Question about Jogging Strollers

I recently started C35K, and I'm ready to take my jogging outside. I would like to get a jogging stroller so that I can take my kids with me when I run. My youngest is 2 1/2, and he is our last child. I don't want to spend a lot of money since I'm really not going to be using it for much longer.

I am unsure of what I should get. I am looking at a used Jeep Overland Music on the Move (the seller is asking $75, but I might be able to get it for less) and a new Baby Trend Expedition Jogger ($100) . The main difference is the front wheel is stationery in the Jeep version but the front wheel swivels. I'm reading the reviews, and am getting conflicting opinions. Are they really hard to steer when the front wheel doesn't swivel? I would think it is more sturdy for running with a stationery wheel (and the Baby Trend's front wheel will lock).

Help! Any opinions are appreciated!


  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    I have a BOB (the best stroller for running), and always LOCK the front wheel straight for my runs. When I have to take a 90degree turn in the neighborhood, I just lean the stroller onto one side wheel, and it turns much easier.

    I can't say anything for the stroller you're looking at though.

    EDITED TO ADD: I just ran 10 miles tonight, in high winds, with it. I NEVER unlock the front wheel so it swivels. Then again, I run in the bike path, not on sidewalks, where you may need to turn a lot.

  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Absolutely do NOT get one with a stationary front wheel. It's very hard to turn even if you're just walking. Jogging is out of the question. Get the good one that swivels in front. You wont regret it!
    Also, we use them on trails when we're hiking so that's another reason I prefer the front swivel. Happy Jogging!
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Okay, so I'm not much of a runner. I have a Baby Trend with a locking front wheel. We live on gravel, and I find that having the wheel unlocked makes it easier to maneuver on the gravel.

    BUT that likely doesn't apply to you. If you are running, jogging, walking quickly, I recommend getting a locking wheel. I know that speed walking sends my front wheel quivering if it's not locked on the pavement. I love having the ability to unlock it and take it places like the fair, though.

    Not sure how old the older kid is, but I have a giant 3 year old (just under 50 pounds and super tall), and he is shoulder-to-shoulder. When I squeeze his sister in beside them, their shoulders often touch, which sends them into wailing, squirming fits. I also deal with this in the bike trailer, which is what I use more often. So if you can, try to take the kids with you, maybe do a mini-jog session, and buckle them in to see how they fit. That's the best advice I can give. Good luck!
  • rgunn02
    rgunn02 Posts: 169 Member
    I don't know much about jogging strollers - even though I have 3 kids haha! I use my running time to be by myself and I love it!! My suggestion would be to wait until you've been running longer and have built up your strength and stamina before you add kids into the mix to avoid injury.

    Add me if you like!
  • mama_to_1
    mama_to_1 Posts: 45 Member
    i just got the baby trend expedition stroller and i love it. i was a little sceptical (sp?) because it was the cheapest (new) jogging stroller i could find but i absolutly love it. do not have one complaint about it (except it could have been made in prettier colors :tongue: ).
  • IRun4Me_12
    IRun4Me_12 Posts: 240 Member
    I don't know much about jogging strollers - even though I have 3 kids haha! I use my running time to be by myself and I love it!! My suggestion would be to wait until you've been running longer and have built up your strength and stamina before you add kids into the mix to avoid injury.

    Add me if you like!

    I like that idea, but sometimes I can't avoid taking my kids with me. My oldest is 7 - and he will be able to ride his bike. I went out for just a walk tonight with a friend, and pushing our big Graco was a PITA!
  • IRun4Me_12
    IRun4Me_12 Posts: 240 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input! I guess I'll talk it over with the hubby :)
  • RynoSada15
    RynoSada15 Posts: 48 Member
    I have the expedetion, and trust me, the swivel wheel is a amazing. If your front wheel doesn't swivel, then every time you turn you need to lift the whole stroller up on its back wheels and drag it right or left. My sister had a stroller with wheels that didn't swivel and she had lots of wrist problems. I use mine for all things, not just running/walking, but out and about in the mall etc, and it is so EASY when moving around tight spots (in spite of it being a ittle bigger).
  • RynoSada15
    RynoSada15 Posts: 48 Member
    I don't know much about jogging strollers - even though I have 3 kids haha! I use my running time to be by myself and I love it!! My suggestion would be to wait until you've been running longer and have built up your strength and stamina before you add kids into the mix to avoid injury.

    Add me if you like!

    I like that idea, but sometimes I can't avoid taking my kids with me. My oldest is 7 - and he will be able to ride his bike. I went out for just a walk tonight with a friend, and pushing our big Graco was a PITA!

    I ran with my baby in the expedition and it is so smooth and easy to run with, injuries were not a concern. It's nice to take running time for yourself, but that doesn't always happen. It's a great way to get fresh air with the kids and let them see you as an active mother too!
  • rgunn02
    rgunn02 Posts: 169 Member
    I don't know much about jogging strollers - even though I have 3 kids haha! I use my running time to be by myself and I love it!! My suggestion would be to wait until you've been running longer and have built up your strength and stamina before you add kids into the mix to avoid injury.

    Add me if you like!

    I like that idea, but sometimes I can't avoid taking my kids with me. My oldest is 7 - and he will be able to ride his bike. I went out for just a walk tonight with a friend, and pushing our big Graco was a PITA!

    I ran with my baby in the expedition and it is so smooth and easy to run with, injuries were not a concern. It's nice to take running time for yourself, but that doesn't always happen. It's a great way to get fresh air with the kids and let them see you as an active mother too!

    I just make it happen :) My kids are 9, 6, and 3 and I've been running for 1yr+ now and I've never taken them with me - and I'm currently running 5 days a week in preparation for a half. My kids know I'm active. They see me going/coming back from runs, and play (fight/wrestle etc....) in the basement while I do weights, and if they have a day off school on a swimming day, I make them sit on the side during my swim - which they HATE! lol!
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    It depends what you plan to do. Locked wheel is a must if you plan on running only. If you will use it for other things the unlocked wheel would work. Also, it's not that hard to turn one with a locked wheel. We have a BOB stroller with the stationary wheel. I use it all over the place. The only time the stationary wheel is an issue is in large crowds.
  • corps9499
    I have a Dreamer Design jogging stroller, which I absolutely LOVE. Unfortunately, this company has closed the stroller division and no longer makes them. You might be able to find one on Craigslist or Ebay or a consignment shop/mom-2-mom sale, though. I highly recommend it if you can find one. I think the model I have is called the Manhattan Deluxe. LOVE that thing!