Cheat Days?



  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    I need everyone's take on cheat days! Thanks
    I've read that the occasional high calorie day helps keep your metabolism up.

    Then, I should eat a ton of cals before I go to bed, so my metabolism stays high through the night, thus burning more cals, right?

    read an article the other day interviewing the rock about getting in movie shape with his trainers ....said he likes to have 1 "cheat day" a week where he eats a large pizza because it revamps his metabolism.....those guys are prolly just idiots though they dont know what u know

    The problem isn't the recommendation, the problem is the lack of context.

    So, if having a big day "revamps my metabolism", what happens if I don't? Does it eventually shut down? Additionally, what are the Rock's training/diet routines like the rest of the time? What are his goals?

    That's my problem. People say these things and compare themselves to elite athletes (or roided up ones) with no context. The idea that you can take snippets of what other people do, mash them together and come up with a good program is ludicrous. And the fact that people give advice like that irritates me to no end. At best it's irresponsible, at worse it's damaging.

    i think its irresponsible when people get on here and say with certainty theres only one way of doing things(there way) and any other way is wrong
  • snoopy7501
    snoopy7501 Posts: 46 Member
    I've read quite a few times that indulging once in a while is good for your metabolism, as well as giving a psychological boost. One guy said that there's no significant difference between eating healthy 100% of the time versus 90% of the time, so if you're eating every few hours (6-7 meals/day), that's 4 "cheat meals" each week. Makes sense to me. I guess the only way to know for sure is to try it yourself and see.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I missed where he explained what "low cal" dieting was, but I assume that's lower than typical, which is generally considered unhealthy and rarely recommended on this site.
    I don't think you read the article at all. He goes through very specific points about how much of a deficit to create and it's not an unhealthy one.
    I don't see what that article has to do with anything in this post?
    This article has to do with the conversation which is quoted prior to the article, which is the discussion of a high calorie day and how it effects metabolism.
    There's nothing in her question to suggest she even knows what refeed means.
    Well, it's a good thing that it's defined in the article then.
    You're taking a simple question asked by 100s of people and turning it into something it's not. If the OP is actually talking about a very specific plan and the benefits of refeeding with low net cals, then let her ask.
    No, I responded to the OP saying that I've read that high calorie days can help keep your metabolism up and that generated conversation about the topic, so I supplied an article which supports the statement I made. The post was in response to ILoveTheBrowns not the OP, though if she wants to read the article, it's there for her.
  • Wabbit05
    Wabbit05 Posts: 434 Member
    I've found through personal experience, I cannot have a cheat day. I give myself a cheat meal on the weekends, sometimes 2. But if I let myself just get away with anything for a full day, I tend to spread the one day into two and gain a bunch of water weight. So a cheat meal is how I do it!
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    Since June I've been following "Choose to Lose" which has Sunday as your "cheat day." Although the recommendation is that you call it your Funday. I don't always use up all my calories on SundayFunday, but it is nice to have a day that I can eat what I want in the combination that I want it. Besides, it is the one day I can have pizza. (you cycle between high carb low fat, or low carb w/ some heathy fats during the week so carbs & cheese is a no-no except sunday).

    Usually on "funday" I eat regular sized, well balanced, nutritious meals until dinner. Dinner is often well balanced as well, but I don't worry about the extra calories of the rich food that I try to have. I'll also usually enjoy a glass of wine with dinner too. Now that our church small group has started back up, Sunday funday allows me enough calories to try what I want out of the potluck, and not worry about what I'm eating, because I can.

    During the week, I usually hit 1200 or 1500 cal for the day, but on sunday, left to my own devices, I'll eat only about 1700 cal and feel totally satisfied... During the week I don't tend to get cravings.. but last week was my "slingshot week" so I did a high carb/lowfat week, which meant no cheese. Sigh. By friday all I could think about was pizza. LOL! Yesterday was not typical as I had two big slices of pizza, and ate 2400 cal, but today is a new day, and will be 1200 and I'm going to eat well.
  • mgreenham
    mgreenham Posts: 40 Member
    I've done the Body for Life plan, and it worked for me... In that plan it gives you 1 day a week to DO WHAT YOU WANT! But as you see success your "desire" for cheating goes away, so I rarely took them....

    My opinion of them now is, do it when you think you need to. The world won't end, you aren't a bad person. If cheating means enjoying a slice of pizza and a beer with friends and enjoying their company... Then I say it's worth it. I don't plan cheat days, but if the occasion presents itself that being a bit over indulgent is part of ENJOYING life then I would do it. This is where most of us fail I believe. Depriving yourself of the enjoyment of being with family and friends around the table or event makes you generally unhappy, and more prone to fail.

    Wake yup the next morning, refocus, get back in the groove and hit the gym a few extra times that week.

    Life is short, enjoy what you can of it..