Fit For Future Families - March 2011



  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Morning all.

    Bad. eating. weekend. Went to a wedding shower yesterday. Theme: Cookies and Milk. O.M.G. Wow. I tried to stay away from the cookies, but it just meant I went hog wild with everything else--like the chicken salad. Oh well--I got up and exercised a fraction of it off this morning. I seem to just be in an exercising funk. I do not want to do it. I do not like it Sam-I-am. At all. All motivation has left the building. I know it will come back, but pushing through while I don't want is just killing me right now. My sister in law is dropping weight with weight watchers left and right, and my other friend is too (but she told me that she had a lap-band procedure, so that made me feel a little better). Hubby tells me that I am at a healthy weight, so it isn't going to come off as easy for me as it will for someone with more "bubbles" (as my sister in law calls them) to lose. I try to remember that...but geez--I"m just really in a funk over it today. If I didn't know better, I would think I was on Clomid. Haha.

    I'm going to call the RE to make an appointment today, I think. Hubs is ready to go talk to them. I'm not, partially because I think hubs is going to have a real reality check when we go, and then we will have to work through all of that. But we can't work through that until we actually start the process, so I guess we just need to do it. As my dad used to tell me "Feel the fear and do it anyways." I'm not really fearful...just tired, and I know this will bring on more emotional tired. And, I'm an avoider. So I really just need to do this.

    Okay--have to run--I'm watching my son and two 1-year old twins this morning (IVF twins, actually)--my house is going to be a wreck by lunch today...but maybe it will be a good workout! :smile:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 6: 235.2lbs (-2.9lbs)
    Week 7: 234.3lbs (-0.9lbs)
    Week 8: 236.6lbs (+2.3lbs)
    Week 9: 236.3lbs (-0.3lbs)
    Week 10: 237.0lbs(+0.7lbs)
    Week 11: 236.7lbs (-0.3lbs)
    Week 12: 234.4lbs (-2.2lbs)

    Well that's a little better!!! I really think that recommitting to my healthy life blueprint was the cause. I tried to avoid as many junky things as I could. No more daily "treats" or "stress relievers". Also, I'm much more motivated to move my buns (Karen - I know what you mean, when I am not in the mood, NOTHING will get me exercising) with the snow melting away. My goal, although it's going to be a tough one is still to lose another 8 lbs by my birthday in 3 weeks.....I'd be happy with 5, but I'm going to stretch for 8. It's been ages since I've been in the 220s and it could be a mental block that I'm hitting that won't let me dip into them (I've been hovering just above for 5 months now).....but I'm done. I'm going to start my 32nd birthday in the 220s and I'm going to conceive in the low 220s...that's all there is to it.

    Happy Monday Ladies!!
  • ucaminax
    ucaminax Posts: 157 Member
    Happy Monday All,

    Great job Naesue! That's awesome-you have really been dropping the pounds! I have read that weight loss can help with the symptoms of PCOS, and also help with fertility. I know that the two times I have gotten pregnant, I was in a weight loss phase. I am also a Groupon/Living Social addict. That is a super deal on the hair removal!

    Pam-I'm glad you had a fun weekend with the kiddies. That's a great weight loss this week (we lost exactly the same amount!-it feels so good!) I know what you mean about the mental blocks. I have several weights like that. I have 5 more lbs until one of them-149 lbs, which was the weight I was over two years ago right after I gave birth to my daughter. I packed on the lbs AFTER she came-go figure. That's a great birthday goal-I know you can do it! That would be the best birthday gift.

    Kah-That's so frustrating seeing everyone around you just dropping the lbs. That's so good you still got up and exercised when you didn't have any motivation! And at least splurging on chicken salad is healthier than cookies. Good luck with the chaos today, and also with the RE appointment.

    I lost 2.2 lbs this week!! Woo-hoo! I am so excited! I really busted my a** this week at the gym-worked out 6 days for 1-1.5 hrs each day, getting up in the MORNING to exercise of all things. And I'm actually kinda liking this getting up early (well, early for me) thing. For some reason, when I get home from the gym, my coffee is tasting SOOO good. It's almost orgasmic lol. This morning when my alarm went off, I contemplated not going, but it was actually the thought of my yummy coffee that got me going. It just tastes different when I dont get up early to the gym-ok, but not amazing. Weird. I didn't meet my goal of getting to bed by 10:30-11 each night, but I think I did it most nights, and I didn't stay up to one of my usual super-late nights at all. I definitely feel better when I go to bed earlier, and I think once I get used to getting to bed at 10:30, I will try to shift it to 10 pm.

    I have been tracking my temps and other signs this week for the first time using fertility friend for the first time, and doing all of their lessons. I am really learning a lot-wow. I am hoping to O in the next week or two, and my MIL offered to take our daughter this weekend AND the next so we could have some "private" time :-) I have been feeling sad lately, thinking that I would be showing now, and maybe feeling the baby move, but am just trying to look forward..

    So my goals this week:
    1. Lose another lb-to get down to 153
    2. Get to bed every night between 10:30-11
    3. Get to the gym 6 days

    Good luck this week everyone!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Kate - what a positive week it sounds like you had. Coffee definitely is not a terrible good on ya! 6 days at the gym makes me shudder....LOL I can barely walk the dog 6x a week....LOL
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Hi!!! Sorry, I have been MIA! I have been up at my in-laws with the funeral and at work with a dance company performance this weekend.
    I hope everyone is doing well! I see there are a few newbies, WELCOME and I hope to get to know you very soon. Great job on the losses! Sorry, I can't respond to everyone individually. I'll be back in the groove soon...I hope!

    I am down 1.8, but I really can't say it is all because or my hard work and dedication... But it is a loss.
    I have been doing OK these last few days, but the weirdest thing happened Saturday. I woke up Saturday and had a bowl of cereal and went off to work. At about 12:30p I started to get nauseous. I thought I was just getting hungry (knowing that it felt different than "just being hungry"), so I stopped and got some Jimmy John's after work around 1p. Surprisingly, that didn't help at all, so I went and did some shopping to keep moving. The nausea continued to get worse and by 6p I was throwing up after being in bed since 3p. I really didn't know what brought this on. By Sunday morning I was perfectly fine and didn't feel out of the ordinary at all. Go figure! And now here we are 3p and I have only had a coffee, bagel, mini muffins, and 3/4s of a banana all day and not really hungry.

    Now on CD21 and have not seen a "high" or "peak" on my monitor. Had a little spotting CD 15-16 (don't know what that was about..) I really don't think I'm Oing, so I think a visit to the Dr is next in the plans after 5 (very irregular) cycles with no signs. I'm getting kind of discouraged about "trying" for nothing. TMI - I keep telling DH that he's shooting into an empty box, and he encourages me to stay positive and that the monitor and thermometer are wrong. Yeah we'll see. For those of you that have gone to Dr about not Oing, what do you ask? I don't even know what the options are... I know meds can make you O, but how can they check? What should I ask her to do? Thanks! Can you tell I'm new at this? :blushing:

    I am hoping to get my butt to Zumba tonight after not going since early last week! It is going to feel SO good to get moving again. Fingers Crossed that the mysterious nausea doesn't come back.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Kim, they can do a progesterone check on CD 21-23 to see if you're ovulating. If you're not, then they'll likely prescribe you Clomid to take CD3-8 of your next cycle to help you O. The progesterone test should actually be done 7 dpo, but if you're not ovulating at all, then CD 21-23 will work. It should be higher than 5 if you're ovulating.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Thanks Erica!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Okay - what a binge day. I finally had one of those days...the first in about 8 years or so. Not only am I upset that someone just told me they're expecting, but I'm really upset and had to go have a doughnut. Bear in mind that AF is supposed to strike tomorrow so this could be hormonal, but school friends of mine (high school) just announced that they're expecting...and not just expecting, but twins. Maybe that's the difference. I've been sitting here, trying to figure out why I'm so depressed about the whole thing and maybe it is because I've convinced myself that we're not going to have a single birth, but twins and I'm upset. To be honest, had you asked me even yesterday whether or not I could get upset that someone else was pregnant, I wouldn't have even flinched.....I almost bust out in tears though at the coffee shop where I managed to completely blow my lenten promise of no sugar (I could have chosen to take my coffee without sugar, but screw that!!!)

    This sucks the big one......I of course wished them well and got out of the way.......LOL
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Awww, so sorry Pam. ((hugs)) Those darn hormones don't help at all.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Thanks - this is seriously what had me sobbing...... (BTW, they announced on FB. I haven't seen either of them since highschool actually....LOL which is why its even weirder that I am so upset) for those who don't speak spanish... "esta felizmente embarazada de gemelos" means "we are happily pregnant & expecting twins".we are truly blessed... & both babies & mom are doing well :D

    The only thing that made me giggle is someone did a google translate on it and thought they were happily pregnant and expecting binoculars.....

    Oh well, I can't skip out on my exercise tongiht - that's all I know.....taking the pups for a walk now and hoping to get to aquafit tonight.....but we'll see.....if I don't have external motivation, it ain't happening!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    OMG Pam HUGS! That really stinks! I'm sorry and I hope your day only gets better!:flowerforyou:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Thanks guys....
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Morning (Afternoon/ Evening) ladies.

    Pam - big hugs to you girl. I feel like that anytime I hear another family member of friend is pregnant these days. I can't even look at random pregnant strangers in the street anymore because it hurts too much.

    AFM - either I'm having an implantation dip or AF is due in the next couple of days because my temp dropped very low this morning.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Happy Monday guys! It has REALLY felt like monday today! Just one small thing after another....Congrats to those who have lost! I am UP to 148.8....i'm chalking it up to the muscle i developed at the gym last week :-)

    Pam - **HUGS** I am SO with you on that! I have had MULTIPLE friends announce their pregnancy and another friend just did yesterday...I have managed not to get toooooooo emotional about it (seeing as my husbands gone so i'm currently on a TTC hiatus) but that is the ONLY thing that is getting me thru....

    Kim - I would DEF go to the Dr.....The Docs here see me coming! Everytime I have even the slightest thing wrong with me i'm in there...just for me to tell me that there is nothing wrong and they have to wait...but you def seem like a prime candidate to start having testin. done!

    AFM - CD47 .... Based on my temps YESTERDAY It said I ovulated last week Thursday....but then when I put in my temps from today it says i ovulated last i'm not 100% sure what it happend....However, in ANYCASE i think I have a non-functioning Ovary....i think i'm only ovulating from one side. I have an appointment with an OBGYN on April 12, and i'm going to see what he says. and go from there. I just want to get this figured out before the hubs gets home!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Still not quite awake, but heading to work shortly anyways.....LOL

    I called my friend and she cheered me up and I realized the last time I felt like this (I had called her....LOL). It was my cousin's first. Her little girl is now 3 years old. The time before that was a friend who taught me most of my TTC knowledge. Her little girl is turning 8....So she convinced me that little pity parties need a little ice cream and then get back to the weight loss efforts because it will all help. You guys were great too - she's the kind that doesn't ever want kids so she doesn't quite understand.

    Today is a new day and I fully intend to help mitigate some of the damages and have a great (but very busy day)

    Kim - yeah, they just do a blood test to see where your progesterone is.....
    History - hoping it's implantation dip for you!
    Alisa - what makes you think it's only one side? Monthly, we only tend to ovulate on one side (but it does usually alternate - not always evenly though)

    Oh my poor puppy. With my pity party last night, he didn't get his walk in - he's walking around like he's going to run away from home, with a toy and his leash in his mouth.....poor guy. I'll have to take him when I get home.
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Options heart goes out to you. Even though on a day to day basis you adjust really nicely you never know what will set your emotions off. I'm sure AF being close doesn't help. I'm anticipating her arrival too and I feel so emotional this week. It blows but your friend is right. Have you're pitty party w your ice cream and move on. Sounds like a great friend to have even though she can't relate but is supportive of you and you can go to her when you feel like this.

    Alisa - Pam is right about they cycles taking turns ovulating on each side. I have one ovary left due to having a tumor removed that took out my left ovary and the doctor told me about that. Since I only have one left it goes into overdrive every month to make up for the one thats missing. It's funny how your body knows and adjusts accordingly.

    AMF just waiting for AF to come and go and take her emotions with her. Feeling really crabby lately. I did go shopping yesterday and I am finding myself buying clothes to grow into. IDK if that makes any sense at all. lol
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I have to agree with the ovary thing, Alisa. I have a VERY dominant right ovary judging by O pains. I've only felt O pains on the left twice in the 15 cycles we've been trying. So I wouldn't be too concerned about that being the issue. You may just still be regulating from the birth control. It certainly doesn't hurt to get it checked out, but don't be surprised if your doctor doesn't seem concerned about your theory.
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Ok so question on whether or not this is healthy or not. Have any of you purchased stuff anticipating being pregnant or having a baby. I have a little stash and I seem to be adding to it as the time gets closer to IVF. Is that healthy or just setting myself up to be dissapointed?
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    My theory is based on the fact that I am not ovulating until CD 35-48 which would be CD 12-16 based on a 28-32day cycle. so in my mind that is as if I'm not ovulating during what would be the first cycle, so if broken down it looks like two different cycles. I too am interested in seeing what the gyno says...

    Well I've already broken my trainer's cardinal rule which is no Starbucks...but I was in a rush and I did get a small scone so I'm not completely drinking my breakfast...that counts right??

    I have class today and I brought my gym bag to hit the gym between classes!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    My theory is based on the fact that I am not ovulating until CD 35-48 which would be CD 12-16 based on a 28-32day cycle. so in my mind that is as if I'm not ovulating during what would be the first cycle, so if broken down it looks like two different cycles. I too am interested in seeing what the gyno says...

    I'm not sure I follow...

    If you're not ovulating until CD 35-48, then you're not ovulating until CD 35-48. It has nothing to do with a 28-32 day cycle. 28-32 day cycles are that long ONLY because someone ovulated. The length of your cycle is determined by when you ovulate because the length of time from O to AF (luteal phase, LP) should be the same in every cycle. You can ovulate later in a cycle and still have the same LP length. If you're ovulating late, it's because your hormones aren't working properly. It has nothing to do with your ovaries. It's not two different cycles unless you're bleeding in there somewhere, and then it wouldn't be one long cycle. Either your body isn't telling your ovaries to release an egg or your eggs aren't getting enough hormones to properly mature and so they're taking longer to get ready to be released.