Fit for Future Families - February 2011



  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Erica, I usually cramp a couple days before AF comes too, this is why I was worried. But I went to the washroom and found that there was a tiny bit of spotting, not on my underwear by the toilet paper (so sorry if this is TMI) but its very faint. I would have never noticed it if I wasn’t always checking my CM! I can’t help but drive myself crazy hoping! Arghhh, if only I had a magic ball!

    Kim, I’m so sorry to hear about your sister’s delay! I know the judge is only doing his due diligence but it sucks none the less!
    Happy BD’ing!

  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Katie and Erica--hugs...that stinks.

    Heather and Ashley--hang in there!

    Everyone else--keep on trying!!

    AFM:Did not have a very fun time at the Drs office today for my Clomid check. 100 mg of Clomid making me act like a crazy woman, and my progesterone level results from day 22 was 0.9. Yikes. Lower than the month before. Dr doesn't want to do the Femara because it is an off-label use of the medication. So I was asking about progesterone levels and stuff, and if there was a chance that I could have ovulated and then just started bleeding 4 days later since I had a positive OPK test. She said that she wasn't an RE, but that yes, it was possible, but that would mean I might just have bad eggs.

    Well. That makes me feel so much more optimistic. You have a nice day too, Dr. I wish I hadn't asked.

    So, I really don't know any more than I did earlier today before the appt, but I just feel cruddy. And then I had to relay the whole visit to my husband which just made his day into a real downer too. I"m going to go ahead and do one more round of Clomid 150 mg. If this doesn't work, then the Dr and I are in agreement, if we are going to pursue further treatment, it's time to see an RE. I"m not expecting it to work, and I"m not getting my hopes up after the last round. So hubs and I have a lot of thinking, planning and praying to do.

    If we didn't have a kid already, I'm fairly certain I know that we would pursue treatment. But, since we already have one, and we live on a pretty tight budget as it is, spending what could amount to a second new car to try to have another feels like a really hard question to answer. I know that we might not have to spend that much, but every little bit counts with us. Ugh. Do you go into debt to try to have a child that will cost even more money because that's the way you always pictured it? I just don't know what should change, my picture or my money attitude. Maybe both. Who knows.

    So we both are just feeling a whole lot of disappointment right now...which we aren't really used to. I think hubs is feeling it keener. I've had months and months of this to build up some tolerance, while it is just really starting to sink in for him, to a level that he can't hide it or brush it off, and I"m not sure how to help/support him. Plus, he wants to tell his parents, and I know that's weighing on him because his mom is going to start crying when we tell her we might not be able to have more kids. It's just never a good time to say "By the way, I don't know if we are going to be able to have more kids...just wanted you to know." I'm hoping we can recover quickly, regain some perspective and get on with this next cycle. Which is what it is. I think I"m going to go cope with a margarita and some chocolate. Don't bother looking at my food diary--it's probably going to look like food porn. Haha.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Karen, I'm so sorry to hear the cruddy news. As for your question about money vs life picture, i think the answer is different for every couple. I did want to ask you what you did to conceive your first child and why is that no longer an option?
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Karen, I'm so sorry to hear the cruddy news. As for your question about money vs life picture, i think the answer is different for every couple. I did want to ask you what you did to conceive your first child and why is that no longer an option?

    Thanks Ash--the answer is different for every couple. It's figuring out what OUR answer is going to be that is hard, of course. With Joshua, I went off the patch and two weeks later we were pregnant. Hows that for ironic? We didn't know how good we had it! That's part of the reason this whole process has been such a shock--we really didn't see it coming. But, the stats hold up--secondary infertility is just as common as primary infertility. I keep telling my husband that maybe I should just go back on birth control to try to get pregnant. Haha....

    I just wanted to say--thanks for letting me spew my negative energy out. I always feel so much better afterwards. Just tell me if I'm being too much of a negatron, ok? I don't want to drag anyone on my rollercoaster of emotions with me, if I can avoid it.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Karen I can't help but to say I absolutely understand and am right there with you. Like I said in my previous post, this whole physical and emotional roller coaster isn't for the faint of heart. If it doesn't work this month, we are going to sit down and talk about where do we go from here. Big hugs. Oh and I about fell over when you said it your Food Diary would look like food porn! lol! That's how I feel too when I have my free meal and I log it. And you just spew away...that is what we are here for!

    Kim I'm so sorry about the delay. Obviously nothing, not even the system that is in place to protect us, runs smoothly.

    Ash you hang in there too! This is the hardest week!

    Pam how is everything going with you? Hope all is well.

    Well I called the doc office because I haven't heard anything about my blood work. The (rude) girl at the front desk said they didn't have any information and that the nurse would call me when they did. Well then I got home and what do you know, the results had been copied and mailed to me (from their office)....Grrr... (btw just wanted to say that 99% of the time you call a doc office you aren't talking to a nurse, myself being a nurse just wanted to make that clear! lol!). My blood sugar (A1C) looks great at 5.1 (anything less than a 5.7 is good). And my Progesterone level is typo, it is 46.2! anything above a 2.6 means probable ovulation, anything over a 5 means ovulation...So hopefully we caught our egg and my progesterone is high enough to sustain the pregnancy. Guess we will see in a couple days....
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    Well I am out too. AF showed up a little while ago. I can handle the whole negative thing but getting 2 BFP and then AF showing is just mean. I don't know what is going on with my body but it is making me mad. :mad: The worst part is that I have already given DH the onsie. I guess I should have waited until today. I have to go to the dr tomorrow to see if my ovaries look okay to start over with the Femara. I guess we are going to do the IUI this time and if it doesn't work, then I think I am just going to give up. I really want to just sit around and cry and eat comfort food. If it wasn't DH's birthday, I would but I guess I need to be happy for him. At least know I can have a couple of drinks.

    Sorry for everyone elses' frustrations. I am glad you guys are always here when I need to vent.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Vent away girls, you've got my "online shoulder" to cry on any day! :flowerforyou:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Kim, I'm so sorry your niece still isn't home with her mom. Hopefully after the court date, she'll be granted full custody and won't ever have to go through this again.

    Karen, sorry your appointment wasn't helpful. They can test your FSH levels on CD 3 to give you an idea of what kind of egg quality you have. It's not 100%, but it's better than not knowing. An RE would probably be good. They can try injectible medication to help you ovulate without having to do anything besides timed intercourse. It's expensive, but still less expensive than other options.

    Katie, I'm so sorry! That's part of the reason I hate testing early. I can't imagine how much more that disappointment would hurt than just having AF arrive. I really hope that you don't have to be on this rollercoaster much longer.

    Heather, that's an awesome progesterone number!!!! No wonder you feel all out of sorts!
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Vent away girls, you've got my "online shoulder" to cry on any day! :flowerforyou:

    Same here... my heart is breaking for all of you guys!!!!!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Katie I'm so very very sorry....that happened to me last month and in December. Actually in December it was weeks of I kept getting a positive followed by a negative until the day before my 30th birthday I began to cramp and bleed heavily. Big hugs! It is okay to cry and eat...just give yourself a day (or two) and then pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on the wagon. We all need time to grieve when we are disappointed like that. It is human. So drink those margaritas and pick back up Monday.

    Erica I know that having a high level doesn't mean I'm pregnant, but at least if sperm did meet egg I have enough progesterone in me to sustain the pregnancy! Gives me a little more hope. I've been lacking on the sunny positive vibes lately... With this weather and my hubby home (they closed the base due to weather) I really wanna eat junk and veg, but with my "official" weigh in and measurements tomorrow I'm choosing to not and be healthy!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hey guys things really move and shake if you miss a couple of hours.

    So I'm pretty well done AF at this point, but I'm still spotting and some other weird stuff. Hoping that's done tomorrow...back to temping. I want to be able to give the fertility clinic an idea of what my body is doing. I'm sure we're still going to have to do IVF since DH's count is <1M at this point, there aren't a lot of options - although I have heard clomid has been known to help. I'm not willing to spend the time monkeying around with cheaper options though. I just want to be pregnant already....LOL

    DH's grandmother and uncle flew in today. We have a big retirement party for his Uncle just west of the city so most of the family from the east coast flew in as a surprise. Only 3 people in the province know that they're here......Should be a fun night on Saturday. We're in for another blast of winter tomorrow, I think...BLAH, but it's swim club tonight and I fibbed a little. My motivation is about a 5/10 tonight, but I told my swim buddy that I was a 13....LOL She couldn't back out tonight.

    I've been eating junk junk junk and then some junk. I went to put on my bathing suit for the pool tonight (I put it on before we leave since we leave no time to change when we're there) and even my DH said, why do you have double cleavage? OMG, seriously, the suit is so small around the chest, that my boobs are folding in on themselves :noway: LOL I've worn this for two cycles now. It's not too small anywhere else......he suggested I might be bloated. Anyone heard of bloating in your boobs only?? I told him that was just wishful thinking on his part.....:laugh:

    I'm really sorry for all those who had a nasty surprise in the last few days. I really thought it was the time for most of you to be pregnant. Heather - that sounds like you've made quite the cozy little home for an embryo, if they're there.
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Evening ladies

    Pam - must say I have never had my breasts double up like that but I'm not exactly top heavy up there in the first place.

    Katie - so very sorry, hun.

    AFM - The witch showed up this morning after another temp drop so back to square one for me as well.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Sorry History...seems to be the trend. That damn AF!

    Pam sounds like you are going to have a wonderful time surrounded by lots of family (good thing you like his family or it'd be a much different weekend that's for sure! lol!). Congrats on the weight loss! Evidently you haven't been eating TOO much junk... You are on a roll now! :)

    Well I read up last night and found out that only 20-30% of women experience implantation bleeding. So I'm not hoping for that anymore. lol! Such a silly thing to wish for anyways. I'm on CD25 (again, feels like CD101) and I think I'm 8 or 9dpo. Still planning on testing on Monday (cd28) only cause I won't be able to hold out any longer. If it is a bfn then I will test again on Wed. I'm absolutely exhausted. I woke up at 3am and couldn't fall back asleep. Not sure when I finally did fall back asleep. Even though we got a couple inches of snow last night, I'm not allowing that to ruin my plan of working out this morning and then going into the city shopping and dinner with two of my girlfriends. (Erica I'll be up your way! Going to ruin about 3 days worth of calories at Cheddars! lol!) I weighed in today and still the same ole 146lbs but I lost an inch on my waist and my hips so that's something. Especially since I've been feeling VERY bloated lately.

    Hope you ladies have a great Friday!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    I woke up with a cold this morning and am feeling so drained. I came across this quote and thought it fit nicely for all in this thread.

    “Never let go of hope. One day you will see that it all has finally come together. What you have always wished for has finally come to be. You will look back and laugh at what has passed and you will ask yourself... 'How did I get through all of that?”

    Happy Friday All! Hopefully the next round brings more happy news. I really think once the weather gets warmer we will be getting my BFP's:flowerforyou:

  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Heather, I’m so jealous! An inch off your waist and hips is a huge success! Congrats!

    Nichole, I love the quote, thanks for that!

    So silly neurotic me took a PT this morning, it was a BFN! I was kinda surprised considering I was told I’d get a false positive (I just wanted to see what it looked like positive!) but I guess all the hormones from the trigger shot is out of me! So now I wait still! AF is due before my 2WW from the IUI ends, so I’ll probably test again next week simply because I cant not!

    Baby dust to all!

  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Nichole - LOVE it!!!!!

    Heather - That accounted for the weight I gained because of AF....LOL although.....I am now the lowest I've been on my journey so 0.3lbs!!!! My jaw hit ground when I realized that this morning :) And I've had LOADS of junk, I could be much smaller....LOL I'm pretty sure the 30+ chocolate turtles (at ~100cals/piece) I've had this week haven't helped. And last night for swim club, I got caught out for the fried chicken and taters that we had for dinner. Got home late and hubs picked up fried chicken and potato wedges. First thing one of my swim club buddies said when she got in my car was "Why does it smell like McDonalds in here?" :blushing: Way to go on the lost inches!!!!! it's not all about the scale :)

    Ashley - I'm anxious to find out for you since I'll be going through all this hoopla in a few months except I'll know that I conceived when I'm done the treatments, but not whether or not it'll implant or if I have high enough progesterone or all the other kazillion things....

    History - LOL I'm not huge up top either, but once the suit got wet it relaxed wasn't tight anywhere else so now I'm not wanting to do my month end measurements.....LOL what if it wasn't the suit but me adding the inches.....LOL
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    So sorry, History.

    That's a great quote, nkster! I'm not sure what warm weather has to do with BFPs, though. Most people get more snuggly when it's cold out. :wink: :love:

    Of course, I've already been through all of the seasons and none of it has mattered. :noway:

    We got three inches of snow on top of an inch or more of ice. Driving was not fun this morning. I'm hoping to get back on track now and stay on track with exercise. I think I can, I think I can...
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Erica - good point about the weather. I wonder when most babies are conceived (I would personally think something in spring or fall, away from temp extremes). It's something I've taken into consideration for a while. I've noticed that most of my irregular periods happen in the summer. And I'm thinking summer is brutal for my DH's count since his body heat is usually 1-2 degrees hotter than average normally (hereditary condition that could contribute to the lower count) and we're worried he kills off the little soldiers with body heat. I would think though in the winter most people bundle up more and therefore could contribute to compromised counts.......has anyone seen any research on this??
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I've read that men are more fertile in the cooler months and women in the spring and fall. I'll see if I can find it.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    History~ Good luck this cycle! You're not alone...
    Nichole~ love the quote.
    Erica~We got some more snow too. Thankfully our earlier ice/snow melted enough, so the roads weren't too bad here.
    Pam & Heather~ Way to go on the loss!!!! That's awesome!

    I have been thinking lately and if DH and I get preggo this month EDD would be November or possibly into December. I'm a little unsure about having a little one that close to the holidays. I don't know... Money always gets tight now and we don't have any kids, I can only how stressful it would be around that time with one. Maybe I'm just looking into it too much. LOL I guess it will happen regardless. Maybe I shouldn't be picky. LOL Does anyone have a preferred time due?