Vanessa1969 Member


  • I have four. Eeyore on my lower right back, an elephant on my inner left ankle, a heart on my middle chest and my heart rat, Magic, on my left shoulder blade/back. I would love to get another tattoo when I reach my goal weight, it will be rat pawprints going up my right side.
  • Starting weight is 197lbs. Friday I drank 8 X 16oz = 128oz 1 mile = 15 min. I didn't do much cardio, I only walked on my lunch. I got my hair cut after work instead. I am about 1/2 pound lighter now. :laugh:
  • Thanks for the information. I'm a vegetarian, and although I often have a tough time reaching the 1200 calories a day mark - 500 calories isn't even a lot of veggies! That is very low and I am not surprised that people gain the weight back. That is a very hefty pricetag to gain it all back, too. I'm not surprised that you…
    in Dr. B Comment by Vanessa1969 May 2009
  • My photo didn't work, here are the stats... Low Impact Aerobics - 90 minutes Walking - 3 hours 42 minutes Biking 25km(15m)/h - 90 minutes Total - 6 hours 42 minutes
  • I think there was something wrong with my scale at weigh in, I think I was closer to 200lbs and not at 203lbs. Here are my stats from this week, because I started the challenge on May 1st. Weigh in this morning was 197lbs.
  • Can I ask you a question, because I have heard rumours of this diet but never known of anyone who actually tried it. Is it true that they have you on 800 calories a day, but then you have to go into their office to get vitamin/mineral/supplement injections once or twice a week?
    in Dr. B Comment by Vanessa1969 May 2009
  • I'm a bit confused, sorry. Does our week of cardio end Thursday or Friday? Because we weigh in tomorrow, I thought it would end tonight. In the very first post, it mentions posting our cardio with our weigh in tomorrow. Can someone let me know? Look at that, my first challenge and I am already confused. :laugh:
  • I feel the same way. The only time I have been to gyms, they have been filled with very fit and slim men and women. I would be terrified. I am not the type of personality that can just ignore it and move on. I do plan on joining one at some point, but I am holding off until I lose a lot more weight and I am needing more in…
  • I had half a peanut butter and banana sandwich on whole wheat bread.
  • Thank you for your feedback and for sharing your experiences. It has helped me a great deal to know that so many other people suffered from them as well. It has also helped me to read up on the condition and to understand its physical cause. This topic was brought up on another forum that I am on recently, the person who…
  • I'm just wondering if anyone here suffers from either of these conditions, and if they were successful at determining what triggered them. I know that both are supposed to subside as you get older, but I have just gone through a run of them recently and I have just turned 40. They have not gotten worse the older I have…
  • Very sad. Nature isn't big on sharing.
  • One of the little tykes was screaming so loudly that I had to turn down the volume. The one at the front of the nest might be joining this site shortly. :laugh:
  • Shopping the perimeter of the grocery store and avoiding the aisles. No processed or prepared foods, lots of fresh fruit and veggies, unprocessed meats. Stuff that needs cooking from scratch.
  • I have read up on Alli as well, and the impression that I got was that it used negative motivation to get you to voluntarily change your diet. You either take the pills when you are supposed to and suffer extremely unpleasant side affects from high fat intake, you lower your fat intake and make changes to your diet in…
  • I have noticed a difference in my measurements in one week.
  • Isn't this the second time that their products have been in trouble? Weren't they pulling stuff a few years back because it contained an ingredient that is now banned? Sorry, I can't remember what it was called. 'All natural' doesn't mean that the stuff can't be dangerous. I hope that there are not more people sick and…
  • Weight: 203lbs Chest: 40.5 Waist: 39 Hips: 47.5 Left Thigh: 27 Right Thigh: 27 Left Calf: 17 Right Calf: 17 Left Arm: 14 Right Arm: 14 Goal weight for May 31st: 195lbs
  • Good luck, there really aren't any. Indian food uses a lot of clarified butter and dairy which is why it is considered such a rich food. Indian food is my absolute favourite, and I haven't had it in a long time because there really aren't any options unless you are prepared for it to be a treat.
  • This is an interesting thread. While I do agree that there are definite good points to what the trainer said, it is the 'my way or the highway' attitude that doesn't sit right with me. You are trying to adopt a new lifestyle, and it needs to be one that is realistic and that you feel comfortable adopting forever and not…
  • It depends on the type of suicidal thoughts that you have. Yes, I am sure that it has occurred to most people 'What if I weren't around anymore?', or 'People would be much better off without me.' types of things - including myself. Those thoughts sometimes can be just what they are, but in many, many people they do develop…
  • I know that you said that you don't want to be on drugs, and I understand completely where you are coming from because I am the same way, but you might want to consider taking something for them. I suffer from anxiety attacks, I have for years, and they will come and go. Last year I suffered from the worst one yet, I…
  • Here is a good website with feed products for livestock that list what types of ingredients are found in them, including hormones and antibiotics... Cattle…
  • First off, 'free range' doesn't mean that they go outside, it just means that they are not in cages. They can be free range and never see the light of day. Secondly, every single bite of livestock feed contains growth hormones and antibiotics, those things don't need to be administered directly by a vet. I have been around…
  • You have to take everything with a pinch of salt, even all those 'studies' done by the 'experts'. Every year new information becomes available that makes last years studies suspect. For every one thing wrong with soy, I could give you twenty things wrong with meat/dairy and yet the meat/dairy industry has been getting away…
  • Personally, I would wait until you can check with your doctor. In the meantime, you might be able to go for walks and keep it light, but I wouldn't do anything too intense until your doctor can give you the go ahead.
  • I would like to join too, please! :D
  • What they don't tell you is you eat the food in 2 hours each day, and exercise for another 20, which leaves you 2 hours for sleeping. Either that, or aliens have something to do with it. :drinker:
  • I have knee issues too, and I have to be so careful exercising. I want to push myself harder, but I know if I hurt myself it could prevent me from any activity for a long time so I just take it slowly. Hopefully the appointment goes well and you are recovering nicely.
  • Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you were weighing yourself every day, it's just that so many people have posted about how often they are unhappy with the results. If you leave it longer between weigh-ins, a bit of a treat now and then won't make people so upset. :happy: