Fit For Future Families - March 2011



  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Please pray for m and my family, court is tomorrow to get Lilly back! :love:

    Good luck!!!! Prayers coming your way!!!!

  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Kim: LOL - I didn't make it cause I didn't have anythign to put it on....LOL Excited that the courts are moving finally. It's always such a relief when something starts to work like it's normal :D

    Ash: I'm so looking forward to a water birth....When I was just moved out, I had major wisdom tooth pain and dealt with it for too long (I shoud have gone to the dentist instead) with long hot I know I'll have a good experience with the water birth. As for who in the room, I'm thinking DH and maybe my Mom - both are my most calming influences.

    I feel like I just got bit by a sugar bug. All of a sudden at 4pm I couldn't get enough sugar. DH laughed at me when I ran like a bull to the car to get DQ....LOL It was a little bit of an act.... but just a little bit.....HORRIBLE!!!!!!!! Let's just say I haven't had DQ in over a was GOOOOOD!!! Mmmm......but now I feel yucko. Let that be a lesson... :(
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Katie no cupcake would stand a chance in this house right now...especially not a dozen of them! lol! I think I had a chemical pregnancy last cycle too. I got a faint positive and then AF started the next day. That is the bad thing about testing early. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hopefully your game plan ends in a BFP!

    Kim like you said, at least things are more "normal" this cycle. That is a good sign! So glad that court is tomorrow. That baby needs to be back at home with her mommy! I will keep you and your family in my prayers!

    Ash I'm so anxious to log on and see you post your BFP! I'm so rooting for you girl! It is still early...What kind of test are you using? Do they have First Response Early Result tests there? Those are the best! As for your question. The only option around here is a hospital. I would so prefer to give birth at a birthing center right across the street from a hospital (in case something went wrong) but that isn't an option. I want to try and do a natural birth (no anesthesia) but I'm not completely opposed to the idea if I feel I need it. They have jet tubs I will most likely use during labor. I will have my mom, my DH, and my sister (to record and take photos) during the labor and delivery. I thought about getting a doula but my mom is pretty calming so I don't know. I'm going to read up more on the Bradley Method. I've had several friends that followed it and had very successful births.

    Pam I have to say...I've already planned my DQ run tonight. My DH is working tonight so I'm going over to my friend's house to watch a movie and I'm going to pick up ice cream for us! Can't wait. I will most likely feel like you....but before the binge you don't even care!

    Andrea I'm so glad to hear your dad is home and recovery is going well! That is so wonderful!

    Well I had my first OB appt today. It went fantastic. Without me even having to beg she said that we will schedule an ultrasound on March 16th (the day before DH leaves for Army training for 2 months). I asked her what if we didn't see a heartbeat and she said they would just do another one a week or 2 later, no big deal. I was ecstatic to say the least! She also ordered a blood draw to check my progesterone and hcg. I should hear back tomorrow late afternoon. She said if the levels aren't super high she will have me come back in Friday to repeat and make sure the hcg doubles. I am super excited and feeling very hopeful.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I'm glad you're feeling more hopeful, Heather.

    To answer the question about birth, I'm in Kansas. My options are pretty much limited to a hospital birth unless I want to drive an hour to a birth center. I don't see that happening... but at this point it doesn't really matter since I can't get pregnant anyway. My husband had his SA today. They called him at 4:40, but he didn't get the call... so I guess we have to wait until tomorrow for results. He's convinced they only called so quickly because he has cancer. He won't believe me that they can't tell that from an SA. This should be a fun evening.
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Thanks Katie & Pam. I think it will be even more common for me because before ttc I came off the Merina IUD and I've been reading a lot of reports associating MCs and CPs with it which I hadn't read before getting it. Was only on it for two years so seriously hoping it doesn't effect me too much.

    Oh also I've been pretty naughty this week and weighing everyday. I'm only 1.7kg away from my next mini goal weight. Very please about that but worried it might be two fast?
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Thanks for all the information on the zinc, hopefully I will be able to talk my husband into taking some.

    Heather- that is GREAT news! Congratulations!

    Kim- good luck in court tomorrow, I'm pray things will go your way!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Heather - Did I mention I had a bowl of ice cream before going to DQ? I'm in such a guilty place right now. Believe me. I'm not an ice cream fan by any stretch of the imagination (I rarely have more than 1/2 cup a month - probably 4x a year would be about right) but tonight....let's just say DH called me a bull....cause I kinda ran with my head down to the front door like a bull....LOL I don't know why.....craziness!! DH then suggested that we test since maybe the ice cream is a sign I'm pregnant. LOL I responded nope, just crazy.

    Erica - I know what you mean...they called back so early because the test was done and analysed by the doctor first thing this morning....but it's hard not to fear the quick call back.

    History - I usually weigh every day too....I find that when I don't I seem to forget about healthy eating habits and poof...gain weight.
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    I am so relieved and at ease! I finally had a full and open conversation with my parents about our plan to adopt. I was really nervous because previously they have not seemed very receptive to the idea- my dad saying “life isn’t a race” and my mom saying “keep trying”. Surprisingly they were very open to everything I said tonight. They actually listened and didn’t cut me off! I can finally breathe!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Luki - that's a relief for sure :) Glad it went well

    Good morning all (and evening to some). Things have been quite a bit quieter the last few days - seems that we've lost a few people in the monthly move. Hope everyone's doing what they need to for themselves :)
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Well ladies I just wanted to come by and tell you that I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Please be kind to yourself. It is okay to feel discouraged in this journey....just don't ever give up until you've come to the place where you are at peace. This has been a very very long, hard, excrutiating journey for me. It was the nail in the coffin for my first marriage and even with my DH it has created a lot of pain and heartache. Keep communication open. That is so very important. I don't even pretend to know everything...but after 7 years of trying to conceive I can say that the most important things are to be kind to yourself, don't give up until you are at peace, and to keep communication open. I wish you all the best in your journey. Hoping to see all of you very soon over on the Pregnancy board! :)

    By the ladies mean more to me than you probably know. You have been a source of support and in this journey that is so very important to have! I hope you all know that you are very much appreciated and that I don't take that lightly. Until next time...
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Bye Heather! So sorry to see you go--for us! Happy as all get out for you!

    AFM: Today is one of those days. Clom-ID is getting to me, I think. Par for the course.I was so tired last night, went to bed, couldn't get up this morning, didn't exercise, and just feel BLAH. I'm trying really hard to turn myself around, because if I let it, today has the possibility to turn into a bingeing sort of day. (Pam, I hear ya on the ice cream. I was getting cozy with the Fudge Tracks yesterday.) I've started tracking with the OPK, but given last month's hype and letdown, I"m pretty half-hearted about it, which is depressing in itself, but probably better in the long run for my mental health.

    I'm hoping I can make it through the day successfully, and then when I get home tonight, it's time to pack to leave for da beach! Yay. Good luck everyone...may we all make it through today one step at a time, and one bite at a time. :wink:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Happy and healthy 9 months, Heather! I'm glad you're finally on this part of the journey. :flowerforyou:

    Luki, I'm glad your family was supportive. I've been trying to discuss fertility treatment with my grandmother via email. She just keeps ignoring what I say and changing the subject to my cousins' new babies. Not helpful. AT. ALL. So I know how much that support really means.

    Still waiting on the results. My husband is still being a drama queen. I really hope he gets to talk to someone soon. Edited to add: The results are normal. She only gave him one number and he wasn't sure what it was... it was either the count or the concentration and it was 98.3.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I just wanted to check in say hi, I miss you ladies. Everything here is great; I had my first ultrasound today. Baby has a good strong heartbeat - DH tried to hide his tears when we heard it but I caught him! :laugh: My morning sickness is finally starting to ease up and I’ve been able to get back into walking the past few days. I was so sick in the beginning that I wasn’t able to exercise at all, it’s nice to be able to start up again even if it is just walking.

    Baby dust to everyone….I think about you girls all the time!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    I just wanted to check in say hi, I miss you ladies. Everything here is great; I had my first ultrasound today. Baby has a good strong heartbeat - DH tried to hide his tears when we heard it but I caught him! :laugh: My morning sickness is finally starting to ease up and I’ve been able to get back into walking the past few days. I was so sick in the beginning that I wasn’t able to exercise at all, it’s nice to be able to start up again even if it is just walking.

    Baby dust to everyone….I think about you girls all the time!
    How was the glucose testing?
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Kim, I’m dying to know how everything went in court today. My thoughts are with your family, and I’m hoping your going to come back on here with good news!

    Pam, no worries about your ice cream cravings! You’re a woman, and as a woman you automatically loose any and all accountability for the occasional food cravings! Hope you enjoyed it and had your fix, today’s a new day!

    Heather, I’m so happy everything went well at your appointment yesterday! It is bittersweet that you’ll be leaving us! I’m so exited for you and wish you all the best, and hope that you have a safe and healthy pregnancy with the most wonderful outcome… a healthy beautiful baby! Remember to stop in here every once in a while to let us know how your doing!

    Erica, I’d like to say that your husbands response was very man like, but to be honest I couldn’t remember all the numbers the Dr. shot out at us when DH got his done, all I heard was low. He probably only heard “normal” and had such a sense of relief that he didn’t get to hear the rest. I’m happy to hear that that has been excluded as a potential fertility reason. What are you planning on testing next?

    Karen, I’m sorry to hear your having a Clom-ID day, I hope things start looking up!

    Hey Ron, glad to hear all is well with you and the little peanut! I hope your morning sickness is gone for good, happy walking!

    Jalara, how are you?

    AFM, so I called the clinic yesterday to schedule an appointment for a blood pregnancy test. I thought they’d give me one next week because it’s too early but they told me to come in today. When I got there this morning the nurse was all annoyed telling me that I early and I was sure she wouldn’t take my blood, but after consulting with the Dr. (she was worried that I could get a false positive from the trigger shot) she took my blood (apparently I’m past the false positive window). So now I’m sitting at work waiting for a phone call hoping that its good news.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Good luck, Ashley!

    They really only had the one number to give him... so maybe the lab only reported normal on the rest of the results. I'd told him to write them all down or have them send the results to our house, but he said there was just the one number. As for what's next... I have no idea. I guess we can either follow the doctor's plan to do femara for three months and then the HSG or I can beg him to move up the HSG, but I don't know if he'll do it. Regardless, it's too late to do anything this cycle.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member

    :brokenheart: Is it possible for it to show up positive later? I'm sorry, but I don't know much about IUI.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Awww, sorry Ashley! So what's the plan moving forward? I didn't want to say this when you were so excited about the IUI, but it really gives you the same chance as a couple without fertility issues... so only 20-25%. It's terrible. :frown:
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member

    :cry: I'm soo sorry Ash! If at first you don't suceed, try try again!:flowerforyou: