Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-July 2011



  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome to all the new ladies and congrats on your little bundles of joy to come! This forum is where we keep each other motivated and talk about our goals, obstacles, and sometimes randomness of being a fit, fabulous pregnant woman! So jump right in and let us know what you are doing to stay active and healthy during your pregnancy!

    I had my 24wk appointment yesterday. Having an appointment at the end of the day is a bad idea btw....I weighed 2 more pounds then I did earlier in the day. Oh well, my next appointment is at 8am so I should be good. lol! Everything went smooth. She said that the heat does tend to cause more Braxton Hicks...go figure. It has been in the 90s and 100s here lately (UGH!!!). Charlee's heartbeat sounded wonderful (as usual). I got my sugar drink for my glucose tolerance testing next appointment at 28wks. I don't think it will be as bad as so many women complain about it being.... All in all it was pretty uneventful.

    So I am loving my treadmill! It is so nice to be able to hop on it and watch a program or 2 and be done! I'm still going over to my workout partners house and doing Tracy Anderson Method every day as well. She is now almost 8wks post partum and looking fantastic! She is back to running for all of my runners out there, without any problems (and has been for at least 4 or 5 weeks). The plan for today is to do an hour on the treadmill, an hour of T/A Method, and then swimming tonight.

    What's on your fitness schedule today?! :)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Heather your new pic is cute! You look prego! And that is a compliment. :smile: I am at the point where I just look bloated all the time. I am gettting to the point where I don't want to suck it in anymore. I'm just going to let people think I've been hitting the icecream a little too hard. They'll figure it out in a month or so I guess. There is a girl I work with who is about 11ish weeks ahead of me. It's nice to see the progression and realize what I will look like in a couple months.

    I had a great workout on Monday - lower body and ran 2.25 miles. I did some walking to and from lunch and to and from meeting yesterday (love working downtown) so got about 45 minutes in. Today my bro-in-law and his GF in from San Fran are coming for dinner at 6 so I am not working out today. I guess I could walk at lunch but the heat index is supposed to be 114 or something stupid like that so I will most likely sit in the AC. Tomorrow I am hosting girls night but should be able to get a run or swim in after work. I'll probably do some walking this weekend. Saturday and Sunday my husband and I typically start our morning with a walk to our coffee shop which is about a mile and a half round trip. I'm sure there will be work to do around the house too.

    Happy Hump Day!
  • kalyco78
    kalyco78 Posts: 12 Member
    Hit 12 weeks today and finally got back to some kind of workout--- yea!! So good to be feeling better and getting back to a routine-- although much slower than it was.

  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Heather, good to know your friend was able to get on running since 4, 5 weeks after. I cannot wait to be able to do that this time too. May be I'll start working out with the bodyrocker at that time.

    I loaded my bike in my car this morning and hoping for a bike ride at lunch time. But I don't think I can do it, it's gonna be in the mid-90s. Grrrrrr...

    Well, I'm gonna do my P90 upper body workout tonight instead, and hopefully I'll find time today.
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Happy hump day all!

    It's so nice to learn about everyone.

    Today I had a great Zumba class. I felt really good today and was able to bounce around more than last week. Tomorrow I'm going to my favorite Zumba teacher's class which I love. He always tells me he is proud of me for still coming which makes me feel good.

    My goal this week is to focus on my eating. I want to try and eat more fresh produce. I made a yummy spinach salad for lunch today with baby carrots, grape tomatoes and cottage cheese. I plan to have an apple with pb and cinnamon for my afternoon snack.

    Heather, I would love to have a treadmill. I have a spin bike but I have to listen to music to get a really good workout. If I watch TV on it I really slow down where a treadmill makes you keep your pace.

    Everyone have a healthy fabulous day.

  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    Hi all! I'm Khrys and am 17 weeks pregnant with our first. I'm 33 1/2 and have also had the comments from doctors about "being a bit old to have my first child...." Almost reached my goal weight before getting pregnant, and was also exercising a LOT. Since getting pregnant, I've slightly fallen off the wagon and have gained about 10 pounds back. Also, because of long work days (10-14 hours several days a week), the exercise has also decreased, but I'm determined to "get back on the wagon!" Glad to be part of a group like this- good luck to you all!

    I'm surprised that your doctor said that about being a bit old. I had my first child when I'm 36, and when I asked if I'll get any special treatment due to "a bit old", she said "nope". I'm healthy and age does not define my condition. So have fun and it'll be a bless.

    Exactly! My mother had me when she was 40. Kinda made her proud to be sporting a brand new baby and breastfeeding at that age! I have a TON of friends that are planning on having kids up until they just can't! My best friend just had hers, and she's 32 with 3 other children. You'll do great! Both of you! :)
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi all! :o)

    I finally broke out of my workout slump for this week and my wonderful husband moved my spin bike upstairs and I rode it for 30 mins while he made me supper & I watched TV :) What a sweetheart!
    I think I will try my best to do 30 mins on the spin bike every other day and try to squeeze in a couple pilates videos as well.

    I have a personal training session every Monday after work but I missed it this week because I was feeling too nauseous.
    Tomorrow I'm 9 weeks, only 3 more weeks to go until 3 months, hopefully I will get more of my energy back and feel less nauseous so I can be more active!

    Hope everyone is having a fantastic week! :flowerforyou:
  • Appointment today....
    almost 32 weeks
    up 25 pounds
    heartbeat around 145

    The countdown is begining!!!! C-section in 7.5 weeks!
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    I just noticed that there are a LOT of February 2012 baby momma's on here! So cool! :happy: :bigsmile:

    I know! I love that! One of my best friends that was behind me 2 weeks last time just found out she's pregnant with me this time around 4 weeks! It's always nice to have someone to share your stories with!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Question: does anyone dye their hair? I do foil/highlights and I'm wanting to know if it's ok to do that when you're pregnant. I've heard that if it's foils and it doesn't touch your scalp it's ok?

    Any thoughts?
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Question: does anyone dye their hair? I do foil/highlights and I'm wanting to know if it's ok to do that when you're pregnant. I've heard that if it's foils and it doesn't touch your scalp it's ok?

    Any thoughts?

    There is no study said it's really dangerous, but said if you really have to do it, make sure wash your scalp really good. I stop dye my hair just to be safe. The baby is much too important to me (especially after one miscarriage) and I'm willing to sacrifice my look at this point. :P
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Appointment today....
    almost 32 weeks
    up 25 pounds
    heartbeat around 145

    The countdown is begining!!!! C-section in 7.5 weeks!

    Yay, awesome!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member

    According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), hair dyes are probably safe to use during pregnancy because so little dye is absorbed through the skin. However, it is still important to be cautious, therefore many health care providers recommend that pregnant women not use permanent hair dyes during the first three months.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member

    According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), hair dyes are probably safe to use during pregnancy because so little dye is absorbed through the skin. However, it is still important to be cautious, therefore many health care providers recommend that pregnant women not use permanent hair dyes during the first three months.

    Thanks for the advice, I think I will cancel my appointment - I really appreciate all of your help!
    I have waiting a long time for this little baby and I don't want to do anything to jeopardize anything!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Is anyone suffering from really bad acne since getting pregnant? I'm 9 weeks tomorrow and MAN my face is horrible right now!
    I seriously can't believe how bad it's gotten!! Hopefully it settles down soon, when do I get to start glowing ;) lol
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Is anyone suffering from really bad acne since getting pregnant? I'm 9 weeks tomorrow and MAN my face is horrible right now!
    I seriously can't believe how bad it's gotten!! Hopefully it settles down soon, when do I get to start glowing ;) lol

    I got a couple pop up, but nothing is really terrible. Just make sure clean your face with mild face cleaning product twice a day (no more).
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    If you are getting foils none of the color even is in contact with your scalp. If you did all over color some doc's say to wait until after the first trimester. I did my hair (foiled) twice in the first trimester and did just fine...just my experience. :)

    And my skin broke out a little the first trimester but now is clearer than it has ever been. I've got really oily skin and PCOS so the combo has made me have breakout my entire life, so having beautiful clear skin is absolutely wonderful! It may just be the hormones being so high right now and will even out and clear up soon.

    Nicole, congrats on the awesome appt results! :)
  • Traesa
    Traesa Posts: 3
    Okay.... I've decided that I'm not going to change my calorie intake until the middle of my second trimester. I'm 8 weeks along, I figure since I've already done this three times I'll just try to keep my weight gain to a minimum. I gained 29 pounds with the others..... and lost most in the first couple months. I don't exercise, but I have 22 horses that I tend to daily, there's no way I could even think of working out after cleaning 22 stalls!! I'm super excited about this pregnancy!! I absolutely love being pregnant, having babies and being mommy!! Congratulations to all of you!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I just colored my hair about 2 weeks ago. It had needed to be done for a long time and I caved. I dyed it to my natural color so hopefully it will last throughout the rest of my pregnancy and my bleached parts won't start showing through again. I have read a lot that maybe you just shouldn't do it but that the color probably isn't absorbed that I just went for it. Then again, I also go to the nail salon every 3 weeks. Anyone else?

    Acne - mine is a little worse. I would get a blemish from time to time and they seem to pop up but disapear pretty quickly. My chin is oilier and I tend to get a lot of tiny whiteheads that are easy to get rid of. But long story short, yes I have seen an increase.

    I didn't go to bed to almost 11 last night and did not want to get out of bed this morning. I stayed there till 7:45 and was 20 minutes late to work. Good thing my boss is on vacation and probably wouldn't care so much anyways.

    My husband and I made it official yesterday and released the news on Facebook. :smile: So I got congrats from about 40 of my closest friends.

    Almost the weekend! Woot woot!
  • kalyco78
    kalyco78 Posts: 12 Member
    Got in another workout today!! Hope I can keep it up! I've fought with acne forever and found a product I really like. It's called Grandmas Acne Bar. Its an old fashioned lye based soap, but it's really gentle. Maybe I just finally
    "outgrew" the breakouts, but I saw I dramatic change in my skin when I started using this. I have to order it online though.
