thank you much!!
I get dizzy too...but this kind of headache is different!! Its in the very back of my head and very sharp. I had serious knee problems too at the beginning. I finally have my knees feeling better. Good for you for pushing through though! I hope i can get back in the saddle tomorrow!
Thank you...i will try to get to the doctor as soon as possible..or get medical advice thats for sure. Maybe i should just stick to level 1 and add yoga or going for a walk to my excercise routine. And yes..only during excercise. Its deffinitely in my head though..not my neck. I especially get it when im half way through…
Im on day 17... took a day off today for health reasons. Buttttt ive lost five lbs and two inches around my waist already!
Really? But if it doesnt stay around?? Would that still give me a possibility as a leakage? Im not sure i understand what a blood leakage entails! And thank you everyone for helpong me try to figure this out!
Exactly! Just remember that uts hard to see a notice on your own body when you examine it every day! Just wait until yahnsee your friends :)
Before i started 30ds i did a lot if research on results for different people. Some people lose one lb but multiple inches..some people lose a lot of lbs but barely any inches. BUT i think yours is the one where a lot of people gained a lb or two because the muscle they were building! And then when they hit level…
Thank you! :)
A cup of coffee with fat free creamer, a 3/4 cup of special k "oats and honey"with a almond milk 40 cal serving and to top it off i had a yummy kiwi!
Ive been very stressed because my first week i only lostone inch around my waist and half of a pound. But this morning was weigh in day and i lost 4.5 lbs this past week and another inch! So a total of five lbs and two inches! Yay! Giving me more motivation!
Just did 14!!!! In felt so much stronger today! Love the feeling!
Yes!! It happens to both me and my husband. Ive gotten mine to reduce by.drinking a large glass of water and letting itnsit for ten minutes beforei start my workout. I also get up slower
I just finished day 13!! day two is deff hard, but in a a different way! I feel as though I really have to concentrrate on keeping my abs in tight so they get a work out too! I feel MAJOR soreness in my shoulders and my inner calves. anyone else feel sore there?! different sore places then the level one for sure!
Got home late from work last night, on minimal sleep, still got up before work to do my work out because i know I wouldnt want to after!!Sore, but feeling that its worth it!
just finished day 11, level 2. IT KICKED MY BUTT! I had to do mainly modified and stop a lot, but only for a few seconds to catch my breath. I cant wait for this to get easier!!
Im cutting out most all of my carbs. I actually do lettuce wraps instead of sandwich or regular wheat wraps. Ive only lost half a lb but I also lost an inch around my waist and people are mentioning that Im looking slimmer. I also, even if i have calories left, do NOT eat late!
I did day ten today, I started a day later then all of you!! Finally did all of it with out stopping, felt great! intimidated by moving to level 2 tomorrow!
Well hopefully it wont get as bad! Mught be safe to take a rest day just to be safe
Actually bicyclying is one of the best things for the knee when you have knee allows it to stretch out..still build muscle and strenght but not have a lot of pressure on it because your not pushing body pain on it. Did you get the knee pain after working out? It might just be because you didnt do the biking. If…
Im on day 8 and imbstill feeling a tinyyyy bit sore. My first couple of days i needed to hold on to something while i sat due to beiending my knees made me feel like my thighs were going to rip off. Just keep working through it..if needed to a little extra stretch before and after the work out. She does bare minimal.
I will say ive had a very bad case of runners knee on the right knee. Try to concentrate on landing lighter and puttingg less weight on the knee..or pressure i should say. Are you wearing good shoes? Shoes can make the difference. After a good four days of a horrible knee today was the first day i felt some of the oain go…
Ive got really bad case of runners knee...teared up during my work out but i was on my last circuit so i pushed througb. Anyone have this knee problem? It feels like its bruised right below the knee. Anything to help?
On day 6, a day behind. Feeling good! I feel like I have shin splints in my knees though? ouch! Deff getting more energy everyday! Cant wait to see these results!
Thank you! Im new to this all so i need all the help i can get :)
My tdee number is 3762. What does that mean? Ive been a dieter just about my whole life butthis is the first timeive been a calorie counter. Help!
Im on day five..started a day late. Things are getting easier! I was able to do the last one minute abs with out a break! Yay
Im on day four...didnt see this forum until a couples day after i already started it. I started it on may second. Im deff less sore..the dirst few days i could barely sit down with out using something to hold on to! I was able to keep going with outnstopping and push harder..but like i said on the day four forum...those…
Phew. Im behind on all of you guys because i started may 2nd so i just fhinished day four. Deffinitley a lot less sore and i could push harder today. Man those butt kicks get you!!!!
Hi glad i found this forum. Just like all of you i have pcos. Ive been diagnosed since i was 17. I either grt my period for thirty days straight, an extremely heavily and very painful period for a week or no period for six months. I was a size 10 now im a size 18-20. I am working out with my husband not just to…