Fit for Future Families - February 2011



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    LOL - I haven't read all yet and I'll catch up when I get home but I laughed......

    Poutine is such a regular thing up here. DH loves the stuff and my swim buddie made up her own version with onion rings instead of fries. I've never been a fan of it and I'm going to try and keep it that way....nothing more I need like cheese on my fries....LOL But if I had to eat them, Quebec would be the only place. Same as hot dogs. Montreal is the only place I'll buy a hot dog, poutine or smoked meat sandwich.....

    Ashley - have you tried Poutine Rapee from NB? Slightly different....

    So far my charts still look like AF is due tomorrow. Who'd have thought I'd be excited to have her show up. With knowing there was no way we hit the window plus DH's low count, there's no point in testing and so that burden is off my shoulders.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    LOL, sure, next time I'm in the area, I'll holler. I actually do have a great uncle and aunt and their children and grandchildren who live in Canada, but they're in Victoria, BC. I haven't seen any of them in probably 15 years.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Nichole sorry to hear about your zumba instructor. Hope he has a speedy recovery!

    I've never heard of Poutine...I've lived/been all over the world and have experienced quite a bit culinary wise, but haven't ran across that before. The only "fast food" place that you said Ash that I've ever heard of is of course Subway. That is the only fast food I will eat and got burnt out on it so I haven't had it in months. Do they have Pizza Hut there? If not...what a shame! lol!

    Pam I hope that you are wrong about AF...but at least you have a solid plan in place and are getting so much closer.

    Erica sorry you are feeling so lousy. I hope that you do in fact have lots of pregnancy hormones pulsing through your veins cause there's a baby in there wreaking some havoc! :)

    Karen you take the words right out of my mouth. This is the reason why I despise Clomid so badly because it seems like it takes away all of my positive, motivating, upbeat personality and turns it to a big pile of "Debbie Downer" with a side of "blah" and "give me some chocolate".... I'm doing everything I can to get through the hump, but my Ego and Superego can only take so much cause the ID is FIERCE! I like that too... Clom-ID! lol!

    Having a "blase" day...the weather is warmer (much warmer actually, I'm wearing a tank top and flip flops) but the wind is pretty strong. I did my tracy anderson toning but am thinking about skipping spinning again. I don't know though yet...All I do know is that I'd like some pizza/cheese sticks and a big bowl of something chocolate! Ugh....make it end!
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    Heather – the weather here was beautiful today, we actually went to the fair again tonight…1)because it was free entry after 4pm and 2) there was some more fried food that DH had not tried  We are actually supposed to hit 80 degrees tomorrow. I tried to talk DH into playing hooky but he is too responsible! I have been craving cheese sticks too! I went to Target the other day and bought some TGI Friday’s and cooked a couple yesterday. They are 100 calories a piece, so as long as I don’t eat more than 2, I am okay. Also, DH is a baby too when he is sick. The first couple of days he says that he doesn’t need medicine and it will heal. It never does and he just ends up being a baby for a longer period.

    Pam – I am sorry you think AF is coming, but I know what a relief it is to finally feel like you are on a normal cycle.

    Karen – I know what you mean with the crazy Clom-ID. I had to do my best not to eat everything in sight at the fair tonight. I keep saying that I am going to do C25k but I hardly ever get past the 2nd week. Thanks for the recipe!

    Erica – I agree with you about the crazy pregnancy symptoms. I keep telling myself that they are all in my head. I have had the weird pregnancy dreams too for the past couple of days. DH says it is a sign. I say it is because that is the only thing I think of. I am glad I am not the only one.

    Nichole – sorry to hear about your teacher, maybe the new teacher will eventually get it going. Chick-fil-a is my fav! It really is about the only fast food place I will eat. In fact, DH’s 30th birthday is next week and he loves Chick-fil-a so much, I am having a surprise party there. I even have the cow coming!

    Ashley – Good luck in the morning!! I am glad that your DH was willing to give you your shot, mine was not.

    Kim – I am so happy your sister got someone to take her case. There is no way what he is doing is legal. I have found that when AF is coming it makes me feel better to keep my mind occupied. Sounds like you have a lot going on this weekend to do that.

    Andrea – Sorry AF showed but I am glad you have a positive outlook on another chance to getting closer to your goal.

    AFM – I am not sure how my weigh in is going to be in the morning. I tried to keep the sodium down today and drink lots of water. It is hard to calculate the fair food. I only had one bite of DH’s fried Oreo  We will see what happens in the morning
    Today I started cramping. I have decided that I am out. AF should be here Tuesday. DH is trying to convince me that it could be implantation cramps and that he is determined it happened this month. I guess we will see next week.

    The other day DH and I watched Knocked Up. It was so funny, through the whole movie, I was correcting things. DH said I was ruining the movie with all my corrections and facts.

    Thanks for all the support about the in-laws! I am sure it will be alright, just no drop bys and I will be okay.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    LOL - I'm actually excited to see AF tomorrow - it means good things are happening. There's 0% of conception this month so I'm not stressing about it. I haven't had even an inkling this month because it just wasn't possible so there won't be disappointment when it happens.

    Heather - I love Pizza Hut - just had to say it.....LOL but it's soooo greasy. My fav take out place we don't have here so I'll wait until I drive to my in-laws in May and it's in Quebec...mMMMMm St. Hubert. Rotisserie Chicken with a yummy yummy yummy savoury sauce....and since I only get it once a year, it's such a treat vs. the other crap we get here that I could have every day.....LOL Enough about food from me though. I was so not hungry today that I had subway and only ate 3/4 of my 6" sub and half the bag of chips....just wasn't hungry....WOO HOO...

    Erica - What an exciting thought to think that the progesterone could be here to stay!!! I hope that it is!!!

    Katie - It sounds like you did really well at the fair today. That's huge - did you do a lot of walking too? I find the fair is a place I lollygag all day - lots of standing, lots of walking all of which is better than sitting my butt on the couch :)

    Swim class tonight and I don't feel it as much as last week, but I'm still feeling pretty good. Early morning though. I should get back to bed now.....only problem with late night swim class is it takes me time to wind down. We had some fantastic news this evening though. DH's grandmother called us and let us know she's flying in to go to his uncle's retirement party at the end of the month. She was just here in Nov for the first time in 15 years and now again just a month after her pace maker got put in. She's so sweet and lovely and I'm soooooo excited, but it's a surprise so I have to pretend not so excited around most of the family :) Also, DH's dad called right after that and his second (well really fourth hip replacement surgery is next week). It's the first one on the other side, but after all the issues with the first side, DH is really getting nervous (it was over 18 months and 3 surgeries to correct it after a major infection). We're not changing any plans though at his Dad's request so we'll still head out there in May, once he's relatively better. So excitement everywhere tonight!!!
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Hey Ladies. Looks like I have managed to miss a few pages of happens since my last post.

    Pam - Glad you're happy to see AF. Hopefully your next cycle will be better.

    Heather - I can't remember the last time I had Pizza Hut. It kind of tastes like cardboard here in NZ. Hubby & I tend to go for Domino's Pizza instead.

    Kt4au - Hugs hun. I hope it was implantation rather than AF announcing herself.

    Erica - I so know how your feeling at the moment!

    nkster - sorry about your Zumba instructor. Hope he gets better soon.

    I haven't read all of your posts yet, sorry. Too many pages to go through right now.

    AFM - Since O'day I have been waking up with headaches, sore breasts, nausea, bouts of dizziness and a whole lot of irritation at such stupid little things. Temps are staying high and seem to be getting higher, so I have my fingers crossed. DPO 9 today. Tested last night but was BFN. AF is not due until Monday so four more days to go. I am retesting then. Here's my chart if anyone is interested -

    Is anyone else on fertility friend?
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Katie doesn't sound like you did too bad at the fair. I haven't been to a fair in years because the only thing I like about the fair is the food! lol! Do you normally cramp as far as 4 days before you start your period? Unless that is normal, DH is correct that it could in fact be implantation! I hope for you that that is the case!

    History sounds like good signs...good luck!

    Pam sounds like some awesome things are happening in the family! I'm happy for you! And I'm excited for you that things are starting to become "normal" for your cycles! That is an incredible accomplishment!

    Ash you are in my thoughts and prayers this morning! :)

    Erica how are things looking on your temps? Having any more symptoms?

    Well I'm totally over BD! I'm going to give it another go today...but after that I'd really like to not even think about it for a while! (How horrible is that?! lol!) I love my husband, but timed BD EVERY day can wear even the friskiest person down! I'm pretty sure I ovulated Wed or Thurs so I've covered all my bases making sure we've BD every day since Monday (fortunately DH has "impeccable" sperm count (says doctor) unfortunately this makes DH head even bigger, but we don't have to worry about "over doing it"). I've not made my evening workouts the past 3 nights, mostly because my husband is at home not feeling well and I feel bad leaving him even though he tells me to go, and partly because I just don't have it in me this week. I'm doing at least an hour, and the past 2 days almost 2, so I know that is plenty....but I made a commitment to my evening classes so I feel like I'm letting myself down. Tonight I will go...and then next week I will MAKE myself go to keep myself busy and make the week go by faster! I weighed myself last night and I was 146....I weighed myself this morning....146! UGH! I can't seem to shake that number! I figured since I weighed at the end of the day after eating/exercising/etc that this morning I would for sure weigh less... Feeling a bit discouraged since I've been stuck at this number for over a month now. I'm doing my official measurements on the 25th so that may be a better gauge of how things are going.

    Hope you ladies have a fantastic Friday!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Sending positive vibes your way Ash--hoping your IUI went well!!! As for me, I got a WONDERFUL surprise--hubby came home late last night and told me that he was taking Friday off to stay home and help me watch all the nieces and nephews. What a wonderful gift!!!! And so, today is really busy...but it's going well. So much better than if it were just me. I love that hubby of mine. He saved me today.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    History - your temps look good. This is my chart: It was much chillier this morning than it has been the last few, so I think that's why my temp was a little lower. Typically, I bottom out 10 or 12 dpo, rebound, and then it goes below coverline. So the fact that it didn't drop today is exciting. I guess I'll have to temp this weekend to see what happens.

    Heather - my temps are still stable (as I just said). Still nauseated. My boobs were tender last night, but that seems to have gone away. Still have a headache. But that's about it. I felt like I pulled a muscle in my abdomen last night, but that's also gone away. I hope you caught that egg!!!

    Ashley, I hope everything went well! Take care of yourself the next few days!

    Karen, I'm glad your husband decided to help you out.

    Katie, I hope AF stays away. I'm due Tuesday, too. We could totally be pregnancy buddies along with Historysmissinglady!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Too funny, my AF is due Tuesday as well. Man even over the internet we all seem to gravitate towards the same cycle:0)
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Too funny, my AF is due Tuesday as well. Man even over the internet we all seem to gravitate towards the same cycle:0)

  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Pam- I’ve never tried a Poutine Rapée, but then again I’ve never been to NB, I want to go so badly though, I’ve heard its beautiful. Its too funny that you love St-Huberts, I get shunned by people when they hear that I don’t like it :P Apparently the fact that I don’t like that nor hockey makes me a bad Québécoise :laugh: Whereabouts does your husbands family live?

    Heather – We do have Pizza Hut here but there’s a noticeable difference between the ones in the US, my family lives about 10minutes from the border and so I spent most of my summers camping and hiking in up state NY. The Pizza Hut in NY is slightly different from ours, again it probably has to do with the food processing laws.
    I hope that all your BD’ing has paid off, DH notice we did more this month than we regularly do and when I told him exactly how many times he realize they were all timed :tongue: He asked that I keep him oblivious so that it stays fun for him.

    Katie – I love county and state fairs, all the walking will balance out the couple fried bites you had so don’t stress about it.

    To everyone with their freakishly linked cycles :tongue: I hope you all get your BFP’s!

    AFM: Everything went well this morning, DH count was a lot better than it was for the SA. I’m a little freaked out right now because I’m having major pressure and cramps, to the point that I don’t know if I can sit at my desk at work much longer. I don’t know what to do, if I should leave and go home or go to the doctors or just stay here cause it’ll pass.

  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    AFM: Everything went well this morning, DH count was a lot better than it was for the SA. I’m a little freaked out right now because I’m having major pressure and cramps, to the point that I don’t know if I can sit at my desk at work much longer. I don’t know what to do, if I should leave and go home or go to the doctors or just stay here cause it’ll pass.

    I think that's normal, but I would contact your doctor just to be sure... and then go home and lay down.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    It looks like we have at least two groups of us that have "freakishly linked cycles"! lol! Myself, Ash, and Karen are days apart as well. :)

    Glad your IUI went well this morning and his count was great Ash! Sounds like you just need a down day. I'd call the doc and then go home and relax. I mean you might have just created a life today....that could take it out of anybody! ;)

    Karen what a sweetheart! I think he definitely deserves some brownie points for that move.

    Erica glad that things are still looking very hopeful! Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Tuesday will be here before you know it!

    So I totally forgot to mention that my nipples were on fire yesterday. I hear that is totally normal at/after you O. Like I said before, I know all the book knowledge here, but since I've never really ovulated like a normal woman all this stuff seems pretty new to me. Such strange things us women go through...
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions, and I was going to head home cause I couldn’t take the pain anymore (it was actually worse than any AF cramp I’ve ever had) but I couldn’t find my boss. She had left for lunch, and I decided to try to wait till she got back 1) to see if the pain would go away 2) to think of an excuse to leave, see she thinks that last Tuesday I went in for my regular pap test and this week I was called in to retest because my labs came back inconclusive. So to say I had cramps after a pap test?!? I think it’d fly. As time passed it slowly started getting better, and I only have 2 1/2 more hours to go, so I’m going to see if I can make it and then rest the rest of the night/weekend!

    Baby dust to everyone who needs it!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    So I totally forgot to mention that my nipples were on fire yesterday. I hear that is totally normal at/after you O. Like I said before, I know all the book knowledge here, but since I've never really ovulated like a normal woman all this stuff seems pretty new to me. Such strange things us women go through...

    Oh yeah... the first few months off of birth control were crazy for me for that reason. Stupid progesterone.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I'm glad you're feeling better, Ashley! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hello all. Best wishes and baby dust and all to everyone with everyone's happenings! I tend to generally stay out of the loop and read from time to time, but have another question for you all and you all seem to be very knowledgable. So thanks in advance for that.

    I quit taking the pill late October. I have been taking it for about 15 years, half my life. So far my cycles were 37/29/26/and now I am at day 32. I took a test this morning and it was negative. I thought I was stabilizing but apparently not. How long has it taken those of you that have been in my situation bodies to straighten out? Thanks ladies!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Well... mine seems to have settled down into a fairly ok pattern a month after I stopped taking the pill, but it didn't become really regular until 8-9 months later (as in the same O day and/or lp length). I was on the pill for 12 years.
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Heather - I'm starting to get that way on the BD front. Hubby still enjoys it especially since I have been loosing weight but I am slowly getting over it.

    Kah - what an awesome hubby you have!

    Erica - thanks I have added you as a friend on there. It would be awesome if we and Katie could be pregnancy buddies for the same cycle.

    Abeare - I hope you went home and relaxed.

    Better - I have never been able to use pills so not sure what the results are for that, sorry.

    AFM - Hubby keeps wanting me to test. I refuse until 12 DPO. I want a good strong positive not a weak one that I have to squint at, lol. Although I suppose if it came right down to it I can always retest at the doctors since it is free for maternity care in NZ. Temp drop this morning though not under the cover line. Not sure if this is a good sign of not having not had a normal cycle in charting before. Still getting all the signs though.