Fallen to my darkest place yet!



  • mfpme
    mfpme Posts: 1,106 Member
    Dear Carrie6o6,

    Please seek professional help as soon as possible. Life is worth living. We all care about you.

  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Research PMDD.

    PreMenstrual Disforic Disorder... if you are on birth control YAZ treats this along with being a contraceptive.

    Good luck
  • Vanessa1969
    Vanessa1969 Posts: 144 Member
    I know that you said that you don't want to be on drugs, and I understand completely where you are coming from because I am the same way, but you might want to consider taking something for them.
    I suffer from anxiety attacks, I have for years, and they will come and go. Last year I suffered from the worst one yet, I really was convinced I was having a heart attack and almost went to the hospital. I couldn't take a deep breath, I had numbness in my hands and the most terrific pains in my chest and down my left arm. The next day I made an appointment with my doctor and found that it was a classic anxiety attack. She prescribed Lorazapam (same type of drug as Valium which is Diazapam) as a sedative.
    I took a couple for two days and it totally did the trick. One in the mid morning and one before bed for the next two days and I was totally fine. They are not something that you have to take every day, I have only taken one other pill since the original attack when I felt another severe attack coming on, they can be used only when you absolutely need them.
    Sedatives aren't going to be appropriate for every case of anxiety, it will be dependant on the type of attack that you suffer from. Also any narcotic, including sedatives, aren't for everyone as they are drugs that you will very easily become dependant on, and you will build up a resistance to them very quickly if they are taken on a frequent basis. Everyone knows what a classic abuse drug that Valium has become and that is why I have always been against them and have not taken them before. But, if you take them infrequently they can really be very beneficial. I haven't used them for almost six months now, but I am glad that I have them around in case I have another attack like the one last year.
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    Research PMDD.

    PreMenstrual Disforic Disorder... if you are on birth control YAZ treats this along with being a contraceptive.

    Good luck

    Thanks! I do have 10 of the symptoms.. but thats just your typical PMS :tongue:
  • sassekel
    sassekel Posts: 114 Member
    I agree with Vanessa, I suffered from panic disorder years ago and was prescribed anti depressants and a few valium for emergencies. The valium worked well for me but the other meds not so much. There are plenty of different options available, if you continue to suffer serious symtoms do yourself a favor and see your doctor let them know your feeling about meds, they will work with you on something that works for you personally. There is help available if you need it. good luck:flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Well Carrie, I am glad you had MFP to turn to.

    I am glad you are feeling better.

    You have done so well and now only have 27 pounds to lose.

    Shake it off, sit up straight-shoulders back, you had lovely arms and face!! Be proud, sweety!

    :heart: Jeannie
  • Rottiemama
    Girlfriend... I am just coming off of a 6 month bout with depression and panic attacks. They run in my family as well. Unfortunately I have passed them on to my 11 yr old son. I don't agree with meds at all but do some research on Amino acids. Check them out on vitamindiary.com. I lost 1 1/2 ft of my colon which is where sertiononis made believe it or not. If you are eating crappy food and get caught up in the cycle of cravings..you are getting little boosts of seritonon when you binge. I started taking 5-HTP which is an amino acid that makes Triptofan which in turn makes seritonin I went to a medical doc and as par for the couse he put me on some crazy tranquilers and a anti -convulsive med since I can't take anti=depressants..... I went zombie for a week....then I went to a naturopath.. she turned me onto the 5-HTP and I swear to you I felt the chest pounding and anxiety decrease in less than 1 hour. I haven't had a panic attack since. I was having them daily and they lasted most of the day. I too had suicidal thoughts even though I would never do it either, but I get the dark place you were dwelling.. I am not a religious person but I do belive in prayer and a higher power and I jut asked for help which led me to the naturopath. It is all natural stuff that your body makes that is usually used with a naturopath. I would highly reccomend one. feel free to email me and I would be happy to be a friend through this. I get it first hand. Believe it or not this just happened for me 2 wks ago with the naturopath and I am a changed woman!! Don't go conventional medicine...seek out natural remedies first!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    ....(right before TOM)... It has been my worst in the year I have been doing this!!

    I have basically been binging all week long! Any junk food I can find... I buy junk food... at the kitchen I work at I eat the fries, the pizza, the hummus! I go next door to the gas station which has AWESOME ice cream! I binge on my easter chocolate!! I have gone mad!!

    I have read all your other posts since the initial one, and I understand you are feeling a bit better, but one of the reasons I think your crash was so extreme---in addition to the seratonin levels mentioned by someone in a prior post--your blood sugar levels would be rising and falling like a roller coaster due to all the carbs and sugar in what you were binging on.

    In addition to all the other ideas presented, I suggest you monitor your mental and physical state when you are eating a healthier diet. I think you will find a connection and that, in turn can motivate you to get back on course and stay there.

    I had a bout of depression many years ago, and although my problem was transient, and I, like you, am not real enthusiastic about the medical profession, there are many things that have changed in the way depression, PMS, and related issues are treateed.

    If you can find a natureopathic doctor, you are more likely to get someone focused on nutiriton and the whole you, rather than someone who's first answer is to pop a pill. (The previous sentence was written before I read the post above this one, which was not yet visible when I started my message. It only reinforces my point.)

    If you continue to have suicidal thoughts, you MUST seek professional help. If you can't force yourself to visit a professional's office, at least call the number of your local mental health crisis line. Most areas have some sort of hotline you can call. Good luck to you. I hope you will continue to stay in touch w/MFP. We all care for you and wish you the best.
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    I live in the middle of no where where there is little to no help.

    I don't understand why everyone says the thought of suicide is so important! It has crossed my mind an uncountable amount of times as a child until now. NEVER will I act on it! I hardly ever think of it anymore... I just dont see what the big fuss about it is! Seriously! Is it NOT normal?? Tell me you havent thought about it at least once before! How uncommon is it? Is it not just human nature?

    I will monitor myself... But I wont ever see a doctor. I feel there is no need. We all have our ups and downs... It's normal! PMS is normal hahaha
  • Rottiemama
    I live in the middle of no where where there is little to no help.

    I don't understand why everyone says the thought of suicide is so important! It has crossed my mind an uncountable amount of times as a child until now. NEVER will I act on it! I hardly ever think of it anymore... I just dont see what the big fuss about it is! Seriously! Is it NOT normal?? Tell me you havent thought about it at least once before! How uncommon is it? Is it not just human nature?

    I will monitor myself... But I wont ever see a doctor. I feel there is no need. We all have our ups and downs... It's normal! PMS is normal hahaha

    Everyone's "normal" is different. I have thought about it like I am sure you have in passing like I feel so horrible some days it would be easier to manage if I wasn't here. I think that is your thought am I right? Not down to where you are planning it out. That is a BIG RED FLAG!! Research stuff about the amino acids please and you must have a health food store near you that you can purchase some of the stuff to treat amino acid deficiency. Don't let yourself wait too long. Healthy things are just around the corner!
  • Vanessa1969
    Vanessa1969 Posts: 144 Member
    I don't understand why everyone says the thought of suicide is so important! It has crossed my mind an uncountable amount of times as a child until now. NEVER will I act on it! I hardly ever think of it anymore... I just dont see what the big fuss about it is! Seriously! Is it NOT normal?? Tell me you havent thought about it at least once before! How uncommon is it? Is it not just human nature?

    It depends on the type of suicidal thoughts that you have. Yes, I am sure that it has occurred to most people 'What if I weren't around anymore?', or 'People would be much better off without me.' types of things - including myself.
    Those thoughts sometimes can be just what they are, but in many, many people they do develop into more serious thoughts of harming themselves. Sometimes they develop into thoughts of seriously harming others.
    So some things can be 'normal' or start off normal, but some can be very serious. And a lot of the drugs that are used for anti-anxiety and anti-depression can often cause those fairly innocent thoughts to turn into something far more serious outside of your control.
    Talk it over with someone, maybe choose a type of therapist who cannot prescribe meds but someone that you can just discuss things with. I understand your reluctance, because people in the medical profession are sometimes the first people to blow things way out of proportion, but there are alternatives that can be just as successful for you.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy.

    This thread has veered way too far from the basic purpose of this site.