snoopy7501 Member


  • I take my coffee with a few tablespoons of unsweetened cashew milk and a couple packets of Nutri-sweet. It's only about 10 calories total per cup of coffee! Since I like really sweet coffee, I sometimes buy those sugar-free syrups of various flavors (caramel is my favorite) and add a couple pumps for an additional…
  • I'm in this boat as well. Drinking too much lately. I don't believe I'm using alcohol to hide from anything. I just enjoy drinking. So I have one drink after dinner, but that inevitably turns into another, and another. And often this leads to drunk-snacking, which compounds the problem. I'm within days of my 1000-day…
  • Good heavens, what are you doing for exercise? I've gone road biking for 6+ hours before, and haven't burned nearly as many calories as you do every day. Without knowing more about you, it's hard to answer your question in a helpful way. If you're really burning 2000+ calories every day with exercise, then even eating 3000…
  • Wow, absolutely amazing. Curvy girls are hot! Go ladies!
  • I started this program last week, so I'm on my second week of phase 1. I've already found out that I can't do a simple plank for a whole 60 seconds, so I'm doing the 45-degree version to start. And after my B workout last week, my obliques were actually sore, which was a completely new feeling! And the single-leg romanian…
  • I'm barely on my second week back to the gym after hurting my back squatting too heavy in December. I've put Stronglifts on hold for a while, and I'm doing a cycle of New Rules of Lifting for Abs to strengthen my core before getting back to it. Just the reality of getting older, I guess, lol. I was doing great before I…
  • Whoa, nice work! Amazing transformation, very inspirational!
  • I've made a great start, although I have a ways to go yet. My bodyfat has gone down from 37% to 29%, and my body is starting to look leaner and more defined. I'm confident that if I stick with it, I'll definitely reach my goals (the primary one being to get down to 15% bodyfat).
  • Hi, welcome back! I got 12 weeks into SL before pulling my lower back a bit, and I'm letting it heal up before jumping back in. Great to meet you! :)
  • My advice: In the beginning of the program, while the weights are light, work hard on perfecting your form. Learn all you can in the SL report, Rippetoe books, YouTube videos, and the forums about how to correctly do the lifts. If possible, have a buddy watch you and correct you if needed. If your form is…
  • Yeesh, I'm still working on one. :grumble: I've only been working on them for a couple of months, though, and I'm getting closer. Y'all just wait, I'll get there.
  • Well, I finally stalled last Wednesday, on all three exercises at once. On the last rep of my 4th set of squats (200lb), I had a disturbing twinge in my lower back that worried me enough that I didn't even attempt the entire 5th set. I'm paying closer attention to my form, just in case that's the issue there. At 120lb on…
  • I'm on week 11, and I haven't had one yet. Frankly, I've surprised myself by lasting longer than I thought I would without a stall. They've gotta be coming up, though. The lifts are becoming way brutal. Keep at it! You'll get stronger faster than you think, and lift heavier than you thought you could.
  • Interesting. My calipers say I'm at 30% as of last Friday, but looks-wise, I seem to be somewhere in between the 20-25% pictures. I guess as long as it keeps going down (was at 36% 10 weeks ago), I'm not as concerned with whether the actual number is a little off.
  • First of all, how'd you get 5/5/5/4/3/4? Are you doing six sets? As I understand it, when you miss 5x5 once, you keep the same weight the next time. If you still don't hit it, keep it the same again. If you don't hit it a third time, THEN you deload by 10%. And like someone else told you in your other thread, make sure…
  • My costume is an "off-season" Santa Claus. My date is, of course, a naughty Santa girl.
  • Single here. Not sure what good this will do, though, since there aren't too many here that are anywhere near me. Nice to meet y'all anyway.
  • I'm Ryan from Sugarhouse. I'm single and living on my own, and working to be much more active and fit than I ever have before. I am doing the Stronglifts strength training program and using MFP to track my food intake. I am an avid road cycler. This year I tried a few hiking trails and loved it. Great to meet everyone!
  • I've played and loved all the PS1 and PS2 games; currently playing Shattered Memories for the Wii, which is.... meh. The first movie was not great. This latest one looks better.
  • Absolutely.
  • Pretty much, yeah. I have plenty of guys around me who meet my need for friendship. With women, I have different needs and desires. Not to say I couldn't be friends with a woman, because I could and have. Just saying that it usually doesn't last too long.
  • I'm with the other guys in this thread (the ones who are being honest, at least). If a female friend said "let's go", I'd be on that immediately. It has never happened, though. In fact, I don't usually keep female friends around for very long because it gets to a point where it's clear they want nothing physical with me,…
  • Awesome recipe! My variation (for those interested in a high-protein diet) uses two scoops of vanilla-flavored whey protein powder instead of the vanilla extract. I also use Greek yogurt, which is slightly higher in protein. I use a bit less yogurt and I add some water, to offset the thickening effect of the protein…
  • Espressocycle... You have great taste, my friend. Christina and Kat for me as well. Both at once would be my heaven.
  • I've looked at some of your diaries (magerum, dopeitup). I don't see how you can stomach that much chicken every day. Sure, it's a fantastic protein source, but I'd get sick of it real quick the way you guys do it. (24oz in one meal? Seriously?) How do you do it? Don't you ever feel like mixing it up a bit?
  • Bwahaha, perfect! :) I only have one peeve: people who take dumbbells off the rack to some remote part of the gym to do whatever they're doing, then leave them there, usually hidden behind some machine.
  • Taking care of yourself and making sure your needs are met is never selfish. People that try to convince you otherwise do not have your best interest at heart. After you get your "needs" met and start looking at "wants", you are free to do as you like. As you say, this is your one shot at life, and you get to make it what…
  • Aquaphor as well, on the recommendation of my artist. Morning and night for the first week to prevent infection, after washing with a non-scented antibacterial soap, then once a day for a few days to keep the skin from drying out, then every other day for the rest of the second week. After that, it's all healed, and…
  • @Jessi - not sure which you are, but you're both cute, so 9
  • I've read quite a few times that indulging once in a while is good for your metabolism, as well as giving a psychological boost. One guy said that there's no significant difference between eating healthy 100% of the time versus 90% of the time, so if you're eating every few hours (6-7 meals/day), that's 4 "cheat meals"…