Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-July 2011



  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    Good morning everyone. I'm glad I found this group! I found out while I was traveling abroad that I was pregnant and have been out of the country for the last 5 weeks. Right now, I am about 7 weeks but I don't have my first doctor's appointment for another two weeks (it was their first available appointment--I wish it were earlier!).

    I'm really excited but also pretty nervous. I came to MFP pretty overweight and wanting to lose 50 pounds. I had been exercising 4-5 days a week but quite honestly, my food diaries had far too much sugar in them so the scale didn't budge much. Now that I'm pregnant, I am really focused on eating healthy. The good thing about traveling in Europe and Africa was that I wasn't inundated with sugary snacks everywhere I looked so it was pretty easy to avoid unhealthy choices. So I feel pretty on track and focused on wholesome food rather than junk food and focusing on what's good for my baby. I've read that overweight women shouldn't gain more than 20 pounds and although its early along, I am very conscious about wanting to exercise regularly and eat healthy. So far I haven't gained any weight and I don't want to try to lose but I am so so worried about being even more heavy than I already am so lots of fruits and veggies for me and I am going to continue strength training, circuit training and zumba. I have to admit though, the already growing boobies hated jumping jacks I did yesterday!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey all, hitting month 6 this week. I recently had stopped running on account that i was having a pain in my side, it was making my back hurt after, and not to mention I felt like I had to pee the entire time lol... however last time i saw my sports chiropractor he told me to not give it up. That the benifits would be worth it. I told him I was still doing my kettlebell workouts, but he said running is better. So I tried to start up again, but find that I am not enjoying it being uncomfortable, so I substituted running with biking and rollerblading (dont worry I am sturdier on blades than running) ... I can't see running being this miracle birth workout, anymore than biking, blading and kettlebell. Anyone have any thoughts on this? I just feel like as long as I am doing something everyday to keep my joints moving and strong this is more than enough . I would rather continue doing things I enjoy and are easy on my back and bladder than continue something that is uncomfortable just because he doesn't want me to stop.
    Anyways let me know your thoughts/feelings on this.

    I think you should listen to your body. If it's hurting or uncomfortable, do something else. In a few months things will be back to normal, you won't be pregnannt and you can resume your normal workouts. Just my thoughts. LIke Lexi said, some days are good and some days aren't so good. It's always been like that for me pre-pregnancy too. Don't be too hard on yourself. I say that because I got on the treadmill for the first time in weeks last night. I ran a pretty slow 2 miles - in between 5.5 and 5.6 mph. (I was not a fast runner before, usually around 6.0-6.3...but still) and I kept wanted to up my speed but then thought of what my doctor said, "if you can have a conversation, you're okay". So I kepts my speed low. And I got a good workout and I feel it today. But I have always had this mindset to push myself as much as I can in my workouts and so changing that mindset has been an adjustment for me, but I am finally getting it. So I'd say the same for you. If running is too hard on you now, do the rollerblading, etc. You are doing a lot more than the average prego I'm sure. You're doing great!

    It's ridiculously hot here today. When I left my house at 8am it was already unbearable. Today I am thankful for my desk job. Hello to all the new peeps! Everyone have a great day!
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    Wanna share what this pregnant runner posted on BBC yesterday on my running board:

    "I actually ran the most in my third trimester since I was on exercise restriction from 8-20 weeks. I had to build up my fitness again after that so I did my longest race (a ten miler) at 29 weeks (aside from a marathon very soon after I got pregnant.) After about 34 weeks I focused less on length of runs and more on frequency -- my goal was to do a minimum of 3 quality 20-30 minute runs per week. I also swam twice a week and did a spinning class. I found it has been pretty easy to get back into the groove since I kept it up til the end -- I was back running as soon as the bleeding stopped (3 weeks PP) and now at 5 weeks PP I feel pretty good on my runs. I'm still slow thanks to the 20 lbs I need to lose, but I'm SO glad I ran through the third trimester! Good luck!"

    -3 weeks PP guys! It is possible! lol. I was hoping to hear from people who got back into the groove before 6weeks PP. I was hoping to start p90x 2-3 weeks after baby (I really don't think P90x is hard if you do the modifications) and start walking ASAP so posts like these give me hope1
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Holly you are welcome for the suggestion. I've been alternating between her Mat workout and her Perfect Design series disc II while pregnant for my toning. With the kegels....I was told to do them during commercial breaks or at red lights while driving and then when you lay in bed before you go to sleep. I'm trying... lol! Your wood fired pizza and arugula and watermelon salad sounds so good! Yum! Hope you had a wonderful time with friends!

    Archyjill we also live in "booney land" and have to drive over an hour to get to a class every week. I think it is well worth it! Where are you from? I live in Missouri and have to drive to Kansas City to take the class. If you go onto their website they show the closest class to you.

    Ashley oh how I would LOVE to have access to a local farmer bringing me fresh fruits/veggies! I guess I could go to the farmers market in the city as well...but nothing like the convenience of delivery! And your workouts sound awesome! Keep up the amazing work. I'm sure with all the work on the house and your regular workouts you are definitely keeping fit! And it is so stinking hot here (in the 100s and very humid) that I don't even want to think about going outside! I keep my shades drawn and my fans on high. If it is this hot in July, I can only imagine what August is going to be like! I'm bummed because I love taking evening walks with my dog, but with this heat I walk outside for 10 mins to water my plants and feel like I'm going to have a heat stroke! I will make it up to her in the fall. :)

    Andrea I agree with the others in that you shouldn't do something that isn't comfortable and you aren't enjoying! Not especially when you have alternatives to staying active. Running is great exercise, but so is a lot of other workouts. Like Lexi said, she gets her heart rate up on the stair climber, which is a lot lower impact that running and she is doing awesome! I say stick to staying active and you will be back to running as soon as that baby is off your bladder! :)

    Welcome Chrissy! Jump right in!

    Lunarokra that's great! I'm so glad you got to hear the heartbeat and everything is going along as it should!

    Welcome leandread! Glad you found us. I too had a tough time doing any kind of jumping for the shear fact that it hurt my chest so badly, especially in the beginning of my pregnancy! I say do squats or something in place of the jumping until the soreness subsides!

    Lexi my workout partner is a runner and she was walking (fast pace, no bs walking) 1 week pp and running (at a slower pace, but running none the less) at 2 weeks. She has been working out with me pretty consistently since 2 weeks pp. She also does some P90x as well. So I think if you have the time, the energy, and the motivation and your body feels up to it....I think you are good to go on those plans! My doc (who is also hers) gives the go ahead to workout as soon as your body feels up to it. I always thought that it was 6 weeks until we were "allowed" to workout....but evidently that is for women who aren't active or who have old school doctors.

    So I read this article today about parents in Texas who has a 16+lb baby and were proud...I mean the mom had gestational diabetes and the baby is the size of a 6 month old at birth and they talked about it like they were excited and proud this baby was so big.... It just blows my mind where this countries minds are sometimes. I have nothing against adults who choose to be unhealthy and live their lives as a prisoner in their own bodies, but it makes me angry when adults put that on their own children. When I see an obese toddler I want to scream "child abuse"...cause essentially that's what it is. This is just my opinion and my rant for the day...if you disagree or are offended by what I've said that wasn't my intent, just voicing my opinion on this subject.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • ATYNK.....I wanted to run through my whole preganancy, but my body said stop right around the 27/28 week mark. I was mad, sad, whatever but we do not have control over our bodies all of the time. I ended up w/ terrible pelvic pain. I was going to try to run through it but it wasn't worth enjoying a 30 minute run to have a hard time sitting and moving the other 23.5 hours in the day!!
    I went to the race down the road 2 weeks ago and cheered on fellow runners as I was :sad: on the side!!! I will not be able to run too soon after either because I am having a c-section....but that is okay, the amazing miracle I will be holding in my arms in 9 weeks is worth giving up running for a few months!
    Until then, I will continue walking and doing some strength to keep my body in as good shape as I possibly can:)
  • I am 23 and just found out I am pregnant with my 3rd child... Yay... my husband and I are excited, but I was in the middle of my 100 pound weight loss goal. I have lost 50 lbs to date. I am currently 195. I have only been doing elliptical for cardio since I found out last week. Does anyone think its feasible to still maintain my current diet/caloric restrictions as suggest during my first trimester????
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome imachicmom! I recommend putting your calories on maintenance as opposed to weight loss for the first trimester. At this point your weight loss journey should be put on hold and you should be thinking "health" as opposed to "weight loss". I'd recommend starting some strength training along with your cardio. You can have a healthy gain during pregnancy and then begin back to your weight loss goals when baby comes.

    Nichole I bet that is hard standing on the side lines! But good for you for rooting on your friends. :) Once baby comes and you heal, you can pick it back up and get back in the race. Sounds like you are doing awesome. Keep up the great work!
  • haylesmom
    haylesmom Posts: 33 Member
    Hello everyone! Just joined MFP today and I am 28 weeks pregnant. I'm trying very hard this pregnancy not to gain as much weight as I did with my first two, but I'm HUNGRY ALL THE TIME! After I eat I'm ready again in two hours, so I've been trying to make healthier choices so I won't pack on so much weight. My oldest, 4 years old, has been copying my heather options so it's a win win in my book. My youngest is handicap and special needs, and unfortunately is usually the root to my emotional eating. Love her so much and that's probably why it hurts so bad when she is sick :-( BUT I need to stop using it as an excuse to eat a half gallon of ice cream in a day and focus on getting to a healthier weight. Right now I'm trying to maintain/not gain too much, but after Collin comes (due Sept 29th) I plan on really cutting my calories back and hopefully be able to go on my walks again (hurt myself a few months ago).
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome Kellie! Jump right in! Sounds like you have a lot going on....but I truly believe one of the keys to success is to plan for it. It is totally normal to be hungry every 2-3 hours so most prenatal info would tell you to eat small meals every 3 hours or so with good carbs and protein and a little fat so it keeps you full longer and energized. I am the queen of emotional eating and have slowly learned how to (most of the time) direct myself somewhere other than food when I get tired/sad/stressed/etc.. Good luck with everything and let us know what you are doing now to stay healthy for baby Collin. :)

    So I've got a question for you ladies...what is your "game plan" for after baby comes to lose the weight?? Mine is to get Turbo Fire and do that at home as well as Tracy Anderson Method for some toning and my sister is bringing me over her treadmill to use alternating that and the spinning bike. I get bored easily but with having the baby in November I will not take her out to go to the gym to do the same thing I can do at home. Maybe on a Saturday morning my husband will care for Charlee and I will go to a yoga class or go workout with a friend to keep it fresh. I've always wanted to get into maybe I will start a couch to 5k routine as well.

    What about you?
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    ArchyJill- I've also noticed the large increase in breast size- happened pretty darn quick! I haven't had to move up bra sizes yet, but probably should have! Soon, soon.... You asked about workout bras- I get some from Kohl's that I LOVE for my large-end C-size- they have an underwire and separate cups and "Keep everything in order" for me. They're not very pretty to look at, but do work- there are more sizes available in the stores than online, it seems.

    Yeah, I've noticed the regional thing according to age- here in Indiana, they're definitely keeping an eye on you if you're 35 or older, but some doctors start doing tests to be cautious if youre over 31! A friend in California told me that there, they don't even worry until you're 40, so that's interesting! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    Heather, exciting topic for me!! I cannot wait for post baby workouts! If I'm able to have a normal delivery I hope to start walking within a week or 2 and slowly work back into jogging/running. Since I haven't been able to work out since March it will probably take me some time to build back into intense workouts. Hopefully by 4 weeks pp I'll be able to get to the boxing gym at least twice a week, which is where I initially lost a lot of weight. On the other days I will get back into the Jillian Michaels workouts.

    I only plan on taking off 6 weeks from work (my hubby will be staying home this time while going back to school and working evenings), so with a newborn and working full time I may find it hard to make time for workouts. However, I've always wanted to box competively and am setting a goal to do so by next summer. That will definitely motivate me to go hard!

    Have a great day!
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Heather- with my due date in December, I'll be able to have about 14 weeks off of work- so excited! I have an awesome workout room in my house with weights, several aerobic steps, a treadmill and elliptical, etc. I plan to at least start walking as soon as the doctor says I'm good to go, but plan on using those 14 weeks to "bust a move" as much as I can!
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    I am due in Nov and own a home business so I dont get maternity leave pay, and will only be taking a month or 2 off. My husband will get paternity leave, I will probably have him take off 3 months. This will ensure I will have time to workout and get much needed rest. I plan on starting back into my 30 min kettlebell workouts daily after 6weeks post baby, and probably will set up my treadmill in living room to walk. I was going to set up my bike also (road bike) on stand, but i may be a bit too sore down there at first to sit on those tiny seats lol. I'll try to mix it up with some swimming also.I say all this now, but who knows what will happen when the time actually comes lol !
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Happy Hump Day all!

    I am just finally getting over a stupid cold. I hate summer colds and even more I hate them while I am pregnant.

    I can't wait to get back to my normal workouts. I miss pushing myself and seeing the results. I went to Zumba today and it was good but boy I can't move as fast or bounce as much. My balance is definitely starting to change and this week I've really began to pop. People are starting to notice because normally I am a pair shape and my upper body is pretty small. So now that I have a stomach people do double takes. I swear my butt and thighs are growing as fast as my stomach though. I need to start targeting that area I think so it's not as hard to get rid of once I deliver. Any suggestions?

    Heather I have also been thinking about getting into running. I think I want to sign up for my first 5k and train for that. This way I have a goal besides losing the weight. I have heard the coach to 5k is a good program. So I am on board with you, although a month behind you:0)

    On another note, 2 weeks until I find out if we are having a boy or girl. I can't wait! I want to start getting the nursery together.

    Well I hope you all have a fabulous day.

    Here is Cindy Whitmarsh's latest pregnancy video:

  • My chest is huge for me, it happened quickly this time, up almost 2 cup sizes!

    Aferbirth workout plan.....will do running and INSANITY!!!!! I can't wait, though may start slowly w/ some Jillian, she kicks butt, though nothing beats INSANITY:)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    In our basement (still under construction) we have a gym which will have a treadmill, weights, and mirror wall for now. I plan on getting back to running ASAP. There are races in March I usually do - 5k, 10k, 10 miler, but not sure I'll be up for all (or any) by then (I'm due 1/25). I did 30 Day Shred right before I got prego so may do that again. I may also just work with that concept - interval training. I plan on taking 12 weeks off work so like Khrys, I plan on using that as my kick @ss time as well. Granted I recover quickly and have the energy. This is my first so I have no idea what to expect. If walking is all I can do for a while, I will be on the treadmill watching day time television as much as I can. :smile:
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Those are all AWESOME game plans ladies! I think it is important to have a game plan in place and also be a little flexible and kind to ourselves during such a transitional time in our lives. You all rock though and I have no doubts that you will all get back at it asap!

    Nichole sounds like we are very much alike in how we are built. My legs/thighs/butt have grown way more than my belly it seems. I think some women are just predestined to put on that weight in case of a famine or something...gotta love how our bodies have evolved in some sense and not so much in others. The cellulite on my upper legs/thighs is disgusting and it happened what seemed like immediately. I was doing the downward dog and looked back and saw what appeared to be a cottage cheese factory that sprouted up on my legs... gross. My half-sister said the same thing happened to her when she got pregnant but it went away almost immediately after the baby is born (crossing fingers this happens to me too)! I am actually beginning to come to terms with the weight gain...I realized how far my body had come and I know I have the tools to lose the weight after the baby is born. I weighed in today at the same weight I met my husband at 4 years ago. During college I had yo-yo'd my weight back and forth and when I met him I was on the higher end. It wasn't my highest weight ever (which was over 200lbs but I had stopped weighing myself at 199 and I knew I'd gained more) but it was pretty high. Now at almost 6 months pregnant I am weighing that same weight and I remember how he thought I was so hot then... Since then I'd lost more than 20lbs. All of us that have been bigger should remember how far we've come and that pregnancy is not about the weight gain, but about being healthy for ourselves and our babies.

    Another question...what is your realistic weight goal after you have the baby? I am 5'6.5" and I'd like to be between 135-140lbs but realistically I should set my goal as 140-145lbs. What about you?
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    Post baby workout:
    P90x about 2 or 3 weeks after baby?
    also, start walking around that time and hopefully break into a jog lol
    Goal weight: Hmm.. looking like I am going to gain about 30 lbs, (198 lbs from 168)... My pre-half marathon weight in november was 160 and I gained 15 lbs during thanksgiving/christmas and lost it again right before I conceived I guess? Anyways, I am 5'8 and would like to go down to 150.. I don't think it will be too hard (I hope)

    Oh and I am signing up for a half marathon in Feb 2012 & I am due in September

    I still keep up with you guys, I read every single response, but I only get so many breaks from this stupid class. I swear my professor is making it way harder than it needs to be.
  • remaho80
    remaho80 Posts: 126 Member
    Hope you ladies don't mind me joining in! I joined MFP in April and lost 11 lbs in 8 weeks. I found out I was pregnant last month and that same day my morning sickness kicked in and it hasn't let up yet. I'll be 12 weeks on Friday. I haven't reallly been counting calories or exercising because of the constant nausea. I'm hoping it lets up SOON so I can get back in the groove. I've been feeling SO lazy!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I think I'd like to get down to around 127 after baby. I am 5'2" but carry weight somewhat differently. My legs are pretty muscular (one of my favorite features - I contribute it to 5 years of cloggins and 3 years of cheering as a kid :smile: ) and my chest is pretty ample. I have bever been extremely overweight. I got up to 140 about sophomore year of high school, lost a bunch of weight doing slim fast my senior year and got down to 108 which looks bad on me. I've been up and down but usually hovers in the low 130's. I got down to mid 120's a few years back when I was going through a divorce and even though I didn't lose the weight in a healthy way, I like 125-127 on me. It's a little hard for me to maintain mostly because I like drinking which uses a lot of calories. :drinker: I'm pretty sure that will taper off some once the baby comes. When I joined MFP in January I was close to 140 and I got down to 133.5 before I found out I was prego. It took me 4 months to lose 6 pounds! As of this morning, I'm only up 1.5 pounds (lost a pound this week) at almost 12 weeks. I'm gearing up for weight gain! Baby needs it! I'm eating so much more now. I typically have 2 breakfasts when I used to have to force myself to eat 1. Anyawys, I'm trying not to get hung up at all on the weight gain since I know it's for the best cause. Just want to stay healthy, eat enough and eat good foods (except for icecream). I know I am motivated (and vain) and will get my @ss in gear pp.

    Welcome remaho! I will be 12 weeks on Saturday! My due date is January 25. It's almost the weekend! Yay!
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