Glad you liked it!!
I started out with over a hundred pounds to lose! Still have a ways to go, but I'm getting there!
Always glad to offer support! I'm in grad school!
Congrats on your success so far!!
Can't wait to get the onederland :) Haven't been there since middle school!
Another tall girl as well! Best of luck on your weight loss journey! You'll shred those pounds in no time :)
Congrats to getting back on the wagon! Always glad to give encouragement and support!
You look amazing! Congrats on all of your hard work and success!!
Welcome!! Will be glad to offer support!
I'm starting to train for a 5k in March!! Feel free to add me!!
Definitely the second one lol! I don't think I'll ever look sexy doing a plank!!
I won't buy anything unless it's on sale right now...Walmart, Target, TJ Maxx, Citi Trends and Old Navy are all great places for finding cheap clothes. I also love belts! Great for shirts that are little too big...I love the look of belted shirts!
You look fabulous!!
I always wear a bra in public, but as soon as I get home, it comes off immediately.
I didn't throw up my first day of Insanity...but that's just me. And it's definitely not something I'd strive to achieve because I'm not big on vomiting lol. But it could be dehydration, maybe eating close to workouts, etc. It's a very strenuous program, so there could be a number of reasons related to it.
So excited for the new season!! Tomorrow can't get here fast enough!
You look great!!
I'm 5'9" and at 218 right now! My highest weight was 300. I think my ultimate goal weight is from 180-160. Haven't fully decided yet!
Definitely can't believe it took so long for a Kayla lol! Twins!!
Glad to see I'm not the only one that uses a postal scale lol!
I think some kind of salsa would be a great idea! I had some watermelon salsa recently, and it was amazing! I'm sure there are lots of recipes online for it.
I make an egg scramble with just eggs, frozen spinach, white mushrooms, and cheese. It's delicious!
Libra...and it's pretty spot on!
I just had surgery last month and focused mainly on just maintenance while I was in recovery. I had really major abdominal surgery though and couldn't do much of anything for myself for a while. My boyfriend made all my meals, and he doesn't know much about cooking healthy, so I stuck with really simple foods. I ate fish,…
You look amazing!
Holy crap was my reaction at first too lol!!
Thank you both :)
Thank you!! And the doctors don't believe I'll have any long term damage. They suspected at first I had kidney damage because it was crushing my right kidney, but thankfully there wasn't. And it's actually grew from one of my ovaries (which was removed). It's called a cystadenoma, and the type are generally pretty rare and…
Not me...but I believe hers was around a hundred pounds if we're talking about the same woman!