Fit for Future Families - February 2011



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Thanks Erica.

    Abeare - that's weird about the dream...LOL Maybe one day. I think becuase it's an ultrasound, it's an estimate of the size so it might vary from U/S to U/S....but Monday's not that far away.

    i got the PCOS diet from my swim buddy last night - there is a lot more allowed than I remember. She's getting a lot of speciality items, but she's lost as much as i have in about 3 months. I might actually do Phase I, which is restrictive, but gets the body working right again. Basically leafy greens, some other low-carb veggies, unlimited meats and fish and some other stuff. We'll see if I can stick to it...YIKES Start on Monday (I have a anniversary dinner to go to for my parents tomorrow at a buffet.....LOL
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    abeare, I think sometimes different techs measure things differently, so they might have just been off the other day. Also, I have heard that follicles can sometimes shrink, but that's often on a fully medicated cycle that doesn't result in ovulation. I wouldn't worry about it.

    Sounds like an interesting diet, Pam. I'm not sure how I would survive without carbs. I love carbs. They're my favorite food group. :laugh:
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    FC for you Ashley!!!!

    Good luck on your new diet, Pam! Enjoy that buffet! :drinker:

    Erica - feel better! Hope DH feels better, too so that you can you enjoy your Valentine's Day!

    I'm off on my trip now! Stay away AF! I'll catch up with you ladies on Sunday, as I can't access message boards on my iPhone!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Good luck, Andrea! I'm sure you'll burn tons of calories skiing. :smile:
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi gals! Well, my Clomid moods are cycling very rapidly right now. One minute I'm fine, the next I just feel like a pessimistic bump on a log. For those of you who aren't on Clomid or might be at some point, I hope our Clomid stories don't freak you out. I hear that lots of people don't have any side effects, so not everyone goes crazy, and when I'm in a decent mood, it really doesn't seem that bad. Hahaha. I'm hoping to ovulate this month...but no signs of it so far. Oh wellll-not holding my breath.

    Sounds like we have some good shots for some of us to come up with a BFP this cycle!!! I'm all twitterpated with the possiblities--even if it's not for me. Yay! My OBGYN told me that her secret to getting pregnant was Clomid and Margaritas. So, we got some margaritas (hubby was all over trying that)....I just have to try to save the calories for them! Sigh...sometimes I would just rather eat chocolate. Oh well. Good luck everyone!

    As for me, at my weigh-in this week, I was down by over a pound. Ka-CHING! I have no idea how or why...but I'll take it. Maybe all of the emotional cycling burns calories. Maybe it will be back next week, but I'm taking it for this week!

    Gotta run....
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Great job on the weight loss while on Clomid, Kah!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Thank you ladies so much for the sweet words! We were on vacation last August in Destin Florida and it was such a wonderful, relaxing vacation. Just needed to remind myself in the midst of the dead of winter that there is a light at the end of the tunnel! :)

    Erica sorry to hear about your hubby being sick. No smooching and wash your hands a lot! :) We are planning on dinner tomorrow on the Plaza in KC (which I'm sure everyone else is planning the same thing). I'm sure it will be crowded so I don't think you'll be missing out too much by not going out this weekend. Pizza and a movie in the house sounds just as nice.

    Kah again you sound just like me. Some moments are better than others for sure! Good job on the loss this week. I'm still the same, which I feel is a success since last time I was on Clomid I gained 10lbs that month! Are you doing an OPK? I've not gotten my :smile: yet but I'm only on CD11 so I'm not worried. I usually get a positive OPK on CD 15 or 16. I'm also thinking margaritas this weekend sounds like a GREAT plan! lol! Hoping it will be the last alcoholic beverage I have for at least the next year! :)

    Andrea I hope you have a wonderful time! Just relax and enjoy yourself! Looking forward to hearing all about it Sunday!

    Ashley you aren't out of the game yet! Still sounds very promising. Still keeping my fingers crossed for you!

    Pam I'm really hoping this PCOS diet works well for you. I've learned that I don't stick with anything that restricts me to eating meat and salad. I love salads in the summer but I get burnt out very quickly. 2 weeks isn't too long but I hope that after that you can phase in a more "for life" eating plan. That is what I love so much about the plan I follow. I feel like I can truly eat like this for the rest of my life. I don't feel like I'm on a diet. I really do wish you success. I know how important what we put into our mouths is, even more so with us PCOS ladies! :)

    Welcome newbies!

    As for me I'm feeling a little run down today (maybe it is the hour and a half of spinning last night...ugh. my new HRM is going to be the death of me, now I find myself staying for another Spin class because I "only burned 400cals" after 700cals I decided I was "good" ugh. even I drive myself crazy sometimes). Besides that not much else is new. I'm going for acupuncture here shortly. If nothing else I feel like it gives me even the tiniest sense of control over this situation. I truly feel like I'm doing EVERYTHING I can for this baby. So I guess in a way that makes me feel one step closer to the baby. Silly I'm sure. Well I'm off! Have a wonderful Friday!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    We tried to get reservations at the Melting Pot at the Plaza, no go. Good luck battling the crowds! We were going to stay in Overland Park at the Bonefish Grill instead. I guess we'll just have to cancel those reservations. I've got the chills and that's how he felt last night. Blah. Maybe it's just a migraine brewing. How sad is it that I'm wishing for a migraine?
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Morning ladies (for me anyways, lol). I haven't had a chance to read through the three pages since my last post yet. Anyways, CD18 & 3 DPO today for me. Just ten days to go to find out if AF is making an appearance this month. Trying to keep my mind from worrying over it though as I have had issues with my body playing false pregnancy tricks on me in the past.

    I keep eating over my calorie count this past week, I have just been so hungry that I keep snacking on the goodies in the cupboard. None of which are particularly healthy in large portions so I think I may have put on weight this week. Nor have I done as much exercise as should have. Not particularly happy about that.

    Anyways, going back to read all the other posts now, lol.
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Pam - we had that status here too but it was about sun rather than snow. As to when we would tell family and friends, I am thinking after the 12 week mark since we have already had to go through to tell everyone that we had miscarried after initially having told them we were pregnant. It was not a fun experience and I would rather not have to go through it again. In saying that though, I have been thinking about getting a t-shirt for miss 3 to wear saying "I'm going to be a big sister" for hubby and nana to tell them. Everyone else will probably be a phone call I guess.

    Better Balance - Probably already answered but - are you drinking anything in the two hours before taking the test? Liquids can void the ovulation tests especially water. I had this problem in my previous cycle. You should also be testing in the afternoon rather than morning.

    Abeare - how did your Friday appointment go?
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Morning ladies (for me anyways, lol). I haven't had a chance to read through the three pages since my last post yet. Anyways, CD18 & 3 DPO today for me. Just ten days to go to find out if AF is making an appearance this month. Trying to keep my mind from worrying over it though as I have had issues with my body playing false pregnancy tricks on me in the past.

    Awww, I'm 3 dpo, too... we can be cycle buddies. :laugh:
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Morning ladies (for me anyways, lol). I haven't had a chance to read through the three pages since my last post yet. Anyways, CD18 & 3 DPO today for me. Just ten days to go to find out if AF is making an appearance this month. Trying to keep my mind from worrying over it though as I have had issues with my body playing false pregnancy tricks on me in the past.

    Awww, I'm 3 dpo, too... we can be cycle buddies. :laugh:

    Oh awesome!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    We tried to get reservations at the Melting Pot at the Plaza, no go. Good luck battling the crowds! We were going to stay in Overland Park at the Bonefish Grill instead. I guess we'll just have to cancel those reservations. I've got the chills and that's how he felt last night. Blah. Maybe it's just a migraine brewing. How sad is it that I'm wishing for a migraine?

    I'm hoping you are just feeling blah and not going to get sick or a migraine! We were going to do an early dinner at PF Changs (one of my FAVORITES!) but have decided against fighting the crowds and am just going to stay in town and maybe order a pizza and get some ice cream and stay in our sweats and hang out on the couch. I love Bonefish too! Bummer you are gonna have to miss that. You will just have to get a raincheck and go soon! I'm going on a girls day next Friday and we are going to the Oak Park mall and then Cheddars (another one of my all time FAVORITES! can you tell I love to eat or what?!) Cheddars is one of the worst (for health) places to eat so I'm definitely going to have to burn some MAJOR calories next week to make up for the one meal that I'm already planning! :) Sorry again you are feeling blah. :( Hopefully you will feel 100% tomorrow!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I'm hoping you are just feeling blah and not going to get sick or a migraine! We were going to do an early dinner at PF Changs (one of my FAVORITES!) but have decided against fighting the crowds and am just going to stay in town and maybe order a pizza and get some ice cream and stay in our sweats and hang out on the couch. I love Bonefish too! Bummer you are gonna have to miss that. You will just have to get a raincheck and go soon! I'm going on a girls day next Friday and we are going to the Oak Park mall and then Cheddars (another one of my all time FAVORITES! can you tell I love to eat or what?!) Cheddars is one of the worst (for health) places to eat so I'm definitely going to have to burn some MAJOR calories next week to make up for the one meal that I'm already planning! :) Sorry again you are feeling blah. :( Hopefully you will feel 100% tomorrow!

    DH is feeling better. My face is tingling and the chills are gone, so I'm pretty sure it's a migraine. That's fine... they go away pretty fast. I'll drink a coke when I get home and that should knock it out. So we might be able to go out tomorrow night after all. I'm looking forward to skinny rita-tinis and sea bass. Mmmm.

    I like Cheddars, too. LOL I've only been once, but it was good.

    I'm sure pizza and ice cream in sweats will be tons better than fighting the crowds at The Plaza.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    To my Clomid ladies (or ones that have taken it), do you have stomach/GI problems?! My stomach has been so bleh off and on for the past several days. One minute I'm fine, the next I'm running to the toilet (tmi I know). Are you having the same issues? I didn't have anything like this last time. Just wondering if it is just me?!

    Erica so glad DH is feeling better and you will get to go to your Valentines dinner! :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    What a rollercoaster of a was DH's urology appt. We waited almost 2 hours beyond the appointment time (standing room only in the office). We actually left for an hour, had tea and came back. Finally we got in to see him and he got the results from DH's analysis. I could feel the disappointment next to me. No change - 1M. Doctor said it can take up to a year to have a final result from the surgery, so he's going to have him go back in 3 months and then again in 9 to do two more retests. Not going to help for this child, unfortunately. On a scale of 1-10 of disappointment, I'm probably only at about a 1. I've committed to having this baby and if it means the money for IVF, then so be it - this would have been a bonus. I'm actually a little relieved - not the right word but I don't know how else to describe it. I'd put so much pressure on myself to conceive this month naturally since it's the only one we'd have the opportunity to and I know we missed the window by about a week. At least now I know that it wouldn't have happened anyways for us and I can put all my energy into the IVF and all that fun stuff. I think the whole process, from what I've read is about 3 months to do one cycle so sometime between now and May, I will be preggers. Now to make sure it sticks. I can continue to focus on doing what I'm doing (or better) and I'd really like to be in the 220s when it does happen. The fact that I'm o'ing on my own means that it might cost a little less (in terms of hormones, etc.)
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Hey ladies! Just wanted to poke my head in and say that I hope you are all doing well! I have been trying to keep up on you!

    I am on week 15 and the second trimester has been amazing to me... no more hurling 4 times a day. We get to find out in 2 weeks if it is a boy or a girl!

    Baby dust to all who are trying!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Pam that is so great you are staying positive! You and your husband have come so far, no need in letting one appt get you down and you didn't! That is wonderful that you still have options open and are ready and willing to use them! This baby is going to be so loved because you and DH worked so very very hard for him/her! :)

    AnneElise glad things are going well. How exciting to find out soon what you are having! Out of the whole pregnancy thing, that is what I look forward to the most!

    Well slowly but surely the weather is beginning to warm up. I've taken down all of my fall/winter soaps and candles and wreath and have replaced them with Spring time! I'm so ready for warm sunny days I can taste it! My big yellow wreath on the door and the burning of the lavender vanilla candle is screaming for Spring to come NOW! Soon... Anyways, last night we were in a rush to get something to eat (I obviously ran out of motivation to plan anything out) and found these PF Changs at home meals that you just heat on the stove and eat (have I mentioned I LOVE Pf Changs yet? lol). After I ate them I got this intense throbbing headache (I NEVER EVER get headaches...I can say in my entire life I've had maybe 10 real headaches). I really think it is the preservatives and the sodium. I guess my body is just not used to that stuff anymore. Guess we won't be getting those again. I weighed the same this morning though, so my bloat obviously is what is holding me back from dropping at this point. Dern hormones!

    I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend! :)
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    To my Clomid ladies (or ones that have taken it), do you have stomach/GI problems?! My stomach has been so bleh off and on for the past several days. One minute I'm fine, the next I'm running to the toilet (tmi I know). Are you having the same issues? I didn't have anything like this last time. Just wondering if it is just me?!

    Erica so glad DH is feeling better and you will get to go to your Valentines dinner! :)

    I haven't really had that experience, but the packaging with all the warnings has Nausea listed as a common side-effect. Bleck.

    Tonight the youth group at our church is doing their Valentine's Day dinner. They go all out and decorate, have music, take pictures, and serve a great meal--Prime Rib, Green beans, potatoes, salad, cheesecake and chocolate cake...and free babysitting. They have door prizes and lots of chocolate. It's a lot of fun, and all the money goes to their workcamp fund for the summer. That's how we are celebrating. Ironically enough, my husband has a meeting on Monday evening, so we are celebrating early. Now I must go workout if I am to eat cheesecake today...and we all know that I will.

    Hope everyone finds an enjoyable way to celebrate Valentine's Day--with or without the crowds. I myself have always been an avoid the crowd type myself...but I do love me some Melting Pot. OMG.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Pam, I'm sorry you didn't get better news, but I'm so proud and impressed by your positive spin on everything. You are a rock! I can't wait for you to get your sticky baby!

    Kah, have a good time tonight! Enjoy that cheesecake.

    Heather, those PF Changs meals have SOOOO much sodium in them. It's crazy. Sorry it made you feel crummy.