Fit For Future Families - March 2011



  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    LOL, I would totally chalk that up to coincidence since they'd been trying less than a year. I have seen that it can help if you're trying to conceive one gender over the other... I think it sways for a girl.
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Interesting... they just had a little Ava!:laugh:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Too funny!
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    There are so many wifes tales out there but how do you really know which if any work? I'd put an IV in my arm of cranberry juice if it guaranteed me a girl. lol

    Theres too much testosterone in my house!! If gods listening I would like to order twins...a girl and a boy would be perfect. :)
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Ok so maybe I am the only one but could someone please help me out with all the abreviations? Maybe it is because I've never really been trying to get pregnant before and have never tracked anything with my cycle becaue I was always on the pill. But every time I get into a discussion or thread about trying to get pregnant or pregnancy there are all these abreviations and I have no idea what the heck any of them mean.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Jessica, the theory is that male sperm don't like the pH that cranberry juice makes the vagina. They don't survive as well and so the female sperm can fertilize the egg. There's also a plan for timing BDing just right to get the gender you want. Male sperm swim faster, but don't survive as long, so you want to do it much closer to O time than if you're trying for a girl.
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member

    Sorry. :flowerforyou:
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    O and me both. I'm constantly asking!! lol
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    General list of abbreviations:

    TTC: trying to conceive
    AF/TOM: The first day of your cycle
    CD: Cycle Day
    O: ovuation
    AFM: as for me
    BD: baby dance, which is private time if you know what I mean
    OPK: ovulation predictor kit
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I've heard that to get a girl, you need to conceive later in your cycle. Boys that are typically conceived earlier in the cycle. Sperm with Y chroms. display great bursts of energy early on and will reach the egg quicker than those with the X. If there is an egg waiting, "he" will have a chance to fertilize it then. If there is no egg waiting, the "boys" die of boredom from waiting.....LOL Then the slower moving "girls" have a chance further down the line to fertilize. This of course is completely irrelevant if you're using EMSP....LOL Then there's always boys & girls waiting around for the egg because you're BDing every 2 days. It's easy to remember if you think of the stereotypical children, boys are hellions and get bored quickly, girls are calmer & patient - although I am certainly not calm or patient.....

    Andrea - that's what I was thinking. I'll see what the doctor says. I can't find anything out online, but maybe I'll be the first....LOL (yes, I really am trying to explain the gain....LOL)
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Cycle day ha ha ha! so what is 7 months plus 7 days? that is my cycle day! I would give anything for AF/TOM! Still hoping that maybe I am the next story on "I didn't know I was Pregnant"
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Thank you Erica!! :)

    Pam...interesting. well I'm assuming with IVF it'll be whoever gets there first since they're all in the dish together. Maybe his boys being English will be courteous enough to stand aside and let the girls go first. lol
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Jessica, IVF is outside of my area of expertise, but can't they tell what the embryos are before they transfer them? Could you just ask them to sway toward female?
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Maybe his boys being English will be courteous enough to stand aside and let the girls go first. lol

    Haha, I just pictured that!
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Well they said we could put the sperm in some kind of spinner thing where certain gender rises to the top to increase the odds but IDK that's a little too much like playing god. Truthfully I will take what I can get and I think it's all the cards so to speak anyway. You know?
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Just a quick check-in here... I have a lot of work to do.

    Last Week - 144.2
    This Week - 144.2

    I'll take it! I actually did weigh myself in the week and was down a bit. THEN off to my MIL's and some of you know what happens, eat, eat. There is no holding back in her house! I'm sure that if I had even an ounce of self-control I could've done better, but oh well.
    It was a very bad weekend in general. My DH's Grandfather (MIL Father) passed away Saturday night. It was a little unexpected. I drove up there (2 hours) for a nice "nail weekend" with his mom and sister, and left DH home to work on Saturday. Needless to say it didn't turn out as pleasant as it should have been. DH flew up yesterday to be there with his family. And I left him there today and flew back down to go to work. He will be driving my car home tonight with our pup. (DH works for Delta...makes flying easy!) We will driving back up there Thursday-Friday for the views and funeral.... :cry: So I am trying to get a lot of my work done today and tomorrow.
    Still waiting on my O. Monitor still saying "low" on CD 14. My temp dropped huge this morning 97.55 to 97.14. Don't know what this means...
    Well I am hoping to get to Zumba tonight...Depends on if I get a lot done at work. Fingers crossed.

    1. Keep up on the H2O 8-12 glasses
    2. Try to get under Cals at least 2 (hopefully 3) times this week
    3. Zumba (prolly only once with the funeral plans)
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I'm sorry about your grandfather-in-law, Kim. I'd say that holding steady is great during a stressful family tragedy. A temp dip could mean you're about to O, but with your monitor not changing, I'm not so sure.
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Options sorry for your loss. Sounds like you had a crazy weekend. :sad:
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    So sorry, to hear about your husband's grandfather. My thoughts and prayers are with you guys!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    I'm sorry about your grandfather-in-law, Kim. I'd say that holding steady is great during a stressful family tragedy. A temp dip could mean you're about to O, but with your monitor not changing, I'm not so sure.
    Thanks, Erica.
    Dang I was hoping that....but you're right the monitor hasn't changed and I looked at the stick and the estrogen line was about medium and the other practically not there...