  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 1: 237.9lbs (-3.9 lbs)
    Week 2: 235.5lbs (-2.4lbs)
    Week 3: 238.9lbs (+3.5lbs)
    Week 4: 236.2lbs (-2.7lbs)
    Week 5: 238.1lbs (+1.9lbs)
    Week 6: 235.2lbs (-2.9lbs)
    Week 7: 234.3lbs (-0.9lbs)
    Week 8: 236.6lbs (+2.3lbs)
    Week 9: 236.3lbs (-0.3lbs)
    Week 10: 237.0lbs(+0.7lbs)
    Week 11: 236.7lbs (-0.3lbs)

    Blah - guess I cannot call it water weight anymore. I will have to own up to the fact that it is real weight (although, based on my cal consumption most days (even the days that I was pity partying) that should not have equated to 2.4lbs of gain in 5 weeks.....argggg. Guess this is just a sign that I should keep to 1400 cals, but burn 100-200 a day. I have been so off the wagon from an exercise point of view.....excuses excuses.

    Redoing my goals from last week - they are my blueprint for a healthy lifestyle. I have to nail them to the door and not let them go again.
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    I am on my phone so I can't do a lot of replying right now but what a crazy weekend. I was supposed to be doing my IUI tomorrow but my little egg decided to come early so we are headed there now. I will update later on the whole story but any prayers and baby dust you ladies have would be appreciated.