Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-July 2011



  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Ashley and Angela - you have another kindred spirit! Only 8 more weeks until wine for me ;-) Ashley, hope hearing the heartbeat was a great appointment. Angela, have a blast in Chicago, you are absolutely correct that it is a fantastic city for food. Probably too late, but if you could get into Rick Bayless' Topolobampo - yum, yum, yum!!

    Danielle - I haven't had to deal with varicose veins, but I would think some good support hose should help. They won't be pretty, but I've heard others say they are effective.

    minnesotamama - love your profile pic

    Welcome to the new faces!

    Hope everyone is doing well with nutrition and exercise goals. I decided to up my life insurance and get to have my "physical" on Saturday. Supposedly, they do take pregnancy into account when looking at height/weight ratio and lipid panel, but I am nervous anyway. Everything I've read says your cholesterol is high during pregnancy and not to have it tested. I'll be curious to see what the numbers end up being. Take care to all my fit, fabulous and pregnant friends!
  • Traesa
    Traesa Posts: 3
    I guess my pic is scaring everyone! Lol :-) I'm kinda becoming a pro at the whole pregnancy thing... no one seems to know if it's possible to change your profile settings to being pregnant.......
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Traesa - most of us on this board set our goals to maintenance for first trimester, added 200 calories for second trimester and then 300 calories for third trimester. I'm currently at 32 weeks and am eating maintenance plus 300. My doctor has felt my weight gain has been appropriate for my pregnancy so I feel pretty good about those goals for myself. I am not an m.d., so if you want an expert opinion ask your doctor for their recommendation. Congratulations on your pregnancy - how far along are you? Are you planning to stay active? What's your exercise of choice?

    This is my first pregnancy and I run as my main form of cardio exercise. Each week I keep thinking will be my last for the runs (I'm doing about 10 miles a week), but I still feel good so I haven't stopped yet! I've grown considerably in the past couple weeks so I don't know how much longer I'll be able to keep this up.

    I hope you find this group of ladies to be as supportive and wonderful as I think they are!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Nichole I'm sure it is only a matter of time (and very soon) before you feel baby move! So glad you had a wonderful time on your vacation. The 25th is right around the corner! I'm so excited for you! You will have to let us know asap who he/she is! :)

    Great job Ang! I have ice cream and try and keep the fridge stocked with fresh fruit as well. I alternate usually on whether I have ice cream in the evening or a bowl of fruit. Keeps me happy that way. lol Have fun in Chicago! I've never been (except at the airport and I don't think that counts lol) so I have no recommendations on food. I hear the pizza is fantastic so don't miss out on that! :)

    Traesa you have to go in and manually adjust your settings to what Holly (smilegirl) recommended. There isn't a way just to change your profile to pregnant as of yet. Welcome and jump right in!

    Ashley I'm also a lover of a good glass of wine! That hasn't been as hard to not partake as having margaritas when we go to eat at the mexican restaurant or a beer when I have a burger or pizza... But having a glass of wine sounds divine! On another board I was on the women talked about drinking a glass or 2 each night while pregnant, but I just don't think that is a good idea for me or my baby.... And 2.5lbs at 11wks is awesome. You go girl! Hope your appointment went well! Let us know when you get a chance!

    Hey there minnesotamama! Hope all is well with you!

    Holly you are getting so close! 54 days!!! How exciting! How are you feeling these days? I think it is awesome you are still running 10mi a week! You rock! I'm sure your physical went just fine. I bet you are healthier pregnant than 90% of most nonpregnant people!

    Well I'm developing more aches and pains and I'm pretty sure it is because my hips are moving and I'm walking differently now. I'm going to the chiro today so hopefully that helps a little. It feels like every time I get in a really good workout, I'm sore for 3 or 4 days following in weird places like my outer ankles. Anyways, I can't believe the week is already almost over. Time really is flying. Besides that all is pretty much the same with me. Charlee is doing great and kicking away per her usual.

    Lexi just been thinking about you. Hope you and baby are doing well!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    With the talk about wine, what are you all's opinions? I have heard a glass of wine in the 3rd trimester every now and again is ok. NOt sure what I will do. I miss the wine, but not as much as I thought. I had dinner with 2 of my girlfriends last night and they were both drinking wine with our fabulous meal, and I wanted it a little; cranberry with OJ just doens't cut it. I dreamt about drinking champagne last night; I dream about drinking about once every week or so. Funny..... But it honestly hasn't been as hard as I thought. I live in an area that has tons of bars and restaurants and I drive by all the patios on my way home from work and on nice days I think how nice it would be to be sitting on a patio having a good beer or glass of wine. Oh well.... Soon enough.

    Holly, that's awesome you are still running! I have not been doing that so much. I haven't been doing much cardio the last couple weeks actually. I may get on the treadmill (it's too damn hot here in KY) some next week and do an easy couple miles. I'm liking my swimming though too. And the dog walking.

    Heather, that sucks about your pain. Hopefully the chiro will help you out.

    As for calories, I have also set to maintenance. Some days I go over and don't stress about it. Some days I don't complete my logging ( like last night). I'm not stressing over calories as much; just listening to my body really and making sure I'm eating enough. My nurse said if I'm working out I really need more like 2000-2400 cals a day. dr. appointment was awesome! I found out I'm O neg blood type ( I thought I was O+) so I have to get an injection at 20 something weeks for the Rh factor thing. Not a big deal. I'm also the universal donor, so after prego I need to get over my fear of donating and give blood more often. And we got to hear the heartbeat! It was crazy. She put the little heartbeat thingie on my belly and immediately we heard the heartbeat. My dr. said it was the easiest one to find all day (it was after 3pm) and she had even seen 37 week ladies that day! I had told the baby before she came in to make sure it was in position to hear the heartbeat so my husband and I joked it is already listening and the doc said we have an overachiever. :smile: So that was good. The HR was 176 which she said was also good. It was a little peace of mind I needed. I go back in 4 more weeks to listen the heartbeat again (and pee in a cup, get weighed, etc.) and 4 weeks after we get the U/S and find out what we're having. It's all becoming a little more real now.

    Hope you all have a great weekend. We have more basement work to do. Can't even begin to think about the nursery until we finish our basement and get the last of our stuff out of storage (we moved 3 months ago). Painting and floors are this weekend. And putting a very complicated sink togher. Ugh. Alright....I'm done now. Sorry for the long post. :happy:
  • Heather-you didn't include me w/ the names-maybe you are kicking me off of here?!!!?

    30 weeks today-
    went to the doctor yesterday
    bp was 117/79
    her hb was 160
    have gained 24 pounds

    interested what others have gained!?!?!?
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hi I'm brenda, Anxiously waiting for my appointment Monday morning.

    6 weeks going on 7

    We are very excited.
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    Hi :) Checking in again. There are so many people in our group :)

    Calorie goal? I am going to cosign for what is previously stated, I am almost 31 weeks with a 23 ish lb weight gain, and that's with maintenance in first, 200+ in second and about 300+ now, and worked out at least 3x a week on bad weeks, but 4-5x a week on average.

    Some of you guys know I stepped up my weightlifting game and decided to focus on upper body then lower body (and alternating them to allow them to heal) 4x a week, and cardio (whatever my baby feels like letting me do) 4-5x a week. I still run occasionally but I have been more focused on the stairmaster... and yes, my new goal + stepping up my weightlifting is all because of kim kardashian's butt- I want a nicer booty lol - hence the stairmaster... and oh my goodness. I can't believe I ever thought that it was easier... it gets my heartrate up there, as much as running does!!! Running gets me at 160-180, and the SM gets me at 170 on avg! Holy moly!!!

    I feel like I am growing in instead of out, I am not getting big at all. I just started REALLY showing (as in started getting the when are you due questions) at 28 weeks, and got asked last week if I was having a Christmas baby... LOL! He is really running out of space, I felt him kick my ribs twice already and it HURT!!!!!

    Sorry I have been MIA, summer school started and even if that sucker is online, I find myself spending at least 5 hrs a day reading and doing the work. I guess that is what happens when you try to offer a nursing class online (It is just nursing research class so that is probably why it takes forever to do work- you read, read and read!)

    I am LOVING Tennessee. I love the area, the people, and the fact that it is just me and hubby. Back in TX too many people try to tell us how to live, raise our unborn child, how to be pregnant (some of y'all read what my mom told me about working out) and it is just nice to get away from all that and just be focused on us. :)

    about 9 weeks to go.. It goes by faster knowing that there is a long way to go (when you are like 10 weeks pregnant) than when you are almost there... I feel like I am just anxiously waiting... and to be honest I am ready to get my pre-pregnant body back :) hehe :)
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    I'm so sorry Nicole! I didn't mean to make you feel like I was "kicking you out"! On the contrary! The more the merrier around here. I was just going back through the most recent posts and posting the names from there. Sorry I miss ya girl! Glad your appt went well and all your bp and baby's hb look great! :)

    Ashley I'm so happy your appointment went well! Isn't that the most awesome sound hearing the heartbeat for the very first time?! And yes you should definitely donate blood after baby! Sounds like you have tons of stuff on your "to do" list. I'm sure you will get it all done in time to do the nursery before baby gets here. And if not....babies only need a carseat, diapers/wipes, a place to sleep in your room, some clothes, food, and love for the first couple of weeks. :)

    Brenda let us know how your appointment goes! What are you doing to stay healthy this pregnancy?!

    Lexi you crack me up! Kim does have a pretty phenomenal rear end! lol! I'm one of those white girls that has way too much junk in the trunk and since my pregnancy it has only gotten bigger. I guess I'd rather my weight go to my butt and hips/thighs then to my face and arms and upper body. It is just how I'm built. And the stairclimber is no joke! I had a trainer once that would make me run every other stair on that damn thing. I felt like I would die! He was sadistic anyways... I feel the same way about growing in instead of out. I'm just now starting to show a little and I'm almost 23 weeks, but nobody would dare ask me when am I due cause I could totally be mistaken for a chunky girl at this point. I think it has to do with height and how strong your abs are. I have pretty fantastic abs...or should I say I HAD pretty fantastic abs! lol I HATED nursing research. It was the most boring class ever and tons of busy work. Hope you get through it without developing narcolepsy! ;) Glad you are loving TN. I think it is a beautiful state and I'm sure it helps to be somewhere with a fresh start. I'm glad you checked in. I was starting to think you didn't like us anymore. :)

    Hubby and I are going to our first birthing class this morning. I am doing the Bradley Method. We are driving about an hour away cause nobody around here offers the class. I do live out in the middle of nowhere so that doesn't really surprise me. We are pretty excited about the class and all we have to learn. Like I told Lexi before...I feel as a RN I know a lot and have seen tons about birthing...but when it comes to doing it I feel like I could always learn more. The class is 10wks so I'm sure there is tons to be learned! And the plan is to come back home and get my workout done. I had a really busy day yesterday and only managed 30 minutes of Spinning instead of my usual 45-60 mins and an hour of toning. At least I did something, right?!

    Have any of you chosen what "method" you will be following during labor/delivery (lamaze, bradley, just go with the flow)?

    Hope you ladies all have an amazing weekend and make lots of healthy choices!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Ashley, glad your appointment went well. Nothing quite like being a universal donor, huh? I'm AB+, which I guess makes me a universal recipient..... The wine hasn't been as hard to give up as I thought either. Don't get me wrong I still get quite jealous when I hear a martini shaker (love my martinis!) or see my husband enjoying a drink. Speaking of which, he is rudely drinking a margarita right in front of me and I must say we have worked hard to perfect our margarita recipe so I know how fantastic it tastes! I just keep thinking about the fabulous Barolo and Barbaresco wine that we brought home from Italy. Probably 4-5 years to wait on those, but they'll be worth it and at least I am not missing out on it now. Good luck with the house projects. We've done tons of projects over the years and I know how much work it is, but so very worth it once complete. Our nursery is coming together, but not yet complete so you've still got lots of time.

    Heather, I can relate slightly with your hip pain. I ran four miles yesterday and at about mile three I started getting the outer hip pain that I usually feel at about mile 21 during a marathon. It's like your body telling you "too much". I think my "long" run will be reduced for the next seven weeks (funny, that long used to be 8-10 and now it's 3!) I'm not planning to use any specific method for labor, but am definitely intrigued with the Bradley method. How was your first class?? Also am thinking of getting Tracy Anderson's post-pregnancy workout - I've never done her workouts before, but am thinking I may need something to do at home while the bambino naps until it's safe for me to take them in the running stroller. I know you are a fan, have you seen that workout? I still think you and I are similarly built - give it a few more weeks and it will be obvious that you are pregnant. Have you tried wearing some more fitted tops to make it more obvious??

    Nicole, glad to see you! Your doctors appointment sounds like everything is going great. I'm at 32 weeks and have been stuck at a 25 pound gain for several weeks now. Had an appointment on Friday and the doctor isn't concerned that I haven't gained because baby is still growing as expected.

    Brenda, Monday will be here so soon...good luck with your first appointment. Keep us posted!

    Lexi, ahhh......summer school......and a research class at that. Such dry material. I am sure you will do awesome. Remind me, two quarters after this? Will you go back to Texas or transferring to Tennessee? As for building your booty, you make me laugh! I'm like Heather, always have had more of a booty than most white girls. Your profile picture looks awesome, so you are obviously doing excellent with the workouts. I don't know why I am so reluctant to post pictures on the internet. I don't even have a facebook account, but I do always love all of the updates you ladies provide.
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Hi all! I'm Khrys and am 17 weeks pregnant with our first. I'm 33 1/2 and have also had the comments from doctors about "being a bit old to have my first child...." Almost reached my goal weight before getting pregnant, and was also exercising a LOT. Since getting pregnant, I've slightly fallen off the wagon and have gained about 10 pounds back. Also, because of long work days (10-14 hours several days a week), the exercise has also decreased, but I'm determined to "get back on the wagon!" Glad to be part of a group like this- good luck to you all!
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    Hooray! So happy to have found you all! I'm 35 and pregnant with our very first! We've been trying for Sooooo long I'm really afraid of screwing this Before I found out we were pregnant I was training for an ultramarathon, obviously that's on good :) What's surprised me the most is my total lack of energy and the amazing increase in the bra department...gone from an almost A to damned near D so if anyone has sports bra suggestions I'm all ears. I am just now finishing up my 13th week and have gained about 5-7 pounds...not thrilled about the weight gain so early but my energy is returning and I've renewed my love affair with my Bowflex. Anyhow....that's me in a nutshell, very pleased to meet you all, this sounds like a great group!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Holly I absolutely loved our first Bradley Method class! I think it is going to be really informative and fun to talk about things with someone who is so versed on birthing and babies. We (hubby and I) were kinda nervous driving to their house hoping they weren't total weirdos...but upon meeting them we knew we would get along great. We went over the basics of what the method is about and then started into talking about one of my favorite subjects...exercise! The Bradley Method is all about "training" for the event of labor and delivery. And so they support women who exercise and also recommend doing kegels (a lot), squats, pelvic rocks, and taylor sitting (sitting cross legged on the floor). Next class is nutrition. But we talked about our fears, any questions, etc.. As far as Tracy Anderson's post pregnancy workout it is pretty much a beginners level. It would be like doing a pilates or moderately easy yoga class. I recommend her Mat workout even now and after pregnancy. It has a great arm, leg, and ab section. I'd still recommend doing some cardio throughout the week as well in conjunction with her method. And I do wear fitted tops for the most part, just now has my "chunky" belly started looking more rounded instead of bloat though. I'm thinking another couple of weeks and I will be obviously pregnant. :)

    Welcome Khrys and archyjill! Jump right in! Archyjill I totally hear you on the lack of energy and the increase in the bra dept! lol! Those were my first two indicators of pregnancy as well. I went from a large C/small D to now a vulgar, overflowing DD! lol And a 5-7lb gain in 13 weeks is great! Most of that is probably just water weight and bloat. Just keep eating healthy for the most part and being active and you will do just fine! As far as the sportsbra suggestions...I just went to Target and got some larger sized ones to get me through until I'm back to a manageable size.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend! I'm thoroughly enjoying spending time with the hubby! :) Take care and make lots of healthy choices my friends!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Good morning to everyone!

    Heather, so happy to hear that your class went well. It seems like there's always some nervousness going into those new situations. I have been trying to do my kegels, but know I am not getting enough in. Does anyone have suggestions on how to remember to do them?? My prenatal yoga class has been doing a lot of focus on the pelvic floor, lots of squats and such that I think are going to come in quite handy for labor. My instructor also has us focus on breathing and taking our focus elsewhere, which I am hoping will come in very handy during delivery. Thank you for the feedback on Tracy Anderson - I'll get the mat workout instead. I will definitely keep up with cardio as I think I'd go crazy with out it, but know it will be a little while before I can run with the bambino. My furry daughters will still need to be walked daily so that will get me moving outside a little bit although never quite the same burn I get with running.

    Khrys, congratulations on your pregnancy! Remember nutrition is just as important as exercise so even if you aren't burning as many calories you are still filling your body with healthy fuel. So good for the baby! You should be to the point of getting more energy again, which will hopefully help with the exercise motivation. Gosh 33 is a baby compared to me....just a couple weeks until I turn 38 and this is our first child too. I'm pretty sure from a medical standpoint that you don't become "advanced maternal age" until 35 and in my opinion you are still quite young ;-)

    Archyjill, we had a long journey with ttc ourselves so I (and several others here too) can relate to the joy of finally getting to experience pregnancy. Are you shooting for a 25-35 pound gain range? If so, you sound right on track. I know gaining weight was a tough thing for me to get my head around, but all I want is a healthy term baby so if it means I have to gain that's what I'll do. I've stayed very active and try to eat healthy and clean. Most of my weight gain seems to be baby and breasts! I can't quite remember now when my energy started returning, maybe around week 14 or 15. For the sports bra advice, I was a D to start and am now in the DDD/E range. Yikes!! I have been wearing double sports bras throughout and it seems to do the job. My husband actually said the other day "I think your breasts are getting smaller" my response was "no, my belly is just getting bigger so they don't seem so big any more, but trust me they are not getting smaller!"

    Well, off to yoga soon. Spending the afternoon with some friends who make Italian style wood-fired pizza. I'm making an arugula and watermelon salad to take along.

    Hope everyone has a great end to the weekend!
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    Morning all! We too are looking at the Bradley method...although we live in booney land so no classes for us, just relying on the book and a few million years of evolution to see us through :)

    Krhys: It's funny that your doc is suggesting you are on the older end...all of the docs I saw (we interviewed quite a few) pshawed my concerns of being "older"...maybe it's just where you live? 33 is nothing and from what I gather 35 aint too much to worry about either. In the end, I think it comes down to being fit no matter what the age.

    Is anyone else in the process of negotiating leave time from work? My hubby and I are trying to arrange for a work-from-home deal but we're looking for case law precedent and/or government initiatives that support this.

    Everyone have a great day!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hello to all the new peeps! Hope everyone had a great weekend. Ours involved a lot of painting and my husband and his friend spent 8 hours tiling yesterday. The basement is coming together though! The painting is almost done. I also spent some time cooking which I have missed this last week. At work we have a local farm that delivers fresh produce to us every Wednesday. We just order online and it shows up! It's grown about 45 minutes away so it's nice to know where the stuff comes from. I ended up pickling beets and cucumbers, made some greens from chard and beet tops and a little local chorizo, roasted some beets and then took some beets tops, carrots that were about to become garbage and an apple that was also about to become garbage and made a wonderful juice. I forgot how much I love my juicer.

    I'm going to try to step up my workouts this week. Tonight I'm doing a little upper body lifting and going to run a couple miles on the treadmill. I've got swimming planned for tomorrow and hopefully more strength and running on Thursday. We'll see how it goes. Wednesday will probably be the completion of my paiting hopefully so no workout that day. We have friends coming in Friday right after work for the night so doubtful I'll get to the gym that day either.

    Hope you all have a great week!
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Hey all, hitting month 6 this week. I recently had stopped running on account that i was having a pain in my side, it was making my back hurt after, and not to mention I felt like I had to pee the entire time lol... however last time i saw my sports chiropractor he told me to not give it up. That the benifits would be worth it. I told him I was still doing my kettlebell workouts, but he said running is better. So I tried to start up again, but find that I am not enjoying it being uncomfortable, so I substituted running with biking and rollerblading (dont worry I am sturdier on blades than running) ... I can't see running being this miracle birth workout, anymore than biking, blading and kettlebell. Anyone have any thoughts on this? I just feel like as long as I am doing something everyday to keep my joints moving and strong this is more than enough . I would rather continue doing things I enjoy and are easy on my back and bladder than continue something that is uncomfortable just because he doesn't want me to stop.
    Anyways let me know your thoughts/feelings on this.
  • chrissyrn04
    chrissyrn04 Posts: 119 Member
    Hi everyone - knew on here... Im 18 weeks pregnant with my second child. I lost 50 lbs last year but gained 20 back before I got pregnant and have gained 10 since then. I want to make sure the rest of my pregnancy is healthy with a healthy weight gain so I thought I would try this site out. It says 2000 calories/day to maintain so im aiming for 2300.
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    atynk- Every week since 18 weeks I thought it would be my last week of running, but I managed to pull a little run here and there. I think with being pregnant, there will be good days and bad days. I had pain and stopped when I did and thought I was done, but 3 days later I am back on it. Some days I can barely do one, some I do almost 4, some I do intervals that add up to X miles, etc. That being said, I did replace my running with other cardio. At first I did elliptical, then since I am trying to get a booty I have added the stepmaster to my repertoire. ---- So that is what I do. Run, stepmaster, and treadmill, although since starting the stepmaster I have barely gotten on the elliptical- It gets my HR pumping and I am tired as if I ran. That monster is pretty challenging!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hi everyone, my appointment went great I heard the baby's heart beat. Yey! It's little still I'm probably a week less than what I was originally told. Thank God, it's not an ectopic pregnancy EP again.

    Well, I have been maintaining at 1400 calories these couple of weeks, I ordered some Preggo Fitness DVD's and will continue walking and strength training.

    Dr says I can continue working out but just to be careful, because of my recent EP.

    Thank you all, I am very excited! I need to update my profile now to reflect these changes.
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