spayne_4 Member


  • Wow! Be very PROUD!! You look amazing!! :O)
  • Hey I have 3 kids as well ages 5, 3, and 18 months. How old are yours. Welcome to MFP! I still have about 34 lbs. to go!!
  • Yup I have 3 kiddos! a 5 year old boy, 3 year old boy, and our 18 month old daughter! I'll send you a friend request :O)
  • Well I had to look for another INSANITY groupd since the other one I had joined the main person found out she was pregnant so stopped and everyone kind of followed. I hope that I can still join in for some extra motivation. I started August 29th and so I actually am on week 4 recovery week!!! YAY!! And finish my first 30…
  • Starting Insanity today and I am way EXCITED!! Great thread you started! After having my gall bladder surgery and being on vacation I am ready to get back into the swing of things and get rid of the 5 lbs. gained and keep going towards my main goal! Hoping for motivation but sure I'll find it here :O) Excellent work…
  • Wow!! Everyone is amazing doing there days or P90X and staying consistent!! I'm on day 10 and tonight will be doing Shoulders and Arms + Ab ripperX. I've already had a decent run this morning and excited for tonight. I had to go some heavier weights so it's gonna be tougher but hopefully worth it!! I am worried because I…
  • I am on day 3 today. I was also curious of anyone who is doing it using MFP. I bought mine second hand and so don't have the nutrition plan and drinks. I am wondering if that will make a difference. Either way they are a workout and staying within calories should still work..... We'll see how it goes. I had been doing…
  • Stay at home mom of 3! :O) It is hard to workout with little ones but I try and do my best to workout while they are having breakfast because they distracted. I also run in the mornings before they wake up or after they go to bed. I love doing my Zumba game on the kinect which my kids like to play as well so they have fun…
  • At ome time I read a post with a link about a woman talking about losing inches but not pounds. She kept at her weight but began fitting in size 10's, 8's, 6', and was almost into a size 4 pants at the same weight. She even had pictures to go along with it. She wanted people to not be discouraged because it happened. I…
  • open your food diary so we can see.....
  • ahh... this is so hard when you have so much to do!! I know people who say what you stay at home all day?? How do you not have the time?? but seriously time FLIES!! And there IS so much to do!! Anyway, I have three little ones all under four so I understand!! Since I started MFP and working out it has been something that I…
  • Thank you thank you for your reasons!! I think the thread that was posted help as well as your comments! So public it will go. Thanks all
  • i tried to do it everyday but sundays. I was also doing Zumba and walking as well. So I would make sure if I felt tired and sore that I rested 2-3 times a week. I agree with a comment above. I lost more inches than weight and it was noticable about 3-4 days after I started. You are supposed to do it everyday but more…
  • Okay that helps a lot thank you !! I will check the site out now! Wow a prescription eh?? wow! I will add you thanks
  • hmm... what sport store would be the best to go to? I was wondering if I could go get fitted and was thinking of doing so. I think we have a Big 5 here and sports authority. I'll check thanks!
  • Way to go in taking that step... It's a journey not easy to make but friend me and I'd be happy to encourage you! I know it's crazy finding time with kids. I have 3 and boy is it hard. But it's a steady and slow thing that I hope to continue but reach my goal one day!
  • on Dr. Oz last week I he said it took 58 minutes to burn even 100 calories doing it.... And cleaning (actually cleaning lol) you could do about 28 minutes and burn the same 100 calories. ha ha good post though :O)
  • What I just LOVE to do is get half the serving size of my ranch dressing so 1 Tbsp. and then I add some lemon juice (fresh or bottle works). That way I enjoy my dressing but less calories. The juice gives my whole salad a different taste and the ranch seems to cover a lot more!! I of course love lemon juice on everything…
  • Okay thanks you for the help! I'm really looking forward to working on this DVD because I've heard some AWESOME reviews!
  • On Day 3 of the shred (started early) and taking it day by day, but I FEEL so great accomplishing each day. I am hoping not to get lazy or tired and give up. I do feel my clothes a bit loose (YAY!!) and apart from that I do some Zumba and walking so hoping to see some GREAT results!! Let's keep up the good work this month!!