

  • So glad to see this challenge. I hv messed around for about 3 mths, waiting to have that resolve to stay with it. So break is over and ready to start afresh. I officially started back on low carbs yesterday, the day after thanksgiving. All Thursday night I cringed as I knew what was ahead of me if I didn't do…
  • first bump EVER! Thanks!
  • So now oxygen is bad, lol tell all us who regularly meditate lol.. Seriously, I am glad you did the research, cause I was afraid to. It's been a crouch for me :) As far as hot or cold, I only used it cold and it is much better than splenda or stevia. Howerver, if I use .25 tsp it is great. A bit of sweetness no after…
  • Low sodium was a major issue when I first started LC. I am now eating so wholesome that I wasn't getting the sodium and my electrolytes were off. I refused to add more salt to my plate because I don't want our kids to see me do this. So I started adding a pinch of salt to ea glass of water and I tracked that too and still…
  • Wow! Just leaned something here...I thought all coconuts tasted the same..thx I use nature's way and I love the smell and taste. I use it in my toast and I am in heaven, plus my smoothies. Howerver, a few mths a go, I started to hate it! I thought something was wrong with me, then I starts to think that maybe the oil went…
  • Thanks darrcn5, I am glad I saw your post because I hv been LC x 4 mths. I hv added a very small amount of carbs. First berries, then 1/3 c brown rice. Now - 1/2 slice sprouted organic bread and this is where I will stop. I hv noticed my energy level has improved, my appetite for food has returned (which I do like, but…
  • Oops I meant... If it were easy, it wouldn't be worth it :D
  • We are determined! We will get the system right. If we're easy, it wouldn't be easy ;)
  • Thank you all sooooo much ((((hug)))) I needed all your words of support and understanding my frustrations. My doc said she can't help and isn't giving up and believes me, yeah, I feel so validated. I hv an appt fri w the neurologist. I feel emo just thinking about she going to be supportive, proactive or make me…
  • I agree w Robin...I don't usually plan it, ,it just happens ;) howerver, I do know wht will through me out and what will stall it a little. When I stall it, usually in 8 hours it is back. Howerver when I totally get out of ketosis it seems to take a day and a half to get back into ketosis if I am reading the sticks right.…
  • I am not a cooked veggie person, so I make soups, salads and smoothies to get my veggies. Lentil veg soup w chicken broth...vary little lentil Cauliflower soup w chicken broth Broccoli soup w cheese Zucchini & cilantro soup All my soups are blended, can't stand the chunky'ness Salads are self explanatory Smoothies...always…
  • When I searched veggie chips I came up w a lot of temp variances. What's the ideal temp? I baked mine at 225'F, it took a long time. I was thinking of trying the baking method of 400 x 20 min then decreasing to 200'. Does anyone hv an oppion on this. Note..I dont hv a slicer thingy, so I used a peeler and made long strips.…
  • Hi Becca! A new baby! Great! I know easy to say since two are grown and one in HS...they do grow up, so enjoy each's wonderful that you are working so hard to take care of yourself and your baby. Some people hv more than you and do do nearly as much as be proud! My mom and I were so poor, very much like…
  • Please enlighten do u cook what you slice? I am working on learning to enjoy veggies, so anything that can help with this will be greatly appreciated :love:
  • You guys are great and I thank you for reading between the lines of what I was asking...I never meant to seek medical advice, rather net carb consumption was more of what I was getting at. :flowerforyou: Dear Moderater, I think I got away from what I wanted to know, by giving my history which has been so frustrating..just…
  • Thanks, bring my own tortillas is a great idea and easy enough to do ;)
  • Alright girlfriend! wTG!
  • That is so interesting...thanks for not googeling it! I would of missed this ;) My big thing is my old tried and try veg soup is way too sweet now. I now see why cabbage is used in soup. The onions are so sweet! Even the zucchini! So I will try cutting down on onions and try a bit of cabbage. I never could eat it before…
  • I am an open book too. I keep my net carbs about 20-30 per day. I would love Adding friends too :) Kim
  • I have been advices to add a pinch of salt into ea glass of water since I am not getting all that extra sodium from eating out. It has made a huge difference w my electrolytes wo using a chemical packed sports drink. I flavor mine w a bit of lemon juice or very weak tea.. Even w the extra salt my sodim values on MFP Are…
    in Milk Comment by kimmbird July 2012
  • Same thing happened to me last night but from eating two Atkins peanut butter cups. I took these w me for a movie treat. I had no idea it would be that bad. Maybe they slipped some cabbage in ;)
  • This place is full of great info! Just this last week I went to chilis and decided to hv steak rather than my normal fajita. Bad idea, the plate came w only the steak, no broccoli for me yuk ;( so I subed w a salad. It was on another plate :( add shrimp, it was on even another plate. It was so miserable looking as I…
  • Also, remember the first/fast dropping of weight was mostly water with some fat for good measure. Then the water loss drops off and u continue to lose some fat. At some point as I understand, the body will slowly start to replace some of that losed water, while you can also lose fat at the same time, which IMHO is when I…
    in stall? Comment by kimmbird July 2012
  • My normal braking fast was just like what u had and worse...full of carbs, which I hv learned doesn't work for me! So, I hv made a lot of changes this Ramadan and doing much better. For me, I suggest to keep your diet as close to normal. Add a pinch of salt in ea glass of water (if you eat a healthy natural low salt diet.…
  • Thanks everyone. I hv been putting in a pinch of salt in every 8oz I drink which equals to 2-4 liters per day. I am feeling much better and I am only thirsty when its time for my next glass of water. I am also taking a mineral supplement along w my multi vit.
  • I love the idea of a cheat day, however I know it would become a daily thing. I love th idea of special occasions. For me that use to mean chocolate cake, not it means a big bowl of cherries or berries w whip cream! Chocolate cake makes me feel yukky! That's not cheating, it is down right crazy for me. I will OD on sweets,…
  • Hang in there, you hv a lot of great support and advice here. Remember all the good you are doing for your wonderful body. You are doing something great! I love mstorvik's suggestion to use the crash as a great excuse to eat fruit...I miss fruit so badly, however I treat myself with an once of berries when I feel my body…
  • Hi Vickie, what's the deal about alkaline water? I drink 64-90 oz / 4 lt of water and I am still thirsty, ugh.
  • Has anyone had their taste buds chg. just 5 weeks ago, my nutritionist couldn't get me to eat a cooked veg for anything. I am now eating them! Amazing! And how about how sweet food is! I have to cut down on ow much onion I use in my cooking because it is just too sweet!
  • Yeah! Itsnt that wonderful! The same thing happened to me and that is when I knew this was my new way of life! I had a donut encounter too. They looked yummy..I put my nose in to smell, pulled back and thought to myself..yuk, I know what those taste like, closed the box wo any regret :) DeadVim, i hike and last week I only…