RynoSada15 Member


  • That's me exactly. Easter weekend was filled with huge family dinners (4 in 3 days!) and chocolate. I was determined to get back on track on that Monday, but I ended up having a whole week filled with more binge eating and pounds of chocolate!!! I'm back on track now, but boy did it ever waylaid my weight loss :(
  • There's a lot of different ways you can go about this. What I did after Christmas was do a week long "natural foods" cleanse, eating as many fruits and veggies during the day as I could (smoothies and juicing them helps break them down so your body absorbs them faster), and very lean protein (ie chicken) at night with more…
  • oh dear I might have more than my share of chocolate treats this weekend...I LOVE chocolate especially cadbury mini eggs - obsessed lol! Chocolate is my achilles heel. And I have 4 Easter celebrations to go to, between Fri and Sat - I'm toast!
  • may 2nd AND it's my 30th......153 now, would love to see 145!
  • I don't think it matters. Some say it boosts your metabolism for the day to go in the morning, but I like to have my bigger meal at night because I find the evenings the hardest time to get through without snacking, so I like to work out in the afternoon to rev my metabolism for the night. Mostly it just depends on what…
  • Can't do any cardio because I just had knee surgery (IS there any cardio I can do with a diabled knee???:huh: ) But I did get in an upper body workout in today with my focus on arms, and completed my sports physio on my knee :)
  • I say take the weight loss as a jump start and log it!! Slowly reintroduce your calories and continue with exercise (when you feel up to it) and hopefully that 5 pounds will stay off :)
  • off topic - you look great, but I also LOVE your dress! :)
  • Lunges are awesome too, especially lunging up or down hill. I read Oxygen magazine and it is really great for exercises - shows pics for form and gives suggestions for workouts. They usually have an annual "glutes" addition that focuses completely on your butt!! And I think they have a website. It's great for motivation…
  • I have done a detox in the past. I know this seems to be a "hot topic" for some, but I think one that is balanced is not going to harm you. Some of the crazy ones (like drinking water with cayenne pepper and lemon and nothing else for a week to a month is nuts), I wouldn't recommend - that's just anorexia. I do believe…
  • I ran with my baby in the expedition and it is so smooth and easy to run with, injuries were not a concern. It's nice to take running time for yourself, but that doesn't always happen. It's a great way to get fresh air with the kids and let them see you as an active mother too!
  • I have the expedetion, and trust me, the swivel wheel is a amazing. If your front wheel doesn't swivel, then every time you turn you need to lift the whole stroller up on its back wheels and drag it right or left. My sister had a stroller with wheels that didn't swivel and she had lots of wrist problems. I use mine for all…
  • The only fitness magazine I read with regularity is Oxygen. Is has lots of motivational tips, different variations of exercises, success stories, and lots of clean eating, healthy recipes. It is great for those who are more intense fitness people and also for those who are starting out. I always rip out the recipes and…
  • You're beautiful! You must be a very strong person, and should be so proud of yourself.
  • I love cutting it into chuncks and making a bit of a stirfry - mix in bowl with a bit of EVOO, and choice of spices - salt, pepper, garlic, etc...I often will add peppers and/or mushrooms - and put on a skillet and saute til cooked.
  • That is my goal amount of weight and I continuously struggle with motivation...it seems like there is a ton of interest already, but if there is room I would love to join as well :)
  • You need to consume more calories, especially if you're exercising. However, drinking lots and lots of water will also help you to feel full - drink lots during meals and snacks, and in between. Having tea is also a way to help curb hunger and cravings between meals, and herbal teas are nice and can also be good for you.
  • no... you look amazing! no sagginess in your pic :) It's nice to know that hard work will help, and that there is hope:ohwell:
  • remember it's not just what the scale says, it's how you look and how your clothes fit! A lot of people ignore the number all together. Lifting weights in addition to cardio burns twice, if not more, calories, and continues to do so long after you're done exercising, as well as dramatically boosts metabolism. If you have…
  • Weighted step ups, cable kickbacks are also good. Plyometrics are an amazing way to blast fat anywhere, and most focus on lower body - leap frogs, squat jumps, scissor lunges, etc. Before my knee problems I was doing tons of plyometrics, and they're great because they also incoporate cardio, and are very challenging, and I…
  • My projected weight is 140 lbs in 5 weeks..would be happy if that "came true."
  • I'll try too...always need extra motivation, and easily discouraged...first official weigh in day Saturday morning, hope I see some results!