Reasons for making (or not) your food diary public?

I'm wondering what reasons you have for making your food diary public (those of you with open diaries) or not (those of you with closed diaries). I'm just trying to decide if I should make mine or not. Thanks for your reasons and help :O)


  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I keep mine public because I need accountability. I know there are a few people on my friends list who will check my diary and tell me what's up if they see something they know I should fix. Also, if I have a problem losing & can't figure it out (or am in denial), I'll post asking for help and then I don't have to make it public everytime I do this (I've posted at least 4x doing this -- lol). Also, I like to be able to help others figure out new ways to eat foods or come up with different combinations, as I like to see others' diaries for this same reason.
  • SaraEWrig
    SaraEWrig Posts: 88 Member
    That same thread convinved me, too!
  • melissa1977
    melissa1977 Posts: 129 Member
    I keep mine public just in case my buddies can spot a problem if I start complaining and don't know what's wrong.
  • Sara7Taylor
    Sara7Taylor Posts: 112 Member
    I also like the accountability. It keeps me honest when recording food in my Diary. So Keeping it open works well for me. :)
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Mine is available to my support buddies. I enjoy looking at my "friends" diaries, it helps me look for new items to try.
  • Belle_Fille
    because its harder to cheat when everyone can see what your eating! i need someone to keep me in line!
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    Mine is viewable to friends mostly for accountability, but also to give others a chance to peek at what I eat, because I definitely peek at what some of my friends are eating. I like to see what other kind of food options I may have and to compare what I eat to what other people eat. If one of my friends is consistantly losing every week I will sometimes check in on their diary to see the choices they make, and since I check on their's I keep mine available for them to check in on me.
  • spayne_4
    spayne_4 Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you thank you for your reasons!! I think the thread that was posted help as well as your comments! So public it will go. Thanks all
  • amysambora
    Mine is private. I've never really thought about opening it up, maybe I should...I just thought I'd confuse people :) I always do it one day in advance, then I often chop and change things...I also log every single little thing (ie every splash of milk in my tea etc), and often out of order, so people would probably have trouble figuring out exactly what it is I'm eating. I also hit the 'complete' button numerous times a day once I change stuff, so my friends would constantly be getting notifications that I'd completed it lol!
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I also hit the 'complete' button numerous times a day once I change stuff, so my friends would constantly be getting notifications that I'd completed it lol!

    I think it only notifies once! I sometimes add things late at night if I've been munching, but I never see multiple notifications :smile:

    I keep mine open because I think it's only fair - I peek at others' all the time for menu ideas, so I should have mine public in kind, right? It also gives accountability, and hopefully helps others! :happy:
  • jojuvanlaanen
    jojuvanlaanen Posts: 29 Member
    haha... I wonder if this thread was a coincidence, since I just made my diary public and got BASHED, lol... :) But I learned what I'm doing wrong, and because of that I'm happy I did it. :)
  • amysambora
    haha... I wonder if this thread was a coincidence, since I just made my diary public and got BASHED, lol... :) But I learned what I'm doing wrong, and because of that I'm happy I did it. :)

    I don't think you got bashed! It was probably just a bit of a shock for you, but everyone here is very supportive and just wanted to help you out :)
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I keep mine private mostly because I'm a private person. Much in the same way I don't like working out around other people (I much prefer my fitness center at my apartment over the gym for this reason) or even shopping with other people, I just like to be able to pick and choose what I share.

    I already know that I eat more processed food than I really should, partially because of time, partially because of cost. I also go over my sodium more than I should, but I've never noticed myself being bloated or feeling like I have "water weight", even during TOM. Which is probably a result of the fact that I drink water from the moment I wake up to the time I go to sleep (I always have) - half or more of which I never log because I just don't think about it.

    The way I see it, ultimately, the only person I have to be accountable to is myself. If I were to ever lie or not log something, no one looking at my food diary would know that looking from the outside, only I can know that. So as long as I'm being honest with myself and logging every single thing I eat and being truthful in what's logged, that's all that really matters. Having other people looking at it and judging me based on what I've entered isn't going to do anything for me.

    If something seems to not be working or I hit a stall, I hit the internet, do some research and move on from there. I've lost 43 pounds, five pants sizes, made it through two plateaus, have gone from barely being able to jog for a minute to jogging 30 minutes without a single pause (and felt like I could keep going) and have invented so many new recipes that friends and family have been begging me to start a blog for them all for months, so I figure I must be doing something right. lol
  • SyreetaJayne1
    because its harder to cheat when everyone can see what your eating! i need someone to keep me in line!

    Exactly!!! :laugh:
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I've had mine public since I joined MFP, but I honestly am debating making it private.

    I've had a lot of success with my weight loss (a lot of which was not due to MFP or food logging) and I love encouraging and helping people, but lately I've felt a bit stalked, lol. (There is no way to not make me sound crazy, lol).

    I know none of my friends here mean any harm, but sometimes I feel so looked up to (which is still a very weird concept for me to wrap my mind around) that I put pressure on myself and stress out if I don't have a 'perfect' eating day. It's silly because I'm worried what people are going to think of my food diary.

    Ultimately, I know it's my problem for feeling this way, but I'm debating whether or not I should make the diary private to take the pressure off. For me, I don't need the accountability from others. I am and have been accountable to myself for how I eat. I've only kept it public to help others up to this point.

    I love helping people and want to whenever I am able, but not at the expense of my own progress if it starts interfering.
  • frankbo25
    frankbo25 Posts: 206 Member
    Accountability. Also it gives some people an idea of how I eat so that maybe they can get an idea of what i am doing to maintain my weightloss and also they can give me ideas based on what they see. Last reason is : why not? I have nothing to hide :)
  • xyz6789
    xyz6789 Posts: 43
    I keep mine private only because I'm keeping track of what I eat for "me". I'm only trying to maintain and possible gain a few pounds of muscle. I've never had a problem with my weight except for putting it on. It sounds crazy but I weigh the same as i did in high school. Only difference is my body fat isn't as low as it used to be...but working on that now.
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    mine is totally public, for accountability because I used to have portion control issues bad and because i read somewhere that people who keep a list of what they eat weigh less than those who don't and people who "share' the list by posting it online or whatever weigh even less
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    When I first joined, I had no friends or anything, so no reason to make it public. But I haven't changed it now that I do. I don't need anybody else to keep me accountable- I'm accountable to myself. I don't need to feel like I need to make excuses for why I ate something- why I went out for lunch with friends or why I went to the drive through for dinner or why I ate a piece of chocolate or whatever. And the comments that people might make on such things would drive me crazy- whether it is an encouraging "its ok that you ate xxx, just do better tomorrow!" or "don't eat that" I wouldn't want any of it.

    I don't think that my eating habits are so great that I could possibly help anybody, so it isn't like that is a motivation for me to make it public, either.

    I think that if it is going to cause you to stress and not be honest with your logging, keep it private. If it will force you to be honest because people are watching, make it public or friends only. Whatever is best for you is what you should do.

    Edit: Actually, wolfchild said it perfectly. I'm exactly the same way.