Fit For Future Families - March 2011



  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    Pam- Congratulations on the promotion! That is major! It is awesome to finally be recognized for doing a good job at work :o)

    Heather- That is so exciting! I'm smiling reading about the little heart beat in your belly...sorry it wasn't two...but overall lots of smiles!

    Erica- I totally know how you feel! Although I don't WANT anything to be "wrong", it would be nice to find out what is "wrong." Trying for 2 years and 9 months, obviously something is "wrong" and it would be nice if they could find something...get me out of this "unexplained infertility" crap PLEASE...

    N.Sue- I have wished for almost two years now I would be a future cast member of the show "I didn't know I was pregnant." :o) Wishful think on my part...

    Had two pieces of cake at work today OOPS...but it was so yummy and I think I worked off enough calories at Zumba for it not to matter

    Have a good night lovely ladies!
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Evening Ladies.

    Been a while since my last post. I haven't read any of the posts already made since there are way too many pages for me at this stage. Hope everyone is well though.

    AFM - currently in the two wee wait between ovulation and AF at 6DPO. Temps seem to be good but trying not to pay any attention to signs at the stage. Hating my weight at the moment. I got within 400 grams of my second mini goal weight and whacked on 4 kg again and it's just fluctuated since then.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Ucaminax - thanks. Most of that has cleared up thanks to the meds, I'm still really bloated though - this is going to sound strange, but I can't even suck in my tummy without a sharp "I'm too full" pain, even first thing in the morning. I'm having at least 8 glasses lately (less than the 15 I want to be getting, but c'est le vie). I've been fairly good about watching the sugars, sodium and grains I eat so I'm almost at a loss at this point. I might check with a friend, who is a nutritionist and see if there are any foods that could help with it.

    History - that keeps happening to me to. I've been fluctuating since November. It's the most frustrating thing ever - just keep doing what you're doing and eventually it will all work out.

    AFM - I'm about 4-5 days away from AF this cycle, which, if it's on time, will be exciting because it's two cycles in a row. Today is St. Paddy's day and aquafit day :D MY green menu for tonight will include two foods of the green variety that I've never tried or like - rapini and avocado. March for me has been about getting in my "greens" and I've started to like Spinach and Kale - things I've eaten in the past that I really don't like. The avocado is another one I never liked, but I found a dessert recipe and it's highly rated, so I figure it's a good place to start. Avos are highly recommended for people with PCOS because of the mono-unsaturated fats (same as fruit oils)
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    @erica - The lovely female therapist that I go to is convinced that sometimes when there is absolutely nothing wrong physically and you are still unable to concieve that there is something psychological preventing you from being pregnant and she has had success with numerous women using hypnosis to help them get pregnant. She claims she can help me too with hypnosis but I have the other issues I need to resolve first. It might be something you could look into. I can't imagine that my shrink is the only one that believes this or is the only one that does this. It can't hurt!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Oh Pam, you just broke my heart. How can you not like avocado? I could eat that all day every day... of course that wouldn't be very healthy, but YUM!

    Hi History! Sorry that your weight is fluctuating. I'm sure it's due to the lovely hormones.

    Naesue, I can't imagine that there would be any mental block to conceiving here. I can't wait to be a mother. I can't wait for my husband to be a father. We are emotionally and financially stable. We're more than ready after trying for this long. I've seen the theory, I'm not sure how much I buy into it, though.

    Luki, I hear you. I wish reproductive science would catch up so they have better plans of attack than doing the same thing for everyone regardless of the problem.

    Hello Kate! That sounds like a normal temperature. My temps go as low as 96.9 before O, but I have a thyroid condition. You may or may not get a dip the day of ovulation. Some women do, some don't.
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Pam so glad the counseling went good. I think you showed the counselor how capable you 2 are to coping with your situation and that has to be a good thing.

    History...sorry about the weight too. That's such an awful feeling to fluctuate like that. Especially when you are so close to a goal.

    Heather...that is exciting!! I want twins!! I didn't know they could partially form (for lack of a better description) like that. It's kinda scare and I get your mixed emotions about it. Definitely relief but either way would have been fine. Good luck and Congratulations. mentiont thyroid issue. The IVF doctor put me on meds to make sure my levels are exactly where she wants them before we start. Are you taking anything? Maybe that's keeping you from conceiving? I don't know the reason why or how it affects but she said she wanted me within a range. It was the only thing that came up with me during out tests.

    AFM....AF should come in the next week. That's good for me cause I can go get my day 2/3 labwork done which I will need prior to our appt next month. Other than that we are just anxiously awaiting the appt. One of my closest friends is due in June and I'm going with her to her 3D/4D ultrasound today. I'm really excited for her. They had to do IUI so they were trying for a while but I can't help but be anxious about the emotions it will bring up in me.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Yes, my thyroid levels are within the good range for conception. I get tested every 6 months.
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Ok well there goes that theory. :flowerforyou:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Jessica - I started the Synthroid too before are you finding it? I find that it sucks....LOL

    As for the therapist, the extra bonus is that she's also an adoption practitioner....LOL so if this fails....we can always review our options....LOL
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Options know I'm not sure but I take it everyday. I felt better immediately after starting to take it. I wasn't tired as much and just felt better. I hope I'm not on it forever but I don't think she will take me off it until I'm pregnant or after since my levels are perfect on it.

    Well that is a bonus but I'm sure you won't get to that.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Jessica, the likelihood is you'll have to continue taking the meds for the rest of your life. If your levels were elevated, then it's likely your thyroid was already shutting down and now with it not having to do it's job, it probably will stop producing thyroid hormone altogether. It's not so bad. At least it's easy to regulate. :flowerforyou: I've been on it for 10 years now.
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Yeah I was thinking that. Well it's not so bad taking the little pill every morning so if I had to choose an ailment I guess I'm not complaining.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Bah... my group on BBC has had 5 BFPs (out of 8 members trying) in the last month. I'm really happy for them, but it stings. A lot. I started the group as a spin-off of another group last year because of BFPs. I'm glad everyone is getting them all at once, but it's a punch to the stomach for the 3 of us still trying. :cry:
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    O Erica...I'm sorry. I know your happy for them but I see how it hurts. Try to stay positive. Are you stressed at all? I had another friend who tried with her husband for like 2 years. There was no explanation to her infertility but the docter thought it might have been stress. She had a stressful job and as soon as she left the job she got pregnant 2 days later.

    Sorry for all the "friend" scenarios but if any of it can help.....
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    LOL, thanks Jessica. I have the world's least stressful job (hence the number of posts I make). I'm so unstressed about everything beyond TTC that I barely classify as living. :laugh: And I'm not all that stressed about TTC right now beyond the unknown and wondering what we're going to have to go through. I appreciate you trying to help. I think I just fall into that "unknown" category. If we're not meant to have kids, that's fine... I'm just sick of being on hold. Patience is not my strongest virtue. :laugh:
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Hmmm notice all my posts too. I think we work at the same place. lol

    It will happen the way it's meant to. We don't understand it and it's frustrating but it will be just as its meant.

  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Hey Girls! I just wanted to stop in and say hi! I will be rejoining you girls back up in a couple weeks, but till then I’ll enjoying my break from TTC! According to FF I should be O’ing this weekend but haven’t bothered getting OPK’s, actually I’m not even temping this month! I’ve been working on my weight loss and trying so hard not to think of babies that it kinda feels nice. My cousin just got a BFP for her second, and DH automatically looked at me and said “are you sure we can’t do another IUI this month?” lol poor guy, although he doesn’t fully understand my need for a break, he’s very supportive, so much so that he’s started working out with me and is willing to go on a low GI diet! Now that’s love :laugh:

    Hope all you girls are getting big fat follicles, baby dust, and all the sticky vibes you need! Happy BD’ing everyone! :love:
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Hey girls! I always forget how BUSY this board is! I am having a hard time getting back into it. But I have set a goal for myself, i will post AT LEAST once a day and I will try my VERY hardest to keep up with everyone!

    Erica - I know what you mean about having pretty much everyone preggo...TWO of my friends just found out there preggo...that makes....7 preggos that i know right now....I still get a little upset but mostly try to keep it to myself

    Pam - Congrats on the promotion (sorry it's a few days late)! It's nice to be recognized for your hard work!

    I am still getting to know the rest of you so forgive me for not commenting, although I am seeing a lot of similarities in "issues" with a lot of us.

    AFM - CD43 and no AF.... I went to see my family practice doctor yesterday and he said after 4months of no AF we would take the next steps but until's a waiting game. I haven't O'd yet this month either...I didn't O until CD 46 last cycle...I hope this is not a pattern....Anyone ever tried Vitex to regulate their cycle? Thinking about taking it just to put me back to NORMAL! I too (as most of you know) went off BC in October. Hoping to get all this worked out by the time the hubs get home.
    So i met with a personal trainer today at the gym! Holy Moly! I He kicked my butt! I signed on to meet with a trainer twice a week for the next 2 months and then once a week for the last 10months of the "contract". I'm really excited! We talked nutrition and commitment etc. I'm STOKED! My husband and I are talking about going to Hawaii when he gets home so i want to look SUPER hot for him! I think today gave me that final push to really put everything in perspective!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Erica - I know what you mean. I have to say though that after such a long time, I'm just at a point where I can be happy for people without the sting. I have faith that I will be a Mom somehow - it gets me through but some days I still wish that I could have avoided getting to this point.....

    Ash - yay for the feeling better. Nothing is worse for weightloss or TTC than stress....sounds like you're much less so than you were a month ago. Can't wait to have you back though!

    Erica - I am terrified of getting a trainer, they will make me do things that I don't want to.....LOL Sounds like you have quite the motivational trip though....Sounds like fun. Thanks on the congrats for the promotion. It's kind of weird though. It doesn't kick in for another week or so, officially (my boss actually spilled the beans early). I can't tell anyone at work yet and it came with an amazing I don't want to go around pointing that out when I know so many people are struggling to get by. It's hard not to get excited though.....

    I had a bit of a treat dinner. Instead of my uber yummy healthy planned dinner, I made DH stop off and get a jumbo burger.....LOL I figured I'm bloated anyways......what the heck not. Oh well....tomorrow I'll be better (sounds like that's frustratingly becoming my mantra...)

    Excited because I got into my garden to trim back a lot of what needed to go and start cleaning up. DH is still out there looking for hidden treasures (definitely the worst part of spring!!!)
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    It is so hard when people around you get pregnant- especially when they weren't "trying", "don't feel ready", or it was a "oops." I always go through a split second of feeling happy and then automatically switch to being jealous. It always makes me feel like such a horrible person. I don't want to be jealous! I want to be completely happy and full of joy for this wonderful journey they are on, but at times it just seems so unfair.
    Since, my husband and I have admitted to each other that adoption is in our hearts and we have moved forward on this path the jealousy is easing up...I can now say to myself, "you have a baby in your belly and I have a baby in my heart" and it puts a smile on my face :smile: