Could anyone explain the 'weekly net calories' please :)?

I'm not great at understanding things like this... What is the weekly net calories part of the app? For me right now it says 7825 Net Calories Under Weekly Goal.

Could anyone shed any light on this?? Thanks! :-)


  • LMick1986
    You're eating way under your daily calorie it creates a much bigger weekly deficit. That's all. I actually love that portion of the app! For example, my daily goal is set at 1200. If I have a rough day and eat at 1500, I don't panic and think everything is shot. Most days I'm under 1200 by about 50-100ish. Soooo, that gives me more wiggle room for the week and I'm still able to lose weight because I'm still at that weight loss deficit that MFP set for me. It's just another way of looking and tracking where you're at.
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    It's only really useful when you get to the end of the week and all your days are filled in! You have your net calorie goal each day, and the total is just a weeks worth (7 days). The net calories are the calories you eat minus the exercise calories. I find the graph useful to see where I am up to in the week and if i've been over a couple of days I know to cut back a bit,
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    it is the total from your daily calorie goal over the week.

    so if you have your mfp calories at 1500 per day and you were to eat 1500 calories as net after exercise etc.
    then your weekly net calories would be 10500 (1500 x 7 days)
    if you had it set at 1500 but you only netted 1000/day it would say 3500 calories under weekly goal - as you had not eaten all the calories you could have.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    A lot of people like to track for the week, not just for the day. For example, I have a 1,000 calorie workout I do twice a week. I like to divide those extra calories over 2 days because it is easier on my stomach that way. However, if I only use the daily function, I am dramatically under one day and dramatically over the next. The weekly tracker allows me to see that I am doing well over time.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    So, lets say I had to go out for a meal at the weekend, I could watch my weekly calorie log to make the meal fit in with the rest of my diet?
  • guiletur
    guiletur Posts: 7 Member
    The net calories are the difference between the calories you consumed with food and the ones you burned working out in a day. The net calories must be below your calories intake goal if you intend to get thinner. So the weekly net calories are the sum of the net calories you achieved each day during the week. So the weekly net calories must be under your weekly calories intake sum in order to you get thinner. The cool thing is that if you manage to get more than 7000 kcal in a week means that you lost one Kilogram.
  • jimmychoo_suz
    jimmychoo_suz Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm new to the site - could someone please explain how I view the total weekly calories as I can only seem to find daily listings?! I know it's probably totally obvious, but can't for the life of me find it!

  • LMick1986
    Hi, I'm new to the site - could someone please explain how I view the total weekly calories as I can only seem to find daily listings?! I know it's probably totally obvious, but can't for the life of me find it!


    If you have the app, it's on the main that reads Weekly.
  • Boolietta
    Boolietta Posts: 12 Member
    That's how I approach it. I try to stick to my daily goals & always keep an eye on protein intake etc but I consider my weekly log to be more important when it comes to energy in/out. I don't beat myself up if I go a bit over 1 or 2 days as long as I balance it out during the rest of the week. Whatever works for you :)
  • LMick1986
    And I'm a dumbhead! I didn't even think that it's only Tuesday now! So of course it will read way below. To answer your question, yes. It just helps you average out through the week. So if you ate at a restaurant and went quite a bit over today, you can balance it out through the rest of the week and still lose weight.
  • jimmychoo_suz
    jimmychoo_suz Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm new to the site - could someone please explain how I view the total weekly calories as I can only seem to find daily listings?! I know it's probably totally obvious, but can't for the life of me find it!


    If you have the app, it's on the main that reads Weekly.

    Thanks for the reply - I'm viewing on Windows phone and have the app but still can't seem to see it. Never mind, I'll stick with the daily count!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    So, lets say I had to go out for a meal at the weekend, I could watch my weekly calorie log to make the meal fit in with the rest of my diet?

  • LMick1986
    Thanks for the reply - I'm viewing on Windows phone and have the app but still can't seem to see it. Never mind, I'll stick with the daily count!

    Oooohh...ok. I don't think the Windows Phone app has that. I think yours looks pretty much just like the site does from your computer? So you can get reports, but it won't look or be like the one that's being discussed here. You can always do the math yourself though.....or just know that if you're under every day, you can probably splurge a little more towards the end of the week and still be just fine. :)