Good exercises for lower body?

Hi All,

I go to the gym regularly, and am very happy with my upper body, from natural waist (2" above belly button) up (I actually think my shoulders and ribs are looking a little bony.)

I still have 15 pounds that I want to lose, but I'm wondering if there are any specific exercises that I could do to trim down my lower body - Areas of concern are lower abs and obliques, butt, and thighs. . . . I've been doing curtsy squats, lunges, lunges with knee lifts, a plethora of ab exercises (leg lifts, crunches, planks, side planks, crunches with lifted legs and arms overhead. . . Etc. . . ) Any additional awesome things I could learn would be great.

It would be lovely if the weight would come off equally on all areas of my body, but evidently that's not the case.


  • Robide
    Robide Posts: 101 Member
    Squats and deadlifts are your friends here.

    You're probably getting to a point if you are using just your bodyweight where you cant progress any more without incorporating weights, or lifting heavier weights.

    Check out the New Rules of Lifting as a great place to start.
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    alternating supermans are excellent compliment to planks.
  • RynoSada15
    RynoSada15 Posts: 48 Member
    Weighted step ups, cable kickbacks are also good. Plyometrics are an amazing way to blast fat anywhere, and most focus on lower body - leap frogs, squat jumps, scissor lunges, etc. Before my knee problems I was doing tons of plyometrics, and they're great because they also incoporate cardio, and are very challenging, and I was seeing results. Oxygen mag is one fitness mag that I read regularly and they sometimes put out a "Glutes" edition, and always have tons of exercise ideas, as well as clean eating meal ideas, if you're looking for another resource.
  • ElementalMoe
    ElementalMoe Posts: 186 Member
    Thanks! That helps. I think I also need to do more sets. .

    I read on a fitness site that adding weights will cause your muscles to bulk, and then the area you're targeting will get bigger (granted, bigger with muscle, but still bigger), but it you do more sets with no weights, then it will help you slim down in those areas - Do you think that's true?
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    Thanks! That helps. I think I also need to do more sets. .

    I read on a fitness site that adding weights will cause your muscles to bulk, and then the area you're targeting will get bigger (granted, bigger with muscle, but still bigger), but it you do more sets with no weights, then it will help you slim down in those areas - Do you think that's true?

    Nope, women don't bulk. It takes serious, concentrated effort in the form of a calorie surplus diet to build muscle. Don't worry about it!