Fit For Future Families - March 2011

Welcome everyone!

This group is being started to lend support and motivation to those who are TTC, or plan to TTC. This group blossomed from another group (Pregnancy - 2010).

Fit For Families is not for pregnant women, I would ask that you join our sister group for like-minded support and motivation (they're really great there!!).

For those who have recently had a little one, there is a post-partum group:

This group is very goal-oriented (no matter what your goals are) and I hope will be a place for you to come share your story and track your progress.

Check in will be each Monday to keep us accountable over the weekend. Each week we set our own fitness or health goals, and the more suggestions the better!

I love this group!

Welcome one and all!

Link to our last thread:


  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Thanks, Pam!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Thanks Pam!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Np - sorry it's late....LOL Feb was such a short month. It seems like just yesterday I was drinking egg nog and uh....eating celery sticks :wink:

    Today was a horrible eating day for me. Not because I over ate, but at work, by the time I looked up it was 3pm....uh....I get to the office at 6am....where did the day go? We grabbed take out because we hadn't eaten yet, but I know I'm going to be way under today. Focusing on getting in the water and not going for junky food because "I haven't eaten enough"....LOL
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Thanks for the welcome!

    Heather- Good luck at the dr. tomorrow!

    Pam- Sorry about your two adoption misses, how difficult! We are at the very beginning of our adoption journey- putting together our plan, finding an attorney, and telling family members. We are planning mostly independent, private, family adoption so the wait could be a LONG one.

    I am way behind on drink water today, probably the reason I am craving junk food...
  • AmandaM226
    AmandaM226 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Amanda and we are TTC our second child. Im so glad I found this thread! I have PCOS and irregular ovulation so it makes the conceiving thing harder. the first one when I lost 30 lbs we conceived and when I was trough gained all the weight back. This time I want to make a lasting change! I am 33 and live in Northern California. I have one daughter(obviously :) ) She is 7 and her name is Katilyn. I just found this sight today and was so excited that I could track my foods and keep track of my weight loss without having to pay for it like on WW. So here is to making friends and getting on goal!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Luki - ours were both public cases where the opportunity for custody was no longer available.......we thought about private, but were in no place financially to do it. We had such a bad experience with the adoptions though that this time (now that we do have the means) to go through the fertility treatments. Just felt like the kid that no one wanted on their team.....I couldn't go through that again with individual birth moms. I'm sure your experience will be completely different though :) If the fertility doesn't work, we've talk about doing international adoption (we've had several opportunities there too, but the laws here make it more difficult to adopt for less than $50K - our opportunities were in Russia).

    Going to try making chocolate sauce tonight with agave, cocoa powder, coconut oil and vanilla....There was another recipe, but I sent DH to the store asking for Medjool dates and he complained he couldnt find them....LOL I'll have to try those another time.....Don't know what to have my sauce with though. Maybe I'll make it tomorrow on some homemade Fro Yo....mmmmmm Wowserinos......Today is CD10 for me already....time flies!!!

    Welcome Trapper - there are a few on here with secondary issues and a few on here with PCOS.......hoping that your journey with us is short and sweet :)

    Heather - fingers crossed for your appt.

    Andrea, Karen - you're welcome, sometimes I just need a kick to the behind to get things moving :)
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Erica I thought you might know the answer to this question....what level of hcg does the Clearblue Digital pick up? I couldn't find it online. Well I did find it on one site but it had it on there twice as one being 25 and another being 50.

    Thanks Pam and luki. I'm nervous, excited, anxious...
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome Lukimakamai & Stephanie & Amanda! This is a great board, with great ladies with a bunch of knowledge!!!

    Heather - CONGRATS!!! I am so excited for you and sending you lots of sticky vibes. I think that I would be right there with you with the cramps...except I think I am going to be nervous the entire 9 months...everytime there is a twinge I will probably want to call the doctor. I think you made the right decision with going to the doctor sooner...the waiting game is the worst. I don't know how you are going to be able to hold it in for 11 more weeks. I know I will have to keep quiet longer than I want because all our family is 8 hours away but hopefully not that long.

    Karen - I have about a dozen cupcakes in my house and I want to eat them!!! I don't know what if i would go into the water or not. I think I would have too, just to say I did it. I am right there with you with everyone being pregnant. It seems like everyone that I know that is married is announcing their BFP.

    Nichole - have fun skiing...I really miss it!

    Pam - I am going to say that it is just water weight, mainly because I want to blame mine on that too!

    Ashley - What a great weekend for your tastebuds...mine are quiet jealous. Keeping my FC for you, hopefully you are just more aware of the cramps. I go in next Friday for my IUI, so keep me updated.

    Kim - I am glad your sister got her hearing scheduled...sometimes that can take the longest. I am glad your floors ended well. We laid them down about 2 years ago and it was horrible. We did Bamboo and they were the glue down. I think I wore that glue for like 2 weeks.

    Andrea - I am glad that your dad is being released. I think that you should use BDing as a stress reliever!!!

    History - sorry to hear that. Those things are more common than we thought. Congrats on the weight loss!!!

    AFM – After talking with the doctor on Friday, we believe that I had chemical pregnancy. After doing a lot of reading on them, it seems that it happens a lot. I thought that I had waited long enough to avoid it but I guess not. Anyways, I started the Femara on Saturday and I have one more day of it. I go next Wednesday for U/S to see if my follicles are big enough, if they are, I will give myself the Ovidril shot and then we will have our IUI on Friday. I am really hoping that it works this time. If it doesn’t, I think that DH and I have agreed to take some time off from the doctor and just work on things naturally. I also got DH on a Zinc supplement. I have read where it will increase sperm count. His was already pretty high but I just want to make sure when we go in for the IUI.

    On the weight loss side or should I say weight gain side . I was up on Monday but I am going to blame it on water retention from AF. I have gotten back on the wagon this week eating wise but just to get back on it exercising wise. We had DH’s 30th birthday party Saturday and it was a hit. We had a bunch of adults in a Chick-fil-a with balloons and the Cow! My goal to make him feel like a 5 year old was achieved. Now if I can get rid of the leftover cupcakes and chicken, I will be doing good.
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    Heather - the Clearblue Easy Digital is 25mIU and the Clearblue Digital is 50mIU. Hope this helps.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hey all! I was under my calories today--felt like a win.

    Went over to my friend's house tonight--she's had twins through IVF. It was a good talk. No great revelations or anything, but it was good to talk to someone who has been there and just get some of the stuff out. No crying, which I thought was pretty remarkable.

    I'm resigned to this round of Clom-ID not doing anything, so I'm not expecting anything. Maybe a coping mechanism, maybe just reality sinking in. Who knows...

    I"m off to to you all later. Heather--sticky bean! Hang in there---will be thinking about your Dr. appt tomorrow!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Erica I thought you might know the answer to this question....what level of hcg does the Clearblue Digital pick up? I couldn't find it online. Well I did find it on one site but it had it on there twice as one being 25 and another being 50.

    BBC says 25 mlU.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Katie - I found that zinc worked with DH - it increased his count from 1M to 7M, but didn't improve the quality. Any supplement for Male Potency should help said that urologist.....Might be worth putting him on one of those. The other vitamins and minerals should help with the quality as well as the quantity. Plus if he likes sunflower seeds, my DH ate them ALL the time. We bought a big bag once a week, which is what I really attribute the jump in count to.....natural sources are always better (and he didn't get sick either)...LOL

    History/Katie - I read a statistic that 20% of pregnancies end before they've really taken hold (chemical pregnancy) Add that to the fact that only 25% of fertilized eggs are actually viable (and that number goes down with age of both partners) and it's a wonder that we reproduce at all.....But if you can conceive it, it'll happen (sorry for the pun....LOL) Seriously though. You know the chances are 1/5 of the chemical pregnancy so the next one will be sticky for both of you.

    Up to 12 glassess of water so far today......time for bed.....Night All
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    "Up to 12 glassess of water so far today......"

    !!!! Wow--way to go.Pam!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Thanks - that's my usual - I'm trying to get to 15 a day and it just hasn't happened so far. Oh well, I'm down slightly since Monday when the water weight bomb dropped.....not much, but then my water consumption has been normal, not enough to really flush out my system.....
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Thanks for the new thread Pam!

    Welcome newbies!

    Pam, I’m surprised you were able to find opportunities to adopt in Russia for $50Kish! My best friends family adopted a girl from Russia and it cost them around 140Kish in the end! Granted this was over 10 years ago, and so things have changed, but it’s still A LOT of money!

    Katie, I’ve got my fingers crossed for you that your IUI works! Do take the day off from work or whatever though, I wish I had. The actual procedure is nothing to be worried about, its equivalent to a pap test in uncomfortableness (I know that’s not a word but I don’t care :laugh: ) and pain. I was also fine for the couple hours afterwards with mild cramping and bloating, but then I did get major cramps that lasted 1-2hours. Everyone’s different, but make sure you have the option to rest should you need it. Oh and about the zinc, Pam had mentioned it about a week or two before I had my IUI and so I had DH upping his zinc (well sunflower seeds) until the IUI, between that and not ejaculating 48hrs before the specimen, his count was in the normal range compared to in the low range he was given after his SA. Good Luck!:flowerforyou:

    Karen, congrats on the non-scale victory!

    AFM, cd31 12dpiui and still a BFN!

    I did watch an interesting documentary last night that made me think about all the different birthing options and which one I wanted to take. The documentary was called “The business of being born” and I thought since we’ve talked about names and when we’d tell family, etc… I’d leave you all with this question:
    What type of birth do you want?
    (home natural birth, home water birth, water birth in a birthing center, natural birth in a birthing center or hospital, vaginal birth in a hospital with epidural, timed cesarean section, etc…)

  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Heather, how did your appt go??
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Ashley - that was the average cost at the time being quoted by the agency (and we had a child already lined up and wouldn't be going through the agency per se in Russia but needed to go through the on in covered flights, hotels (2 trips are required) and all the lawyer/court time.....pretty scary that it could have been more
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    At my layover at JFK to VT and just need to bump the new thread. I'll catch up later:0)
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Thanks Pam! Happy Hump-day everyone! Its finally sunny here! Not warm...just sunny, but I'll take it!

    Trapper, welcome to MFP and FFFF! I wish you the best!

    Pam, that chocolate sauce sounds delish, how was it?

    Katie, yes we were very pleased with the glue less laminate floors. I can only imagine the mess! Glad to hear Dh's party was a success. I love the idea of making him feel like he was 5. Very cute! I'll be praying you IUI goes well and does the trick!

    Karen, I really hope your expectations are wrong. I'm sure it helps to talk to someone that has been through it. I'm glad I have you ladies for that! I really don't have anyone to talk about it other than DH and we all know they don't truly understand. LOL

    Ash, I'm praying for you! I know that has got to be hard and frustrating! Keep busy and stay strong!
    Birth: I will be going to a hospital, and my mom will be right there by my side the entire time. She is a retired labor and delivery nurse, so I know she will know what is going on and what I can/should do. Also, I have always wanted a water birth. I think it would be SO soothing.

    Nichole, HAVE FUN!

    AFM, I am REALLY trying to get back on the wagon, but I am a few strides behind it now. I fell off back when we went to HI and haven't made it back on. :frown: So today is the day! I have been a junk foodoholic and a fast food junky lately and I'm stopping it today! No morning snack, homemade chili for lunch and salmon for dinner. I can do this! 139 here I come!
    AF is full force. (more than she has been the last few months) I'm still completely confused, but relieved in a way to see it as "normal" flow. My last few have been VERY light and only for a few days. So maybe this is a good sign. I still think I am going to make an appointment after I'm finished to just check and see what's going on, what options I have, or what she suggests we should do.
    Please pray for m and my family, court is tomorrow to get Lilly back! :love:
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Please pray for m and my family, court is tomorrow to get Lilly back! :love:

    Good luck!!!! Prayers coming your way!!!!