sarahcuddle Member


  • Some really great comments. I was not really referring to the people who eat the same TYPES of food every day. we all eat fruit, veg, meat etc but some people eat exactly the same meals, every day. The point I was trying to make was if you eat the same food, the same meals exactly, every day, you may lose weight but are…
  • You have both done such an amazing thing, not only for yourselves but for your family too. Think how many active things you can all do together as your children get older. So well done, an inspiration ;D
  • I cook ... always. If I didn't I think we'd starve or live off frozen meals - lol. Actually it works because I like to cook and he doesn't. He takes his share of other household stuff though and does all the ironing so I'm not complaining :)
  • I love Hairy dieters cookbook and use it loads. I still have 30lb to go and have found weight loss has stalled. I have increased my calories by 200cals/day to see if that will help. I have been doing this for 2 weeks, the first week i stayed the same, the second week, this week I lost 1.2lb. I'm going to give it another 2…
  • I would suggest getting a HRM so you know that your calorie burns are accurate. That way, you will not be overeating. Also I use the app on my phone which has weekly targets so I can average out any 'over' days with some 'under' days. I think sometimes it's good to eat a lot one day then much less on another day. More or…
  • I need a push sometimes too but mfp is a great tool to use. Sending a friend request to both of you. I'm up in Manchester, UK
  • I have nearly the same stats as you. I weigh 169 and am 5 ft 3". Have been using 1220 and eating exercise calories back but it's not working and I have hit a plateau. I have just upped mine to 1400 ( based on TDEE -20% not including exercise) and will eat exercise calories back. I prefer to do it this way because my…
  • Another reason to eat more protein is that it tends to fill you up better, and leave less calories left for unhealthy calorific carb-laden snacks!
  • It's your food intake that's making you put on weight, you know that you have to sort that out first. Ditch the junk and get organised. Cook yourself healthy meals and take your own lunches when you go out. Ten pounds in 4 weeks isn't realistic, if you've done this before, you know that already. Don't let it slide or more…
  • Best if you measure your burn with a heart rate monitor but before I got one i used to log it as circuit training. Hope that helps Sarah
  • Snowing in Manchester too. This site really works, surround yourself with like minded people and try to log in everyday. Very soon you'll be changing your name to Whosthatfitguy! Sarah - yeah thinking of changing my name too - don't know what posessed me - lol
  • I have just got a polar FT4 in the last few weeks and it's great. I use it for running and swimming in the pool too. It's fine as long as you don't press the buttons underwater. The reason you have to send it ack to get the battery changed is to guarantee the water resistance, if you change it yourself, it probably…
  • Manchester too, but I have family in the North East and I'm definitely a northerner :)
  • I will always be a swimmer first, it's what I'm good at but last summer I did the couch to 5k programme, and yes, running does make me smile, probably more on a nice sunny day than at the moment :). I really don't understand people who would do an exercise they didn't enjoy? What's the point? Find something you do enjoy…
  • If he is doing walking or running outside and has a smartphone with GPS, endomondo is really good and the calories burnt go staight to mfp. There is no need for a chest strap and you just press GO on the app. No good for other exercises or using a treadmill though.
  • I found the same and I have had much better success losing weight on here. I think the support is better too
  • Whitefield, just up the road!
  • Overnight oatmeal. The most disgusting thing I have ever tasted. Like wallpaper paste!
  • It's only really useful when you get to the end of the week and all your days are filled in! You have your net calorie goal each day, and the total is just a weeks worth (7 days). The net calories are the calories you eat minus the exercise calories. I find the graph useful to see where I am up to in the week and if i've…
  • I am not anti drinking and I enjoy a glass of wine occasionally myself but you really need to alter a habit that has you drinking half a bottle or more a night. It's not just for weight reasons, although obviously that is a factor, but that level of alcohol consumption every day will eventually lead you to liver disease. I…
  • I am still 30lbs overweight so I like to see both go down but I would qualify that by saying that it's the fat you can't see that is the most dangerous to your health. Even someone of a normal bodyweight on the scale who doesn't exercise or eat right can have lots of visceral fat, that is fat around your organs. This fat…
  • You are doing really well! Just think about the progress you've made and where you want to be before you reach for the snacks. Easy to say, I know, and not that easy to do. I have the same issues of evening snacking. When I started MFP I said after I close my diary after my dinner (about 7pm) I would not eat anything else…
  • Sometimes i just cook a chicken breast and either cut it up to add to the soup or eat it with it. The protein is more satisfying than bread
  • It's a scary thing. I think i must be pre-diabetic but I have been too scared to find out. I had gestational diabetes with my last pregnancy (5 years ago) and I am supposed to have a glucose tolerance test every year but I have avoided them. I have lost weight first with weightwatchers and now with MFP and have just come…
  • I'm taller than you 5'3" but as of this morning I weigh 169lb. Trying to get down to 140lb in the first instance anyway
  • Vancouver. Loved it when I visited there
  • When I started I just used mfp and the number of mins run (5mph) and walking (brisk pace). You can track your total distance using something like a walking route planner online if you want to accurate about the pace but it would just be an overall estimate. Now I have a smartphone (birthday pressie ) and use endomondo…
  • These people know what they are talking about. You didn't gain the weight overnight and you can't expect to lose it overnight either. Try small changes to your diet and move more, track what you are eating on here and stick to your calorie goal and you will lose weight.
  • Don't know where you heard that but it's probably wishful thinking :)
  • Obviously keep a close check on calories to make sure you are not slipping but starting 30 day shred and doing more vigorous exercise helped me to break a plateau. Just try something different, something that makes you feel like you've really exercised if you know what I mean. Oh and I'm from Manchester too, Manchester…