Fit For Future Families - March 2011



  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    Erica - good choice...I love St. Augustine. There is a lot of stuff to do there. You especially have to climb the lighthouse. There is a restaurant down by the lighthouse, I wish I could remember the name but they had really amazing pimento and cheese and I don't even like pimento and cheese.

    Pam - This is why I do weigh-ins on Friday. I always do my cheat meal on the weekends, though I didn't really have one this time.

    Ashley - any updates???

    AFM - I did okay this weekend with food. I didn't really even have my cheat meal. I think it is because I want to get down 2lbs this week before my IUI Friday. I think that I have read every message board I can on IUI success rates. This week I have decided it is a stress free week and it is all about relaxation. I am going to get up and do my meditation, then Yoga 4 Fertility and then go to the gym. Tuesday I am going to get a body wrap from a Groupon that I bought a while back. Then Wednesday I go for my u/s to check to see if my folicles are ready. If they are I am going to get a massage Thursday and then IUI Friday. DH has taken off work Friday so he can take care of me and I can do nothing but relax.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    That sounds like a great week of relaxation, Katie! I actually have a high school classmate that lives just south of Jacksonville, so I might even get to see her. She thought St. Augustine would be a great choice and her recommendation is probably what swayed my husband. I had my heart set on Amelia Island... but hotel on any beach would be awesome at this point. Of course by May, I probably won't feel so strongly about going somewhere warm, but I can't wait! It gives me something to think about besides TTC, too. I'm even kind of hoping that nothing happens until our vacation, but of course I will be thrilled if we do get pregnant in the meantime... we'll have a really memorable last vacation as two.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Thanks Erica - I know that - it's just been these wacky crazy jumps between 4lbs in a few days that have me freaked out. I've switched to only checking twice a week and I think that might be why I'm so anxious about it - it seems like way bigger fluctuations than I am used to. Will probably go back to daily so that I'm not so freaked....

    Katie - Sounds like a great reason for pampering to me......what a nice hubby!!!

    I have decided to get back into sewing my own clothes - after spending $100 yesterday on 2 shirts and a pair of casual pants....At least if I'm in practice, I'll feel comfortable making my own alterations again....I bought $6 worth of material and completely messed up :happy: Seams are all in the wrong places and the fabric is not flattering at all....LOL Going to keep going at it though to try and get the practice in full sewing before I get some new fabric.....
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 1: 237.9lbs (-3.9 lbs)
    Week 2: 235.5lbs (-2.4lbs)
    Week 3: 238.9lbs (+3.5lbs)
    Week 4: 236.2lbs (-2.7lbs)
    Week 5: 238.1lbs (+1.9lbs)
    Week 6: 235.2lbs (-2.9lbs)
    Week 7: 234.3lbs (-0.9lbs)
    Week 8: 236.6lbs (+2.3lbs)
    Week 9: 236.3lbs (-0.3lbs)
    Week 10: 237.0lbs(+0.7lbs)

    **Sigh* Obviously still having sodium issues. Can't seem to get the bloating to go down and I'm still going over on sodium daily - it sucks. My plan for the week:
    1. Drink 15 glasses of water
    2. Be under on sodium every day
    3. Exercise at least 60 minutes on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
    4. Get as close to 50% of carb grams in protein grams daily
    5. Eat 5-7 servings of veggies and 1-2 of fruit every day (one dark green and one orange coloured)

    And I'd like to start looking at 3 things I did right over the week. I feel like I've been complaining and am starting to focus too much on the negative.
    1. Got > 5 hours of sleep every night
    2. Spent some physical activity time with my family
    3. Ate chocolate only 2x this week

    Have to get myself in gear to get to my goal weight for my birthday
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Weigh in is tomorrow. I'll update my signature then. I was up quite a bit this morning after doing badly this weekend. I'm hoping it was mostly due to sodium and hormone shift.

    1. Track calories and try to be at or under every day.
    2. Follow exercise plan.
    3. Get extra movement in where I can (e.g. walking stairs during lunch, playing Kinect with husband)
    4. Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    It has been a quiet board! Seems like we all had a busy weekend :smile: My hubs and I went to TGIFridays on Saturday cause we had a gift card, and I had grilled shrimp and broccoli which was really good and only 400 cals! Though if I had made that at home, it would have been waaay less! We then went for ice cream (local made on the spot place, yum!) and then to see the Matt Damon movie, which was ok. The acting was great, I loved Emily Blunt in it, but the story line was so-so. Rental at best. But, it was SO fun to have a date night! DH coaches basketball, so he is gone a lot of evenings and it was great o have him to myself! :heart: For TTC, I am 5DPO and trying not to think about it. Fertility Friend told me if we conceived this cycle, I'd be due the day before Thanksgiving, to which DH said, you'd be my "Stuffed Wife"... oooh man. :laugh:

    Erica and Pam, those are some great goals! I should probably do the same each week.

    Pam, I'm so impressed that you can sew your own clothes! I can barely get a button back on! Do you make dresses, shirts, pants? Crazy!

    Erica, Florida sounds like a great time! We went there this past September for the first half of our honeymoon to Ft Meyers Beach, it was sooo relaxing and beautiful. Will you be on the Gulf side?

    Katie, It sounds like you have the right plan for this week. It's so great that your husband is taking off to pamper you, too. Maybe rent a movie or play a card game or something that night to take your mind off of it!

    Ashley, I hope you had a great weekend. Update us soon! :flowerforyou:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    We'll be on the Atlantic side. My husband was more interested in touring historical sites than laying on the beach. Vacationing with him is exhausting. :laugh: I walk more on vacations than I probably do in a month at home. I was hoping that this would be a vacation where we just lay around and enjoy the ocean, but I should have known better. At least we plan to stay at a hotel on the beach, so we can go collapse there after a day of walking around.

    It sounds like you had a nice weekend and will need something to keep you busy all week so you don't think about the two week wait.
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    My family vacations growing up were like that - moving more than relaxing! You do get to experience so much more than way, but you need a day off at home before going to back to work to rest! :laugh: You guys will have a blast, and staying on the beach is going to be soo neat!

    I did have a great weekend, and am going to try to get myself to the gym every night DH doesn't have a state tournament game to distract myself. My BIL is proposing to his girlfriend (who I adore!) on Saturday, and then they are going to the casino for the weekend (CT has some great casinos) and we are joining them for dinner that night. I will be CD10 at that point, and will probably test that morning, as casinos are notoriously smokey and free drinks are everywhere!!! It will be too early, but just in case!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Andrea - so far I sew shirt....not very well...gonna be a practice shirt. Get less difficult material next time :) I've ripped out more seams than I've sewn so far, but I figure it'll be worth it eventually I hope. I love Emily Blunt. I only just found out she's married to John Krasinsky from the Office.....LOL

    Erica - I dreamt I took your vacation last night. LOL Don't worry. I won't actually :P
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Pam, that's hilarious. I hope you had a good time... if not, let me know, we haven't booked it yet. :laugh:

    I find that I spend more time ripping out seams than sewing myself. And I just sew costumes, nothing I would wear on a daily basis. If I had a serger, I might be happy enough with finished projects to wear them more often, but until that happens, my sewing machine gathers dust until Halloween time.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    WOW very quiet around here.

    Pam~ GREAT GOALS! You can do it!

    Erica~ Your getaway sounds like it will be a lot of fun. I am a little of both, a busy vacationer and a relaxing vacationer. All that matter is that you have quality time with loved one and enjoying yourself!

    Katie~ I want your week! That sounds amazing! so soon! Enjoy your relaxation.

    Andrea~ Yay for date night! DH and I used to do it every Wednesday night, but now he schedule doesn't allow it. :( Thanks for the update on the Matt Damon movie, we were just talking about going to see it. I think we will wait to rent it. :)

    Ash, Karen, How's it going?

    AFM~I think I am running out of steam.... I need to get my energy back up in this journey of TTC and eating right. I did OK this weekend... Not the best but definitely not the worse. I have noticed that I need WAY more veggies in my diet. I think it's time to hit up the produce section. :) I was very busy working this weekend and Monday came way too fast.
    Home improvements are still underway. Crown molding is going up in the living room and hallway today. I didn't know that it was such a PAIN IN THE *kitten* to cut and install. Oops, me and my ideas. Next room for flooring is our bedroom. We are hoping to get that going this coming weekend or the next.
    TTC is active as of last night.:blushing: AF lasted for 6 days (back to what I remember was normal before I started DEPO). I know I got very irritated about AF showing up after only 12 days before, but I got thinking that I have been taking the FirtilityBlend supplements and this may just be them doing their job! So fingers crossed that I actually O this month!
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Pam, did you know she dated Micheal Buble as well? Haha. A few weeks ago, Emily Blunt was on the cover of Women's Health Magazine, which my DH's little cousin picked up and said whoa, she looks like you, Andea. Best compliment ever! She's now my favorite cousin in law :laugh:

    Kim, Have fun TTC :drinker: Sounds like you guys got a lot done with the house this weekend! You should post home before / after pics when you are done!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hey all--quiet board is right! I've been totally off the plan since we left on Friday morning, and am not getting on the scale till Friday morning...and even then I expect it to be up--I ate HORRIBLE and did not exercise. I get out of the routine when I go somewhere, and all of the sudden, restraint is out the window, helped along by Clom-id. We came home a day early yesterday because everyone else was leaving on Sunday, so we are spending today as a "staycation" day. So far it's been fun. We ran just a few errands, used a groupon to eat out at this nice restaurant (it was going to expire on Wed, so we had to use it--I don't recommend it with a 2 year old, but we survived) and then took my son to the playground. He's napping now, and hubby is playing in the garage while I type. A good day, life-wise. Not a good day food wise. Tomorrow is fat Tuesday--I'm eating pizza, and then on Wed I start my Lent challenge--no white flour. I hope I can do this!

    Pam--way to go on the sewing! I love to sew--but I'm not very good at it, and I don't get the chance often with a little guy running around. Someday I'll get back into it. I suppose if we don't end up with another child, then that will get to happen sooner. Silver lining? Tiny tiny tiny one. A wedding shower and two baby showers in the next 3 weeks. Sigh...this is going to get tiring quick.

    Baby-wise, still no OPK+ and I'm day 15 today. Hubby doesn't want to talk about "other options" until after we are sure it didn't work this month. I think he's in denial. It made me mad at first, but I decided to humor him for the next 4 days, since last month I started spotting on CD19. I have decided that I want to see an RE, if nothing else, just to go and say, hey, here is what is going on, and see how much stuff might cost before we jump in. I"m not sure if hubby is going to want to go to an RE, to be honest. Hubs wants spreadsheets and cost analysis, and while I want to know how much it will be, I can't tell him because I don't know--I don't know what the DR would want to try. All I know is, going to an RE is going to be expensive the moment we walk in the door, so we need to decide how much we want this, and what we are willing to do or not do. Hubs isn't there yet. I know we have a serious talk coming up soon, and I'd just as soon go ahead and have it, but he keeps ducking it when I broach the subject. So, I'm not going to push till after we know this cycle hasn't shouldn't be too long of a wait, but in the meantime, we'll keep BDing....just in case.:happy:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Erica - Yup, had a blast :D

    Kim - Fingers crossed that you do O this month!!! Sounds promising!!

    Andrea - I did know that :D Michael Buble is Canadian and spent his summers on a fishing boat (nope, I'm not a celeb-stalker or anything....LOL)

    Karen - you and me both - I realized with my recent changes, I'm trying not to do white flour or sugar either.....We can do it together!!!
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member

    We might be starting Clomid soon. I was wondering if any of you ladies do Turbo jam while TTC? I heard that kickboxing might not be the best exercise while trying for a lil one!

  • danielleeeee
    Hi Ladies!

    I'm glad to have noticed this thread! I posted a little about my story in a different thread earlier today, but I guess I'll maybe just give a little background about myself again. I am 27 and have been married four years. We have not used any birthcontrol since the summer of 2006, and started seriously trying about two years ago. Last June I found out I was pregnant and had an early ultrasound at 7.5 weeks for dating purposes. Two weeks later I experienced some very, very minimal spotting and had another ultrasound. I was still measuring the same, this time without a heart beat and I had a d&c at the end of July. Since then I have had reasonably regular, but seemingly annovulatory, cycles.

    I had an ovarian cyst removed six years ago and the GYN who did the procedure suggested that I might have PCOS. I sought out a referal for a new OB/GYN three months ago and was supposed to have my first appointment today. It has been cancelled, however, and I have to wait a month to see her. I am really anxious to get some bloodwork done and more investigation to what my problem is.

    My biggest motivation for weight loss is the desire for a family. It's really why I'm on this site. I've read numerous times that losing 5-10% of your body weight can help regulate ovulation. I sure hope it's that easy!

    Anyway, that's loooooooots about me, plenty for now. Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009

    We might be starting Clomid soon. I was wondering if any of you ladies do Turbo jam while TTC? I heard that kickboxing might not be the best exercise while trying for a lil one!


    I would ask your doctor. A lot of specialists recommend you avoid bouncing and running and twisting during medicated cycles in order to avoid doing damage to hyperstimulated ovaries. A lot of women ignore that advice and do just fine.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Welcome, danielle! I can't believe they canceled your appointment and you can't get in for another month. How disheartening. I hope you get some answers soon!
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Ok ladies...what is TTC? I'm doing IVF come April and I'm not sure if this thread would be relevant to me or not.

  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Trying to Conceive and you are more than welcome to join us. I hope that you have wonderful success with your IVF cycle!