Fit For Future Families - March 2011



  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Thanks! Right now I'm just searching for a beach hotel that's affordable and not filled with bed bugs. There's one in Clearwater, Florida (the Sheraton Sand Key Resort) that looks good. I imagine anything I find will end up changing once my husband weighs in. :laugh: I'll definitely check out the areas you recommended and Thanks!
    Erica...I second her recommendation on Siesta Key. I live in Orlando and we found this beach for the first time last summer and we went back 3 different times. I know a really cute place a block from a private beach if you'd like the info. They just renovated the place so the rooms are REALLY nice. Message me if you are interested.
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Trying to Conceive and you are more than welcome to join us. I hope that you have wonderful success with your IVF cycle!

    O gotcha all the blogs I find have so many acronyms that confuse me. I guess I'm too new to this so I don't know all the information. It can be confusing.

    Thanks!! :)
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Thanks, Jessica! I had someone else in Florida recommend it, too, but I couldn't persuade my husband. He wants more to do than going to the beach. He's really excited about seeing all of the historical sites in St. Augustine, so I'm compromising with him and making him stay an extra day. :laugh:

    And yes, there are an insane number of acronyms. Feel free to ask if you see one you don't know.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Wow - I take a nap and there was more than one post to read......LOL Nostalgia of 15 pages after a nap:laugh:

    Welcome Danielle & Jessica.

    So I got myself all hyped up for my Fertility appointment tomorrow. I goofed up. It's Thursday. Luckily DH was able to revert his work schedule back for tomorrow.....I guess I'm just waiting to get beyond this point and get the schedule for the IVF already (we've had our results back from the surgery back for over a month) ACK!!! Although I haven't had any further weight loss from when we were there in Nov (I might even be back up a few lbs :sad: ), I'm so excited to be able to tell the doctor that I can chart my cycle again (I'm kinda loathe to call it regulated because one was 34 days and the other 41 - I need more of a pattern). I'm seeming to be even more "on track" this cycle.....

    On a side note, anyone else teased by spring again this past weekend? Saturday I was walking around without a coat on (it was only just above freezing, but darn it....I could stand it for the quick sprint to the car) then Sunday roads were unreal. We actually almost crashed on my parents couch on Saturday night after my Dad's party.

    Looks like we're still missing a couple of regulars since the Month move - I might go do a little round up :) Get the group jumping again!!!
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    Thanks so much for the advice. That completely makes sense due to my OBGYN saying that I will be sore in that area due to the ovaries. I start Clomid days 3-7 then from day 9 on, I need to use an ovulation test to see when.... Good luck ladies!

  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Laura - hope your journey is smooth and swift :) Exercise should help with some of the side effects of the clomid - I haven't been on it, but I've seen the pain of others dealing with the excess hormones :) Just probably not kickboxing if they've warned against it :flowerforyou:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Just watched the finale of Village on a Diet up here. The entire town had 2 trainers, a doctor, a psychiatrist and a professional chef come to town for 3 months to help the town lose a ton of weight. They ended up losing 2100lbs in the time. The ones that I was happiest for was the couple that were going through the infertility treatments. It showed their trip to the doctor for their pregnancy test and it was positive. Next week they're showing 4 months later :( I cried just a little. She miscarried at 11 weeks :( Okay so I didn't cry just a little, it was a little more than that - maybe it was identification, maybe it was hormones, maybe I'm just a sap. Now I want to eat a rolo chocolate about an emotional eater....LOL
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Thanks for the welcome Pam.

    Are you doing IVF too?

    A little background on me. I had my tubes tied during my last marriage due to it being awful and not wanting anymore kids. I have 2 boys. 16 & 11. Last year I married an incredibly amazing man who should have a dozen kids...he's so amazing with them. So I am going through IVF starting in April to have babies with him. Reversing the tube wasn't ideal since I only have one left. So the odds weren't worth the money we will pay. Anywho....really really looking forward to it. I can't wait to be pregnant again and I'm really hoping for twins. Call me crazy but it would be amazing. :) Our appt with our doctor is April 14th to get the ball rolling. I wanted to push it into April so we don't have a New Years baby incase we get pregnant on the first try.

    So happy to have found this thread. I might ask a lot of questions so be patient with me. :)
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Back to last week's weight today. I was hoping to drop a pound a week, but I know that's not highly likely. :laugh:

    I did make myself to the elliptical AND pilates yesterday since I slacked off all weekend. I am SORE today.

    Pam, that would have had me sobbing, too... but then again, I was sobbing during the Academy Awards and something else pretty ridiculous the other night.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Okay Ladies--Laissez les bon temps rouler! (Forgive the spelling if I botched it.) Today is quite literally "Fat Tuesday". I haven't charted a thing or exercised in the last few days, and I"m not counting calories today either. Tomorrow, I'm back on the wagon-sans white flour. I think I'm just going to eat white bread, cookies, and krispy cremes for dinner. Just kidding. Kinda.

    No surprise, I don't think Clomid worked this month. (To those of you starting Clomid--Good luck!) CD 16 No OPK+ yet, and I"m having ovary pain and lower back pain, which before, I would have gotten my hopes up and thought "hey, maybe I"m ovulating!" This month, I"m just like "Let's get on with this already--I know you are messing with me, hormones". Good news is, hubs and I talked a little about it this morning, and I think we are making some progress. We are in agreement to go see an RE and see what the options are. Neither of us know how much we are willing to "gamble" for this adventure yet. I guess that's the next step.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Oh,I forgot--welcome to the new ladies--nice to meet you...thanks for joining us!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Hey everyone, sorry I’ve been MIA. I’ll probably be that way a lot this month as my March goal is the think of TTC as little as possible! I need a break!

    Erica, glad to hear you’ve got something like a trip to keep your mind focused on your workout goals! Best of luck!

    Pam, Kuddos on getting back into sewing, I tried many years ago and have come to the conclusion that sewing machines hate me! Seriously they break down when I get near one! So all my hems and buttons all get done by hand!

    Katie, Enjoy your relaxing week! FC for you!

    Kim, happy BD’ing!

    Karen, I’m sorry to hear your struggles between you and your hubby not being at the same place in this TTC process. I agree that you need to humor him a bit, just because you’ve already done all the research and know your body doesn’t mean he does. An as for the cost of things, if he wants spreadsheets and cost analysis, then give it to him! When he see’s all the variable he may have a better understanding of why you can’t commit to a number.

    Welcome Daniel & Laurn!

    AFM, AF came and went! Seriously it was the shortest and lightest cycle I’ve ever had! She showed on Saturday morning, I had lots of cramps but only a mediocre flow in comparison. Then Sunday I had light to spotting and a lot of it was dried/old blood (sorry if it’s TMI), this spotting lasted again yesterday. For me this is weird because I usually have a 4-5 day cycle, and the first two days are usually heavy. So this just goes to show what the hormones can do to a person, I spotted for 11days and had a day and a half of a cycle!?! As you can tell I’m frustrated with the whole TTC thing and need a break this month. I will keep taking my temps, but will only go back for the next IUI next cycle.

  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I'm so sorry the IUI didn't work, Ashley. A break sounds like a good thing. ((hugs))

    Karen, it's still relatively early yet, especially if you're having ovary pain. You could be making a super egg in there. I hope so!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Maybe it is a super-egg, but, given that I started spotting on CD19 last month, I'm not holding my breath, and am not sure superegg would have a chance if it does release! Maybe I should make up a superhero theme song for it to give it a boost-haha.

    Ashley- I totally understand about a break. I think we'll wait a few weeks before going to the RE--give ourselves a break--we'll pick up whatever cycle whenever it starts.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Maybe it is a super-egg, but, given that I started spotting on CD19 last month, I'm not holding my breath, and am not sure superegg would have a chance if it does release! Maybe I should make up a superhero theme song for it to give it a boost-haha.

    That's the thing with TTC, every cycle is a new adventure... especially when meds are involved. Hang in there! I hope your super egg drops soon!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Ash - :sad: I'm sorry. Breaks are good things!!!! We'll be here when you're ready for us (well I will at least....for a while I think)

    Karen - I like Erica's idea of the super egg. You deserve something like that!! Theme song, eh?? I think you should just steal the Batman theme song and sub Super-egg for all the batmans.....LOL Dun-un-un-un-un Super Egg!!!

    Erica - you're not kidding about cycles being adventures. Just when you think you understand it, it changes....I knew you guys would understand about the sobbing last night. I just was so sad. It was the same couple who did the Ovidral shot a few weeks ago.....

    Jessica - yup, after almost 10 years of trying (as of October) and 2 years before that of not preventing, we're going through IVF. Appointment this week to discuss costs and get the ball rolling. I understand that they don't do the first cycle until after 2 medicated cycles (not IUI, but taking the hormones, make sure everything is set properly and increase the chances of success) so we're looking at a true IVF date of June if we start now. I'm hoping that the almost 20% body weight I've lost in the last 10 months will help improve the chances we have of success.

    AFM today: I'm trying to keep a low sugar/flour thing going on. I did pretty well on my diet yesterday with my new goals and felt really good about it. Today, not so much. LOL Think we're trying to keep it meatless today - started with waffles, then went to frittata leftovers and dinner is going to be a splurge with fish and chips. Have to figure out how to get the protein up today. Might make a protein shake after my walk tonight (to meet #2 of the goal of exercise tonight)....Feeling pretty good otherwise...not hormonal at all :)
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Good luck Pam!! Looks like we'll be doing it together. We don't have to go through the testing phase of the meds. Not sure why...maybe because we don't have any other fertility problems? From my understanding after our appt in April they will start me on the meds protocal and implantation will be a few weeks after. Probably first week or two of May.

    Ash....stay positive. It took my friends twice before it worked. You never know.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Good Luck to you Jessica!!!

    So my dinner plans were thwarted by a lacklustre lunch. I went to East Side Marios for Italian. I got close to 1200 cals even though I only ate half my main course.It was a nice farewell to sugar though.....
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    So sore!!! I did a workout I haven't done in months last night and it was far easier during than I remember, but man oh man are my thighs sore! I know that's a good thing, but I could barely walk this morning. I think I'll just stick with pilates tonight. :laugh:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I haven't been sore after a work out in a while. Think that means I'm probably not pushing myself......