Lossing weight to help infertility

joeylu Posts: 208 Member
Is anyone else trying to lose weight for infertliliy or to become pregnant?


  • haydensmommy30
    I am!!! :smile:
  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    Its nice to be able to relate to someone. I have pcos and have been trying for 1 1/2 yrs and nothing. After spending a crap load of money at the ivf doc and a miscarrige i decided to try all natural
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    I am not currently TTC, but have done the IVF, IUI, crazy medication route in the past and I can totally empathize! I wish you both a lot of luck and success! Keep the faith! Prayer works :)
  • crystal_loga
    crystal_loga Posts: 106 Member
    I have PCOS as well. We tried for 3 1/2 years before we got pregnant with our son. I went through many Dr.s that told me to loose weight and get on birth control. Finally I found a Dr that ordered a hysterosalpingogram (sp?) and found that one of my fallopian tubes were completely closed off, and the other was almost all of the way closed off. She put me on rounds of Provera and Clomid, and after 6 months, I ovulated and conceived. If this isn't something your Dr has tried yet, maybe talk to them about doing the procedure. It wasn't very painful, just more a little uncomfortable.

    We have been "Not Preventing" for a little over 4 years now for our second, but I'm leary on getting on fertility meds again. I'm scared of having multiples. So, I figured trying to loose some weight couldn't hurt, and maybe it could help us to conceive.

    Good luck to you!
  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    My tubes are clear, i just dont produce the eggs. I would love multiples. Im just at the point where i needed a break from the poking and proding
  • crystal_loga
    crystal_loga Posts: 106 Member
    On our first "go-round" I was open to the idea of multiples. We just wanted to be parents so bad, we were willing to take whatever was given to us, and the risks were worth it.
    Now that we have a child, he just turned 5, we don't feel that it would be fair to him to take away our attention from him that multiples would require. My husband and I both work full time, so our time with our son is already cut short. I just can't see juggling multiples and still being able to give him the attention he's used to.

    Every family is different, and if I were to miraculously get pregnant on our own and it be multiples, then that's God's plan for me. I just don't want to add the extra chance by doing the fertility treatments again.

    I totally understand you taking a break. My heart aches for those who still struggle to get pregnant. I know how I felt those first few years, and its something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

    I pray that loosing weight helps you and your dreams come true!!
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    You ladies should check out this group! We have a great group and they are very knowledgeable. Hope to see you over there!

  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    Thank you!!!
  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    Crystal i hope lossing weight will work too
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    I am! We haven't started trying yet, but the doctor said I should lose about 50 pounds to have the best chances- I'm almost halfway there!
  • leelee03
    leelee03 Posts: 67 Member
    My husband and i are not not trying...lol! But I definately want to get in better shape before I concieve, because I know it will be easier to get back in shape after that way.
  • chewysmommy
    Hi, I was diagnosed with PCOS also. I had to use CLOMID for both of my boys (3 and 4 months). I am trying to loose weight bc I would love to concieve without the meds....they make me like a mini godzilla!. I also want to loose just for my over all health.

    I have read many threads of people with PCOS. I think getting up and moving every day is the best thing you can do. I have been on this site for a little over a month, really watched my carbs and have exercised most days. I actually just started my first natural period in years. I really think it is because of my healthier foods and exercising. Good luck, and feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.
  • rosivil
    rosivil Posts: 3 Member
    losing weight works to well when trying to get pregnant i have 2 kids and both times i got pregnant by being on diffrent diets.
    STARG1RL Posts: 44 Member
    My husband and i are not not trying...lol! But I definitely want to get in better shape before I concieve, because I know it will be easier to get back in shape after that way.

    Agreed! I'm in the same boat... I'd like to be a better ME before trying to conceive ("mini me") as well! We'd like to start trying in about 5 months (July-ish) & this is an attainable goal for me!

    For the orginal poster: prayers & the best of luck with weight loss & with concieving...
    STARG1RL Posts: 44 Member
    Question for you ladies, since we're on the subject of trying to concieve...

    I'm on Trinessa, a generic birth control pill, & have been for several years now. For those of you with experience of being on the "Pill" & then going off of it when you're trying to become pregnant, is there really any set amount of time that I should plan on being off of these hormones before trying to concieve, safety-wise, for baby more than anything... I've done a little research & from what I've come across, the best thing to do is/ was, be off of the "Pill" completely for several months, to begin ovulating on our body's own cycle again, but other women have concieved as soon as they were off of bc. Any opinions here or there?

    Like I'd mentioned I've begun looking into this but haven't spoken to my FP yet or my OBGYN.
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    I would love another baby or even multiples. Kinda hard to really think about since I'm single but part of the reason I'm getting weight off is so I can be fit for pregnancy again one day or I'll do it on my own in a couple years if I don't meet someone. I am blessed to have my daughter(7) from previous marriage and would be totally happy to just spoil her if it doesn't happen for me with either meeting someone and remarrying or getting donor sperm.

    My7 year old is a result of ttc first month off the pill. :) I usually ovulate later on a very irregular schedule but the first month off I ovulated like clock work on day 15 and found out 12 days later she was on the way. :) I had been on the pill for a year or so at least. I was shocked it happened so quick because I went on the pill to work on weight loss because it took me 11 months to conceive while trying and then I had a early miscarriage.
  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64
    My husband has had cancer three times in three years so we can't have babies naturally anymore so we have to do IVF. Its expensive- like $15,000- so we've been applying for grants (very few available) and have been saving money. We know that once we have enough funding to afford it, that we have one shot, because it will be years before we can come up with that amount of money again. Anyways, so my goal is to lose 55-60lbs so that I am in the healthiest possible shape for the baby, and for myself as well so I have a successful pregnancy!
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    In a round about way I am... with my daughter I was 260 when I got preggo but ever since her I have not been on birth control and even though we have been trying lately nothing has been happening. I know I am older and now my time of the month is no longer regular so losing weight can only help with that.

    I'll still be trying but hopefully I'll get healthy along the way too!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    I am!!
  • chris0912
    chris0912 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm in this boat too! Was misdiagnosed with PCOS. Went to better doc, after bunch of IUIs and a failed IVF had some tests done. Turns out hubby and I can donate organs to each other, which makes getting pregnant very difficult. My weight's not helping, so it has to go!!