Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-July 2011

Welcome everyone!

This forum is for women who are pregnant and are maintaining their fit and active lifestyles to join with other like minded women! I've been on a board with women who were trying to conceive and I've been on a board with women who are pregnant....I wanted to start a group of women who are into fitness and will continue their fitness regimes into their pregnancies and after baby!

If you are trying to conceive please join our sister group at:
They are beyond wonderful and will keep you motivated to stay healthy and lots of info to help with the ttc journey.

The women here are very motivational to each other. We are all at different stages of our pregnancy so if you just found out or you are at the end, please join us!

Link to our previous thread:


  • lizames3
    lizames3 Posts: 2
    how do you adjust your profile and calories to calculate for pregnancy?
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    hi there!! i'm right at 12 weeks and really need some inspiration to keep going strong while i'm pregnant. i got down to my goal weight before i concieved but i've already put on 7 pounds and am trying not to freak out!!! i am open to any ideas, suggestions,etc. i am so happy i found this thread!!!! love to all :)
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Hi All! Sorry I've been a little MIA lately. Just find the fatigue really starting to set in again....although my iron levels were in the normal range, they were at the low end so I am thinking I may add an iron supplement and see if that helps. I also had the absolute worst leg cramp/spasm (left calf) on Friday morning as I was getting up. I managed to stretch it out and it felt okay so I went ahead and did a four mile run and walked the dogs for a couple miles later in the day. I woke up yesterday morning with the worst tenderness and stiffness in the left calf. Did lots of stretching and it is still sore today, but is improving and maybe I just overdid it on Friday. I'm keeping a close eye on it and really hope it isn't a DVT. Any suggestions??

    lizames3 - I think most of us here set ourselves at maintenance calories for the first trimester, added 200 calories for second trimester and added 300 for third trimester. Welcome! How far along are you?

    amcclure - This is a great group of supportive ladies! I know for me I set a goal to try and stay in the 25-35 pound gain, I am at 31 weeks and am wavering around 25 pounds up. Looking like I might end up closer to the 35 pound total, but feeling okay with it as I've continued to stay active and I feel like most of the weight is baby and breasts! Just remember to not be too hard on yourself - I think I was at eight pounds up at the end of the first trimester, jumped a bit into the second and then really kind of stabilized out. What kind of exercise do you like to do? Is this your first or is the picture on your ticker your little man too? Good luck and welcome.

    Heather - I remember you saying lately that you are ready for the "real bump" and not the just looking fat bump. I think it was about 26 weeks for me before it became truly obvious that I was pregnant, hang in there it will come super soon. For me, no denying it now....very obvious bump ;-)

    Hope everyone is having a safe and fun holiday weekend!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Welcome newcomers! Jump right in! :)

    Holly sounds just like a bad leg cramp (charlie horse). If it were a dvt the skin would be red and warm to the touch. If you are worried about it still, definitely go see your doc. Hope you are feeling better though!

    Well it looks like most of us were busy this weekend with the lack of chatter. Hope you all are doing well! About 4 days ago Charlee decided to switch positions and stop moving as much. Made me kinda worried cause I was so used to feeling her move and kick at certain times of the day and then she wasn't. I felt her move a little..but not like her usual movements. Finally last night I started feeling her kick and move more. Makes me feel so much better. I'm sure many other people would have called or went into the doctor...but every time I was about to I'd feel her move just slightly. What a stinker!

    I'm on my way out to go on a hike and do some strength training with tracy anderson method. Hope you all have a great day and for the US friends....Happy Independence Day!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Thanks Heather! My leg is still tender, but has improved dramatically since yesterday. I usually run on Mondays, but am thinking I may sit today out to see if I can get back to normal. I'm know I was being a bit of a worrier about the dvt - I really had no symptoms in the sense of inflammation, swelling, but the tenderness to touch had me a little concerned. I have my 32 week appointment this week so I'll see my doctor soon.

    Glad to hear all is well with you and Charlee. It can be a bit nerve wracking when the baby changes in their movements. I've been counting movements for the last four weeks now and have found my bambino is most active in the early mornings and evenings. I feel movement all through the day, but think it's when I really slow down that baby seems more active.

    Have a great hike and workout. We have a gorgeous day here so I think I'll take my furry girls for a nice long walk in place of my run. Then off to spend the afternoon with my sister and her family as my husband has to work this evening. Have to love the hours of the fabulous nurses out there!
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    Hey ladies!! Thanks for the info, I'll calm down about the intial jump. I think when you've worked so hard to lose weight you get kina paranoid when you gain, even if you do have a great reason :)

    I'll give you some basic info so we're not strangers....

    My name is Angela, I'm 35 and this is my 2nd. I have a 9 year old son ( who desperately wants a brother! ) I just got married last Saturday June 25th but we've been together so doesn't seem like a major life change. still nice to make it official :)

    I like to walk and I was lifting but really kinda quit even before I got pregnant even though now I'd like to start again, can I?? Also this pregnancy is a little different than the first cause a: i'm 10 years older ( they call it geriatric pregnancy if you are 35 of older!!!! that's BS!!!!! ) and b: i'm on antidepressants which i'd been on for a year before we conceived. i tried to stop cold turkey when i first found out but then realized that was a very bad idea :( so i switched to Wellbutrin which seems to be the safest. anyway i do kinda worry about the baby but i'm going in for my 12 week check up tomorrow so i'm sure i'll feel better after seeing the doc.

    i've said it before but i'm really happy i've found this group, i need a place to get some inspiration, motivation and support!!!!

    hope you all enjoy your holiday and i'll be checking in......
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Wow july already. it so hot here, my goal this week is to eat some veggies! I find myself going weeks ( yes weeks) without any... so i am going to try to be good this week. On the weight front, I'll prob hit the 10 lb gain next week around the 23 week mark. Still don't look pregnant, just bloated.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Welcome Angela and congrats on the baby and the wedding! Lots to be excited about that's for sure! Yeah geriatric pregnancy at 35 is a little ridiculous... I'm 30 and having my first baby. We plan on having one more but my husband will be deploying in 2013 so I won't be having my second baby until I'm 35 (if all goes as planned). What is your lifting routine? If you are lifting heavy it is probably wise not either advise a doctor or to go lighter. When people say they "lift" that can mean a whole array of things. I'd say low weight/high reps is the way to go. :)

    It is hot here too girl! And I'd LOVE to have only gained 10lbs by this point. You go girl! Keep up the good work and get in some veggies! :)

    I got up early this morning (6am) so I can try and beat the heat and get in a hike before I melt away in the hot hot sun today! I have felt that since my husband has gotten home 2 weeks ago we've eaten our way throughout the days...between celebrations he is home to lunches with friends to birthdays and a holiday I'm SO ready to get back into a regular eating/exercise routine. I feel bloated all the time and I don't like it. I did manage to burn 1200 calories with my hike and strength training yesterday so I was pretty pleased with that. But then we went to a bbq last night and I'm sure all that hard work went right out the window! lol

    Charlee started moving again like crazy as of yesterday. I'm so glad she is back to kicking me around and letting me know she is okay. We ordered her nursery furniture on Sunday and I can't wait to paint and then put the whole nursery together!

    Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and is ready to jump back into the week!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hello all. Hope everyone had a great 4th. We had a nice time with the family. It is always nice to spend time with them since we all get together only a few times a year. I got to also spend time with my 2 year old niece which is always fun. Ate some good food, got some pool time in and went for a 3 hour hike with my sister, her husband and my husband. I was amazed at how much more quickly I get winded. I'm still sore today. And burned almost 1300 calories! So I ate a ton that day. It was actually quite fun.

    I have my next appointment on Thursday when we get to hear the heartbeat so I am really looking forward to that. Hope you all have a great week!
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    is anyone else developing some really ugly vericose veins? I've always had one behind my right knee but now it's traveled almost the whole lenth of my leg. Sometimes it bulges out more than others. Is there anything you can do for them? I drink a ton of water, but exercise is out of the question for me during this pregnancy.

    Not exercising has been really hard on me lately. Exercise has been my natural anti depressant for the past few years, and without it, and all the added pregnancy hormones, I've been on a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions. For a while I was at least able to do a little upper body, but now I have a groinal hernia so upper body workouts are out too. Oh well, just a few more months to go!

    My weight gain isn't bad at all, but my legs, arms and back are definitely getting more flabby. I love reading how so many of you are keeping up with your workouts. While it makes me jealous, it's keeping me wanting to get back on track as soon as possible!

    Keep up the good work ladies!
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    I just found out I'm pregnant with baby #3 like 2 days ago. I haven't even had an appointment yet. I workout at home. Just today I adjusted my workout. For more than a year now I've been doing High intensity interval training (hiit) Very short and very intense workout through Last couple of days I had noticed a little dizzyness after the workout and exaustion afterwards which I found was weird but I thought I probably needed some water. I read that I can no longer workout at my max. During the workout I should be able to carry a conversation.

    I have to remove all high impact like: high knees with jump rope, jump rope by itself, squat jumps, etc.

    Today's workout although I did sweat a little, it felt like I didnt work much. I'm so used to the fatigue. I wish I could maintain my level of fitness throughout my pregnancy, but I think I'll have to settle for less so I can have a healthy baby. (its a good trade anyway)

    So how does this work? You follow the thread or friend everyone?
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    I hope everyone had a great 4th! I wasn't too upset with the scale this morning since it was following a 3 day holiday weekend. My FIL feels the need to fix a 3 course meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    Today I had my first OB appt. I knew it was pretty early but the lady making the wanted to go by my the beginning of my last cycle but I know I didn't ovulate until CD41. So the U/S only showed the yolk sac but we did total blood work to test the levels. I will go back on Thursday for more bloodwork and then back on Friday for another U/S. The doctor seems to think everything is fine but it is just early.

    He did say that I could go back to normal activity. Which was good to hear b/c DH was starting to tell me to cool it down with the workouts but the doctor said it was okay, so back to the gym tomorrow.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    otm25- Autumn

    Just to help us out a little on each other's names! If I missed someone or you'd like to add your name just let me know!

    Katie glad your appointment went well. I'm sure on Friday you will see something more significant on the u/s. Sounds like the doc is right. If you didn't O until cd41 then it probably is still a bit early. Glad to hear you have a doc that gives the go ahead to keep active! :)

    peep_chic welcome! I like the sounds of your workouts! :) Your body will tell you if you are doing too much. For the first trimester you can pretty much continue with your normal activity...but if your doc has told you to slow it down then listen to them.

    Danielle I can only imagine not being able to workout right now. :( I personally don't have vericose veins but I know that and spider veins are very common in pregnancy.

    Ashley your hike sounds awesome! And I love the pic! Let us know how your appt goes tomorrow!

    I got in a pretty good workout yesterday. Today is going to be a short version. Going to do Spinning for 30 mins and then toning for 20 because I am going into the city today to meet up with my half-sister for lunch and shopping. It is another sweltering hot day and for the first time ever I'm wishing summer away and can't wait for the cooler temps of Fall and that will make it closer to seeing my sweet Charlee. :)

    Hope you all are having a wonderful week and making healthy choices!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Bump- Will catch up later:flowerforyou:
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Hey all! Welcome newcomers and congratulations!

    Glad to hear everyone is doing well. I can’t believe we are already in July.

    Katie I am so excited to see you here! Congratulations!

    Heather, that is so exciting that Charlee moves around a lot. I still have not felt anything. I can’t wait to.

    AFM: I just got back from vacation. We went to visit my hubby’s family in Buffalo, NY. We drove from our house in NC and it took about 11 hours. We had a really good time. Went to a great Zumba class. It was fun but I really miss my pre pregnancy workouts. I just can’t jump around like I used to and want to. Oh well, it is worth it in the end.

    We have our gender scan u/s July 25th. I can’t wait to find out who this baby is that is growing inside me.

    Well that is all I have for today. Hope you all are doing well. I think I am starting to get a cold which is making me feel crummy.

  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    Hey everyone!! just wanted to say hi and let you know my small victory.....i actually bypassed the Dove Ice Cream bars in my freezer for the fresh watermelon in the fridge!!!! this is major for me cause i've replaced my nightly wine with ice cream, which i'm not proud of but really felt like i deserved something :) well i just wanted to share cause i think that everytime i make a positive choice it'll reinforce it so that maybe it'll get easier! i'll sleep better tonight....just wanted to share my small success!!! love, Ang
  • Traesa
    Traesa Posts: 3
    Hi all!! I'm 40 and I just found out I'm pregnant with number four!!!! I've recently gotten back to my pre pregnancy weight ..... is there any way to adjust my profile to being pregnant? Thanks
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey everyone!! just wanted to say hi and let you know my small victory.....i actually bypassed the Dove Ice Cream bars in my freezer for the fresh watermelon in the fridge!!!! this is major for me cause i've replaced my nightly wine with ice cream, which i'm not proud of but really felt like i deserved something :) well i just wanted to share cause i think that everytime i make a positive choice it'll reinforce it so that maybe it'll get easier! i'll sleep better tonight....just wanted to share my small success!!! love, Ang

    Funny....I replaced wine with icecream too! Well dessert really, but icecream is my favorite. I spent the long weekend with my family (who ended up drinking about a case of wine....this is typical and would have been more if I'd been partaking :drinker: ) and I ate icecream every single day. But good for you on the watermelon!

    I weighed in this morning and was up a pound again for a total gain of 2.5 pounds at almost 11 weeks. I'm pretty much ok with that. I know the weight gain is for good reason.

    I'm off to the dr. at 2:30 today to hear the heartbeat! I can't wait!

    It's good to hear from all the new peeps. Welcome. Hope you all have a great day!
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    Ahhhh Ashley, my kindred spirit!! yes some days i miss my wine nights other are easier.....27 weeks to go :-) at least i don't have the sporadic junk food meals after too much wine anymore, those were accompanied by major guilt :sad:

    i'm headed to Chicago this weekend for a wedding ( i'm live in Denver) i'm going to keep up on my logging but i really don't think my calorie goals are going to be realistic. isn't Chicago known for food??? i've never been so if anyone has suggestions about what to do or where to go i'm up for them.

    i'll be checking back before we fly out tomorrow, check ya later sistas!!!!!!!!

  • minnesotamama
    minnesotamama Posts: 38 Member
    Hi ladies, just wanted to stop by and see how everyone's doing... : )