I gained it all back

Last week I set up a very good meal plan, eating small healthy meals 5 times a day, I had a good workout schedule and lost 8 pounds that week. But the problem is, I never felt full. I was always hungry, which lead to me eating huge unhealthy meals all weekend. I gained all the weight back and now I'm really upset. What do I do?


  • liftandcycle
    how many cals were you eating before?
  • ajarmstrong92
    I was eating about 1000 calories a day. All fruits and vegetables and chicken
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Pick a more realistic goal (-8 lbs/week is not realistic!) and the calorie count that'll let you achieve that goal. Your profile ticker says that you have 19 lbs to lose. With that low, I would go for half a pound per week. Enter your weight, and -.5 lb/week, and eat what it tells you.

    You'll get there -- you really will. But there isn't a 'quick fix', and the less weight you have to lose, the less likely there is to be a quick fix.

    The 8 lbs that disappeared on the scale was almost certainly all water/scale variation.
  • ajarmstrong92
    Do you have any advice on how to feel more full after eating? If I felt full I wouldn't have cravings like I do. I tried drinking lots of water but it just doesn't do it.
  • liftandcycle
    well first of all.. DO NOT eat 1000 cals a day... that's why you were hungry all the time... i eat 1400-1500 cals a day and have lost 12 lb thus far... you can add me and look at my diary, you can get an idea of what my diet looks like, I use to think I HAD to eat 1000 cals to lose weight yet, the second I started eating a little bit more cals I gained it all back... I eat chicken and protein bars and keep my carbs under control, I like to play around with my carbs, one week I'll eat a bit more carbs and the next I'll eat a little less, never cut them out completelly, I love my diet, Im never hungry, alot of people eat 1500-2000+ cals and lose weight, its not healthy to be eating 1000 cals and lets be honest you wont be able to eat 1000 cals for the rest of your life, look for a lifestyle change... adding your cals might make you gain at first but don't freak out b/c after a week you'll start losing, and you'll love your diet in the process... are you excersising?
  • liftandcycle
    The 8 lbs that disappeared on the scale was almost certainly all water/scale variation.

    ^^^ this..
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    It's only a week. A week is nothing. Start again, making sure you are eating enough that you don't get the urge to binge.
  • ajarmstrong92
    Yes I am, I run 3 miles a day along with weight training and an ab video. I usually eat a whey protein shake for breakfast, 2 cutie oranges for a mid morning snack, a bag of steamers veggies for lunch, a banana for a snack and a healthy choice tv dinner for supper.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    first eat more then that good god!!! Second eat a good amount of protein it will keep you full. Finally, what you lost is water weight....if you do it the right way, you will lose fat, not feel hungry and not gain it all back in a few days
  • liftandcycle
    you were running lifting weights, a vid and eating 1000 cals.. thats just crazy... just forget about that week and start again.. this time make sure you eat more and have protein in every meal if you can, it will keep you full for longer.. good luck!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    What everyone said. Eat more, way more! Set your weight loss goal to a half pound a week, take a whole bunch of photos from every angle in a bikini or your underwear for yourself, take measurements, and eat most of your exercise calories. Aim to go over your protein goal on here. It's too low.

    Take photos again in a few weeks and compare them. With as little as you want to lose, you'll probably reach your goal body LONG before you reach your goal weight... IF you do it right and don't try to starve yourself skinny. :smile:
  • Troyeee
    Troyeee Posts: 9
    The best advice I've gotten, and it's either from Dr. H, (The Biggest Loser) or Dr. Oz, is to eat slowly. It takes about 20 minutes for our bodies to recognize that we are eating and to release the hormones and chemicals that make us feel full and satisfied. So, when I can, I try to break my meal into two pieces. Eat the first half, and then wait about 15 minutes and eat the other half. Also, I will eat in front of the computer and read while I'm eating, which slows me down quite a bit. Often times I find that I get so distracted that my meal had gotten cold and I don't finish it. Also, add some extra fiber and have a large glass of water with your meal. Benefiber is nice because you can sprinkle it directly on your food and it doesn't really have a flavor and kind of just dissolves. Hope this helps.
  • tortoise73
    tortoise73 Posts: 8 Member
    My layperson opinion is similar to the others: EAT, woman! :laugh: Your sample menu was not only short on calories, but fat and protein as well, which help you feel full.

    I know it's counterintuitive to eat MORE when you aren't losing weight, but your body will slow down the weight loss if you don't feed it enough, and you will GAIN WEIGHT! This is an amazing function of our bodies and is exactly why people in famine conditions can survive without eating for weeks and sometimes even months on end: their bodies, sensing the lack of food, slow metabolism to conserve resources.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Where do people get the 1000-calorie figure from?????
  • Pugluvr1
    Pugluvr1 Posts: 8 Member
    I agree with what everyone else is telling you. I don't think what you ate that first week and the exercise you were doing is a wise lifestyle choice. You need to balance everything out better. Think about what you can continue easily and then eat a little less and move a little more.
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    Um I am literally having the same problem!!! I started working out 2months ago and my starting weight was 140 then I lost 5lbs then I gained it all back now im 140 again!!! But I do admit I tried sticking to Special K challenge of 1.400 cals a day and I still felt very hungry as most my meals were just a breakfast than just 1 meal bar for lunch and snacks till dinner time which was a real meal with real food. So by the time my diet cheat comes on the wkend I def. over do it and splurge everytime it hasnt failed. today is sunday and I regret to say yeaup it hasnt failed me! I have already had a bad breakfast of: 1bowl of cocoa pebbles (bad cereal) then 6 ritz crackers with nutella(chocolate crave got me today) then I had 1egg with a small sausage link. For a snack I had: A fruit and protein soy shake. THEN YEAUP THE REALLY BAD PART. I just finished a 3oz. bag of hot cheetos :( 2morrow its back on my diet for sure. and I know now not to let myself have ANY diet cheat days cuz I cant handle them. and yea But I dont want to feel like im starving. this blows!
  • mimstero
    mimstero Posts: 119 Member
    Absolutely eat more!!! You simply can't survive on that amount of calories, and it's definitely not good for your body. I was eating 1200 net calories after reaching my goal weight and put on five pounds. I met with a nutritionist who told me to eat a net 1600 calories and it's coming off again. Please...listen to all of these people.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    It doesn't sound like you are eating enough. And losing weight slowly increases the odds of it staying off.

    For the record, I eat 1500-1800 calories daily depending on how much I exercise. And I have a slower metabolism. I am down ~24 pounds since the first of the year (give or take a few days)
  • RynoSada15
    RynoSada15 Posts: 48 Member
    You need to consume more calories, especially if you're exercising. However, drinking lots and lots of water will also help you to feel full - drink lots during meals and snacks, and in between. Having tea is also a way to help curb hunger and cravings between meals, and herbal teas are nice and can also be good for you.
  • cannmac
    cannmac Posts: 5 Member
    probably not eating enough and your body will hold it. I eat breakfast ,lunch,snack,dinner and sometimes dessert. I try to keep around 1100-1200 cal. I don't withhold foods(love sweets) but I limit them so then I don't crave. 1-2 lbs a week is normal so don't stress too much. Stay strong,you can do it! :)