Fit For Future Families - March 2011



  • Tiddle
    Tiddle Posts: 762 Member
    Hi, I'm Erin!

    I'd like to join the group!! My hubby and I "started" TTC in October, but due to my crazy cycles and being apart for a few months because of work we're still not preggo.

    I've been away at school (an Army school) for the last 2.5 months, so I've taken a little break from MFP, but it's back to reality now.

    I just started my own version of Insanity today! Some of the workouts I took out so I could incorporate some running into the program.

    I'm excited to meet you all!
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Hi Erin!!! Welcome!! :)
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Welcome, Erin!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Kim so sorry to hear that :( Just get through this and then you can focus back on yourself.

    Jessica As part of the ICSI with wash (sounds like I am ordering a car wash), we have to do the spinner thing (if it is the same spinner thing).

    Erin Welcome
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Oh and I just checked my naturopathic books and they say if I'm bloated it could be due to a combination of the candida and low stomach acid (I'm taking a prescription acid reducer - wondering if I need it anymore). But I laughed when I saw it there. I'm pretty sure that I got the candida because I'm on antibiotics for an infection in my mouth and have had the sugar cravings.
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Hey everybody-
    Had a great weigh in yesterday (officially no longer "overweight") WHOO HOO! Still a way to go til my final goal is reached but such a great milestone.
    The hubby finally went in for his SA test in Friday and we are waiting to hear back...the wait it killing me! Hoping he was called today at work and he'll tell me when he gets home.
    Kim I'm so sorry for your loss!
    I hope everyone has a successful week!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    We made it through another Monday!

    Kim: Sorry for your loss. Zumba will definitely help lift your mood. Hopefully you can make it to a class.

    lukimakamai: Awesome job! That is a big milestone. You should be very proud of yourself. Good luck with the SA test.

    Erin: Welcome to our humble abode. Good luck with your version of Insanity. I have heard good things about the program. -- I know what you mean about the crazy cycles. BC really screws things around. I went off BC at the end of December and my cycles have been 51, 26, and 24.

    Pam: I hope you feel better! I hope the monsters in your tummy go away!

    Andrea: The 2ww is the worse especially when your cycle is different every month. -- The only thing I have been doing is using a phone app to record my cycles and it gives you around when I should O. Obviously not working with my retarded cycles.

    Sorry if I missed anyone!

    AFM: Well my earlier post was wrong. My cycles have been 51, 26, and now 24 since being off BC. The 51DC I believe was just the effect of coming off the pill. Now I just want a cycle # to stick. I didn't really want to try hard at getting preggers but now that the hubby and I are ready I want to be preggers right now:tongue: I don't like being patient. So I broke down and ordered the Clearblue Easy Digital Ovulation Test, 20 Count from Amazon. It was actually a really good price -- $23.76. Anyone have experience using this test? With my cycles out of wack my phone app is just not cutting it. I'm sick of poking around in the dark (no pun intended, hehe) Well I'd love to hear others thoughts. What time is the best time to test and when should I start testing?

    For now I'm hanging with AF:yawn:

  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    YAY Luki!!!

    Nichole - I got them last time (will the clearblue in any case) - didn't get a surge cause they ran out before I ovulated...LOL And that is a good price. I paid $50 for the same amount of the non-digital kind last time. You should test starting on around day 10. Test after work (and you can't drink anything water included for the 4 hours before). I found I wasn't getting in my full water when I was using them.
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Good Morning Ladies.
    I should Probably introduce myself as I didn't really introduce myself yesterday. I just got married last May and took my last BC pill on my wedding day. Had three cycles all pretty much 31 days and then they just up and stopped. multiple tests at home are all negative and urine test at docs was negative. Doc tells me that it is my PCOS and that I need to lose weight. Well DUH! Anyway I have now just passed my 7th missed cycle.
    Hubby hopes I am pregnant but I am pretty sure I'm not. I just started logging in on here on a daily basis and so far since last Wednesday (Ash Wednesday) I have lost 6 lbs. YEAH I'll take it.
    For those that followed me a bit yesterday I reapplied for Health Insurance last night hopefully I am approved so that I can get back to the doc and find out for sure why I have gone so many months without a cycle. Maybe possibly get my cycles kick started again.

    So as far as the message board goes

    Weigh in this week: 307 down 6 lbs since last week! :bigsmile:
    Goals for this week: Keep up with my lenten fast of no bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, cereal.
    Log my food Every day
    Work at getting my house in order
    Try to get in at least one workout on my eliptical
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Nichole, I have to disagree with Pam, but only because your cycles have been so short the last two months. If you have a regular luteal phase (time between O and AF; average is 14 days), then you're ovulating super early... like CD 10-12. I would start testing earlier than CD 10 because you'll get your surge 24-48 hours before you O. Maybe as early as CD 8. You can also use the Clear Blue digi OPKs with first morning urine. It reads different hormones than the typical OPK reads, so it's OK to use first thing. I had best luck with second morning urine because I drink too much water throughout the day (and I was using the monitor with my FMU). But you might want to test twice a day in case you have a short surge.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Nichole, I have to disagree with Pam, but only because your cycles have been so short the last two months. If you have a regular luteal phase (time between O and AF; average is 14 days), then you're ovulating super early... like CD 10-12. I would start testing earlier than CD 10 because you'll get your surge 24-48 hours before you O. Maybe as early as CD 8. You can also use the Clear Blue digi OPKs with first morning urine. It reads different hormones than the typical OPK reads, so it's OK to use first thing. I had best luck with second morning urine because I drink too much water throughout the day (and I was using the monitor with my FMU). But you might want to test twice a day in case you have a short surge.

    LOL You caught me. :flowerforyou: I don't know much about cycles with people that ovulate, I'm just joining that world :laugh: But that brings up a good point. Do you know what your LP is? I know mine was typically 13 days before I started losing weight, but seems to be 14 days since correcting the hormones. What it was before might not be the same as it is now......

    Erica's right - CD 10 is what is suggested as the standard (and they're expecting CD 14 to show the surge) so you should be starting about 4 days earlier than you might ovulate, so CD 8 or there abouts. They don't want the urine to be too concentrated (like FMU usually is) adn they don't want it to be too diluted (within a few hours of water). I know my tests from Clearblue said most women had success with pinopointing surges in the late afternoon urine (about 4 hours after lunch). Each test might be different and the digital might be more sensitive or less than the non digital so I'm not sure what the right answer is anymore. I wasn't even able to get a surge last time (but then I also ran out of tests....LOL)
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Pam, your advice was perfect for someone with a 28 day or longer cycle using regular OPKs. The only reason I know anything about the clearblue digis is because they use the same test strips as the monitor. They detect estrogen and LH, whereas your typical test strip will only detect LH.

    LH is the hormone that triggers your body to release an egg, for those who don't know that acronym. :flowerforyou:
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Yeah I don't even know when I O. I'm still trying to regulate my period. I have only had 3 cycles since coming off the pill. I guess I should probably start temping too. Kit came with 20 strips so I will probably start testing on CD10 just to make sure I catch it.

    Thanks for the info ladies:smile:
  • danielleeeee
    Hi Everyone.

    I just wanted to drop in and say hi. I haven't had a chance to catch up on everything I've missed since my first couple posts last week. I really would like to become a member of this group for real, but have been so preoccupied trying to paint my house and dealing with drama from the inlaws that it's been a struggle just to find time to go through the (pointless) steps of baby-making.

    Anyway, I will read up and try to join in. Hope everyone is well.

  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Welcome back Danielle. It's definitely tough when there are other things going on in our lives to get focused on something specific. Just jump on back in!!!

    AFM: Today is counselling!!! Last week was an eye opener that there was actually stuff about this process that we hadn't considered so looking forward to finding out if there is anything else. Oh and I wasn't great yesterday, but I don't think too bad either - it was a celebration of kinds (I got totally drunk on 2 glasses of Chardonnay - I couldn't walk straight, the floors were bouncy....WHOOPS!!!). I got some good news at work. I finally got the promotion I've been waiting for for a year - I won't be doing anything different, but I've consistently been told that I'm working above my grade level, so they finally gave me the bump. I was quite shocked when I found out all that it came with, but I get the feeling my boss really had it out with HR on my behalf.....that was the most pleasant surprise of all. Oh and, my project's almost over!!! Just a few more weeks, but I have almost all of my part done for the first phase (deadline is today though too so good thing)
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    PAM!! Congrats!! What do you do? It's a good thing when the company acknowledges you and your hard work!! :)

    Good luck today on the counseling.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    That's fantastic, Pam! I hope the counseling session helps and doesn't hold any surprises for you!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Congratulations Pam on your promotion. That is awesome!
  • Tiddle
    Tiddle Posts: 762 Member
    Congrats on the promo - more $$$ is always nice!! :flowerforyou:

    Great workout for me this morning...! I have an appt with my doc next week to see what's going on with my cycle. I hope to find something out before my husband comes back next month and maybe we can make a baby :love: :blushing:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Thanks on the promotion - I am now a business advisor for complex global projects for a Fortune 500 company (could that be any more mysterious or obtuse)....LOL. I'm getting nervous about the appointment actually....we leave in 5 minutes.....