1200 calories and still not losing weight



  • Emikayfoos
    Emikayfoos Posts: 35
    My tdee number is 3762. What does that mean? Ive been a dieter just about my whole life butthis is the first timeive been a calorie counter. Help!
  • LoriLiane
    LoriLiane Posts: 1
    You might want to get your thyroid checked out. It might not be functioning properly.
  • emmabrackpool
    emmabrackpool Posts: 61 Member
    sounds odd but eat more! MFP put me on 1200 and the same happened to me - i read some forum posts and realised I needed to eat more so upped my intake to 1500/day and now am seeing the scales move at last.
  • stphnstevey
    stphnstevey Posts: 68
    Your body's in starvation (lose NO fat unless in dire circumstances) mode because of the level of calories is so low

    Up the calories a little each day, definately past your BMR (which you might currently be lower than). You'll feel full, but after a week or so it will normalise. Try to get around 10-15% less than your TDEE (calculated for all the exercise your doing - 25% MAX)

    To be honest, you could probaly do yourself a favour and cut back a little on the exercise and still lose weight

    There's lots of threads on here about the 1200 calorie range and getting knowhere - how to up it and lose weight
  • Bree1294
    Bree1294 Posts: 32 Member
    What are the numbers everyone is speaking about? ("Do you know what your BMR and TDEE numbers are?")
    Where do I check these?

    Actually a couple of different folks posted these up above - I knew what these were, but didn't know where to go to get them, so use their links to find out your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) and BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate).
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    >>>>>IMPORTANT!!! To get your numbers right please visit---> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/538381-in-place-of-a-road-map <---read the instructions. I lay everything out to help you have a true fat burning diet.<<<<<<<
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    1,200 calories may be too much for some people, especially since they may inadvertently be under reporting their calories. It's very easy to do.
  • slick_fox
    slick_fox Posts: 85 Member
    Track you sodium. It is recommended while lossing weight, 1500 mg per day.
  • packersfn7
    packersfn7 Posts: 62 Member
    You probably need to eat more. It's counter-intuitive and you might go up the first week. But I finally made the switch and after only losing 14 pounds over a span of a few months, I lost 6 this last week.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Buy a new set of kitchen scales and start weighing everything you eat AND DRINK carefully. Be very careful about logging every single thing you consume to get properly into the habit. Every time you log a new food it goes into your recent list, and your most used list - it becomes easier to enter into your diary.

    There's no way you would not be losing on 1200 cals a day. You may be a sleep eater? Also - if you have only recently started dieting, and started exercising at the same time, maybe your muscles are swollen?

    when's your period due? Do you usually gain when that's coming?

    Are you eating more bulk in meals, more vegetables that weigh more going through your gut?

    Heaps of reasons. Just eliminate them but one thing is for sure if you are eating only 1200 cals a day, you are burning more calories than you are ingesting and are therefore using your body's stores of fat to do so. Otherwise you would be dead.


    In addition, even if you weigh and measure everything, food companies are allowed a margin of error of at least 15% on food labels because it's difficult to be exact. If only a few foods you ate were over the stated calorie amount it would be very easy to exceed 1,200 calories. In addition, many ordinary dieters overestimate the calories burned through exercise.

    You should also have a means of estimating your body fat composition.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    Your body's in starvation (lose NO fat unless in dire circumstances) mode because of the level of calories is so low

    Check out some medical sources... really... not losing weight? What was the point of starvation mode? Oh yea, store more fat, but also to use existing fat to up the calories to a suitable level for normal functioning.

    In starvation, TRUE starvation mode, you will still lose weight, there is no if no but, you will lose weight. Sure your metabolism might slow down, but usually not by much as well it also keeps all organs/brain/muscle etc functioning.

    Eating at your metabolism level might cause no weight loss because your body is telling to store fat, and hey, it burns it out! If you eat more OR if you eat much less, you jump that ship and lose weight because either with less, your metabolism won't slow down enough, or if you eat MORE your body doesn't tell itself to store fat anymore.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Your body's in starvation (lose NO fat unless in dire circumstances) mode because of the level of calories is so low

    Check out some medical sources... really... not losing weight? What was the point of starvation mode? Oh yea, store more fat, but also to use existing fat to up the calories to a suitable level for normal functioning.

    In starvation, TRUE starvation mode, you will still lose weight, there is no if no but, you will lose weight. Sure your metabolism might slow down, but usually not by much as well it also keeps all organs/brain/muscle etc functioning.

    Eating at your metabolism level might cause no weight loss because your body is telling to store fat, and hey, it burns it out! If you eat more OR if you eat much less, you jump that ship and lose weight because either with less, your metabolism won't slow down enough, or if you eat MORE your body doesn't tell itself to store fat anymore.


    First off it takes appx 3 days of NO food for starvation response.
    Secondly with metabolic slowdown youll usually have higher counts of cortisol in your system resulting in lower counts of leptin.
    This brings fat loss to a crawl while using active tissue for fuel.
    Active tissue being lean mass or skeletal muscle.
    Less skeletal muscle and lean tissue means a lower Resting Metabolic Rate or BMR.
    This is shown with having obese II and Obese III people who eat 1k calories or lower losing almost no fat mass.

    Fuel the fat burn gang!
    That means EAT!!!!
  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    I think what most everyone is saying is right on. You might not be eating enough and you won't be able to drop weight if your body has gone into starvation mode. Also it also has to do with food choice. I have eliminated processed food from diet and eat a wide variety of veggies, whole grains, and lean protein. I also eat about 6 small meals a day and average around 1800 calories a day. To be honest I really don't count calories much anymore because the food choices I have made make all the difference. I am mainly use my fitness pal now just to make sure I am getting enough calories.

    Best of luck to you and don't give up!
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    I just upped my calories. :) Going to give this eating more thing a shot.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I'm going to try the fat2fit method. I upped my calories by 1000, but I'm not eating any exercise cals. That's already figured in. I am doing this because I've been stuck for a really long time at the same weight. We'll see.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Your body gets used to how much you eat. This is not necessarily a good thing when you are eating too little.

    WHY 1200 CALORIES (or fewer) MIGHT BE A BAD IDEA:

    You lose weight for a while and maybe you will make it to goal (the bigger you are, the longer this will work, however most people can't get those last 10-20 lbs off at 1200 calories).

    The longer you do this, the longer your metabolism has to adjust downward and get used to 1200 calories. Assuming you make it to goal, you want to maintain, right? What do you think is going to happen when/if you get there and it's time to maintain, when you start trying to eat "maintenance" calories? You'll gain. Welcome back to the yo-yo.


    Eat now, like the thin you at maintenance. Fat2Ftiradio.com can help you find the TDEE of your ideal weight: Choose ALL CALCULATORS, MILITARY BODY FAT%, then get your bodyfat estimate. Now calculate your BMR, and look in the chart below to see the TDEE of your goal weight -- that is how much the thin you will eat at maintenance.

    Eating at maintenance for your ideal weight is a great idea because you will eat THIS SAME AMOUNT of calories for life. Your metabolism will not slow down to match too little fuel (1200 calories), and consequently stall on the way to goal, or cause you to gain when you try to increase calories later to maintain.

    BTW, if you have been eating below your BMR for an extended period of time, and especially if you have been stalled/plateaued for an extended period of time, you may experience a slight gain for some weeks after you increase to the proper amount of calories. However, at the point where your body adjusts to the proper amount of fuel based on your dally activities, you will begin to lose again and break through the plateau.

  • LeggyKettleBabe
    LeggyKettleBabe Posts: 300 Member
  • Malgorzata79
    Malgorzata79 Posts: 87 Member
    Are you counting your carbs?

    150g-300g carbs = will make you gain weight

    100-150g carbs = will make you maintain wieght

    50g-100g Carbs = will make you lose 1-2 lbs a week

    50g carbs and under = is just plain unhealthy

    Email me if you want to talk.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Are you counting your carbs?

    150g-300g carbs = will make you gain weight

    100-150g carbs = will make you maintain wieght

    50g-100g Carbs = will make you lose 1-2 lbs a week

    50g carbs and under = is just plain unhealthy

    Email me if you want to talk.

    Um . . . according to this, I ought to be obese by now. :laugh:
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Oh my there's so much confusion in this thread. For the record, it's the myriad of responses like this that keeps the diet industry in business and the majority of us fat and/or gaining.

    Yes, you can lose WEIGHT at 1200 calories for a while, but you are also probably losing muscles along with or instead of fat. Most people, especially those who see themselves as being on a "diet" under eat and lose a ton of health benefits that come from having healthy muscles. This makes it that much easier to pack the weight back on when you stop "dieting".

    Check out some of the threads in MFP's unofficial frequently asked questions group: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/457-unofficial-mfp-faq

    It's not just about what the scale says; it's about what your body needs to be healthy!