Fit for Future Families - February 2011



  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Awesome! I never have figured out how to add friends on FF. I can do just about anything else on there, but that just is beyond me for some reason. :laugh: You're still above cover. But definitely don't test at 10 dpo. That will just set you up for wondering if it's really negative or if there's a line... far more nerve wracking than waiting, silly husband!
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Awesome! I never have figured out how to add friends on FF. I can do just about anything else on there, but that just is beyond me for some reason. :laugh: You're still above cover. But definitely don't test at 10 dpo. That will just set you up for wondering if it's really negative or if there's a line... far more nerve wracking than waiting, silly husband!

    Lol, to add friends just view their chart and at the top of the menu on the left you will see an "add to friends" link. Click that and your done lol.
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    Pam – I know how nerve racking it can be to have a parent going through surgery. My mom had emergency double bypass in August and I was 8 hours away.

    History – Hopefully you, Nichole, Erica and I will get what we want next week! You have a lot of good signs going on. Quiet jealous about the free maternity care, nothing is free here and they call this a “free country” 

    Heather – I know what you mean about the BDing. It seems like you have hit a wall at 146. With as much working out that you do, it is probably all muscle and your measurements will be great!

    Erica – Glad your temps are staying up there. Would love to be pregnancy buddies!!! When are you planning on testing?

    Nichole – Glad you can jump on the Tuesday train!

    Ashley – So excited that your procedure went well. When are you supposed to test?

    Better Balance – I was on the pill for about 10 years and I have been off for 2 years and last month was the first time my cycle came on its own without medicine

    AFM – I guess you ladies were correct. Fair day wasn’t so bad. I was down .2lbs when I got up early to use the restroom but then I went back to bed and got up and weighed at normal time and it was down .8lbs. Yesterday I got new running shoes. I am so excited. I haven't had new running shoes in over 4 years. I prefer heels :)

    I am was still having a few cramps earlier today but now they have turned into more like a stabbing pain. To answer your question Heather, I usually don’t have any cramps until about 1 or 2 days before. This time they felt more like ovulation pain. Temps are still up, so that is a good sign. I don’t know how much longer I can make it without testing. It is driving me crazy.
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    It is a shame that Obama never managed to get that healthcare bill in, isn't it?

    But yes, NZ is pretty good with the healthcare system. Maternity and under 5s are free and for some places school-aged children are as well.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    History, Katie, and Nichole, I would LOVE to be pregnancy buddies with all of you... and a couple weeks ahead of the rest of the ladies. :flowerforyou:

    I probably won't test until Tuesday at the earliest. I am just not an early tester. My temp dropped a bit today, which usually makes me depressed and I feel completely "out" but I don't feel that way this morning. I wasn't as close to the coverline as it usually is. I did drink a couple of glasses of wine last night and sometimes that makes my temps go down (I imagine because I then sleep with my mouth open). And my tatas are KILLING me. Even my husband commented on the fact that they seemed harder or tight last night. They have never felt like this. So I'm holding on to hope.

    We're going to a poker tournament to raise funds for my husband's cousin (15) who lost his dad this past December. I imagine the food choices won't be all that great, but it's for a good cause.

    How is everyone else?
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    You are still in the game Erica!

    I'm going to be positive for everyone else, because this morning, I just feel like a pessimistic pile of poo. I started spotting yesterday. Cycle day 19!!! What is up with that? For a few brief seconds, I was like "Implantation bleeding?!" and my heartrate jumped. But I think it's a bit early for that. And now I have just cycled to a much more darker place where I'm like "This is exactly what happens every month and it is just happening even earlier. Clomid is just messing with your brain and your body. This sucks." So now I'm just incredibly pessimistic.

    I went for a jog this morning (C25k) to try to get some of the excessive negative energy out. It helped, but man, I just feel like I'm on this crazy emotional roller coaster and it is just beating me up. On Monday I go in for my day 21 (22 since they are closed on Sunday) Progesterone check. Maybe they will have good news...but by then I may be able to just tell all by myself. In any case, I know I'm not officially out of the running, but I sure do feel like it today. Ugh. I just want to eat cheesecake...but I'm not going to. I'm feeling a need to maintain control over something, since obviously my body is not one of those things, so I am determined to maintain control over the eating...even if it is just for today. Grrrrrr.....

    Better luck to all of you!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Erica that is a great sign if your "ladies" are super sore and getting firm/tender! I think this may be your month! I'm so excited for you!

    Katie then I definitely don't think you should count yourself out yet! 4 days out very well could be implantation! Especially since 1 to 2 days is normal for many people to cramp before AF. 4 days just seems too far out for your AF cramps! Keeping my fingers crossed for you! And I am a medium build and I'm 5'7 and the last time I did my fat percentage I was like 18% which is in the athletic range but I can't get over the fact that the scale reads 146.... I think we are always hardest on ourselves.

    Karen I'm definitely there with now being completely done with BD. If we didn't catch the timing right this month, well then we will just have to go from there because I'm done! What day have you decided to test? The spotting could be left over from ovulation. I KNOW how hard it is right now (today is CD19 for me) and I am right there with you! We can make it through this! Just keep busy (a jog was a great idea). And just remember you aren't alone in this...I may be a few thousand miles away, but I feel your pain and am right there experiencing this rollercoaster as well!

    AFM I'm feeling about as sunny as the weather....and it is 40*F and rainy/overcast. I'm moody (thanks progesterone/Clomid) and on edge. I hope after my workouts I will feel better. I think getting through this next week is weighing heavily on me and the fact that I have no control over the outcome really makes me a little crazy. On a lighter note, I had my "free" meal last night and because I had managed to burn 1800 calories yesterday with exercise, I didn't go over my calories! I was pretty proud of myself. Tonight we are having spaghetti squash with ground turkey spaghetti sauce. One of my new all time favorites. Tomorrow my mother in law is staying with us and I'm going to make a crock pot pot roast with veggies.

    Oh and I forgot to say that I started the Prometrium (progesterone) yesterday. I know it will make me have pregnancy like symptoms so I am FOR SURE not testing until March 1st even if I think without a doubt I am pregnant!

    Hope you all have a great Saturday!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Okay - so I'm jumping back in....LOL

    Heather: It is the most frustrating thing when you hit a plateau. Hopefully your measurements will show a different story. I had the same experience with the painful nipples this month after my temp shift. They don't normally hurt so I think that's a good sign. I love spaghetti squash, but not typically as "spaghetti". I'll have to try it.

    Ashley: How goes it today? Hopefully things have settled down a little bit internally and it's not so uncomfortable. When is your next follow up?

    Katie: It's not just nerve wracking because of the surgery, but after the first hip replacement, he got a really nasty infection and tried fighting it with strong antibiotics for about 6 months (HIV antibotics actually). Then they decided to put in a medicated hip replacement to fight it, which did the trick. They waited 6 months for that to do its thing and then went back in and replaced it with a long term one again. So over 18 months, he had to do 3 surgeries on the first side. Now we're starting the second it's scary stuff.

    History: Yeah, Canada has free materity care too. I can't imagine the extra pressure that having to pay for some of the things would be. LOL going through the fertility treatments is going to be shock enough for me. I have to start thinking about every piece of it....LOL I've never had to. I'm on FF too.

    Erica: Really excited. Agree with Heather - think this is your month. Hope you had a great time at the poker tournament.

    Karen: What day did you ovulate? Day 19 does seem a little early to be implantation, but it can happen as early as 6DPO, so if it was Day 13, it is possible (but to your point, not probable). I have found though that I start getting antsy about maybe being pregnant around 10 days before AF shows up and drive myself crazy for that 10 days (I dont typically have a 2WW since I don't typically ovulate). It's totally the hormones.

    AFM: Temps dropped outside and inside yesterday....LOL Today it's back into the negatives (-6C, around 25F) It's so pretty outside today though - the snow is gently falling and is just covering. We've had about 2 inches since last much for spring. LOL Yesterday I was excited. My temps dropped below coverline. Friends came over for a late dinner (homemade pizza and ceasar salad (bought a great new vinagrette - usually I make, but this was amazing and only 40cals, 340 sodium) and I had not one, but two glasses of wine. I'm only a drinker around the holidays and even then, my limit is 1 glass. I don't know what got into me....LOL. My temp this morning was back up, but I slept in too so I'm still expecting AF today.My weight skyrocketed this morning and I'm now up around 2lbs since Monday, but that is typical around the Day 1, so I'm hoping that she shows for this reason alone. LOL then my weigh in on Monday has a chance of being decent. DH is working today and tomorrow and I'm hoping to do some spring cleaning!!! Hope everyone's Saturday is a good one. It's a long weekend here - Monday is Family Day and DH and I both have it off. Think we're going to go for a winter hike in the woods, if I don't chicken out because it's "too" cold.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Karen, I agree with Heather. That spotting could be left over from ovulation, especially since you were on clomid.

    Enjoy your spaghetti squash, Heather!

    Pam, I hope AF shows so you're one step closer to IVF!

    Thanks for all of the positive thoughts, ladies. The more I look at my chart, the more negative I feel. I just hate waiting. DH had a dream I was pregnant and we found out via text message from some company. Now that would be a popular service. :laugh:
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Pam sounds like a wonderful time with friends! :) Oh and Spring cleaning...I need to get at that. Most likely my "nesting" hormones will start kicking in soon so the motivation comes without me forcing myself.

    So I was told by an exercise physiologist/nutritionist/someone who knows what they are talking about....that I am exercising too much which is putting my body into stress mode and not allowing my body to lose any weight. It is so very hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that doing less will make me lose more....I have nothing to lose though so I think this week I am going to tone it down a little (and not allow myself to feel bad about doing so). Not a good week to do less (since this is the week that I will be focusing on if I'm pregnant or not at every moment) but my motivation has been at about a 2 lately so maybe a good week to be a little relaxed with myself and my workouts. Who knows...we shall see.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Heather, I think the exercise physiologist is right. I know it's counterintuitive, but when your body is stressed out, it doesn't do a lot of the things that it's supposed to. I hope that you can manage and without overthinking the 2ww, too!
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    Erica – I am hoping to hold out until Tuesday. It is really hard this time. Have fun at the poker tournament. I love poker! DH doesn’t let me play with his friends any more b/c I always win. If you just eat a little of each thing, you can have your variety and not too bad with the calories. I have to stop looking at my chart b/c that is getting my hopes up. FF gave me 47 pregnancy pts. That is the highest I have seen it go for me.

    Karen – that is weird with the spotting on CD 19. Usually the Clomid will regulate you to about a 28 day cycle. I wouldn’t count yourself out yet. I tried to get up to go exercise outside today but it was too hot by the time I got out there, so I just decided to sit in the sunshine for a while.

    Heather – I know the scale is so hard to look at even though they tell us not to rely too much on it. I think I agree with the physiologist. I think it is the same philosophy with eating too few calories.

    Pam – I hope AF shows up for you. The sooner she does, the sooner you can move on. When is your appt?

    AFM – Thanks for all the encouragement. I really wanted to go to the beach today but DH was not for it. It is 80 degrees here today. So instead I am sitting here researching everything I can about early pregnancy symptoms. I am driving myself crazy. I don’t know what I am going to do the rest of the day but if I don’t do something, I am going to go crazy for sure. Tomorrow is the Daytona 500. We used to be big NASCAR fans but not as much anymore. But we are having some friends over and DH wants to order pizza. Pizza is my weakness. If I can just eat one piece and a side I will be doing good but I really think I could eat half a pizza.
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Morning ladies (or afternoon/evening).

    Erica - I only wish I could wait until Tuesday, but it's hard enough delaying until Monday with hubby wanting me to test everyday. Your signs sound positive though so FX for you. Hope you enjoyed the poker tournament. Are your dreams usually vivid? I have been having some really vivid dreams lately although i can only remember bits and pieces of it.

    Kah - big hugs for you hun. Jogging is definitely a good way to get ease off a bad mood.

    Heather - I have to ask, what is spaghetti squash? I have never heard of it. It will probably do your body good to ease up on the exercise stuff. Sometimes your body can become so used to the exercise it just stops loosing . This week off should get your body back to loosing it again.

    Pam - IVF treatments is probably one of the few things related to maternity care that we do have to pay for but there are a lot of options out there for us to pay it off now. I know my bank are certainly promoting it at the moment. Hubby won't look at it unless we reach the 2 year mark of TTC though. FX for you that your AF turns up today like it is meant to so you can start afresh.

    Kt4au - I so know what you mean. I have spent the last three days comparing my chart and symptoms to all the ones on FF to see what my chances are this month. The early signs indicator thing says that I have 52 points as of this morning on the early pregnancy signs and every check I do to compare just gets stronger. It's doing my head in slightly though.

    AFM - another temp rise after my dip yesterday so chart is still looking good. Now the problem is holding off on the testing until tomorrow morning. Will be doing ti fairly early since hubby will want to know before he goes to work. I am only just barely tolerating my morning coffee today so guess I will be switching to my rooibos tea from now on.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Heather - sounds like a plan - especially if you've been less motivated lately. Maybe your body is trying to tell you something.

    Erica - don't start getting down just yet. It's not over until it's over....

    Kt4au - make the pizza the side in your mind and load up on the "sides" as your main. Sometimes it's just a mental thing.

    History - I LOVE rooibos. The guy who runs the restaurant downstairs from my office stocks it just for me.....LOL I remember when I was a kid and my Mom would buy it specially because my Grandparents were coming and I wasn't allowed any because it was "special" tea. Somehow I thought it was for constipation....LOL It's got such a different flavour though and it's got as much going for it as green or white tea....mmmmmmm And to clarify, it's not for constipation.....

    AFM - still no sign. My parents & sister went out of town so we're house is a zoo right now with our two dogs, plus my parents dog and my sister's dog plus the cats.....Hubs and I feel a little outnumbered.....LOL
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Lol, Pam. I love rooibos tea since it has absolutely no caffeine in it whatsoever and it is actually very suitable for children as a result. I drunk a lot of it when pregnant with Miss 3. I got introduced to it by hubby who is South African. Miss 3 loves it as well although her cups are always one third water and two thirds milk lol.

    I'm sure AF will turn up in the next couple of days, hun. Stressing about it will only delay it more.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Pam the loss of motivation is without a doubt the Clomid. It did this to me last time as well. It is so very good at zapping every good positive thing about you and making you a whiner who only wants to sit on the couch and eat.... Just gotta push through the Clom-ID. But I do plan on easing up a little just to see if it helps with the weight loss.

    History I switch up my workouts so that is not the issue, it is that I workout for up to over 3 hours a day sometimes. I'm a fitness nut but evidently being so does not guarantee being "thin" (which is all a matter of perspective I believe). Spaghetti squash is squash that has the consistency of angel hair pasta once cooked and shredded with a fork. It tastes so good with meatballs and pasta sauce or just pasta sauce and is sooo very healthy! It is like pumpkin or any other squash where you have to remove the seeds.

    A good friend of mine whose husband flies with mine asked me tonight to do dinner with her and her two girls (whom I adore) since her hubby is out of town for the Army (he is at the course my husband is going to in 3 weeks). He has been gone for several weeks now so they like to get out. So DH and I are going to go have Mexican with them and then go over to her house and play Just Dance 2 with her and the girls. It is unplanned but as a friend I know she needs it. I'm still under my calories so I feel okay with the decision.
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Hmm, I am guessing we probably don't have spaghetti squash in NZ, lol.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Heather - Enjoy yourself!!! Sounds like a fun evening.

    History - whereabouts is he from? I was born in Joburg but I have family all over the country :)

    Just finished reading an article about soy....LOL I have avoided blatently obvious forms of soy for the last 5 years, but I'm going to look more closely to make sure that I avoid it in the future, even in less blatent forms. Interesting article. Basic gist of it is that if you eat soy, try and only go for fermented versions (tempeh, soy sauce, miso & natto) since the fermentation process kills off the estrogen mimickers.

    Getting ready for dinner. Trying kale for the first time tonight. I buy it and usually chicken out. I read something that says it should be sauteed to release some of the oil-based mmmmmmmm LOL
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Lol, Pam, Hubby is from Joburg also.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Nice - we almost went to NZ instead of Canada when we decided to leave. I think many ex pats go to AU, NZ or CA :)

    I will definitely make the kale again!!!! I really am not a fan of cooked spinach, but I really liked the kale. I did it in the coconut oil - I think it helped DH too. He doesn't like coconuts and I think he was scared that it would make all my sautees taste coconutty but it didn't!